Class StandaloneMemberRef

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, ParentChildRelation,

@MappedSuperclass public class StandaloneMemberRef extends Object implements Serializable,, ParentChildRelation
A representation of a memberRef also having a 'memberRef' attribute in the XML. A MemberRef doesn't have that because is always represented embedded in a MediaObject.

This object also has getObjectType() to make it possible to distinguish Program.getEpisodeOf() from MediaObject.getMemberOf().

The original and use case of this object is to be a standalone JSON representation of a 'memberref' relation in poms in ElasticSearch.

It is also annotated with javax.persistence annotations, which makes it possible to easily store this object in other databases too (though poms itself is not doing that).

There a several use cases for this class which are implemented:

  • It is the json representation of a memberref of episoderef in separate elasticsearch
  • It serves as a standalone update object for both member and episode ref, in the broadcaster importers (by MSE-5199)

Michiel Meeuwissen
See Also: