Enum Class Workflow

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<Workflow>, Constable, XmlValued, Displayable, XmlValued

public enum Workflow extends Enum<Workflow> implements Displayable, XmlValued

The workflow status for publishable items.

arne, roekoe
  • Enum Constant Details

    • IGNORE

      public static final Workflow IGNORE
      Will be completely ignored by publishers. Will not be published, will not be revoked. Handy for debugging, to mute all objects besides the one you're interested in.

      public static final Workflow PUBLISHED

      public static final Workflow FOR_PUBLICATION
      The object is not yet published, but should be considered for publication. This probably is a new object.

      public static final Workflow FOR_REPUBLICATION
      The object is already published, but something has been changed, and it needs to be published again.
    • MERGED

      public static final Workflow MERGED
      The object is merged with another object. An object will get this status when it is published for the last time.

      Used only on MediaObjects.

      Normal users should not see these objects, but should be directed to the object MediaObject.getMergedTo() Objects are published though to ES, so the redirect list can be dynamically built.


      public static final Workflow PARENT_REVOKED
      Set when a publishStop date has expired on a parent. For example: a Segment obtains this workflow when its parent Program is revoked.

      public static final Workflow REVOKED
      Set when a publishStop date has expired and an entity is revoked. This state is not set by the end-user. Setting this state directly without an expired publishStop is useless, because an entity will be republished anyhow.

      public static final Workflow DELETED
      If someone explicitly deleted an entity then it becomes 'deleted'. This implies revocation from publication. Normal users should not see these entities.

      This is also used if an authoritative system sends or refers to an object that is not in our system. It is then 'temporarily' created in this state. If at a later time metadata comes in, it will be implicitly undeleted, and the until then invisible data of it will become available (e.g. just the streaming status, a schedule event or member). See als OwnerType.TEMPORARY.


      public static final Workflow FOR_DELETION
      The entity is scheduled for deletion.

      public static final Workflow TEMPORARY
      The complete object is temporary. It is not published, and probably does not yet contain useful metadata. It is expected that that will follow in which case the workflow probably will change to FOR_PUBLICATION. This may e.g. be a group with members, but which does not itself already have metadata (like a title). It may e.g. also be a program for which a NEP notify was received but no futer meta data yet.
  • Field Details


      public static final Set<Workflow> WITH_MEDIA_ACTIVATION

      public static final Set<Workflow> PUBLICATIONS

      public static final Set<Workflow> PUBLICATIONS_OR_NULL

      public static final Set<Workflow> DELETES
      The workflows that are considered 'deleted'. I.e DELETED and FOR_DELETION

      public static final Set<Workflow> PUBLISHED_AS_DELETED
      The workflows that are considered 'deleted' in the frontend. I.e. DELETED and FOR_DELETION, but also REVOKED, PARENT_REVOKED and MERGED.
    • API

      public static final Set<Workflow> API
      The workflows that are allowable in ES. So not the 'FOR_' workflows.

      public static final Set<Workflow> AS_DELETED_IN_API

      public static final Set<Workflow> REVOKES

      public static final Set<Workflow> REVOKES_OR_IGNORE

      public static final Set<Workflow> NEEDWORK
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static Workflow[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static Workflow valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • getPublishedAs

      public @NonNull Workflow getPublishedAs()
      Some workflows are 'temporary' (see isPublishable() and only used for administration purposes. This returns the workflow as it would appear when all administrative work is done.
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
    • getDisplayName

      public String getDisplayName()
      Specified by:
      getDisplayName in interface Displayable
    • predicate

      public boolean predicate(TrackableObject publishableObject)
      E.g. #PUBLISHED::predicate is a predicate on a TrackableObject.
    • isPublishable

      public boolean isPublishable()
      Whether this workflow can appear in the frontend api.
      See Also: