Class Instantiator<T>

Type Parameters:
T - Instantiator instantiates objects of this class, or of an anonymous subclass of this class.

public final class Instantiator<T> extends Object
Instantiates objects of a given class.
  • Method Details

    • of

      public static <T> Instantiator<T> of(Class<T> type)
      Factory method.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The class on which Instantiator operates.
      type - The class on which Instantiator operates. Should be the same as T.
      An Instantiator for type.
    • instantiate

      public T instantiate()
      Instantiates an object of type T.

      All fields will be initialized to their initial values. I.e., 0 for ints, null for objects, etc.

      An object of type T.
    • instantiateAnonymousSubclass

      public T instantiateAnonymousSubclass()
      Instantiates an anonymous subclass of T. The subclass is generated dynamically.
      An instance of an anonymous subclass of T.
    • giveDynamicSubclass

      public static <S> Class<S> giveDynamicSubclass(Class<S> superclass, String nameSuffix, UnaryOperator<net.bytebuddy.dynamic.DynamicType.Builder<S>> modify)