Interface NonEmptyList<E>

  • Type Parameters:
    E - the type of elements in this list
    All Superinterfaces:
    Collection<E>, Iterable<E>, List<E>

    public interface NonEmptyList<E>
    extends List<E>
    A non-empty list. Implementations of this interface must take care to ensure that instances will never in any circumstance be allowed to be empty.
    • Method Detail

      • firstOf

        static <E> Optional<E> firstOf​(List<E> list)
        Utility for safe retrieval of the first element from an arbitrary list.
        Type Parameters:
        E - the type of the elements in the list
        list - the list to get the first element from
        an Optional with the first element of the list, or empty if the list was empty.
      • of

        static <E> NonEmptyList<E> of​(E singleElement)
        Construct a non-empty list with one single element.
        Type Parameters:
        E - the type of the element
        singleElement - the element to include in the list
        the non-empty list
      • of

        static <E> NonEmptyList<E> of​(E firstElement,
                                      E... remainingElements)
        Construct a non-empty list containing a specific object as its first element, and any provided remaining elements.
        Type Parameters:
        E - the type of the elements
        firstElement - the first element to include
        remainingElements - the remaining elements to include
        the non-empty list
      • of

        static <E> NonEmptyList<E> of​(E firstElement,
                                      List<E> remainingElements)
        Construct a non-empty list containing a specific object as its first element, and any elements contained in another list as its remaining elements.
        Type Parameters:
        E - the type of the elements
        firstElement - the first element to include
        remainingElements - the remaining elements to include
        the non-empty list
      • of

        static <E> Optional<NonEmptyList<E>> of​(List<E> list)
        Try to construct a non-empty list from a given list, which may be empty.
        Type Parameters:
        E - the type of elements in the list.
        list - the list, which may be empty
        the resulting non-empty list, or Optional.empty() if the given list is empty
      • ofUnsafe

        static <E> NonEmptyList<E> ofUnsafe​(List<E> list)
        Unsafe construction of non-empty list from a possibly empty list.

        This method should only be used when the given list is guarantied to be empty, and thus offers a fail-fast way to introduce the non-empty quality on a type level. Use copyOf(List) if you need more flexibility in handling of a possible empty list.

        Type Parameters:
        E - the type of elements in the list.
        list - the list
        the resulting non-empty list
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given list is empty
        See Also:
      • copyOf

        static <E> Optional<NonEmptyList<E>> copyOf​(List<E> list)
        Try to construct a non-empty list from copying the elements of a given list, which may be empty.
        Type Parameters:
        E - the type of elements in the list.
        list - the list, which may be empty
        the resulting non-empty list, or Optional.empty() if the given list is empty
      • copyOfUnsafe

        static <E> NonEmptyList<E> copyOfUnsafe​(List<E> nonEmptyList)
        Unsafe construction of non-empty list from copying the elements of a possibly empty list.

        This method should only be used when the given list is guarantied to be empty, and thus offers a fail-fast way to introduce the non-empty quality on a type level. Use copyOf(List) if you need more flexibility in handling of a possible empty list.

        Type Parameters:
        E - the type of elements in the list.
        nonEmptyList - the list
        the resulting non-empty list
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given list is empty
        See Also:
      • first

        default E first()
        Get the first element of this non-empty list. This method should never fail with an exception.
        the first element.
      • isEmpty

        default boolean isEmpty()
        A non-empty list is never empty, so this always returns true.
        Specified by:
        isEmpty in interface Collection<E>
        Specified by:
        isEmpty in interface List<E>
        always true
      • isSingular

        default boolean isSingular()
        Checks if the non-empty list contains only the required singular element, i.e. if the size of the list is exactly 1.
        true if the list contains only one element, false otherwise.
      • hasMultipleElements

        default boolean hasMultipleElements()
        Checks if this non-empty list has multiple elements, i.e. 2 or more elements. This is functionally equivalent of checking if NonEmptyList.size() > 1, but this method should be preferred as implementations may provide more efficient way than checking the actual amount.
        true if the list contains more than one element, or false if only a single element is contained.
        Implementation Note:
        Implementations of NonEmptyList should override this default method if they can provide a more efficient way to determine if there are more than one element.