
package map

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AtomicRefDataManips[K, V] extends ThreadSafeDataManips[AtomicReference, K, V]
  2. class LowLevelSafeMap[M[_], K, V] extends SafeMap[K, V]
  3. sealed trait MapSizeStrategy extends AnyRef
  4. case class MaxMapSizeStrategy(maxSize: Int, numberToRemove: Int) extends MapSizeStrategy with Product with Serializable
  5. trait ReportMapSizeReduction extends AnyRef
  6. trait SafeMap[K, V] extends AnyRef

    This is used for things like thread safe caches.

    This is used for things like thread safe caches. This is thread safe. You can get a value or change a value.

    The initial value if the item isn't in, is not specified here: it's specified in the implementing class

  7. trait ThreadSafeDataManips[M[_], K, V] extends AnyRef
