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accept(T) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingConsumer
accept(T, U) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingBiConsumer
accept(V) - Method in interface no.digipost.util.Assignment
accumulator() - Method in class no.digipost.collection.EnforceAtMostOneElementCollector
accumulator() - Method in class no.digipost.collection.EnforceDistinctFirstTupleElementCollector
all(Iterable<? extends TargetState>) - Static method in interface no.digipost.concurrent.TargetState
all(TargetState...) - Static method in interface no.digipost.concurrent.TargetState
ALLOW_NULL_VALUES - no.digipost.util.AttributesMap.Config
If one needs to be able to retrieve null values from an AttributeMap, this Config switch can be passed to the builder.
allowAtMostOne() - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggCollectors
This is a collector for accessing the expected singular only element of a Stream, as it will throw an exception if more than one element is processed.
allowAtMostOneOrElseThrow(BiFunction<? super T, ? super T, ? extends RuntimeException>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggCollectors
This is a collector for accessing the expected singular only element of a Stream, as it will throw the exception yielded from the given function if more than one element is processed.
and(ViewableAsTuple<? extends SetsNamedValue<V>, V>) - Method in class no.digipost.util.AttributesMap.Builder
Add an attribute coupled with a value.
and(AttributesMap) - Method in class no.digipost.util.AttributesMap.Builder
Add all attributes from an existing AttributesMap.
and(AttributesMap.Builder) - Method in class no.digipost.util.AttributesMap.Builder
Add all attributes from another AttributesMap.Builder
and(SetsNamedValue<V>, V) - Method in class no.digipost.util.AttributesMap.Builder
Add an attribute with a value.
andThen(BiFunction<? super T, ? super U, S>) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.RowMapper.Tupled
Create a new mapper which takes the two results of this mapper and applies the given BiFunction to yield another result.
andThen(Function<? super R, S>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.DecaFunction
andThen(Function<? super R, S>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.HexaFunction
andThen(Function<? super R, S>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.NonaFunction
andThen(Function<? super R, S>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.OctoFunction
andThen(Function<? super R, S>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.PentaFunction
andThen(Function<? super R, S>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.QuadFunction
andThen(Function<? super R, S>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.SeptiFunction
andThen(Function<? super R, S>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.TriFunction
andThen(Function<? super R, S>) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.BasicColumnMapper
Create a new BasicColumnMapper which will map the result of this one using the given function.
andThen(Function<? super R, S>) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.NullableColumnMapper
Create a new NullableColumnMapper which will map the result of this one using the given function.
andThen(Function<? super R, S>) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.RowMapper
Create a new mapper which takes the result of this mapper and applies the given Function to yield another result.
andThen(DecaFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? super V, ? super W, ? super X, ? super Z, ? super A, ? super B, ? super C, ? super D, S>) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.RowMapper.Decupled
Create a new mapper which takes the ten results of this mapper and applies the given DecaFunction to yield another result.
andThen(HexaFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? super V, ? super W, ? super X, ? super Z, S>) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.RowMapper.Hextupled
Create a new mapper which takes the six results of this mapper and applies the given HexaFunction to yield another result.
andThen(NonaFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? super V, ? super W, ? super X, ? super Z, ? super A, ? super B, ? super C, S>) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.RowMapper.Nonupled
Create a new mapper which takes the nine results of this mapper and applies the given NonaFunction to yield another result.
andThen(OctoFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? super V, ? super W, ? super X, ? super Z, ? super A, ? super B, S>) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.RowMapper.Octupled
Create a new mapper which takes the eight results of this mapper and applies the given OctoFunction to yield another result.
andThen(PentaFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? super V, ? super W, ? super X, S>) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.RowMapper.Pentupled
Create a new mapper which takes the five results of this mapper and applies the given PentaFunction to yield another result.
andThen(QuadFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? super V, ? super W, S>) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.RowMapper.Quadrupled
Create a new mapper which takes the four results of this mapper and applies the given QuadFunction to yield another result.
andThen(SeptiFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? super V, ? super W, ? super X, ? super Z, ? super A, S>) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.RowMapper.Septupled
Create a new mapper which takes the seven results of this mapper and applies the given SeptiFunction to yield another result.
andThen(ThrowingBiConsumer<? super T, ? super U, ? extends X>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingBiConsumer
andThen(ThrowingConsumer<? super T, ? extends X>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingConsumer
andThen(ThrowingFunction<? super R, V, ? extends X>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingBiFunction
andThen(ThrowingFunction<? super R, V, ? extends X>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingFunction
andThen(TriFunction<? super T, ? super U, ? super V, S>) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.RowMapper.Tripled
Create a new mapper which takes the three results of this mapper and applies the given TriFunction to yield another result.
apply(T) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingFunction
apply(T, int) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ObjIntFunction
apply(T, long) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ObjLongFunction
apply(T, U) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingBiFunction
apply(T, U, V) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.TriFunction
apply(T, U, V, W) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.QuadFunction
apply(T, U, V, W, X) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.PentaFunction
apply(T, U, V, W, X, Y) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.HexaFunction
apply(T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.SeptiFunction
apply(T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, A) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.OctoFunction
apply(T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, A, B) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.NonaFunction
apply(T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, A, B, C) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.DecaFunction
applyUnchecked(ThrowingFunction<T, R, ? extends Throwable>, T) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggExceptions
Immediately apply the given function with the given argument, and if needed, convert any thrown exceptions to unckecked.
asDecuple() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
asDecuple() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.ViewableAsDecuple
asHextuple() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Hextuple
asHextuple() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.ViewableAsHextuple
asNonuple() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Nonuple
asNonuple() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.ViewableAsNonuple
asOctuple() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Octuple
asOctuple() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.ViewableAsOctuple
asPentuple() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Pentuple
asPentuple() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.ViewableAsPentuple
asQuadruple() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Quadruple
asQuadruple() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.ViewableAsQuadruple
asSeptuple() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Septuple
asSeptuple() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.ViewableAsSeptuple
Assignment<V> - Interface in no.digipost.util
An assignment may or may not be assigned, the assigned value can be retrieved with Supplier.get() and will return null if unassigned, and may be assigned with Assignment.set(Object) if the assignment allows (re-)assignment.
asSuppressedExceptionsOf(X) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggCollectors
Add exceptions as suppressed exception to a given exception.
asTriple() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Triple
asTriple() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.ViewableAsTriple
asTuple() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Tuple
asTuple() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.ViewableAsTuple
asUnchecked() - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingBiConsumer
asUnchecked() - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingBiFunction
asUnchecked() - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingConsumer
asUnchecked() - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingFunction
asUnchecked() - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingRunnable
asUnchecked() - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingSupplier
asUnchecked(Throwable) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggExceptions
asUnchecked(X, Function<? super X, String>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggExceptions
at - Variable in class no.digipost.time.TimeSpan.Started
AtMostOne<T> - Interface in no.digipost.util
This class offers a subtle functionality which is not available in the Collection API of Java: to retrieve the only element that is expected to be present, and, importantly, throw an exception if there are elements that will be discarded if assuming that there is at most one element present.
Attribute<V> - Class in no.digipost.util
An Attribute defines a String-based name (or key) and the type of a value which the name maps to.
Attribute(String) - Constructor for class no.digipost.util.Attribute
AttributeMapper<R> - Class in no.digipost.jdbc
An attribute mapper associates a ColumnMapper with an Attribute, and is used internally by an AttributesRowMapper to produce an AttributesMap where the values can be accessed in a type-safe manner.
AttributesMap - Class in no.digipost.util
An immutable collection of attributes.
AttributesMap.Builder - Class in no.digipost.util
Builder to incrementally construct an immutable AttributesMap.
AttributesMap.Config - Enum in no.digipost.util
Switches to indicate behavior other than default.
AttributesRowMapper - Class in no.digipost.jdbc
A RowMapper producing AttributesMaps.
AttributesRowMapper(Supplier<AttributesMap.Builder>, Stream<AttributeMapper<?>>) - Constructor for class no.digipost.jdbc.AttributesRowMapper
AttributesRowMapper(Supplier<AttributesMap.Builder>, AttributeMapper<?>...) - Constructor for class no.digipost.jdbc.AttributesRowMapper
AttributesRowMapper(Stream<AttributeMapper<?>>) - Constructor for class no.digipost.jdbc.AttributesRowMapper
AttributesRowMapper(AttributeMapper<?>...) - Constructor for class no.digipost.jdbc.AttributesRowMapper
autoClose(T, Consumer<? super T>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggBase
Wrap an arbitrary object to an AutoCloseable container, and assign an operation to be performed on the wrapped object when calling AutoCloseable.close().
AutoClosed<T> - Class in no.digipost.util
An adapter to enable any arbitrary object to be managed by the try-with-resources facility of Java >= 7, i.e.
AutoClosed(T, Consumer<? super T>) - Constructor for class no.digipost.util.AutoClosed
autoClosing(ThrowingConsumer<T, ? extends Exception>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggIO
Wrap a consumer which processes an AutoCloseable (typically an InputStream or similar) into a new Consumer which will always close the AutoCloseable when the given consumer returns, successfully or throwing an exception.
autoClosing(ThrowingFunction<T, R, ? extends Exception>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggIO
Wrap a function which yields a result from processing an AutoCloseable (typically an InputStream or similar) into a new Function which will always close the AutoCloseable when the given function returns, successfully or throwing an exception.
available() - Method in class no.digipost.io.ConsumingInputStream
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.ExternallyManagedExecutorService


