Class PortalClient

  • public class PortalClient
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • getStatusChange

        public PortalJobStatusChanged getStatusChange()
        If there is a job with an updated status, the returned object contains necessary information to act on the status change. The returned object can be queried using .is(NO_CHANGES) to determine if there has been a status change. When processing of the status change is complete, (e.g. retrieving PAdES and/or XAdES documents for a completed job where all signers have signed their documents), the returned status must be confirmed.
        the changed status for a job, or an instance indicating no changes, never null.
      • getStatusChange

        public PortalJobStatusChanged getStatusChange​(Sender sender)
        If there is a job with an updated status, the returned object contains necessary information to act on the status change. The returned object can be queried using .is(NO_CHANGES) to determine if there has been a status change. When processing of the status change is complete, (e.g. retrieving PAdES and/or XAdES documents for a completed job where all signers have signed their documents), the returned status must be confirmed.
        the changed status for a job, or an instance indicating no changes, never null.
      • confirm

        public void confirm​(PortalJobStatusChanged receivedStatusChanged)
        Confirms that the status retrieved from getStatusChange() is received and may be discarded by the Signature service and not retrieved again. Calling this method on a status update with no ConfirmationReference has no effect.
        receivedStatusChanged - the updated status retrieved from getStatusChange().
      • cancel

        public void cancel​(Cancellable cancellable)
      • deleteDocuments

        public void deleteDocuments​(DeleteDocumentsUrl deleteDocumentsUrl)