Package nl.vpro.nicam

Class Kijkwijzer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, NicamRated

    public class Kijkwijzer
    extends Object
    implements NicamRated, Serializable

    See about kijkwijzer

    Combines an AgeRating with ContentRatings (which can be seen as the 'reason' for the rating).

    There are several ways to code a kijkwijzer in a string.

    For the content ratings, this is pretty straight forward. Every rating is assigned a simple ContentRating.toChar(). A string of those chars represents the content ratings.

    Age ratings are represented in different ways, but always as an integer. Prior to 5.12 it was always one digit. See toDonnaCode() and toCode()

    With the arrival of new age ratings AgeRating._14 and AgeRating._18 it was unclear what the new digits would be for those, and we decided to simply introduce a new format where the age rating is always represented with two digits, and where the correspondence is more straightforward (the integer associated with e.g. AgeRating._14 became 14) (using toPaddedCode(AgeRating)

    Michiel Meeuwissen
    See Also:
    Serialized Form