B - Static variable in enum no.digipost.io.DataSizeUnit
BasicColumnMapper<R> - Interface in no.digipost.jdbc
The basic ColumnMapper retrieves a value from a ResultSet, and offers a way to compose a chain of functions that maps the value.
batched(Supplier<BATCH>, Predicate<? super BATCH>) - Static method in class no.digipost.collection.BatchedIterable
BatchedIterable<T,​BATCH extends Iterable<? extends T>> - Class in no.digipost.collection
build() - Method in class no.digipost.util.AttributesMap.Builder
buildNew(AttributesMap.Config...) - Static method in class no.digipost.util.AttributesMap
bytes(long) - Static method in class no.digipost.io.DataSize
BYTES - no.digipost.io.DataSizeUnit
The byte unit.


causalChainOf(Throwable) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggExceptions
ChainableAssignment<V,​C> - Class in no.digipost.util
An Assignment with the added ability to chain several assignments with ChainableAssignment.is(Object).
ChainableAssignment(Assignment<V>, C) - Constructor for class no.digipost.util.ChainableAssignment
chainableWith(C) - Method in interface no.digipost.util.Assignment
Create a ChainableAssignment from this assignment.
characteristics() - Method in class no.digipost.collection.EnforceAtMostOneElementCollector
characteristics() - Method in class no.digipost.collection.EnforceDistinctFirstTupleElementCollector
ClockAdjuster - Interface in no.digipost.time
A clock adjusting API, e.g.
close() - Method in class no.digipost.io.ConsumingInputStream
close(AutoCloseable...) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggBase
Create a stream which will yield the exceptions from closing several closeables.
collapse(TimeSpan) - Method in class no.digipost.time.TimeSpan
Collapse to one or two spans.
collect(Optional<T>, Collector<T, A, R>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggOptionals
Unwrap an Optional into another container using a Collector.
ColumnMapper<R> - Interface in no.digipost.jdbc
A ColumnMapper differ from a RowMapper in that it is also given a column label/name together with the ResultSet, which can be used to process specific column(s).
combinedWith(RowMapper<A>) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.RowMapper.Hextupled
combinedWith(RowMapper<B>) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.RowMapper.Septupled
combinedWith(RowMapper<C>) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.RowMapper.Octupled
combinedWith(RowMapper<D>) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.RowMapper.Nonupled
combinedWith(RowMapper<S>) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.RowMapper
Create a new row mapper which first runs this mapper and then the given mapper, and combines the two results into a tuple-type container.
combinedWith(RowMapper<V>) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.RowMapper.Tupled
combinedWith(RowMapper<W>) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.RowMapper.Tripled
combinedWith(RowMapper<X>) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.RowMapper.Quadrupled
combinedWith(RowMapper<Z>) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.RowMapper.Pentupled
combiner() - Method in class no.digipost.collection.EnforceAtMostOneElementCollector
combiner() - Method in class no.digipost.collection.EnforceDistinctFirstTupleElementCollector
compareTo(DataSize) - Method in class no.digipost.io.DataSize
compareTo(TimeSpan) - Method in class no.digipost.time.TimeSpan
CompletionHandler - Class in no.digipost.concurrent
Convenience utility to build various handler functions which will be called with either the first argument set to a value of any type, or the second argument as a Throwable indicating an error.
CompletionHandler.ConsumerBuilder<R> - Interface in no.digipost.concurrent
CompletionHandler.FunctionBuilder<R,​U> - Interface in no.digipost.concurrent
compose(ThrowingFunction<? super V, ? extends T, ? extends X>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingFunction
ConditionalTimer<T> - Class in no.digipost.time
A util for timing the duration a type of value meets a set condition.
ConditionalTimer.WithCustomClockBuilder - Class in no.digipost.time
ConflictingElementEncountered - Exception in no.digipost.collection
This exception indicates that an element was encountered which conflicts with what was expected for an operation to complete successfully.
ConflictingElementEncountered(Object, Object) - Constructor for exception no.digipost.collection.ConflictingElementEncountered
ConflictingElementEncountered(Object, Object, String) - Constructor for exception no.digipost.collection.ConflictingElementEncountered
ConflictingElementEncountered(Object, Object, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception no.digipost.collection.ConflictingElementEncountered
ConflictingElementEncountered(Object, Object, Throwable) - Constructor for exception no.digipost.collection.ConflictingElementEncountered
ConsumingInputStream - Class in no.digipost.io
An InputStream getting its contents from consuming an OutputStream.
ConsumingInputStream(ExecutorService, Consumer<? super OutputStream>) - Constructor for class no.digipost.io.ConsumingInputStream
Create a new ConsumingInputStream which will provide data once they are written to an OutputStream passed to the given Consumer.
ConsumingInputStream(ExecutorService, Function<OutputStream, S>, Consumer<? super S>) - Constructor for class no.digipost.io.ConsumingInputStream
Create a new ConsumingInputStream which will provide data once they are written to an OutputStream passed to the given Consumer.
ConsumingInputStream.ProducerFailed - Exception in no.digipost.io
control(Clock) - Static method in class no.digipost.time.ControllableClock
Create a controllable clock based on an existing clock.
ControllableClock - Class in no.digipost.time
A controllable Clock, typically intended for use in testing.
covers(TimeSpan) - Method in class no.digipost.time.TimeSpan
Check if the given TimeSpan is completly covered by this.


DataSize - Class in no.digipost.io
DataSizeUnit - Enum in no.digipost.io
DecaFunction<T,​U,​V,​W,​X,​Y,​Z,​A,​B,​C,​R> - Interface in no.digipost.function
Represents a function that accepts ten arguments and produces a result.
Decuple<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​T9,​T10> - Interface in no.digipost.tuple
A decuple is a simple composition of ten arbitrary values (objects).
DefaultExecutors - Class in no.digipost.concurrent.executor
Use DiggConcurrent instead. This will eventually be removed.
defaultTo(Supplier<? extends V>) - Static method in class no.digipost.concurrent.OneTimeAssignment
Create a new non-assigned instance with a default value.
defaultTo(V) - Static method in class no.digipost.concurrent.OneTimeAssignment
Create a new non-assigned instance with a default value.
DiggBase - Class in no.digipost
Party people, turn up tha...
DiggCollectors - Class in no.digipost
Various Collector implementations.
DiggCompare - Class in no.digipost
Utilities for comparing values.
DiggConcurrent - Class in no.digipost
DiggEnums - Class in no.digipost
Utilities for working with Java enums.
DiggExceptions - Class in no.digipost
DiggIO - Class in no.digipost
IO-related utilities.
DiggMaps - Class in no.digipost
DiggOptionals - Class in no.digipost
Utilities for working with Optionals.
DiggOptionals() - Constructor for class no.digipost.DiggOptionals
DiggPredicates - Class in no.digipost
DiggStreams - Class in no.digipost
Utilities for working with Streams.
discardRemaining() - Method in interface no.digipost.util.AtMostOne
This allows to just pick out the first element, and basically offers the same functionality as Stream.findFirst().
doNothingOnSuccess - Static variable in class no.digipost.concurrent.CompletionHandler
doWait() - Method in class no.digipost.concurrent.Waiter
Invoking this method will do nothing but block for any duration decided by the instance it is invoked on.
doWithTimeAdjusted(Consumer<ClockAdjuster>, ThrowingConsumer<Instant, X>) - Method in class no.digipost.time.ControllableClock
Perform an action with the clock adjusted, and have the clock reset to it's original state after the action has finished.
duration - Variable in class no.digipost.time.TimeSpan


eighth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
eighth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Nonuple
eighth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Octuple
EMPTY - Static variable in class no.digipost.util.AttributesMap
An empty map with no attributes.
EMPTY_FAR_PAST - Static variable in class no.digipost.time.TimeSpan
end - Variable in class no.digipost.time.TimeSpan
EnforceAtMostOneElementCollector<T> - Class in no.digipost.collection
EnforceAtMostOneElementCollector(BiFunction<? super T, ? super T, ? extends RuntimeException>) - Constructor for class no.digipost.collection.EnforceAtMostOneElementCollector
EnforceDistinctFirstTupleElementCollector<T1,​T2> - Class in no.digipost.collection
EnforceDistinctFirstTupleElementCollector(BiFunction<? super Tuple<T1, List<T2>>, ? super Tuple<T1, Optional<T2>>, ? extends RuntimeException>) - Constructor for class no.digipost.collection.EnforceDistinctFirstTupleElementCollector
ensureShutdown(String, ExecutorService, Duration) - Static method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.DefaultExecutors
ensureShutdown(String, ExecutorService, Duration) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggConcurrent
Perform an orderly shutdown, trying to wait for any currently running tasks to finish, or else forcefully shutdown the executor if the tasks are not able to finish their work within the given timeout duration.
ensureShutdown(ExecutorService, Duration) - Static method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.DefaultExecutors
ensureShutdown(ExecutorService, Duration) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggConcurrent
Perform an orderly shutdown, trying to wait for any currently running tasks to finish, or else forcefully shutdown the executor if the tasks are not able to finish their work within the given timeout duration.
entriesIn(ZipInputStream) - Static method in class no.digipost.io.Zip
equals(Object) - Method in class no.digipost.io.DataSize
equals(Object) - Method in class no.digipost.time.ControllableClock
equals(Object) - Method in class no.digipost.time.TimeSpan
equals(Object) - Method in class no.digipost.util.Attribute
equals(Object) - Method in class no.digipost.util.AttributesMap
equals(Object) - Method in class no.digipost.util.JustA
equals(Object) - Method in class no.digipost.util.JustALong
exceptionNameAndMessage(Throwable) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggExceptions
execute(Runnable) - Method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.ExternallyManagedExecutorService
EXIT - no.digipost.concurrent.TargetState.TaskControl
The execution is immediately stopped, even if TargetState.yet() still returns false.
externallyManaged(ExecutorService) - Static method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.DefaultExecutors
externallyManaged(ExecutorService) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggConcurrent
Wraps another ExecutorService as an "externally managed executor service", which will discard any invocations of the methods used to manage the lifecycle of the ExecutorService itself.
ExternallyManagedExecutorService - Class in no.digipost.concurrent.executor
ExternallyManagedExecutorService(ExecutorService) - Constructor for class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.ExternallyManagedExecutorService
extract(T, Function<? super T, ? extends R>...) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggBase
Extract (derive) multiple values from one given object.
extractGroups(CharSequence, Pattern) - Static method in class no.digipost.text.Regex
Extract the groups from text which matches the given pattern.
extractIfPresent(T, Function<? super T, ? extends Optional<R>>...) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggBase
Extract (derive) multiple values from one given object.


