Class PublishableObject<T extends PublishableObject<T>>

    • Constructor Detail

      • PublishableObject

        public PublishableObject()
      • PublishableObject

        public PublishableObject​(long id)
    • Method Detail

      • hasChanges

        public boolean hasChanges()
        Checks if this object is changed compared to the persistent version by calculating the runtime CRC32 and compare it to the stored CRC
        Specified by:
        hasChanges in interface Changeable
      • acceptChanges

        public void acceptChanges()
        Accept the mutations on this object by recalculating crc32. If hasChanges() is called after this, it always returns false
      • getHash

        public Long getHash()
      • serializeForCalcCRC32

        protected byte[] serializeForCalcCRC32()
      • calcCRC32

        protected CRC32 calcCRC32()
        We keep track of a CRC32 hash to determin if an object is 'changed', in the sense that it would need republication.
      • isActivation

        public boolean isActivation​(Instant now)
      • isDeactivation

        public boolean isDeactivation​(Instant now)
      • setWorkflow

        protected void setWorkflow​(Workflow workflow)
      • isDeleted

        public boolean isDeleted()