Interface JobCustomizations<B extends JobCustomizations<B>>

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    DirectJob.Builder, PortalJob.Builder

    public interface JobCustomizations<B extends JobCustomizations<B>>
    Provides operations for customizing jobs using builder-type methods for properties which are common for both Direct and Portal jobs. You would not under normal circumstances refer to this type.
    • Method Detail

      • requireAuthentication

        B requireAuthentication​(AuthenticationLevel minimumLevel)
        Specify the minimum level of authentication of the signer(s) of this job. This includes the required authentication both in order to view the document, as well as it will limit which authentication mechanisms offered at the time of signing the document.
        minimumLevel - the required minimum AuthenticationLevel.
      • withReference

        B withReference​(UUID uuid)
        Set an UUID as custom reference that is attached to the job.
        uuid - the UUID to use as reference.
      • withReference

        B withReference​(String reference)
        Set a custom reference that is attached to the job.
        reference - the reference