fifth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
fifth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Hextuple
fifth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Nonuple
fifth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Octuple
fifth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Pentuple
fifth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Septuple
finisher() - Method in class no.digipost.collection.EnforceAtMostOneElementCollector
finisher() - Method in class no.digipost.collection.EnforceDistinctFirstTupleElementCollector
first() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
first() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Hextuple
first() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Nonuple
first() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Octuple
first() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Pentuple
first() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Quadruple
first() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Septuple
first() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Triple
first() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Tuple
fixedThreadPool(int, String) - Static method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.DefaultExecutors
fixedThreadPool(int, String) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggConcurrent
flatten(Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<T1, T2>, T3>, T4>, T5>, T6>, T7>, T8>, T9>, T10>) - Static method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
flatten(Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<T1, T2>, T3>, T4>, T5>, T6>, T7>, T8>, T9>) - Static method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Nonuple
flatten(Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<T1, T2>, T3>, T4>, T5>, T6>, T7>, T8>) - Static method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Octuple
flatten(Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<T1, T2>, T3>, T4>, T5>, T6>, T7>) - Static method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Septuple
flatten(Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<T1, T2>, T3>, T4>, T5>, T6>) - Static method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Hextuple
flatten(Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<T1, T2>, T3>, T4>, T5>) - Static method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Pentuple
flatten(Tuple<Tuple<Tuple<T1, T2>, T3>, T4>) - Static method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Quadruple
flatten(Tuple<Tuple<T1, T2>, T3>) - Static method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Triple
forceOnAll(ThrowingConsumer<? super T, ? extends Exception>, Stream<T>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggBase
Create a stream which will yield the exceptions (if any) from invoking an action on several instances.
forceOnAll(ThrowingConsumer<? super T, ? extends Exception>, T...) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggBase
Create a stream which will yield the exceptions (if any) from invoking an action on several instances.
forColumn(Attribute<R>) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.ColumnMapper
Associate the column mapper with an Attribute.
fourth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
fourth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Hextuple
fourth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Nonuple
fourth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Octuple
fourth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Pentuple
fourth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Quadruple
fourth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Septuple
freeze() - Method in interface no.digipost.time.ClockAdjuster
Signal that the clock should freeze at the instant it is currently at.
freezeAt(Instant) - Method in interface no.digipost.time.ClockAdjuster
Freeze the clock at given instant.
freezeAt(Instant, ZoneId) - Method in interface no.digipost.time.ClockAdjuster
Freeze the clock at given instant and zone.
freezeAt(LocalDateTime) - Method in interface no.digipost.time.ClockAdjuster
Freeze the clock at given date and time.
freezeAt(OffsetDateTime) - Method in interface no.digipost.time.ClockAdjuster
Freeze the clock at given date and time.
freezeAt(ZonedDateTime) - Method in interface no.digipost.time.ClockAdjuster
Freeze the clock at given date and time.
freezedAt(Instant) - Static method in class no.digipost.time.ControllableClock
Create a new controllable clock freezed at a given instant, and with the default time zone.
freezedAt(Instant, ZoneId) - Static method in class no.digipost.time.ControllableClock
Create a new controllable clock freezed at a given Instant, and with a given ZoneId.
freezedAt(LocalDateTime) - Static method in class no.digipost.time.ControllableClock
Create a new controllable clock freezed at the instant resolved from a given LocalDateTime and the default time zone.
freezedAt(ZonedDateTime) - Static method in class no.digipost.time.ControllableClock
Create a new controllable clock freezed at the instant of a given ZonedDateTime.
friendlyName(Class<?>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggBase
The "friendly name" of a class is defined as its simple name, with all enclosing classes prepended and joined with a '.' delimiter.
from(Iterable<T>) - Static method in interface no.digipost.util.AtMostOne
from(Instant) - Static method in class no.digipost.time.TimeSpan
Start constructing a new TimeSpan starting at the given Instant.
from(AtomicReference<V>) - Static method in interface no.digipost.util.Assignment
Create a new Assignment which uses an AtomicReference to hold the assigned value.
from(S, Function<? super S, V>, BiConsumer<? super S, ? super V>) - Static method in interface no.digipost.util.Assignment
Create a new Assignment, which assigns to and retrieves from an arbitrary container object.
fromCommaSeparated(String, Function<String, String>, Class<E>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggEnums
Resolve enum constants from a string of comma separated identifiers.
fromCommaSeparatedNames(String, Class<E>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggEnums
Resolve enum constants from a string of comma separated names.
fromEnumsString(String, String, Function<String, E>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggEnums
Resolve enum constants from a string containing identifiers separated by a delimiter.
fromEnumsString(String, String, Predicate<String>, Function<String, E>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggEnums
Resolve enum constants from a string containing identifiers separated by a delimiter.


GB - Static variable in enum no.digipost.io.DataSizeUnit
GB(long) - Static method in class no.digipost.io.DataSize
get() - Method in class no.digipost.concurrent.OneTimeAssignment
get() - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingSupplier
get() - Method in enum no.digipost.util.AttributesMap.Config
get() - Method in class no.digipost.util.ChainableAssignment
get(DataSizeUnit) - Method in class no.digipost.io.DataSize
get(GetsNamedValue<V>) - Method in class no.digipost.util.AttributesMap
Retrieve a required attribute value.
getArray - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
Gets the value of a given SQL ARRAY column as an uncasted Java array object.
getAsciiStream - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getBigDecimal - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getBinaryStream - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getBoolean - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
Gets the value of a given column as a Java boolean.
getByte - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
Gets the value of a given column as a Java byte.
getBytes - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getCharacterStream - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getDate - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getDouble - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
Gets the value of a given column as a Java double.
getDuration() - Method in class no.digipost.time.ConditionalTimer
getFloat - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
Gets the value of a given column as a Java float.
getFrom(Function<String, ?>) - Method in class no.digipost.util.Attribute
getFrom(Function<String, ?>) - Method in interface no.digipost.util.GetsNamedValue
getFrom(Map<String, ? super V>) - Method in interface no.digipost.util.GetsNamedValue
getInstant - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
Combination of Mappers.getTimestamp and a conversion to an Instant using Timestamp.toInstant().
getInt - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
Gets the value of a given column as a Java int.
getIntArray - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
Gets the value of a given SQL ARRAY column as an int[] array.
getLong - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
Gets the value of a given column as a Java long.
getLongArray - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
Gets the value of a given SQL ARRAY column as an long[] array.
getNullableAsciiStream - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getNullableBigDecimal - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getNullableBinaryStream - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getNullableBoolean - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getNullableByte - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getNullableBytes - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getNullableCharacterStream - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getNullableDate - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getNullableDouble - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getNullableFloat - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getNullableInstant - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
Combination of Mappers.getNullableTimestamp and a conversion to an Instant using Timestamp.toInstant().
getNullableInt - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getNullableLong - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getNullableShort - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getNullableString - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getNullableTimestamp - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getNullableURL - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getShort - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
Gets the value of a given column as a Java short.
GetsNamedValue<V> - Interface in no.digipost.util
GetsNamedValue.NotFound - Exception in no.digipost.util
getSqlArray - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getString - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getStringArray - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
Gets the value of a given SQL ARRAY column as an String[] array.
getTimestamp - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getUnchecked(ThrowingSupplier<T, ? extends Throwable>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggExceptions
Immediately get a result from the given supplier, and if needed, convert any thrown exceptions to unckecked.
getURL - Static variable in class no.digipost.jdbc.Mappers
getWithTimeAdjusted(Consumer<ClockAdjuster>, ThrowingFunction<Instant, T, X>) - Method in class no.digipost.time.ControllableClock
Resolve a value with the clock adjusted, and have the clock reset to it's original state after the operation has finished.
getZone() - Method in class no.digipost.time.ControllableClock
GIGABYTES - no.digipost.io.DataSizeUnit
The Gigabyte unit, i.e.
groups(Matcher) - Static method in class no.digipost.text.Regex
Extract the groups from a Matcher, if a match is found.


hashCode() - Method in class no.digipost.io.DataSize
hashCode() - Method in class no.digipost.time.ControllableClock
hashCode() - Method in class no.digipost.time.TimeSpan
hashCode() - Method in class no.digipost.util.Attribute
hashCode() - Method in class no.digipost.util.AttributesMap
hashCode() - Method in class no.digipost.util.JustA
hashCode() - Method in class no.digipost.util.JustALong
hasNext() - Method in class no.digipost.collection.SimpleIterator
HexaFunction<T,​U,​V,​W,​X,​Y,​R> - Interface in no.digipost.function
Represents a function that accepts six arguments and produces a result.
Hextuple<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6> - Interface in no.digipost.tuple
A hextuple is a simple composition of six arbitrary values (objects).


