Class ObjectAccessor<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The specified object's class.

    public final class ObjectAccessor<T>
    extends java.lang.Object
    Wraps an object to provide reflective access to it. ObjectAccessor can copy and scramble the wrapped object.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      T copy()
      Creates a copy of the wrapped object.
      T copyIntoAnonymousSubclass()
      Creates a copy of the wrapped object, where the copy type is an anonymous subclass of the wrapped object's class.
      <S extends T>
      copyIntoSubclass​(java.lang.Class<S> subclass)
      Creates a copy of the wrapped object, where the copy's type is a specified subclass of the wrapped object's class.
      FieldAccessor fieldAccessorFor​(java.lang.reflect.Field field)
      Returns a FieldAccessor for the wrapped object and the specified field.
      T get()
      Returns the wrapped object.
      static <T> ObjectAccessor<T> of​(T object)
      Factory method.
      static <T> ObjectAccessor<T> of​(T object, java.lang.Class<T> type)
      Factory method.
      void scramble​(PrefabValues prefabValues, TypeTag enclosingType)
      Modifies all fields of the wrapped object that are declared in T and in its superclasses.
      void shallowScramble​(PrefabValues prefabValues, TypeTag enclosingType)
      Modifies all fields of the wrapped object that are declared in T, but not those inherited from superclasses.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • of

        public static <T> ObjectAccessor<T> of​(T object,
                                               java.lang.Class<T> type)
        Factory method.
        Type Parameters:
        T - object's type, or a supertype.
        object - The object to wrap.
        type - Superclass of object's type, as which it will be treated by ObjectAccessor.
        An ObjectAccessor for object.
      • get

        public T get()
        Returns the wrapped object.
        The wrapped object.
      • fieldAccessorFor

        public FieldAccessor fieldAccessorFor​(java.lang.reflect.Field field)
        Returns a FieldAccessor for the wrapped object and the specified field.
        field - A field in T.
        A FieldAccessor for the wrapped object and the specified field.
      • copy

        public T copy()
        Creates a copy of the wrapped object. Note: it does a "shallow" copy. Reference fields are not copied recursively.
        A shallow copy.
      • copyIntoSubclass

        public <S extends T> S copyIntoSubclass​(java.lang.Class<S> subclass)
        Creates a copy of the wrapped object, where the copy's type is a specified subclass of the wrapped object's class. Note: it does a "shallow" copy. Reference fields are not copied recursively.
        Type Parameters:
        S - The subclass.
        subclass - A subclass of the wrapped object's class.
        A shallow copy.
      • copyIntoAnonymousSubclass

        public T copyIntoAnonymousSubclass()
        Creates a copy of the wrapped object, where the copy type is an anonymous subclass of the wrapped object's class. Note: it does a "shallow" copy. Reference fields are not copied recursively.
        A shallow copy.
      • scramble

        public void scramble​(PrefabValues prefabValues,
                             TypeTag enclosingType)
        Modifies all fields of the wrapped object that are declared in T and in its superclasses. This method is consistent: given two equal objects; after scrambling both objects, they remain equal to each other. It cannot modifiy: 1. static final fields, and 2. final fields that are initialized to a compile-time constant in the field declaration. These fields will be left unmodified.
        prefabValues - Prefabricated values to take values from.
        enclosingType - Describes the type that contains this object as a field, to determine any generic parameters it may contain.
      • shallowScramble

        public void shallowScramble​(PrefabValues prefabValues,
                                    TypeTag enclosingType)
        Modifies all fields of the wrapped object that are declared in T, but not those inherited from superclasses. This method is consistent: given two equal objects; after scrambling both objects, they remain equal to each other. It cannot modifiy: 1. static final fields, and 2. final fields that are initialized to a compile-time constant in the field declaration. These fields will be left unmodified.
        prefabValues - Prefabricated values to take values from.
        enclosingType - Describes the type that contains this object as a field, to determine any generic parameters it may contain.