Interface TextualObjectUpdate<T extends TypedText,​D extends TypedText,​TO extends TextualObjectUpdate<T,​D,​TO>>

    • Method Detail

      • getLanguage

        default Locale getLanguage()
        Describes in which language the contained text objects are. This defaults to Locales.DUTCH.
      • getTitleCreator

        BiFunction<String,​TextualType,​T> getTitleCreator()
        How to create an instance of a title. This makes a lot of default methods possible.
      • setTitles

        void setTitles​(SortedSet<T> titles)
      • hasTitles

        default boolean hasTitles()
        Default implementation based on getTitles(), you may want to override this, if getTitles may modify the object (it is e.g. required by jaxb that this will never return null
      • addTitle

        default TO addTitle​(T title)
      • removeTitle

        default boolean removeTitle​(T title)
      • self

        default TO self()
      • findTitle

        default T findTitle​(@NonNull TextualType type)
      • getMainTitle

        default String getMainTitle()
      • setMainTitle

        default void setMainTitle​(String title)
      • getSubTitle

        default String getSubTitle()
        Retrieves the first sub- or episode title. MIS distributes episode titles. For internal use this episode title is handled as a subtitle.
        - the first subtitle
      • getShortTitle

        default String getShortTitle()
      • getOriginalTitle

        default String getOriginalTitle()
      • getWorkTitle

        default String getWorkTitle()
      • getLexicoTitle

        default String getLexicoTitle()
        Return the 'lexicographic title'. This is the title where the object normally would be sorted on. This defaults to getMainTitle() if no explicit value was set. If an explicit value is set, it may e.g. be the same as getMainTitle() but with leading articles ommitted.
      • getAbbreviatedTitle

        default String getAbbreviatedTitle()
      • setDescription

        default TO setDescription​(@Nullable Supplier<String> up,
                                  @NonNull TextualType type)
        Updates a description with a Supplier, if at least the given supplier is not null.
      • addDescription

        default TO addDescription​(@Nullable String description,
                                  @NonNull TextualType type)
      • setDescriptions

        void setDescriptions​(SortedSet<D> descriptions)
      • hasDescriptions

        default boolean hasDescriptions()
        Default implementation based on getDescriptions(), you may want to override this, if getDescriptions may modify the object (it is e.g. required by hibernate that this will never return null
      • addDescription

        default TO addDescription​(D description)
      • removeDescription

        default boolean removeDescription​(D description)
      • removeDescription

        default boolean removeDescription​(TextualType type)
      • findDescription

        default D findDescription​(@NonNull TextualType type)
      • getMainDescription

        default String getMainDescription()
        Returns the first available description. Probably the 'MAIN' description.
      • setMainDescription

        default void setMainDescription​(String description)
      • getLongDescription

        default String getLongDescription()
        Returns the description with textual type 'LONG' if there is one. Otherwise, returns getMainDescription()
      • setLongDescription

        default void setLongDescription​(String description)
      • getSubDescription

        default String getSubDescription()
      • getShortDescription

        default String getShortDescription()