ifException(BiConsumer<? super T, Exception>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingConsumer
ifException(BiConsumer<? super T, Exception>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingFunction
ifException(Consumer<Exception>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingConsumer
ifException(Consumer<Exception>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingFunction
ifException(Consumer<Exception>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingRunnable
ifException(Consumer<Exception>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingSupplier
ifExceptionApply(BiFunction<? super T, Exception, ? extends R>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingFunction
ifExceptionApply(Function<Exception, ? extends R>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingFunction
ifExceptionGet(Function<Exception, T>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingSupplier
ifExceptionThrow(BiFunction<? super T, ? super Exception, ? extends RuntimeException>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingFunction
ifExceptionThrow(Function<? super Exception, ? extends RuntimeException>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingFunction
ifExceptionThrow(Function<? super Exception, ? extends RuntimeException>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingRunnable
ifExceptionThrow(Function<? super Exception, ? extends RuntimeException>) - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingSupplier
IMMEDIATELY - Static variable in interface no.digipost.concurrent.TargetState
A target state which is already reached.
includes(Instant) - Method in class no.digipost.time.TimeSpan
Check if an Instant is part of this time span.
inspect(T) - Method in class no.digipost.time.ConditionalTimer
Perform inspection of a value to determine if timing should occur.
instant() - Method in class no.digipost.time.ControllableClock
intersection(TimeSpan) - Method in class no.digipost.time.TimeSpan
Give the intersection (the overlapping part) of this and the given TimeSpan, or Optional.empty() if they do not overlap.
invokeAll(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>) - Method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.ExternallyManagedExecutorService
invokeAll(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.ExternallyManagedExecutorService
invokeAny(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>) - Method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.ExternallyManagedExecutorService
invokeAny(Collection<? extends Callable<T>>, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.ExternallyManagedExecutorService
is(V) - Method in class no.digipost.util.ChainableAssignment
Assign the given value and return object to allow chained invocation.
isEmpty() - Method in class no.digipost.util.AttributesMap
isExternallyManaged(ExecutorService) - Static method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.DefaultExecutors
isExternallyManaged(ExecutorService) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggConcurrent
Determine if the given ExecutorService is marked as externally managed.
isLessThan(DataSize) - Method in class no.digipost.io.DataSize
isMoreThan(DataSize) - Method in class no.digipost.io.DataSize
isSameOrLessThan(DataSize) - Method in class no.digipost.io.DataSize
isSameOrMoreThan(DataSize) - Method in class no.digipost.io.DataSize
isSet() - Method in class no.digipost.concurrent.OneTimeAssignment
Determine if this OneTimeAssignment has been set, either by using OneTimeAssignment.set(Object) or implicitly by a default value, triggered with a call to OneTimeAssignment.get().
isShutdown() - Method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.ExternallyManagedExecutorService
isTerminated() - Method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.ExternallyManagedExecutorService
iterator() - Method in class no.digipost.collection.BatchedIterable
iterator() - Method in class no.digipost.io.Zip.Entries


JustA<T> - Class in no.digipost.util
Base class for creating simple "typed primitives" value classes.
JustA(T) - Constructor for class no.digipost.util.JustA
JustA(T, String) - Constructor for class no.digipost.util.JustA
JustA(T, String, SerializableFunction<? super T, String>) - Constructor for class no.digipost.util.JustA
JustA(T, SerializableFunction<? super T, String>) - Constructor for class no.digipost.util.JustA
JustALong - Class in no.digipost.util
Base class for creating simple "typed long" value classes, for cases when you do not want to pass around simple longs for numbers that has certain (business-) semantics in your application, even though a long does adequately express the value.
JustALong(long) - Constructor for class no.digipost.util.JustALong
JustALong(long, String) - Constructor for class no.digipost.util.JustALong
JustALong(long, String, SerializableFunction<? super Long, String>) - Constructor for class no.digipost.util.JustALong
JustALong(long, SerializableFunction<? super Long, String>) - Constructor for class no.digipost.util.JustALong


kB - Static variable in enum no.digipost.io.DataSizeUnit
kB(long) - Static method in class no.digipost.io.DataSize
KILOBYTES - no.digipost.io.DataSizeUnit
The kilobyte unit, i.e.


lasting(Duration) - Method in class no.digipost.time.TimeSpan.Started
limit(InputStream, DataSize) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggIO
Limit the number of bytes to be read from an InputStream.
limit(InputStream, DataSize, Supplier<? extends Exception>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggIO
Limit the number of bytes to be read from an InputStream.
LimitedInputStream - Class in no.digipost.io
An InputStream which limits how many bytes which can be read.
LimitedInputStream(InputStream, DataSize, Supplier<? extends Exception>) - Constructor for class no.digipost.io.LimitedInputStream
longerThan(Duration) - Method in class no.digipost.time.ConditionalTimer


map(String, ResultSet) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.ColumnMapper
Extract a value from a ResultSet based on the given name.
map(ResultSet) - Method in class no.digipost.jdbc.AttributeMapper
For the current row of the given ResultSet, map the specific column(s) this AttributeMapper is set to handle.
map(ResultSet) - Method in class no.digipost.jdbc.AttributesRowMapper
map(ResultSet) - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.RowMapper
Obtain the result from the current row of a ResultSet.
map(Function<? super T1, ? extends S1>, Function<? super T2, ? extends S2>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Tuple
Create a new tuple by applying a function to each element, and putting the results to corresponding positions in the new tuple.
map(Function<? super T1, ? extends S1>, Function<? super T2, ? extends S2>, Function<? super T3, ? extends S3>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Triple
Create a new triple by applying a function to each element, and putting the results into a new triple.
map(Function<? super T1, ? extends S1>, Function<? super T2, ? extends S2>, Function<? super T3, ? extends S3>, Function<? super T4, ? extends S4>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Quadruple
Create a new quadruple by applying a function to each element, and putting the results into a new quadruple.
map(Function<? super T1, ? extends S1>, Function<? super T2, ? extends S2>, Function<? super T3, ? extends S3>, Function<? super T4, ? extends S4>, Function<? super T5, ? extends S5>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Pentuple
Create a new pentuple by applying a function to each element, and putting the results into a new pentuple.
map(Function<? super T1, ? extends S1>, Function<? super T2, ? extends S2>, Function<? super T3, ? extends S3>, Function<? super T4, ? extends S4>, Function<? super T5, ? extends S5>, Function<? super T6, ? extends S6>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Hextuple
Create a new hextuple by applying a function to each element, and putting the results into a new hextuple.
map(Function<? super T1, ? extends S1>, Function<? super T2, ? extends S2>, Function<? super T3, ? extends S3>, Function<? super T4, ? extends S4>, Function<? super T5, ? extends S5>, Function<? super T6, ? extends S6>, Function<? super T7, ? extends S7>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Septuple
Create a new septuple by applying a function to each element, and putting the results into a new septuple.
map(Function<? super T1, ? extends S1>, Function<? super T2, ? extends S2>, Function<? super T3, ? extends S3>, Function<? super T4, ? extends S4>, Function<? super T5, ? extends S5>, Function<? super T6, ? extends S6>, Function<? super T7, ? extends S7>, Function<? super T8, ? extends S8>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Octuple
Create a new octuple by applying a function to each element, and putting the results into a new octuple.
map(Function<? super T1, ? extends S1>, Function<? super T2, ? extends S2>, Function<? super T3, ? extends S3>, Function<? super T4, ? extends S4>, Function<? super T5, ? extends S5>, Function<? super T6, ? extends S6>, Function<? super T7, ? extends S7>, Function<? super T8, ? extends S8>, Function<? super T9, ? extends S9>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Nonuple
Create a new nonuple by applying a function to each element, and putting the results into a new nonuple.
map(Function<? super T1, ? extends S1>, Function<? super T2, ? extends S2>, Function<? super T3, ? extends S3>, Function<? super T4, ? extends S4>, Function<? super T5, ? extends S5>, Function<? super T6, ? extends S6>, Function<? super T7, ? extends S7>, Function<? super T8, ? extends S8>, Function<? super T9, ? extends S9>, Function<? super T10, ? extends S10>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
Create a new decuple by applying a function to each element, and putting the results into a new decuple.
mapEighth(Function<? super T8, ? extends S8>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
Create a new decuple by applying a function to the eighth element, and putting the result as the eighth element of the new decuple.
mapEighth(Function<? super T8, ? extends S8>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Nonuple
Create a new nonuple by applying a function to the eighth element, and putting the result as the eighth element of the new nonuple.
mapEighth(Function<? super T8, ? extends S8>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Octuple
Create a new octuple by applying a function to the eighth element, and putting the result as the eighth element of the new octuple.
mapFifth(Function<? super T5, ? extends S5>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
Create a new decuple by applying a function to the fifth element, and putting the result as the fifth element of the new decuple.
mapFifth(Function<? super T5, ? extends S5>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Hextuple
Create a new hextuple by applying a function to the fifth element, and putting the result as the fifth element of the new hextuple.
mapFifth(Function<? super T5, ? extends S5>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Nonuple
Create a new nonuple by applying a function to the fifth element, and putting the result as the fifth element of the new nonuple.
mapFifth(Function<? super T5, ? extends S5>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Octuple
Create a new octuple by applying a function to the fifth element, and putting the result as the fifth element of the new octuple.
mapFifth(Function<? super T5, ? extends S5>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Pentuple
Create a new pentuple by applying a function to the fifth element, and putting the result as the fifth element of the new pentuple.
mapFifth(Function<? super T5, ? extends S5>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Septuple
Create a new septuple by applying a function to the fifth element, and putting the result as the fifth element of the new septuple.
mapFirst(Function<? super T1, ? extends S1>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
Create a new decuple by applying a function to the first element, and putting the result as the first element of the new decuple.
mapFirst(Function<? super T1, ? extends S1>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Hextuple
Create a new hextuple by applying a function to the first element, and putting the result as the first element of the new hextuple.
mapFirst(Function<? super T1, ? extends S1>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Nonuple
Create a new nonuple by applying a function to the first element, and putting the result as the first element of the new nonuple.
mapFirst(Function<? super T1, ? extends S1>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Octuple
Create a new octuple by applying a function to the first element, and putting the result as the first element of the new octuple.
mapFirst(Function<? super T1, ? extends S1>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Pentuple
Create a new pentuple by applying a function to the first element, and putting the result as the first element of the new pentuple.
mapFirst(Function<? super T1, ? extends S1>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Quadruple
Create a new quadruple by applying a function to the first element, and putting the result as the first element of the new quadruple.
mapFirst(Function<? super T1, ? extends S1>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Septuple
Create a new septuple by applying a function to the first element, and putting the result as the first element of the new septuple.
mapFirst(Function<? super T1, ? extends S1>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Triple
Create a new triple by applying a function to the first element, and putting the result as the first element of the new triple.
mapFirst(Function<? super T1, ? extends S1>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Tuple
Create a new tuple by applying a function to the first element, and putting the result as the first element of the new tuple.
mapFourth(Function<? super T4, ? extends S4>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
Create a new decuple by applying a function to the fourth element, and putting the result as the fourth element of the new decuple.
mapFourth(Function<? super T4, ? extends S4>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Hextuple
Create a new hextuple by applying a function to the fourth element, and putting the result as the fourth element of the new hextuple.
mapFourth(Function<? super T4, ? extends S4>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Nonuple
Create a new nonuple by applying a function to the fourth element, and putting the result as the fourth element of the new nonuple.
mapFourth(Function<? super T4, ? extends S4>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Octuple
Create a new octuple by applying a function to the fourth element, and putting the result as the fourth element of the new octuple.
mapFourth(Function<? super T4, ? extends S4>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Pentuple
Create a new pentuple by applying a function to the fourth element, and putting the result as the fourth element of the new pentuple.
mapFourth(Function<? super T4, ? extends S4>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Quadruple
Create a new quadruple by applying a function to the fourth element, and putting the result as the fourth element of the new quadruple.
mapFourth(Function<? super T4, ? extends S4>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Septuple
Create a new septuple by applying a function to the fourth element, and putting the result as the fourth element of the new septuple.
mapNinth(Function<? super T9, ? extends S9>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
Create a new decuple by applying a function to the ninth element, and putting the result as the ninth element of the new decuple.
mapNinth(Function<? super T9, ? extends S9>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Nonuple
Create a new nonuple by applying a function to the ninth element, and putting the result as the ninth element of the new nonuple.
Mappers - Class in no.digipost.jdbc
Various predefined mappers used to extract result(s) from a ResultSet.
mapSecond(Function<? super T2, ? extends S2>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
Create a new decuple by applying a function to the second element, and putting the result as the second element of the new decuple.
mapSecond(Function<? super T2, ? extends S2>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Hextuple
Create a new hextuple by applying a function to the second element, and putting the result as the second element of the new hextuple.
mapSecond(Function<? super T2, ? extends S2>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Nonuple
Create a new nonuple by applying a function to the second element, and putting the result as the second element of the new nonuple.
mapSecond(Function<? super T2, ? extends S2>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Octuple
Create a new octuple by applying a function to the second element, and putting the result as the second element of the new octuple.
mapSecond(Function<? super T2, ? extends S2>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Pentuple
Create a new pentuple by applying a function to the second element, and putting the result as the second element of the new pentuple.
mapSecond(Function<? super T2, ? extends S2>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Quadruple
Create a new quadruple by applying a function to the second element, and putting the result as the second element of the new quadruple.
mapSecond(Function<? super T2, ? extends S2>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Septuple
Create a new septuple by applying a function to the second element, and putting the result as the second element of the new septuple.
mapSecond(Function<? super T2, ? extends S2>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Triple
Create a new triple by applying a function to the second element, and putting the result as the second element of the new triple.
mapSecond(Function<? super T2, ? extends S2>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Tuple
Create a new tuple by applying a function to the second element, and putting the result as the second element of the new tuple.
mapSeventh(Function<? super T7, ? extends S7>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
Create a new decuple by applying a function to the seventh element, and putting the result as the seventh element of the new decuple.
mapSeventh(Function<? super T7, ? extends S7>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Nonuple
Create a new nonuple by applying a function to the seventh element, and putting the result as the seventh element of the new nonuple.
mapSeventh(Function<? super T7, ? extends S7>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Octuple
Create a new octuple by applying a function to the seventh element, and putting the result as the seventh element of the new octuple.
mapSeventh(Function<? super T7, ? extends S7>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Septuple
Create a new septuple by applying a function to the seventh element, and putting the result as the seventh element of the new septuple.
mapSixth(Function<? super T6, ? extends S6>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
Create a new decuple by applying a function to the sixth element, and putting the result as the sixth element of the new decuple.
mapSixth(Function<? super T6, ? extends S6>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Hextuple
Create a new hextuple by applying a function to the sixth element, and putting the result as the sixth element of the new hextuple.
mapSixth(Function<? super T6, ? extends S6>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Nonuple
Create a new nonuple by applying a function to the sixth element, and putting the result as the sixth element of the new nonuple.
mapSixth(Function<? super T6, ? extends S6>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Octuple
Create a new octuple by applying a function to the sixth element, and putting the result as the sixth element of the new octuple.
mapSixth(Function<? super T6, ? extends S6>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Septuple
Create a new septuple by applying a function to the sixth element, and putting the result as the sixth element of the new septuple.
mapTenth(Function<? super T10, ? extends S10>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
Create a new decuple by applying a function to the tenth element, and putting the result as the tenth element of the new decuple.
mapThird(Function<? super T3, ? extends S3>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
Create a new decuple by applying a function to the third element, and putting the result as the third element of the new decuple.
mapThird(Function<? super T3, ? extends S3>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Hextuple
Create a new hextuple by applying a function to the third element, and putting the result as the third element of the new hextuple.
mapThird(Function<? super T3, ? extends S3>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Nonuple
Create a new nonuple by applying a function to the third element, and putting the result as the third element of the new nonuple.
mapThird(Function<? super T3, ? extends S3>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Octuple
Create a new octuple by applying a function to the third element, and putting the result as the third element of the new octuple.
mapThird(Function<? super T3, ? extends S3>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Pentuple
Create a new pentuple by applying a function to the third element, and putting the result as the third element of the new pentuple.
mapThird(Function<? super T3, ? extends S3>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Quadruple
Create a new quadruple by applying a function to the third element, and putting the result as the third element of the new quadruple.
mapThird(Function<? super T3, ? extends S3>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Septuple
Create a new septuple by applying a function to the third element, and putting the result as the third element of the new septuple.
mapThird(Function<? super T3, ? extends S3>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Triple
Create a new triple by applying a function to the third element, and putting the result as the third element of the new triple.
mark(int) - Method in class no.digipost.io.ConsumingInputStream
markSupported() - Method in class no.digipost.io.ConsumingInputStream
max(T, T) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggCompare
Choose the greater of two Comparable objects.
MAX - Static variable in class no.digipost.io.DataSize
maxBy(Comparator<? super T>, T, T) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggCompare
Choose the greater of two objects by using a Comparator.
maxBy(Function<? super T, U>, T, T) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggCompare
Choose the greater of two objects by comparing a Comparable value resolved from each object.
mayThrow(ThrowingBiConsumer<T, U, X>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggExceptions
Convenience to acquire a ThrowingBiConsumer-reference from a lambda expression.
mayThrow(ThrowingBiFunction<T, U, R, X>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggExceptions
Convenience to acquire a ThrowingBiFunction-reference from a lambda expression.
mayThrow(ThrowingConsumer<T, X>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggExceptions
Convenience to acquire a ThrowingConsumer-reference from a lambda expression.
mayThrow(ThrowingFunction<T, R, X>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggExceptions
Convenience to acquire a ThrowingFunction-reference from a lambda expression.
mayThrow(ThrowingRunnable<X>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggExceptions
Convenience to acquire a ThrowingRunnable-reference from a lambda expression.
mayThrow(ThrowingSupplier<T, X>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggExceptions
Convenience to acquire a ThrowingSupplier-reference from a lambda expression.
MB - Static variable in enum no.digipost.io.DataSizeUnit
MB(long) - Static method in class no.digipost.io.DataSize
MEGABYTES - no.digipost.io.DataSizeUnit
The Megabyte unit, i.e.
min(T, T) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggCompare
Choose the lesser of two Comparable objects.
minBy(Comparator<? super T>, T, T) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggCompare
Choose the lesser of two objects by using a given Comparator.
minBy(Function<? super T, U>, T, T) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggCompare
Choose the lesser of two objects by comparing a Comparable value resolved from each object.
minus(DataSize) - Method in class no.digipost.io.DataSize


