Class SignatureStatus

  • public final class SignatureStatus
    extends Object
    • Field Detail

      • REJECTED

        public static final SignatureStatus REJECTED
        The signer has rejected to sign the document.

        public static final SignatureStatus CANCELLED
        This signer has been cancelled by the sender, and will not be able to sign the document.
      • RESERVED

        public static final SignatureStatus RESERVED
        This signer is reserved from receiving documents electronically, and will not receive the document for signing.

        public static final SignatureStatus CONTACT_INFORMATION_MISSING
        We were not able to locate any channels (email, SMS) for notifying the signer to sign the document.
      • EXPIRED

        public static final SignatureStatus EXPIRED
        The signer has not made a decision to either sign or reject the document within the specified time limit,
      • WAITING

        public static final SignatureStatus WAITING
        The signer has yet to review the document and decide if she/he wants to sign or reject it.
      • SIGNED

        public static final SignatureStatus SIGNED
        The signer has successfully signed the document.

        public static final SignatureStatus NOT_APPLICABLE
        The job has reached a state where the status of this signature is not applicable. This includes the case where a signer rejects to sign, and thus ending the job in a PortalJobStatus.FAILED state. Any remaining (previously WAITING) signatures are marked as NOT_APPLICABLE.

        public static final SignatureStatus SIGNERS_NAME_NOT_AVAILABLE
        Indicates that the service was unable to retrieve the signer's name.

        This happens when the signer's name is permanently unavailable in the lookup service, creating and signing a new signature job with the same signer will yield the same result.

        Only applicable for authenticated signatures where the sender requires signed documents to contain name as the signer's identifier.

    • Method Detail

      • getIdentifier

        public String getIdentifier()
        the String identifier for this status.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object