
object Schedules

Convenience methods to create common ZIO schedules for retrying

Convenience methods to create common ZIO schedules for retrying

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def common(min: Duration, max: Duration, factor: Double, retryImmediately: Boolean, maxRetries: Option[Int], jitterFactor: Double): Schedule[Any & Random, Any, (Any, Long)]

A common-practice schedule for retrying

A common-practice schedule for retrying

By default the first retry is done immediately. With transient / random failures this method gives the highest chance of fast success. After that Retry uses exponential backoff between some minimum and maximum duration. Jitter is added to prevent spikes of retries. An optional maximum number of retries ensures that retrying does not continue forever.

See also

Value Params

Factor with which delays increase


Maximum fraction of the current delay interval that is randomly added or substracted. This helps to spread call attempts in time. To get a 10% jitter for example, use jitterFactor=0.1


Maximum backoff time. When this value is reached, subsequent intervals will be equal to this value.


Maximum number of retries


Minimum retry backoff delay


Retry immediately after the first failure

def exponentialBackoff[E](min: Duration, max: Duration, factor: Double): Schedule[Any, E, Duration]

Schedule for exponential backoff up to a maximum interval

Schedule for exponential backoff up to a maximum interval

Type Params

Schedule input

Value Params

Exponential factor. 2 means doubling, 1 is constant, < 1 means decreasing


Maximum backoff time. When this value is reached, subsequent intervals will be equal to this value.


Minimum backoff time

def whenCase[Env, In, Out](pf: PartialFunction[In, Any])(schedule: Schedule[Env, In, Out]): Schedule[Env, In, (In, Out)]

Apply the given schedule only when inputs match the partial function

Apply the given schedule only when inputs match the partial function