Class MediaUpdate<M extends MediaObject>

Type Parameters:
M - The MediaObject extension this is for.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Embargo, Identifiable<Long>, MediaIdentifiable, MidIdentifiable, MutableEmbargo<MediaUpdate<M>>, TextualObjectUpdate<TitleUpdate,DescriptionUpdate,MediaUpdate<M>>, IntegerVersionSpecific, VersionSpecific<Integer>
Direct Known Subclasses:
GroupUpdate, ProgramUpdate, SegmentUpdate

A MediaUpdate is meant for communicating updates. It is not meant as a complete representation of the object.

A MediaUpdate is like a MediaObject but

  • It does not have MutableOwnable objects. When converting between a MediaUpdate and a MediaObject one need to indicate for which owner type this must happen. If you are updating you are always associated with a certain owner (normally OwnerType.BROADCASTER), so there is no case for updating fields of other owners.
  • It contains fewer implicit fields. E.g. a Broadcaster is just an id, and it does not contain a better string representation. These kind of fields are non modifiable, or are implicitely calculated. So there is no case in updating them.
  • It may contain a 'version' Some code may check this version to know whether certain fields ought to be ignored or not. This is to arrange forward and backwards compatibility. It may e.g. happen that a newer version of POMS has a new field. If you are not aware of this, sending an update XML without the field may result in the value to be emptied. To indicate that you are aware, you should sometimes supply a sufficiently high version.
As MediaObject it has three extensions ProgramUpdate, GroupUpdate and SegmentUpdate
See Also: