Class Program

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Accountable, Changeable, Embargo, Identifiable<Long>, LocalizedObject<Title,Description,Website,TwitterRef,MediaObject>, Media<MediaObject>, MediaIdentifiable, MidIdentifiable, TrackableMedia, TrackableObject, MutableEmbargo<MediaObject>, MutableEmbargoDeprecated<MediaObject>, Publishable<MediaObject>, TextualObject<Title,Description,MediaObject>, TextualObjectUpdate<Title,Description,MediaObject>, Trackable, NicamRated

@Entity public class Program extends MediaObject
The main feature that distinguishes a Program from a generic media entity is its ability to become an episode of other media entities. This association type is a functional equivalent of the memberOf association, but complementary, and has its own representation in XML or JSON.

A program can have a ProgramType when it's a movie or strand program. A strand programs has the ability to become an episode of other strand programs as opposed to strand groups. Another important distinction is that only programs may contain Segments. Also they themselves know of their segments, and the XML and JSON representations on programs normally contain all their segments too.

See Also: