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aborted - Variable in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Indicate when the suite is aborted due to excessive run time.
AbstractApplicableInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Simple abstract base class that implements isApplicable with true.
AbstractApplicableInterceptor() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractApplicableInterceptor
AbstractComponentFeature - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl
Abstract feature that implements basic feature methods.
AbstractComponentFeature(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.AbstractComponentFeature
Factory method constructor for instance level.
AbstractConnection - Class in jadex.bridge.component.streams
Abstract base class for connections.
AbstractConnection(IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, int, boolean, boolean, IAbstractConnectionHandler) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
Create a new input connection.
AbstractConnectionHandler - Class in jadex.bridge.component.streams
Abstract base class for connection handlers.
AbstractConnectionHandler(IInternalAccess, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Create a new connection handler.
AbstractConnectionHandler(IInternalAccess, Map<String, Object>, int, long, long) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Create a new connection handler.
AbstractConnectionHandler.SendInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.component.streams
Struct class that holds send information.
AbstractConstraintFilter<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints
AbstractConstraintFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
Creates a constant value filter.
AbstractConstraintFilter(IExternalAccess, String, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
Creates a constant value filter.
AbstractErrorReportBuilder - Class in jadex.bridge
Helper class for building error reports.
AbstractErrorReportBuilder(String, String, String[], MultiCollection<Tuple, String>, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Build the error based on the given entries (if any).
AbstractInternalRemoteCommand - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands
Base class for Jadex built-in remote commands.
AbstractInternalRemoteCommand() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.AbstractInternalRemoteCommand
Create a remote command.
AbstractInternalRemoteCommand(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.AbstractInternalRemoteCommand
Create a remote command.
AbstractLRUApplicableInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Abstract interceptor class that uses a LRU for caching applicable states of invocations for subsequent calls.
AbstractLRUApplicableInterceptor(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractLRUApplicableInterceptor
Create a new AbstractLRUApplicableInterceptor.
AbstractMultiInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Abstract interceptor that supports sub interceptors for special cases.
AbstractMultiInterceptor() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractMultiInterceptor
AbstractNFProperty<T,​U> - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
A non-functional property.
AbstractNFProperty(NFPropertyMetaInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.AbstractNFProperty
Creates the property.
AbstractResultCommand - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands
Base class for Jadex built-in remote commands.
AbstractResultCommand() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.AbstractResultCommand
Create a remote command.
AbstractResultCommand(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.AbstractResultCommand
Create a remote command.
ACCEPT_PROPOSAL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
ACCEPT_PROPOSAL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
acceptFile(String, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatGuiService
Accept a waiting file transfer.
access - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
The external access.
access - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentFutureFunctionality
The adapter.
access - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
The component access.
ACKCLOSE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Acknowledge the close message.
ACKCLOSE_INPUT_INITIATOR - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Ack for close - from initiator .
ACKCLOSE_OUTPUT_PARTICIPANT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Ack data/close - from participant .
ACKCLOSEREQ - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Acknowledge the close request.
ACKCLOSEREQ_INPUT_PARTICIPANT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Ack for close request - from initiator .
ACKCLOSEREQ_OUTPUT_INITIATOR - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Ack for close request - from initiator .
ackcnt - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
The number of received elements after which an ack is sent.
ackcnt - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
The number of received elements after which an ack is sent.
ACKDATA - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Acknowledge data message.
ACKDATA_INPUT_INITIATOR - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Ack data - from participant .
ACKDATA_OUTPUT_PARTICIPANT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Ack data/close - from participant .
ackDataReceived(AckInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Called from message service.
AckInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.component.streams
AckInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AckInfo
Create a new ack info.
AckInfo(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AckInfo
Create a new ack info.
ACKINIT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Acknowledge init.
ACKINIT_INPUT_PARTICIPANT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Ack the init - from participant.
ACKINIT_OUTPUT_PARTICIPANT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Ack the init - from initiator.
ackReceived(Object, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Called when an ack was received.
acktimeout - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
The max delay before an acknowledgement is received.
acktimer - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
The acknowledgement timer.
action - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.Done
The completed action.
activate() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.IAutoConfigRegistryService
Activate the config service.
add(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor.SetWrapper
addAdvanceBlocker(IFuture<?>) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedSimulationService
addAdvanceBlocker(IFuture<?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Adds a blocker to the clock that prevents the clock from advancing until the future is triggered either by result or exception.
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor.SetWrapper
addArgument(IArgument) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add an argument.
addArgument(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Add an argument.
addArgument(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Add an argument.
addArgument(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Add one arguments.
addAwarenessInfo(AwarenessInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.IAwarenessManagementService
Announce an awareness info.
addBinding(RequiredServiceBinding) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Add a binding.
addBlocker(IFuture<?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.SSimulation
Add the future as simulation blocker, if currently in simulation mode.
addChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedClockService
addChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedSimulationService
addChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Add a change listener.
addChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Add a change listener.
addChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Add a change listener.
addChangeListener(IRemoteChangeListener<IComponentIdentifier>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.IDaemonService
Add a change listener.
addChild(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Add a child component.
addClockListener(String, ISimulationService, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock
Add a clock listener.
addCmsListener(SubscriptionIntermediateFuture<CMSStatusEvent>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
addComponent(Class<?>) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Add a component via class.
addComponent(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalSubcomponentsFeature
Starts a new POJO-component.
addComponent(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Starts a new POJO-component.
addComponent(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Add a component via file.
addComponentDescription(IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Add a componentdescription to this CMSSearchComponents.
addComponentInstance(ComponentInstanceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Add a component.
addComponentToLevels(DependencyResolver<String>, T, IModelInfo, MultiCollection<String, T>, String...) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Add a components to the dependency resolver to build start levels.
addConfiguration(ConfigurationInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a configuration.
addConsoleListener(IExternalAccess, String, IRemoteChangeListener) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
addData(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnection
Add data to the internal data buffer.
addData(int, byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
Called from message service.
addDependency(T, T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Add a dependency that a depends on b.
added - Variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The added elements (if any).
ADDED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.IDaemonService
Event for an added platform.
addEndStep(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Add a end step.
addEntry(Tuple2<String, RemoteJarFile>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.BunchFileData
Add an entry.
addEvaluator(IServiceEvaluator) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ComposedEvaluator
Adds a new evaluator with a weight of 1.0.
addEvaluator(IServiceEvaluator, double) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ComposedEvaluator
Adds a new evaluator.
addEvent(IEvent) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules.IRuleEngineService
Add an external event to the rule engine.
addExcludedComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IServiceRegistry
Add an excluded component.
addExcludedComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Add an excluded component.
addExcludedMethod(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Add an excluded method.
addFilter(IAsyncFilter<IService>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
Adds a filter.
addFilter(IAsyncFilter<T>) - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Add a filter.
addFinishListener(IChangeListener<Void>) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedThreadPoolService
addFirstServiceInterceptor(IServiceInvocationInterceptor) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Add an interceptor.
addHandler(Handler) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Add a log Handler to receive logging messages.
addIdleHook(IIdleHook) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.IPersistenceService
Set the idle hook to be called when a component becomes idle.
addImport(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add an import statement.
addInitialStep(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Add a initial step.
addInputConnection(int, InputConnectionHandler) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Add an input connection.
addInterceptor(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
Add an interceptor.
addInterceptor(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Add an interceptor.
addInterceptor(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Add an interceptor.
addInterceptor(IServiceInvocationInterceptor, Object, int) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Add a service interceptor.
addInterceptor(IServiceInvocationInterceptor, Object, int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Add a service interceptor.
addInternetComm(IPlatformConfiguration) - Static method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
Add global (internet) communication settings to configuration.
addIntranetComm(IPlatformConfiguration) - Static method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
Add local (intranet) communication settings to configuration.
addIntransitiveQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.ISuperpeerCollaborationService
Add a service query to the superpeer registry only.
addJob(CronJob<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.ICronService
Add a schedule job.
addKernelListener(IMultiKernelListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IMultiKernelNotifierService
Adds a kernel listener.
addLibraryServiceListener(ILibraryServiceListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Add an Library Service listener.
addLocalAddresses(Collection<TransportAddress>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.address.ITransportAddressService
Adds the addresses of the local platform.
addLocalService(IService) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IServiceRegistry
Add a local service to the registry.
addLocalService(IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Add a local service to the registry.
addLocker(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LockEntry
Add a locker id.
addManualAddresses(Collection<TransportAddress>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.address.ITransportAddressService
Adds the addresses of the local platform.
addMessageHandler(IMessageHandler) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageFeature
Add a message handler.
addMessageHandler(IMessageHandler) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Add a message handler.
addMethodInvocationListener(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, IMethodInvocationListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Add a method invocation handler.
addMethodInvocationListener(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, IMethodInvocationListener) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Add a method invocation handler.
addMethodListener(MethodInfo, IMethodInvocationListener) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.MethodListenerHandler
Add a method listener.
addMethodNFProperty(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addMethodNFProperty(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Add a non-functional property.
addMethodNFProperty(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Add a non-functional property.
addMethodNFProperty(MethodInfo, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFMethodPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addMethodNFProperty(MethodInfo, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addMethodReplacement(MethodInfo, IMethodReplacement) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Add a replacement.
addMethodTimeout(MethodInfo, long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Add a timeout for a method.
addMultipacket(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Called internally.
addMultiPacketChunk(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Called internally.
addNameAuthority(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Adds an authority for authenticating platform names.
addNFMethodProperties(NFProperties, IService, MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Add nf properties from a type.
addNFProperties(NFProperties, IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Add nf properties from a type.
addNFProperty(IExternalAccess, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addNFProperty(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addNFProperty(NFPropertyInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a non functional property.
addNFProperty(INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Add a non-functional property.
addNFProperty(INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Add a non-functional property.
addNFProperty(INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addNFProperty(INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addNFProperty(IServiceIdentifier, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Add a non-functional property.
addNFProperty(IServiceIdentifier, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Add a non-functional property.
addNode(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Add a node (without dependency).
addOutputConnection(int, OutputConnectionHandler) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Add an output connection.
addParentLocking(CreationInfo, IInternalAccess, Future<IComponentIdentifier>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Add the locking of the parent while subcomponent is created.
addPojoServiceProxy(Object, IService) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Add a service proxy.
addPredecessors(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Adds required predecessors (dependencies).
addProperty(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a property.
addProperty(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Add a property.
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MsgHeader
Adds a header property to the header.
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMsgHeader
Adds a header property to the header.
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a property.
addProperty(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Add a property.
addProvidedInterceptors(BasicServiceInvocationHandler, Object, IServiceInvocationInterceptor[], IInternalAccess, String, boolean, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Add the standard and custom interceptors.
addProvidedService(ProvidedServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Add a provided service.
addProvidedService(ProvidedServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a provided service.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IExternalRequiredServicesFeature
Add a service query.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Add a service query.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Add a service query.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IServiceRegistry
Add a service query to the registry.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Add a service query to the registry.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.ISearchQueryManagerService
Add a service query.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.ISuperpeerService
Add a service query to the registry.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>, long) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Add a query for a declared required service.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>, long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Add a query for a declared required service.
addQuery(ServiceQuery<T>, long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Add a service query.
addQuery(Class<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Add a query for a declared required service.
addQuery(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Add a query for a declared required service.
addQuery(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Add a query for a declared required service.
addQuery(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Add a query for a declared required service.
addQuery(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Add a query for a declared required service.
addQuery(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Add a query for a declared required service.
addReceiver(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Denotes the identity of the intended recipients of the message.
addRemoteURL(IResourceIdentifier, String, boolean, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Add a remote url via the library service.
addReport(TestReport) - Method in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Add a report.
addRequiredMethodNFProperty(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addRequiredMethodNFProperty(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Add a non-functional property.
addRequiredMethodNFProperty(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Add a non-functional property.
addRequiredNFProperty(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Add a non-functional property.
addRequiredNFProperty(IServiceIdentifier, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Add a non-functional property.
addRequiredNFProperty(IServiceIdentifier, INFProperty<?, ?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Add a non-functional property.
addRequiredService(RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Add a required service.
addRequiredService(RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a required service.
addRequiredServiceInfos(RequiredServiceInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Add required services for a given prefix.
addRequiredServiceProxy(IService, RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
addResourceIdentifier(IResourceIdentifier, IResourceIdentifier, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Add a new resource identifier.
address - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddress
The address.
addresses - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Addresses of the sender, transport, addresses.
addresses - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
The transport addresses of the remote component.
addResult(IArgument) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a result.
addResult(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Add a result.
addResult(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
Add a result.
addRole(String, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Adds a role for an entity (platform or network name).
addRule(IRule<?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules.IRulebaseService
Add a new rule.
addService(IInternalService, ProvidedServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Add a service.
addService(IService) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.IMultiplexDistributor
Add a new service.
addService(IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
Add a new service.
addService(IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
Add a new service.
addService(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IServiceRegistry
Add a service to the registry.
addService(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Add a service to the registry.
addService(String, Class<?>, IServiceInvocationInterceptor[], Object, ProvidedServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Add a service to the component.
addService(String, Class<?>, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IExternalProvidedServicesFeature
Add a service to the container.
addService(String, Class<?>, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Add a service to the platform.
addService(String, Class<?>, Object, ProvidedServiceInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IExternalProvidedServicesFeature
Add a service to the platform.
addService(String, Class<?>, Object, ProvidedServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Add a service to the platform.
addService(String, Class<?>, Object, PublishInfo, ServiceScope) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IExternalProvidedServicesFeature
Add a service to the platform.
addService(String, Class<?>, Object, PublishInfo, ServiceScope) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Add a service to the platform.
addService(String, Class<?>, Object, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IExternalProvidedServicesFeature
Add a service to the platform.
addService(String, Class<?>, Object, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Add a service to the platform.
addServiceInterceptor(IServiceInvocationInterceptor) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Add an interceptor.
addServiceInterceptor(IServiceInvocationInterceptor, int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Add an interceptor.
addServiceType(Class<?>, IPoolStrategy, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.servicepool.IServicePoolService
Add a new service type and a strategy.
addServiceType(Class<?>, IPoolStrategy, String, CreationInfo, PublishInfo, ServiceScope) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.servicepool.IServicePoolService
Add a new service type and a strategy.
addServiceType(Class<?>, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.servicepool.IServicePoolService
Add a new service type.
addServiceType(Class<?>, String, CreationInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.servicepool.IServicePoolService
Add a new service type and a strategy.
addSimulationListener(String, ISimulationService, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock
Add a sim listener.
addStep(ExecutionComponentFeature.StepInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Add a new step.
addSubcomponent(IInternalExecutionFeature) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Add a synchronous subcomponent that will run on its parent's thread.
addSubcomponent(IInternalExecutionFeature) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalExecutionFeature
Add a synchronous subcomponent that will run on its parent's thread.
addSubcomponent(IInternalAccess, IComponentDescription, IModelInfo, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Add a new component to its parent.
addSubcomponentType(SubcomponentTypeInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Add a subcomponent type.
addSubscription(SubscriptionIntermediateFuture<IMonitoringEvent>, IFilter<IMonitoringEvent>, IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MonitoringComponentFeature
Add a new subscription.
addSuccessors(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Adds required predecessors (dependencies).
addSynchronousMethod(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Add an synchronous method.
addTags(Tags, IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Add nf properties from a type.
addTargetInterface(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Add a target interface.
addTest(Test) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.GenericTestSuite
addTickTimer(ITimer) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Add a tick timer.
addTimer(ITimer) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Add a timer.
addTimerListener(String, ISimulationService, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock
Add a timer listener.
addTopLevelURL(URL) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Add a top level url.
addTrustedPlatform(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Adds a name of an authenticated platform to allow access.
addUncachedMethod(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Add an uncached method.
addURL(IExternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Add a URL to the lib service.
addURL(IResourceIdentifier, URL) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Add a new url as resource identifier.
addValue(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.Indexer
Add a value to the indexer.
ADMIN - Static variable in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Security
The admin role that is required by all jadex system services, e.g.
advanceEvent() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedClockService
advanceEvent() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Advance one event.
afterBlock() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Called after unblocking the component thread.
agent - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
The component adapter.
agent - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler
The agent.
AGREE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
AGREE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
ALIVE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
The alive message.
ALIVE_INITIATOR - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Alive message - from initiator.
ALIVE_PARTICIPANT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Alive message - from participant.
alivetime - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
The latest alive time.
all - Variable in class jadex.base.DefaultFileFilter
Boolean if all is selected.
all - Variable in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
The all selected flag.
allcomponentslisteners - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
Listeners listening to all components.
allimports - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
All imports (cached for speed).
ALWAYS - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.IAsyncFilter
A filter that always returns true.
AlwaysFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.IAsyncFilter.AlwaysFilter
ALWAYSOK - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ValidationInterceptor
The static map of subinterceptors (method -> interceptor).
AND - Static variable in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
The AND operator.
ANY_CONFIG - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelValueProvider
Constant for no configuration selected.
applicables - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractLRUApplicableInterceptor
The LRU.
APPLICATION - jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
Available in local application, i.e.
APPLICATION_GLOBAL - jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
Global application scope.
APPLICATION_NETWORK - jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
Application network scope (any platform with which a secret is shared and application tag must be shared).
apply(Supplier<T>) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedServiceFactory
Create a new wrapper for the first supplied instance.
applyFilter(Collection<T>, IAsyncFilter<T>) - Static method in class jadex.commons.SFilter
AppMetaInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore
AppMetaInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Create a new app meta info.
AppMetaInfo(String, String, String, String, byte[], IResourceIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Create a new app meta info.
aread() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnection
Asynchronous read.
aread() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInputConnection
Asynchronous read.
aread() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Asynchronous read.
aread() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
areadNext() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnection
Asynchronous read.
argno() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.PreCondition
args - Variable in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTest
Additional config args.
args - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.PrePostConditionFetcher
The arguments.
args - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
The arguments.
args - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The arguments (map with name/value pairs).
Argument - Class in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
Simple default implementation for an argument.
Argument() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Argument
Create a new argument.
Argument(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Argument
Create a new argument.
ARGUMENT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
The argument constant.
arguments - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
The arguments.
arguments - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
The arguments.
arguments - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Attribute for slot arguments.
arguments - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
The list of contained arguments.
arguments - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
The list of argument default values.
arguments - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The arguments.
arguments - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The invocation arguments.
argumentsexp - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
The arguments expression (Hack for BPMN Editor that saves args as one string.
ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl
This feature provides arguments.
ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
Create the feature.
ASYNCEXECUTION - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Use asynchronous execution mode?
attachments - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
The attachments.
AuthenticationInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Interceptor that can be used to realize authenticated end-to-end communication.
AuthenticationInterceptor(IInternalAccess, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AuthenticationInterceptor
Create a new AuthenticationInterceptor.
available() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnection
Get the number of available bytes.
available() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInputConnection
Get the number of available bytes.
available() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Get the number of available bytes.
available() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
Get the number of available bytes.
AverageEvaluator - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.service
AverageEvaluator(IServiceEvaluator) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.AverageEvaluator
Create a new AverageEvaluator.
AverageEvaluator(IServiceEvaluator, int) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.AverageEvaluator
Create a new AverageEvaluator.
avoidCallTimeouts(Future<?>, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Automatically update the timer of a long running service call future.
avoidCallTimeouts(Future<?>, IExternalAccess, long, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Automatically update the timer of a long running service call future.
avoidCallTimeouts(Future<?>, IExternalAccess, long, double, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Automatically update the timer of a long running service call future.
avoidCallTimeouts(Future<?>, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Automatically update the timer of a long running service call future.
avoidCallTimeouts(Future<?>, IInternalAccess, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Automatically update the timer of a long running service call future.
avoidCallTimeouts(Future<?>, IInternalAccess, long, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Automatically update the timer of a long running service call future.
avoidCallTimeouts(Future<?>, IInternalAccess, long, double, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Automatically update the timer of a long running service call future.
AWADELAY - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The awareness delay in milliseconds
AWAEXCLUDES - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Exclude entries for awareness agent.
AWAINCLUDES - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Include entries for awareness agent.
awaitingmessages - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Messages awaiting reply.
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.threadpool.JadexExecutorServiceAdapter
AWAMECHANISM_BROADCAST - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Uses IPv4 broadcast to announce awareness infos in local networks.
AWAMECHANISM_LOCAL - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The local discovery uses a file-based mechanism to detect platforms running on the same host.
AWAMECHANISM_MULTICAST - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Uses IPv4 Multicast to find other platforms.
AWAMECHANISM_REGISTRY - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The Registry mechanism implements a master-slave mechanism, where one platform is the registry.
AWAMECHANISM_SCANNER - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The IP-Scanner discovery mechanism sends out awareness infos to all IP addresses within the local network (using port 55668)
AWAMECHANISMS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Specify the awareness agent discovery mechanisms (comma separated).
AWARENESS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Start the awareness agent (awa) for automatic platform discovery.
AwarenessInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness
Simple info object that is sent between awareness agents.
AwarenessInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Create a new awareness info.
AwarenessInfo(IComponentIdentifier, List<TransportAddress>, String, long, String[], String[], String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Create a new awareness info.


B - jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.MemoryUnit
BASECLASSLOADER - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The base classloader.
BasicEvaluator<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search
Basic evaluator implementation for service and methods.
BasicEvaluator(IExternalAccess, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.BasicEvaluator
Create a new evaluator.
BasicEvaluator(IExternalAccess, String, MethodInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.BasicEvaluator
Create a new evaluator.
BasicEvaluator(IExternalAccess, String, MethodInfo, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.BasicEvaluator
Create a new evaluator.
BasicEvaluator(IExternalAccess, String, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.BasicEvaluator
Create a new evaluator.
BasicService - Class in jadex.bridge.service
Basic service provide a simple default isValid() implementation that returns true after start service and false afterwards.
BasicService(IComponentIdentifier, Class<?>, Class<?>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Create a new service.
BasicService(IComponentIdentifier, Class<?>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Create a new service.
BasicServiceInvocationHandler - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Basic service invocation interceptor.
BasicServiceInvocationHandler(IInternalAccess, ServiceInfo, Logger) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Create a new invocation handler.
BasicServiceInvocationHandler(IInternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, Logger, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Create a new invocation handler.
BasicServiceInvocationHandler(IInternalAccess, IService, Logger, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Create a new invocation handler.
bccs - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
The bccs.
beforeBlock() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Called before blocking the component thread.
BINARYMESSAGES - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Use a compact binary message format instead of XML by default.
bind(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.ConstantValueFilter
Binds the constant value.
binding - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
The binding for forwarding service calls.
binding - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
The default binding.
bindings - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
The required service bindings.
bindings - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
The list of required service binding infos.
bindings - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The bindings.
block() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.SSimulation
Create future as simulation blocker, if currently in simulation mode.
block(Object, long, boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Block the current thread and allow execution on other threads.
block(Object, long, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalExecutionFeature
Block the current thread and allow execution on other threads.
blocked - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
The blocked threads by monitor.
body - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageEvent
The message body.
body - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent
The event body (arguments, result, ...).
body() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeature
Execute the main activity of the feature.
body() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.AbstractComponentFeature
Execute the main activity of the feature.
body() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentLifecycleFeature
Execute the functional body of the component.
body() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Perform the main execution of the component (if any).
body() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IPlatformComponentAccess
Perform the main execution of the component (if any).
BOOLEAN_ARGS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
This is used for consistency checks and includes all argument names which refer to boolean arguments.
bpstepid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
The id of the step at which the execution was stopped because of a breakpoint.
Breakpoint - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.component
The breakpoint annotation.
breakpoints - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The breakpoints.
breakpoints - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The breakpoints.
bucketsize - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.SlidingCuckooFilter
The bucket size / entries per bucker.
buffer - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
The buffer.
buildErrorReport() - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Build the error based on the given entries (if any).
BulkMonitoringEvent - Class in jadex.bridge
BulkMonitoringEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
BulkMonitoringEvent(IMonitoringEvent[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
BunchFileData - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer
Collection of filedata for bulk transfer.
BunchFileData() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.BunchFileData
Create a new file data.
BunchFileData(Collection<Tuple2<String, RemoteJarFile>>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.BunchFileData
Create a new file data.
busyservices - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
The list of busy services.


cache - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyReference
The value cache.
calculateEvaluation(Integer) - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitqueueEvaluator
Calculate the value with 1 best and 0 worst.
calculateEvaluation(Long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeEvaluator
Calculate the value with 1 best and 0 worst.
calculateEvaluation(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.BasicEvaluator
CALL - jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent.Type
CallAccess - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Helper class to deal with service calls
CallAccess() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.CallAccess
Dummy constructor as this class only contains static methods.
callbackfield - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
The callback field in the agent.
callbackmethod - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
The callback method in the agent.
caller - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent
The caller.
caller - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The caller component.
caller - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
The calling component.
callfut - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
Ongoing call future.
callresults - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
The list of results (if ret is not intermediate future).
calls - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
The list of calls.
calls - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Service calls per method, calculated separately per platform.
cancel() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.TimerWrapper
cancel() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.ITimer
Cancel the timer.
cancel() - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
Cancel the timeout.
cancel(IExecutable) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedExecutionService
cancel(IExecutable) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.execution.IExecutionService
Cancel a task.
CANCEL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
CANCEL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
cancelTransfer(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatGuiService
Cancel an ongoing file transfer.
catalog - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
catalogLocale - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
catalogName - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
categories - Variable in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
The element categories.
Cause - Class in jadex.bridge
A cause is used to link events.
Cause() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create a new cause.
Cause(Cause) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create a new cause as clone of the other.
Cause(Cause, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create a new cause rolling old one.
Cause(String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create a new cause.
Cause(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create a new cause.
Cause(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create a new cause.
ccs - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
The ccs.
cfilter - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Filter for scanning for kernel agent class infos.
CFP - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
CFP - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
ch - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
The abstract connection handler.
changeallowed - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
Changing clock type allowed?
changed - Variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The changed elements (if any).
changeOccurred(ChangeEvent) - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteClockChangeListener
Called when the process executes.
changeOccurred(ChangeEvent) - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteSimServiceChangeListener
Called when the process executes.
changeOccurred(ChangeEvent) - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteTimerChangeListener
Called when the process executes.
changeOccurred(ChangeEvent) - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui.ConsoleListener
Called when a change occurs.
changeOccurred(ChangeEvent<T>) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IRemoteChangeListener
Called when a change occurs.
CHAT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Start the chat agent for instant messaging and file transfer with user Jadex users.
ChatEvent - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.chat
Information about some event that happened in the chat component.
ChatEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
Create a new chat event.
ChatEvent(String, String, IComponentIdentifier, Object, boolean, byte[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
Create a new chat event.
check() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature.LateCounterListener
checkAndFilter(Object, IAsyncFilter[], int) - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Check and filter.
checkClose() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
checkComponentType(String, IComponentFactory[], int, IExternalAccess, IResourceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
CheckedAction - Class in jadex.bridge
Can be used as external action, which will only be executed when isValid() is true.
CheckedAction() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.CheckedAction
Create a new action.
checker - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
The alive checker.
checkExistence(String[], IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Check remote files for existence.
CheckIndex - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Precondition for checking if the argument is a valid index.
checkLifecycleVisibility(ServiceQuery<?>, IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Test if a service is visible, i.e.
checkName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Check if the specified name matches the file name.
CheckNotNull - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Pre- or postcondition check that a parameter is not null.
checkOrFilter(Object, IAsyncFilter[], int) - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Check or filter.
checkPackage() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Check if the specified package matches the file name.
checkPerformCall(IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
Check perform call.
checkPerformCall(IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
Check perform call.
checkPlatformPassword(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Check the platform password.
checkPostConditions(ServiceInvocationContext, Object, boolean, List<Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor
Check the postconditions.
checkPreConditions(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor
Check the precondition.
checkPublicationScope(ServiceQuery<?>, IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Check if service is ok with respect to publication scope.
checkQueries(IServiceIdentifier, int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Check the persistent queries for a new service.
checkReadOnly() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
Check the readonly state.
checkResend() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Check resending of unacknowledged messages.
checkResend() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler.DataSendInfo
Check, if the message should be resent.
checkReservedTag(String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
Check if it is a reserved tag.
checkReservedTags(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
Check if it is a reserved tag.
checkRestrictions(ServiceQuery<?>, IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Check the services according additional restrictions like scope.
CheckReturnValueResultListener(Future<Void>, ServiceInvocationContext) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.CheckReturnValueResultListener
Create a result listener.
checkSearchScope(ServiceQuery<?>, IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Check if service is ok with respect to search scope of caller.
checkSecurity(ISecurityInfo, IMsgHeader, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature.RxHandler
Check if it is ok to execute a command.
CheckState - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Pre or postcondition that a state is valid.
checkTestResults(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentStartTest
Optional checking after component has finished.
checkTestResults(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentStartTestLazyPlatform
Optional checking after component has finished.
checkTestResults(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTestBase
Optional checking after component has finished.
checkWaitForReady() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
childcount - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
The child count.
childproc - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Flag if process starter should be used for complete process decoupling.
children - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Attribute for children.
childTerminated(IComponentDescription, Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Called when a child was terminated.
childTerminated(IComponentDescription, Exception) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalExecutionFeature
Called when a child was terminated.
childTerminated(IComponentDescription, Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Called when a child had an exception and was terminated.
childTerminated(IComponentDescription, Exception) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IPlatformComponentAccess
Called when a child had an exception and was terminated.
cid - Variable in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentNotFoundException
The component identifier.
cid - Variable in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentPersistedException
The component identifier.
cid - Variable in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentTerminatedException
The component identifier.
cid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
The component identifier.
cid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
The component identifier of the remote component.
cid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
The user cid.
cid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent.ExternalAccessInvocationHandler
The component identifier.
cidcounts - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
The component ID counts.
cinfo - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.AbstractComponentFeature
The creation info.
classloader - Variable in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
The class loader.
classloader - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The classloader.
classloaders - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
ClassLoader cache.
classpath - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
The classpath.
clazz - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFPropertyInfo
The property class.
clazz() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation.NameValue
The value as a class.
clazz() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Value
The value as a class.
cleanup() - Method in class jadex.bridge.CheckedAction
Cleanup will be executed at the end of the action.
cleanup(IComponentIdentifier, Exception) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
cleanup(TestResult) - Method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Called after test suite is finished.
cleanupfuture - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
The cleanup future.
clear() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Clear the resolver.
clear() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.Indexer
Clears all contained values.
clear() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor.SetWrapper
clearAWT() - Static method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Workaround for AWT/Swing memory leaks.
CLI - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Start the platform with command line interface (cli) activated? (requires Jadex Pro add-on)
CLICONSOLE - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Start cli with console in or not
clock - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeProperty
The clock.
clock - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitingTimeProperty
The clock.
clock - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
The clock service.
clockok - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.SimulationState
The clock ok flag.
ClockState() - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
Bean constructor.
ClockState(String, long, double, long, long, double, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
Create a clock state object.
clocktype - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.SimulationState
The clock type.
clone() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Clone this configuration.
clone() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Clone this component identifier.
clone() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Clone a component description.
close() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
Close the connection.
close() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Close the connection.
close() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalAbstractConnectionHandler
Close the connection.
close() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnection
Close the connection.
close() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IConnection
Close the connection.
close() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Close the stream.
close() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
close() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
Close the connection.
close() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Close the connection.
CLOSE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Close the connection.
CLOSE_INPUT_PARTICIPANT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Close connection - from participant.
CLOSE_OUTPUT_INITIATOR - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Close connection - from initiator.
closed - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
closed - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
The closed flag.
closed - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
The closed flag.
closeReceived(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
From initiator.
CLOSEREQ - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Close request (from participant which cannot close itself).
CLOSEREQ_INPUT_INITIATOR - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Close request connection - from initiator.
CLOSEREQ_OUTPUT_PARTICIPANT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Request close connection - from participant.
closereqflag - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Close request flag (when a closereq message was received).
closeRequestReceived() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Received a request to close the connection.
closesent - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Flag if close was already sent.
closing - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
CMSComponentDescription - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
Java class for concept CMSComponentDescription of beanynizer_beans_fipa_new ontology.
CMSComponentDescription() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Create a new CESComponentDescription.
CMSComponentDescription(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Create a new CMSComponentDescription.
CmsComponentState() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
Creates the component state.
CMSCreateComponent - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept AMSCreateComponent of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CMSCreateComponent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Default Constructor.
CMSCreateComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Create a new AMSCreateComponent.
CMSCreatedEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSCreatedEvent
Create a new CMSCreatedEvent.
CMSCreatedEvent(IComponentDescription) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSCreatedEvent
Create a new CMSCreatedEvent.
CMSDestroyComponent - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept AMSDestroyComponent of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CMSDestroyComponent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSDestroyComponent
Default Constructor.
CMSDestroyComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSDestroyComponent
Create a new AMSDestroyComponent.
CMSIntermediateResultEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSIntermediateResultEvent
Create a new CMSIntermediateResultEvent.
CMSIntermediateResultEvent(IComponentDescription, String, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSIntermediateResultEvent
Create a new CMSIntermediateResultEvent.
cmslisteners - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
The cms listeners for the component.
CMSResumeComponent - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept AMSResumeComponent of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CMSResumeComponent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSResumeComponent
Default Constructor.
CMSResumeComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSResumeComponent
Create a new AMSSuspendComponent.
CMSSearchComponents - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept AMSSearchComponents of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CMSSearchComponents() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Default Constructor.
CMSSearchComponents(IComponentDescription, IComponentDescription[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Create a new DFSearch.
CMSShutdownPlatform - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept CMSShutdownPlatform of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CMSShutdownPlatform() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSShutdownPlatform
Default Constructor.
CmsState - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
Class representing the state information for component management.
CmsState() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
Creates the state.
CmsState.CmsComponentState - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
State for a particular component.
CMSStatusEvent - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
Base change event.
CMSStatusEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent
Create a new CMSStatusEvent.
CMSStatusEvent(IComponentDescription) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent
Create a new CMSStatusEvent.
CMSStatusEvent.CMSCreatedEvent - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
Status event for a newly created component.
CMSStatusEvent.CMSIntermediateResultEvent - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
Status event for an intermediate result of a component.
CMSStatusEvent.CMSTerminatedEvent - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
Final event of a finished component, including all results.
CMSSuspendComponent - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept CMSSuspendComponent of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
CMSSuspendComponent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSuspendComponent
Default Constructor.
CMSSuspendComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSuspendComponent
Create a new CMSSuspendComponent.
CMSTerminatedEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSTerminatedEvent
Create a new CMSCreatedEvent.
CMSTerminatedEvent(IComponentDescription, Map<String, Object>, Exception) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSTerminatedEvent
Create a new CMSCreatedEvent.
cnt - Variable in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedServiceFactory
The usage count to know when the service can be shut down.
cnt - Variable in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
The number of tests to be performed.
COARSE - jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel
CODEC_ID - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.ICodec
Constant for accessing the codec id.
collectClasspathDirectories(ClassLoader, Set<File>) - Static method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Collect all directory URLs belonging to a class loader.
combineSubscriptionFutures(IInternalAccess, ISubscriptionIntermediateFuture<E>, ISubscriptionIntermediateFuture<E>, IResultCommand<T, E>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Combine results of two subscription futures and exclude duplicates (uses sliding cuckoo filter with toString() on results).
combineSubscriptionFutures(IInternalAccess, ISubscriptionIntermediateFuture<T>, ISubscriptionIntermediateFuture<T>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Combine results of two subscription futures and exclude duplicates (uses sliding cuckoo filter with toString() on results).
command - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteForwardCmdCommand
The Command.
command - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
The command.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
Called when a command is available.
commandAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
Called when a command is available.
comp - Variable in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTestLazyPlatform
The component to test.
comp - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteReference
The target component.
comp - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyRef
The component of the ref.
comp - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SimpleValueNFProperty
The component.
comp - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The internal access.
comp - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RemoteMethodInvocationHandler
The local component.
compareTo(ExecutionComponentFeature.StepInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.StepInfo
Compare two steps.
comparevalue - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.StrictInequalityFilter
Value used during comparison.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.AbstractComponentFeature
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
The message service.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.BasicEvaluator
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
The internal access.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.TagFilter
The component.
component - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.InitInfo
The component.
COMPONENT - jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
Available in component and all direct and indirect subcomponents.
COMPONENT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The component flag argument (for starting an additional component).
COMPONENT_FACTORY - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The component factory classname argument.
COMPONENT_MANAGEMENT_ONTOLOGY_NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
The name of the fipa component management ontology.
COMPONENT_ONLY - jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
Available in component itself.
componentActive(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.IIdleHook
Called when a component becomes active.
componentAdded(IComponentDescription) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.ICMSComponentListener
Called when a new element has been added.
componentChanged(IComponentDescription) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.ICMSComponentListener
Called when a component has changed its state.
componentCreated(IComponentDescription) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalSubcomponentsFeature
Called, when a subcomponent has been created.
componentCreated(IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Called, when a subcomponent has been created.
ComponentCreationException - Exception in jadex.bridge
Thrown when component creation failed.
ComponentCreationException(String, String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
Create an component termination exception.
ComponentCreationException(String, String, Object) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
Create an component termination exception.
ComponentCreationInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.component
Internal parameter object for data required during component initialization.
ComponentCreationInfo(IModelInfo, String, Map<String, Object>, IComponentDescription, ProvidedServiceInfo[], RequiredServiceBinding[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
Create an info object.
componentdescription - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Attribute for slot componentdescription.
componentdescriptions - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Attribute for slot componentdescriptions.
ComponentEvent - Class in jadex.bridge
ComponentEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentEvent
ComponentFeatureFactory - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl
Feature factory allowing the creation of component features.
ComponentFeatureFactory() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
Bean constructor for type level.
ComponentFeatureFactory(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
Create a new feature factory.
ComponentFeatureFactory(Class<?>, Class<?>, Class<?>...) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
Create a new feature factory.
ComponentFeatureFactory(Class<?>, Class<?>, Class<?>[], Class<?>[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
Create a new feature factory.
ComponentFeatureFactory(Class<?>, Class<?>, Class<?>[], Class<?>[], boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
Create a new feature factory.
ComponentFeatureFactory(Class<?>, Class<?>, Class<?>[], Class<?>[], boolean, Class<?>[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
Create a new feature factory.
ComponentFeatureFactory(Class<?>, Class<?>, Class<?>[], Class<?>[], Class<?>...) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
Create a new feature factory.
ComponentFutureFunctionality - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Schedule forward future executions (e.g.
ComponentFutureFunctionality(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentFutureFunctionality
Create a new future.
componentidentifier - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Attribute for slot componentidentifier.
componentidentifier - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSDestroyComponent
Attribute for slot componentidentifier.
componentidentifier - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSResumeComponent
Attribute for slot componentidentifier.
componentidentifier - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSuspendComponent
Attribute for slot componentidentifier.
ComponentIdentifier - Class in jadex.bridge
A component identifier.
ComponentIdentifier() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Create a new component identifier.
ComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Copy a component identifier.
ComponentIdentifier(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Create a new component identifier with a global name and given addresses.
ComponentIdentifier(String, IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Create component identifier.
componentIdle(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.IIdleHook
Called when a component becomes idle.
ComponentInstanceInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
Component instance information.
ComponentInstanceInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Create a new component.
ComponentInstanceInfo(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Create a new component.
ComponentLifecycleFeature - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl
Feature that ensures the agent created(), body() and killed() are called on the pojo.
ComponentLifecycleFeature(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentLifecycleFeature
Factory method constructor for instance level.
ComponentLoadTest - Class in jadex.base.test.impl
Store test results of loading a component.
ComponentLoadTest(IModelInfo, IErrorReport) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentLoadTest
Create a component test.
ComponentLoadTest(String, IErrorReport) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentLoadTest
Create a component test.
componentmap - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
The component map.
componentname - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
The component name used for searching.
ComponentNotFoundException - Exception in jadex.bridge
Thrown when a component was not found.
ComponentNotFoundException(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentNotFoundException
Create an component termination exception.
ComponentNotFoundException(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentNotFoundException
Create an component termination exception.
ComponentNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentNotFoundException
Simple constructor for deserialization.
ComponentPersistedException - Exception in jadex.bridge
Thrown when operations are invoked after an component has been persisted.
ComponentPersistedException(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentPersistedException
Create an component persited exception.
ComponentPersistedException(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentPersistedException
Create an component persisted exception.
ComponentPersistedException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentPersistedException
Simple constructor for deserialization.
componentRemoved(IComponentDescription) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalSubcomponentsFeature
Called, when a subcomponent has been removed.
componentRemoved(IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Called, when a subcomponent has been removed.
componentRemoved(IComponentDescription, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.ICMSComponentListener
Called when a new element has been removed.
ComponentResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.bridge
The result listener for executing listener invocations as a component step.
ComponentResultListener(IResultListener<E>, IExternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
Create a new component result listener.
ComponentResultListener(IResultListener<E>, IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
Create a new component result listener.
components - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
The list of contained components.
componentStarted(IFuture<IExternalAccess>) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentStartTest
Called when a component has been started.
componentStarted(IFuture<IExternalAccess>) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentStartTestLazyPlatform
Called when a component has been started.
componentStarted(IFuture<IExternalAccess>) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTestBase
Called when a component has been started.
ComponentStartTest - Class in jadex.base.test.impl
Test if a component can be started.
ComponentStartTest() - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentStartTest
ComponentStartTest(IExternalAccess, IModelInfo, IAbortableTestSuite) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentStartTest
Create a component test.
ComponentStartTestLazyPlatform - Class in jadex.base.test.impl
Test if a component can be started.
ComponentStartTestLazyPlatform() - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentStartTestLazyPlatform
ComponentStartTestLazyPlatform(String, IAbortableTestSuite) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentStartTestLazyPlatform
Create a component test.
ComponentSuspendable - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Allow waiting for futures by blocking a component.
ComponentSuspendable(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
Create a component suspendable.
ComponentTerminatedException - Exception in jadex.bridge
Thrown when operations are invoked after an component has been terminated.
ComponentTerminatedException() - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentTerminatedException
Empty constructor for deserialization.
ComponentTerminatedException(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentTerminatedException
Create an component termination exception.
ComponentTerminatedException(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ComponentTerminatedException
Create an component termination exception.
ComponentTest - Class in jadex.base.test.impl
Test a component.
ComponentTest() - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTest
Create a new ComponentTest.
ComponentTest(IPlatformConfiguration, String[], File[][], IExternalAccess, IModelInfo, IAbortableTestSuite) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTest
Create a component test.
ComponentTest(IExternalAccess, IModelInfo, IAbortableTestSuite) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTest
Create a component test.
ComponentTestBase - Class in jadex.base.test.impl
Test a component.
ComponentTestBase() - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTestBase
Create a new ComponentTest.
ComponentTestBase(String, IAbortableTestSuite) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTestBase
Create a component test.
ComponentTestLazyPlatform - Class in jadex.base.test.impl
Test a component.
ComponentTestLazyPlatform() - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTestLazyPlatform
Create a new ComponentTest.
ComponentTestLazyPlatform(String, IAbortableTestSuite) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTestLazyPlatform
Create a component test.
ComponentTestSuite - Class in jadex.base.test
Execute multiple component tests in a test suite.
ComponentTestSuite(File[][], String[], String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Create a component test suite for components contained in a given path.
ComponentTestSuite(File[][], String[], String[], boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Create a component test suite for components contained in a given path.
ComponentTestSuite(String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Create a component test suite for components contained in class directories on the class path (i.e.
ComponentTestSuite(String[], File[][], String[], String[], boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Create a component test suite for components contained in a given path.
ComponentTestSuite(String, String[], boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Create a component test suite for components contained in a given path.
ComponentTestSuite(String, String[], String[], boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Create a component test suite for components contained in a given path.
componentthread - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
The thread currently executing the component (null for none).
ComponentThreadInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Ensures that interceptor is only called when component thread is in the chain.
ComponentThreadInterceptor(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ComponentThreadInterceptor
Create a new ComponentThreadInterceptor.
componenttype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
The component type, i.e.
componentTypesAdded(String[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IMultiKernelListener
Called when new component types become available.
componentTypesRemoved(String[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IMultiKernelListener
Called when component types become unavailable.
ComponentUptimeProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.time
Property for the startup of a component.
ComponentUptimeProperty(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.time.ComponentUptimeProperty
Create a new property.
ComposedEvaluator<S> - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search
Evaluator composed of multiple weighted evaluators.
ComposedEvaluator() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ComposedEvaluator
Creates the combiner.
ComposedRemoteFilter<T> - Class in jadex.commons
A filter checks if an object matches the given subfilters.
ComposedRemoteFilter(IAsyncFilter<T>[]) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Create a composed filter.