name - Variable in class no.digipost.util.Attribute
The name of this attribute.
NEVER - Static variable in interface no.digipost.concurrent.TargetState
A target state which will never be reached.
newInstance() - Static method in class no.digipost.concurrent.OneTimeAssignment
Create a new non-assigned instance.
next() - Method in class no.digipost.collection.SimpleIterator
nextIfAvailable() - Method in class no.digipost.collection.SimpleIterator
ninth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
ninth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Nonuple
no.digipost - package no.digipost
no.digipost.collection - package no.digipost.collection
no.digipost.concurrent - package no.digipost.concurrent
no.digipost.concurrent.executor - package no.digipost.concurrent.executor
no.digipost.function - package no.digipost.function
no.digipost.io - package no.digipost.io
no.digipost.jdbc - package no.digipost.jdbc
no.digipost.text - package no.digipost.text
no.digipost.time - package no.digipost.time
no.digipost.tuple - package no.digipost.tuple
no.digipost.util - package no.digipost.util
NonaFunction<T,​U,​V,​W,​X,​Y,​Z,​A,​B,​R> - Interface in no.digipost.function
Represents a function that accepts nine arguments and produces a result.
nonNull(String, Function<? super String, T>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggBase
Not allow null-references.
nonNull(String, Function<? super String, T>, Function<? super String, X>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggBase
Not allow null-references.
nonNull(String, T) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggBase
Not allow null-references.
nonNull(String, T, Function<? super String, X>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggBase
Not allow null-references.
nonNull(T, Supplier<X>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggBase
Not allow null-references.
Nonuple<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​T9> - Interface in no.digipost.tuple
A nonuple is a simple composition of nine arbitrary values (objects).
NotFound(GetsNamedValue<?>) - Constructor for exception no.digipost.util.GetsNamedValue.NotFound
now() - Method in class no.digipost.concurrent.OneTimeToggle
Toggle it! This will make OneTimeToggle.yet() return true.
nowAndUnlessAlreadyToggled(Runnable) - Method in class no.digipost.concurrent.OneTimeToggle
Toggle it, to make OneTimeToggle.yet() return true, and if a toggle was actually done (i.e.
nowAndUnlessAlreadyToggled(Supplier<T>) - Method in class no.digipost.concurrent.OneTimeToggle
Toggle it, to make OneTimeToggle.yet() return true, and if a toggle was actually done (i.e.
nowOrIfAlreadyThenThrow(Supplier<E>) - Method in class no.digipost.concurrent.OneTimeToggle
Toggle it, or throw exception if the toggle has already been done, for instance by another thread.
nth(long, Predicate<T>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggPredicates
Create a new predicate which only yields true on the nth true-yielding invocation of a given predicate.
NullableColumnMapper<R> - Interface in no.digipost.jdbc
A ColumnMapper which is apropriate for retrieving nullable columns from a ResultSet.
nullFallthrough() - Method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.BasicColumnMapper
Specify that a retrieved null value will short circuit any chain from this point.


ObjIntFunction<T,​R> - Interface in no.digipost.function
Represents a function that accepts a object-valued and an int-valued argument.
ObjLongFunction<T,​R> - Interface in no.digipost.function
Represents a function that accepts a object-valued and an long-valued argument.
OctoFunction<T,​U,​V,​W,​X,​Y,​Z,​A,​R> - Interface in no.digipost.function
Represents a function that accepts eight arguments and produces a result.
Octuple<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8> - Interface in no.digipost.tuple
A octuple is a simple composition of eight arbitrary values (objects).
of(long, DataSizeUnit) - Static method in class no.digipost.io.DataSize
of(ThrowingBiFunction<String, ResultSet, R, ? extends SQLException>) - Static method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.BasicColumnMapper
of(ThrowingBiFunction<String, ResultSet, R, ? extends SQLException>) - Static method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.NullableColumnMapper
of(ThrowingFunction<ResultSet, R, SQLException>) - Static method in interface no.digipost.jdbc.RowMapper
of(T1, T2) - Static method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Tuple
of(T1, T2, T3) - Static method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Triple
of(T1, T2, T3, T4) - Static method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Quadruple
of(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) - Static method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Pentuple
of(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) - Static method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Hextuple
of(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) - Static method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Septuple
of(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8) - Static method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Octuple
of(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9) - Static method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Nonuple
of(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10) - Static method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
ofMap(Map<T1, T2>) - Static method in class no.digipost.tuple.Tuples
Convert a Java Collections Map to a Stream of tuples.
ofMapEntry(Map.Entry<T1, T2>) - Static method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Tuple
OneTimeAssignment<V> - Class in no.digipost.concurrent
A reference which may or may not be assigned a value, with the added constraint that it can only be assigned once.
OneTimeAssignment.AlreadyAssigned - Exception in no.digipost.concurrent
OneTimeToggle - Class in no.digipost.concurrent
A kind of specialized variant of AtomicBoolean which can only be toggled once.
OneTimeToggle() - Constructor for class no.digipost.concurrent.OneTimeToggle
onSuccess(Runnable) - Static method in class no.digipost.concurrent.CompletionHandler
onSuccess(Consumer<R>) - Static method in class no.digipost.concurrent.CompletionHandler
onSuccess(Function<R, U>) - Static method in class no.digipost.concurrent.CompletionHandler
onSuccess(Supplier<U>) - Static method in class no.digipost.concurrent.CompletionHandler
onSuccess(U) - Static method in class no.digipost.concurrent.CompletionHandler
or(TargetState) - Method in interface no.digipost.concurrent.TargetState
orCatch(Consumer<E>) - Method in interface no.digipost.concurrent.CompletionHandler.ConsumerBuilder
orCatch(Function<E, U>) - Method in interface no.digipost.concurrent.CompletionHandler.FunctionBuilder
orElse(ThrowingRunnable<X>) - Method in interface no.digipost.util.AtMostOne
How to handle if there actually are multiple elements available when only at most one is expected.
orIfExcessiveThrow(Supplier<X>) - Method in interface no.digipost.util.AtMostOne
Pick out the single contained element, or throw the given exception if there are excessive (more than one) elements available.


PentaFunction<T,​U,​V,​W,​X,​R> - Interface in no.digipost.function
Represents a function that accepts five arguments and produces a result.
Pentuple<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5> - Interface in no.digipost.tuple
A pentuple is a simple composition of five arbitrary values (objects).
plus(DataSize) - Method in class no.digipost.io.DataSize
prioritize(List<T>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggCompare
Create a comparator which will use a given list of already prioritized elements to determine the order of given elements.
prioritize(T...) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggCompare
Create a comparator which will use a given list of already prioritized elements to determine the order of given elements.


QuadFunction<T,​U,​V,​W,​R> - Interface in no.digipost.function
Represents a function that accepts four arguments and produces a result.
Quadruple<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4> - Interface in no.digipost.tuple
A quadruple is a simple composition of four arbitrary values (objects).


read() - Method in class no.digipost.io.ConsumingInputStream
read() - Method in class no.digipost.io.LimitedInputStream
Reads the next byte of data from this input stream.
read(byte[]) - Method in class no.digipost.io.ConsumingInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class no.digipost.io.ConsumingInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class no.digipost.io.LimitedInputStream
Reads up to len bytes of data from this input stream into an array of bytes.
Regex - Class in no.digipost.text
remove() - Method in class no.digipost.collection.SimpleIterator
requireFrom(Function<String, ?>) - Method in interface no.digipost.util.GetsNamedValue
requireFrom(Map<String, ? super V>) - Method in interface no.digipost.util.GetsNamedValue
reset() - Method in class no.digipost.io.ConsumingInputStream
rethrow(Function<T, ? extends RuntimeException>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggExceptions
Create a exception handler (Consumer) which simply rethrows given exceptions.
rethrowAnyException - Static variable in class no.digipost.DiggExceptions
This consumer rethrows any given Exception as an unchecked RuntimeException.
RowMapper<R> - Interface in no.digipost.jdbc
Defines how to map a ResultSet to an object.
RowMapper.Decupled<T,​U,​V,​W,​X,​Z,​A,​B,​C,​D> - Interface in no.digipost.jdbc
RowMapper.Hextupled<T,​U,​V,​W,​X,​Z> - Interface in no.digipost.jdbc
RowMapper.Nonupled<T,​U,​V,​W,​X,​Z,​A,​B,​C> - Interface in no.digipost.jdbc
RowMapper.Octupled<T,​U,​V,​W,​X,​Z,​A,​B> - Interface in no.digipost.jdbc
RowMapper.Pentupled<T,​U,​V,​W,​X> - Interface in no.digipost.jdbc
RowMapper.Quadrupled<T,​U,​V,​W> - Interface in no.digipost.jdbc
RowMapper.Septupled<T,​U,​V,​W,​X,​Z,​A> - Interface in no.digipost.jdbc
RowMapper.Tripled<T,​U,​V> - Interface in no.digipost.jdbc
RowMapper.Tupled<T,​U> - Interface in no.digipost.jdbc
run() - Method in interface no.digipost.function.ThrowingRunnable
runUnchecked(ThrowingRunnable<? extends Throwable>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggExceptions
Immediately run the given runnable, and if needed, convert any thrown exceptions to unckecked.


sameOrlessThan(Duration) - Method in class no.digipost.time.ConditionalTimer
scheduled(int, String) - Static method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.DefaultExecutors
scheduled(int, String) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggConcurrent
scheduledSingleThreaded(String) - Static method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.DefaultExecutors
scheduledSingleThreaded(String) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggConcurrent
second() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
second() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Hextuple
second() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Nonuple
second() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Octuple
second() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Pentuple
second() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Quadruple
second() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Septuple
second() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Triple
second() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Tuple
SeptiFunction<T,​U,​V,​W,​X,​Y,​Z,​R> - Interface in no.digipost.function
Represents a function that accepts seven arguments and produces a result.
Septuple<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7> - Interface in no.digipost.tuple
A septuple is a simple composition of seven arbitrary values (objects).
SerializableFunction<T,​R> - Interface in no.digipost.function
A Function, which is also Serializable.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in interface no.digipost.function.SerializableFunction
set(Instant) - Method in interface no.digipost.time.ClockAdjuster
Set the time to the given instant.
set(Instant, ZoneId) - Method in interface no.digipost.time.ClockAdjuster
Set the time of the clock to the given instant and zone.
set(LocalDateTime) - Method in interface no.digipost.time.ClockAdjuster
Set the time to the given local date and time.
set(OffsetDateTime) - Method in interface no.digipost.time.ClockAdjuster
Set the time to the given offset date and time.
set(ZonedDateTime) - Method in interface no.digipost.time.ClockAdjuster
Set the time to the given zoned date and time.
set(UnaryOperator<Clock>) - Method in interface no.digipost.time.ClockAdjuster
Set a new clock to resolve the time from.
set(UnaryOperator<Clock>) - Method in class no.digipost.time.ControllableClock
set(V) - Method in class no.digipost.concurrent.OneTimeAssignment
Assigns a value to this reference.
set(V) - Method in interface no.digipost.util.Assignment
Assign the given value.
set(V) - Method in class no.digipost.util.ChainableAssignment
setOn(BiConsumer<String, ? super V>, V) - Method in class no.digipost.util.Attribute
setOn(BiConsumer<String, ? super V>, V) - Method in interface no.digipost.util.SetsNamedValue
setOn(Map<String, ? super V>, V) - Method in interface no.digipost.util.SetsNamedValue
SetsNamedValue<V> - Interface in no.digipost.util
setToSystemClock() - Method in interface no.digipost.time.ClockAdjuster
Set the time to freely progressing system time.
setToSystemClock(ZoneId) - Method in interface no.digipost.time.ClockAdjuster
Set the time to freely progressing system time with the given zone.
seventh() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
seventh() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Nonuple
seventh() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Octuple
seventh() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Septuple
shutdown() - Method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.ExternallyManagedExecutorService
shutdownNow() - Method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.ExternallyManagedExecutorService
signal() - Method in class no.digipost.concurrent.SignalMediator
SignalMediator - Class in no.digipost.concurrent
A signal mediator is a many-to-one carrier of a simple "no-content" signal that one other part is interested in occurring.
SignalMediator() - Constructor for class no.digipost.concurrent.SignalMediator
SignalMediator(String) - Constructor for class no.digipost.concurrent.SignalMediator
signalWaiter - Variable in class no.digipost.concurrent.SignalMediator
SILENTLY_EOF_ON_REACHING_LIMIT - Static variable in class no.digipost.io.LimitedInputStream
Supply this instead of an exception supplier as parameter when contructing a new LimitedInputStream to instruct it to treat the limit as an ordinary EOF, and not throw any exception to signal that the limit was reached during consumption of the stream.
SimpleIterator<T> - Class in no.digipost.collection
SimpleIterator offers an easier way to implement the Iterator interface, by requiring only one method, SimpleIterator.nextIfAvailable(), to be implemented instead of both hasNext() and next().
SimpleIterator() - Constructor for class no.digipost.collection.SimpleIterator
singleThreaded(String) - Static method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.DefaultExecutors
singleThreaded(String) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggConcurrent
sixth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
sixth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Hextuple
sixth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Nonuple
sixth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Octuple
sixth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Septuple
size() - Method in class no.digipost.util.AttributesMap
skip(long) - Method in class no.digipost.io.ConsumingInputStream
start - Variable in class no.digipost.time.TimeSpan
streamByIndex(S, IntStream, ObjIntFunction<S, V>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggStreams
Stream the elements from a container which allows access to the by through an int index, but does not itself offer any means for traversal/iteration/streaming.
streamByIndex(S, LongStream, ObjLongFunction<S, V>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggStreams
Stream the elements from a container which allows access to the by through a long index, but does not itself offer any means for traversal/iteration/streaming.
streamByIntIndex(S, int, ObjIntFunction<S, V>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggStreams
Stream the elements from a container which allows access to the elements by an int index, but does not itself offer any means for traversal/iteration/streaming.
streamByKey(S, Stream<K>, BiFunction<S, K, V>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggStreams
Stream the elements from a container which allows access to the by through a key, but does not itself offer any means for traversal/iteration/streaming.
streamByLongIndex(S, long, ObjLongFunction<S, V>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggStreams
Stream the elements from a container which allows access to the elements by a long index, but does not itself offer any means for traversal/iteration/streaming.
streamPages(int, IntFunction<P>, Predicate<? super P>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggStreams
Generate a stream of objects resolved from an incrementing int (page number), while a predicate is accepting the resolved objects.
streamPages(IntFunction<P>, Predicate<? super P>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggStreams
Generate a stream of objects resolved from an incrementing int (page number), while a predicate is accepting the resolved objects.
streamWhileNonEmpty(IntFunction<? extends Collection<E>>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggStreams
Stream elements retrieved from resolved collections while they are non-empty.
submit(Runnable) - Method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.ExternallyManagedExecutorService
submit(Runnable, T) - Method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.ExternallyManagedExecutorService
submit(Callable<T>) - Method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.ExternallyManagedExecutorService
supplier() - Method in class no.digipost.collection.EnforceAtMostOneElementCollector
supplier() - Method in class no.digipost.collection.EnforceDistinctFirstTupleElementCollector
swap() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Tuple


