Interface Media<T extends Media<T>>

All Superinterfaces:
Embargo, Identifiable<Long>, LocalizedObject<Title,Description,Website,TwitterRef,T>, MediaIdentifiable, MidIdentifiable, MutableEmbargo<T>, NicamRated, TextualObject<Title,Description,T>, TextualObjectUpdate<Title,Description,T>, Trackable, TrackableMedia, TrackableObject
All Known Implementing Classes:
Group, MediaObject, Program, Segment

This interface extends most of the interfaces that MediaObject itself used to implement.

This shouldn't make a difference for now, and it is experimental to see whether is convenient to program against this interface rather than against MediaObject itself.

Some considerations:

This interface makes the object 'mutable'. It may be useful to have a two-step extension mechanisms 'MutableMedia extends Media'. E.g. a consumer of the frontend api is not interested in mutability.

Michiel Meeuwissen