Class ExitUrls

    • Method Detail

      • singleExitUrl

        public static ExitUrls singleExitUrl​(URI url)
        A single exit url can be used if you do not need to separate resources for handling the different outcomes of a direct job. This is simply a convenience factory method for of(URI, URI, URI) with the same url given for all the arguments.
        url - The url you want the user to be redirected to upon completing the signing ceremony, regardless of its outcome
      • of

        public static ExitUrls of​(URI completionUrl,
                                  URI rejectionUrl,
                                  URI errorUrl)
        Specify the urls the user is will be redirected to for different outcomes of a signing ceremony. When the user is redirected, the urls will have an appended query parameter (StatusReference.STATUS_QUERY_TOKEN_PARAM_NAME) which contains a token required to query for the status of the job.
        completionUrl - the user will be redirected to this url after having successfully signed the document.
        rejectionUrl - the user will be redirected to this url if actively rejecting to sign the document.
        errorUrl - the user will be redirected to this url if any unexpected error happens during the signing ceremony.