TargetState - Interface in no.digipost.concurrent
An object which knows if a certain state has been reached yet.
TargetState.TaskControl - Enum in no.digipost.concurrent
Control signals returned from tasks to control execution with TargetState.untilThen(Supplier, Consumer)
tenth() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
theLong - Variable in class no.digipost.util.JustALong
theValue - Variable in class no.digipost.util.JustA
third() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
third() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Hextuple
third() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Nonuple
third() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Octuple
third() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Pentuple
third() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Quadruple
third() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Septuple
third() - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Triple
threadNamingFactory(String) - Static method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.DefaultExecutors
threadNamingFactory(String) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggConcurrent
Create a thread factory based on Executors.defaultThreadFactory(), but naming the created threads using the given threadBaseName and an incrementing number for each thread created by the factory.
threadNamingFactory(LongFunction<String>) - Static method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.DefaultExecutors
threadNamingFactory(LongFunction<String>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggConcurrent
Create a thread factory based on Executors.defaultThreadFactory(), but naming the created threads using the result of the given given long -> String function, which argument is the number of the created thread.
threadNamingFactory(LongFunction<String>, ThreadFactory) - Static method in class no.digipost.concurrent.executor.DefaultExecutors
threadNamingFactory(LongFunction<String>, ThreadFactory) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggConcurrent
Create a thread factory delegating to the given backingFactory for creating new threads, but naming the created threads using the result of the given given long -> String function, which argument is the number of the created thread.
throwingAutoClose(T, ThrowingConsumer<? super T, X>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggBase
Wrap an arbitrary object to an AutoCloseable container, and assign an operation to be performed on the wrapped object when calling AutoCloseable.close().
ThrowingAutoClosed<T,​X extends Exception> - Class in no.digipost.util
An adapter to enable any arbitrary object to be managed by the try-with-resources facility of Java >= 7, i.e.
ThrowingAutoClosed(T, ThrowingConsumer<? super T, X>) - Constructor for class no.digipost.util.ThrowingAutoClosed
ThrowingBiConsumer<T,​U,​X extends Throwable> - Interface in no.digipost.function
ThrowingBiFunction<T,​U,​R,​X extends Throwable> - Interface in no.digipost.function
ThrowingConsumer<T,​X extends Throwable> - Interface in no.digipost.function
ThrowingFunction<T,​R,​X extends Throwable> - Interface in no.digipost.function
ThrowingRunnable<X extends Throwable> - Interface in no.digipost.function
ThrowingSupplier<T,​X extends Throwable> - Interface in no.digipost.function
timePasses(Duration) - Method in interface no.digipost.time.ClockAdjuster
Signal that time is passing a given amount of time.
timePasses(TemporalAmount) - Method in interface no.digipost.time.ClockAdjuster
Signal that time is passing a given amount of time.
TimeSpan - Class in no.digipost.time
A time span is the composition of two instants on the time line, denoting the start (inclusively) and end (exclusively) of an amount of time on the actual time-line.
TimeSpan.Started - Class in no.digipost.time
A "started" time span, which works as a simple builder for a complete TimeSpan, using the concluding methods TimeSpan.Started.until(Instant) or TimeSpan.Started.lasting(Duration)
timeWhen(Predicate<T>) - Static method in class no.digipost.time.ConditionalTimer
timeWhen(Predicate<T>) - Method in class no.digipost.time.ConditionalTimer.WithCustomClockBuilder
to(BiFunction<? super T1, ? super T2, R>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Tuple
Convert this tuple to an instance of an arbitrary type.
to(DecaFunction<? super T1, ? super T2, ? super T3, ? super T4, ? super T5, ? super T6, ? super T7, ? super T8, ? super T9, ? super T10, R>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Decuple
Convert this decuple to an instance of an arbitrary type.
to(HexaFunction<? super T1, ? super T2, ? super T3, ? super T4, ? super T5, ? super T6, R>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Hextuple
Convert this hextuple to an instance of an arbitrary type.
to(NonaFunction<? super T1, ? super T2, ? super T3, ? super T4, ? super T5, ? super T6, ? super T7, ? super T8, ? super T9, R>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Nonuple
Convert this nonuple to an instance of an arbitrary type.
to(OctoFunction<? super T1, ? super T2, ? super T3, ? super T4, ? super T5, ? super T6, ? super T7, ? super T8, R>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Octuple
Convert this octuple to an instance of an arbitrary type.
to(PentaFunction<? super T1, ? super T2, ? super T3, ? super T4, ? super T5, R>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Pentuple
Convert this pentuple to an instance of an arbitrary type.
to(QuadFunction<? super T1, ? super T2, ? super T3, ? super T4, R>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Quadruple
Convert this quadruple to an instance of an arbitrary type.
to(SeptiFunction<? super T1, ? super T2, ? super T3, ? super T4, ? super T5, ? super T6, ? super T7, R>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Septuple
Convert this septuple to an instance of an arbitrary type.
to(TriFunction<? super T1, ? super T2, ? super T3, R>) - Method in interface no.digipost.tuple.Triple
Convert this triple to an instance of an arbitrary type.
toBytes() - Method in class no.digipost.io.DataSize
toCommaSeparatedNames(E...) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggEnums
Join several enum constants to a comma separated string of their names.
toCommaSeparatedNames(Collection<E>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggEnums
Join several enum constants to a comma separated string of their names.
toList(Optional<T>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggOptionals
Unwrap an Optional into a zero or one element unmodifiable list.
toMultimap() - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggCollectors
A multimap maps from keys to lists, and this collector will arrange tuples by putting each distinct first tuple-element as keys of the resulting map, mapping them to a List, and adding each second tuple-element to the list.
toMultimap(Function<? super T, Optional<V>>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggCollectors
toMultimap(Function<? super T, K>, Function<? super T, Optional<V>>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggCollectors
toMultituple() - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggCollectors
A multituple is similar to a multimap in that it consists of one first value and a List of values as the second value, and this collector will collect tuples where it is expected that all the first tuple-elements are equal, and re-arrange them by putting the distinct first element into a new Tuple, and collate each of the second elements into a new List which is set as the second element of the new Tuple.
toMultitupleOrThrowIfNonDistinct(BiFunction<? super Tuple<T1, List<T2>>, ? super Tuple<T1, Optional<T2>>, ? extends RuntimeException>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggCollectors
A multituple is similar to a multimap in that it consists of one first value and a List of values as the second value, and this collector will collect tuples where it is expected that all the first tuple-elements are equal, and re-arrange them by putting the distinct first element into a new Tuple, and collate each of the second elements into a new List which is set as the second element of the new Tuple.
toNames(String, E...) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggEnums
Join several enum constants to a string of their names, separated by the given delimiter.
toNames(String, Collection<E>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggEnums
Join several enum constants to a string of their names, separated by the given delimiter.
TooManyElements() - Constructor for exception no.digipost.util.ViewableAsOptional.TooManyElements
TooManyElements(Object, Object) - Constructor for exception no.digipost.util.ViewableAsOptional.TooManyElements
TooManyElements(Object, Object, Throwable) - Constructor for exception no.digipost.util.ViewableAsOptional.TooManyElements
TooManyElements(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception no.digipost.util.ViewableAsOptional.TooManyElements
TooManyElements(List<? extends Object>) - Constructor for exception no.digipost.util.ViewableAsOptional.TooManyElements
TooManyElements(List<? extends Object>, Throwable) - Constructor for exception no.digipost.util.ViewableAsOptional.TooManyElements
TooManyElements(List<T>, Function<? super T, ? extends CharSequence>) - Constructor for exception no.digipost.util.ViewableAsOptional.TooManyElements
TooManyElements(List<T>, Function<? super T, ? extends CharSequence>, Throwable) - Constructor for exception no.digipost.util.ViewableAsOptional.TooManyElements
toOptional() - Method in interface no.digipost.util.AtMostOne
Get the at most single contained element, or throw a ViewableAsOptional.TooManyElements exception if there are excessive elements available.
toOptional() - Method in interface no.digipost.util.ViewableAsOptional.Single
Convert this object to an Optional by wrapping the value returned from Supplier.get().
toOptional() - Method in interface no.digipost.util.ViewableAsOptional
Get an Optional representation of this object.
toSingleExceptionWithSuppressed() - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggCollectors
Collapse exceptions by taking the first (if any) and add every exception after the first as suppressed to the first one.
toStream(Supplier<Optional<T>>...) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggOptionals
Convert suppliers of Optional to a Stream consisting of only the present optionals.
toStream(Optional<? extends T>...) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggOptionals
Convert Optionals to a Stream consisting of only the present optionals.
toString() - Method in class no.digipost.io.DataSize
toString() - Method in enum no.digipost.io.DataSizeUnit
toString() - Method in class no.digipost.time.ControllableClock
toString() - Method in class no.digipost.time.TimeSpan
toString() - Method in class no.digipost.util.Attribute
toString() - Method in class no.digipost.util.AttributesMap
toString() - Method in class no.digipost.util.JustA
toString() - Method in class no.digipost.util.JustALong
toStringOf(Function<? super E, String>, String, E...) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggEnums
Join several enum constants to a string where each constant is converted to a string, and separated by the given delimiter.
toStringOf(Function<? super E, String>, String, Collection<E>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggEnums
Join several enum constants to a string where each constant is converted to a string, and separated by the given delimiter.
toStringOf(Function<? super E, String>, Collector<? super String, ?, String>, E...) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggEnums
Join several enum constants to a string where each constant is converted to a string, and joined to one string using a given Collector.
toStringOf(Function<? super E, String>, Collector<? super String, ?, String>, Collection<E>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggEnums
Join several enum constants to a string where each constant is converted to a string, and joined to one string using a given Collector.
TriFunction<T,​U,​V,​R> - Interface in no.digipost.function
Represents a function that accepts three arguments and produces a result.
Triple<T1,​T2,​T3> - Interface in no.digipost.tuple
A triple is a simple composition of three arbitrary values (objects).
TRY_REPEAT - no.digipost.concurrent.TargetState.TaskControl
The task will be tried repeated, unless TargetState.yet() returns true.
Tuple<T1,​T2> - Interface in no.digipost.tuple
A tuple is a simple composition of two arbitrary values (objects).
Tuples - Class in no.digipost.tuple
Utilies for working with tuples.


unMap(Map<K, V>, BiFunction<K, V, R>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggMaps
unMap(Map<K, V>, Function<Map.Entry<K, V>, R>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggMaps
unMapToKeys(Map<K, V>, BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggMaps
unMapToValues(Map<K, V>, BiConsumer<? super V, ? super K>) - Static method in class no.digipost.DiggMaps
until(Instant) - Method in class no.digipost.time.TimeSpan.Started
untilThen(Runnable, Consumer<? super Exception>) - Method in interface no.digipost.concurrent.TargetState
Run a task in a loop until the target state is reached (TargetState.yet() returns true).
untilThen(Supplier<TargetState.TaskControl>, Consumer<? super Exception>) - Method in interface no.digipost.concurrent.TargetState
Run a task in a loop until the target state is reached (TargetState.yet() returns true), though the loop can be controlled to exit prematurely using TargetState.TaskControl.EXIT.
using(Clock) - Static method in class no.digipost.time.ConditionalTimer


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum no.digipost.concurrent.TargetState.TaskControl
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum no.digipost.io.DataSizeUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum no.digipost.util.AttributesMap.Config
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum no.digipost.concurrent.TargetState.TaskControl
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum no.digipost.io.DataSizeUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum no.digipost.util.AttributesMap.Config
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
ViewableAsDecuple<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​T9,​T10> - Interface in no.digipost.tuple
A type which may be viewed as a composite of ten values, i.e.
ViewableAsHextuple<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6> - Interface in no.digipost.tuple
A type which may be viewed as a composite of six values, i.e.
ViewableAsNonuple<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​T9> - Interface in no.digipost.tuple
A type which may be viewed as a composite of nine values, i.e.
ViewableAsOctuple<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8> - Interface in no.digipost.tuple
A type which may be viewed as a composite of eight values, i.e.
ViewableAsOptional<V> - Interface in no.digipost.util
ViewableAsOptional.Single<V> - Interface in no.digipost.util
A Supplier which is also ViewableAsOptional.
ViewableAsOptional.TooManyElements - Exception in no.digipost.util
An object which was attempted to be viewed as a Optional representation of itself contained more than one element, and is thus not applicable for such conversion.
ViewableAsPentuple<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5> - Interface in no.digipost.tuple
A type which may be viewed as a composite of five values, i.e.
ViewableAsQuadruple<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4> - Interface in no.digipost.tuple
A type which may be viewed as a composite of four values, i.e.
ViewableAsSeptuple<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7> - Interface in no.digipost.tuple
A type which may be viewed as a composite of seven values, i.e.
ViewableAsTriple<T1,​T2,​T3> - Interface in no.digipost.tuple
A type which may be viewed as a composite of three values, i.e.
ViewableAsTuple<T1,​T2> - Interface in no.digipost.tuple
A type which may be viewed as a composite of two values, i.e.


wait(Duration) - Static method in class no.digipost.concurrent.Waiter
wait(Duration, String) - Static method in class no.digipost.concurrent.Waiter
Waiter - Class in no.digipost.concurrent
Instances of this class has no other purpose than to hold execution.
Waiter.WasInterrupted - Exception in no.digipost.concurrent
WasInterrupted(String, InterruptedException) - Constructor for exception no.digipost.concurrent.Waiter.WasInterrupted
with(ViewableAsTuple<? extends SetsNamedValue<V>, V>, AttributesMap.Config...) - Static method in class no.digipost.util.AttributesMap
with(SetsNamedValue<V>, V, AttributesMap.Config...) - Static method in class no.digipost.util.AttributesMap
withName(String) - Method in class no.digipost.util.Attribute
Create a new attribute of the same type with another name.
withValue(V) - Method in class no.digipost.util.Attribute
Bundle an attribute with an associated value in a Tuple.
withZone(ZoneId) - Method in class no.digipost.time.ControllableClock


yet() - Method in class no.digipost.concurrent.OneTimeToggle
yet() - Method in interface no.digipost.concurrent.TargetState
Tell if the target state has been reached yet.


ZERO - Static variable in class no.digipost.io.DataSize
Zip - Class in no.digipost.io
Zip.Entries - Class in no.digipost.io
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