ComposedRemoteFilter(IAsyncFilter<T>[], int) - Constructor for class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Create a composed filter.
compprovider - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
The component property provider.
COMSUPS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
The component suspendables.
con - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
The connection.
con - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalAbstractConnectionHandler
The connection.
con - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
The remote output connection.
con - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
The original connection (not transferred).
con - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
The remote output connection.
con - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
The original connection.
ConditionException - Exception in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
ConditionException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ConditionException
ConditionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ConditionException
ConditionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ConditionException
conf - Variable in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTestBase
The platform configuration
config - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
The start configuration name.
config - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The configuration.
config(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Log a CONFIG message.
configuration - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Attribute for slot configuration.
configuration - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
The configuration.
CONFIGURATION_FILE - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The configuration file argument.
CONFIGURATION_NAME - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The configuration to use.
ConfigurationInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
Information contained in a component configuration.
ConfigurationInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Create a new application.
ConfigurationInfo(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Create a new application.
configurations - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The configurations.
CONFIRM - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
CONFIRM - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
conhandler - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalAbstractConnectionHandler
The other connection.
conid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
The connection id.
conid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
The connection id.
connectDelegationFuture(Future, IFuture) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Connect a delegation future with the source.
connected - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.transport.PlatformData
The connection state (true=connected event, false=disconnected event).
CONNECTED - jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.IProxyAgentService.State
connectionid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.StreamPacket
The id of the connection.
ConsoleListener(String, IInternalAccess, IRemoteChangeListener) - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteGui.ConsoleListener
Create a console listener.
CONSTANT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
The value should remain constant.
ConstantValueFilter - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints
ConstantValueFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.ConstantValueFilter
Creates a constant value filter.
ConstantValueFilter(String, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.ConstantValueFilter
Creates a constant value filter.
constraintmodel - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
Hard constraint model
contains(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor.SetWrapper
contains(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.SlidingCuckooFilter
Check if a given byte array is contained in the filter.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor.SetWrapper
containsJob(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.ICronService
Test if a job is scheduled with an id.
content - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
The plain content.
CONTENT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
ContentException - Exception in jadex.bridge
A content exception occurs, if the content cannot be properly extracted from a message with language and ontology set.
ContentException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ContentException
Create a new content exception.
ContentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ContentException
Create a new content exception.
contenttype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
The content type.
CONTEXTSERVICECLASS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Optionally provide alternative context service implementation.
conv - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
The parameter converter.
CONVERSATION_ID - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMsgHeader
Message header key for conversation IDs (optional).
CONVERSATION_ID - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
convert(Double) - Method in enum jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.PercentUnit
Convert to a known unit.
convert(Long) - Method in enum jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.MemoryUnit
Convert to a known unit.
convert(Long) - Method in enum jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.TimeUnit
Convert to a known unit.
convert(T) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.IConvertableUnit
Convert a value according to the underlying unit.
convertArguments(Collection<Tuple2<String, Object>>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Argument
Convert arguments to argument map.
convertFromJsonString(String, Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
Convert json to object representation.
convertFromString(String, Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
Convert to object representation.
convertNameValue(NameValue) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation.SNameValue
Convert a name value annotation to an unparsed expression.
convertObjectToString(Object, Class<?>, ClassLoader, String, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.serialization.ISerializationServices
Convert object to string.
convertParameter(Object, Type) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
Convert a parameter to a target type.
convertParameters(Object[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.IParameterConverter
Convert parameters.
convertPathsToRelative(String[], IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Convert the given paths to relative paths.
convertStringToObject(String, Class<?>, ClassLoader, String, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.serialization.ISerializationServices
Convert string to object.
convertToCollection(Object) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
Convert user defined tag(s) to collection.
convertToJsonString(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
Convert an object to the json string representation.
convertToRemoteFiles(File[]) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Convert files to remote files.
convidcnt - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
The counter for conversation ids.
copy - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
The argument copy allowed flag.
copy(String, IExternalAccess, String, IFileTransferService) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Copy a file between two platforms.
CopyReturnValueResultListener(Future<Void>, ServiceInvocationContext) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor.CopyReturnValueResultListener
Create a result listener.
CoreNumberProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu
The number of cores.
CoreNumberProperty(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu.CoreNumberProperty
Create a new property.
countTestCases() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentLoadTest
The number of test cases.
countTestCases() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTestBase
The number of test cases.
CountThresholdSearchTerminationDecider<S> - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search
Service search ranking decider based on a simple service count threshold.
CountThresholdSearchTerminationDecider(int) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.CountThresholdSearchTerminationDecider
Creates the decider.
CPULoadProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu
The cpu load property.
CPULoadProperty(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu.CPULoadProperty
Create a new property.
create(ComponentCreationInfo, Collection<IComponentFeatureFactory>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Create the component, i.e.
create(ComponentCreationInfo, Collection<IComponentFeatureFactory>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IPlatformComponentAccess
Create the component, i.e.
createAccount(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Read account data from property file.
createAckTimer(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Triggers resends of packets if no ack has been received in acktimeout.
createAgent(String, IComponentFactory, IExecutionService, IClockService) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create an agent based on filename, agent factory and platform services.
createBulkAckTimer(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Triggers resends of packets if no ack has been received in acktimeout.
createComponent(CreationInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalSubcomponentsFeature
Starts a new component.
createComponent(CreationInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Starts a new component.
createComponent(CreationInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Create a new component on the platform.
createComponent(CreationInfo, IResultListener<Collection<Tuple2<String, Object>>>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Add a new component as subcomponent of this component.
createComponent(CreationInfo, String, String, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Create a new component on the platform.
createComponent(String, String, CreationInfo, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Create a new component on the platform.
createComponent(String, String, CreationInfo, IResultListener<Collection<Tuple2<String, Object>>>, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Create a new component on the platform.
createComponents(CreationInfo...) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalSubcomponentsFeature
Starts a set of new components, in order of dependencies.
createComponents(CreationInfo...) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Starts a set of new components, in order of dependencies.
createComponentWithEvents(CreationInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalSubcomponentsFeature
Starts a new component while continuously receiving status events (create, result updates, termination).
createComponentWithEvents(CreationInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Starts a new component while continuously receiving status events (create, result updates, termination).
createComponentWithResults(CreationInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Add a new component as subcomponent of this component.
createDataTimer(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
Create a new data ack timer.
createDefaultTestConfig(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.base.test.util.STest
Create a test configuration to be used for platforms that should be able to communicate via intravm means.
createDelegationProvidedServiceProxy(IInternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, RequiredServiceInfo, RequiredServiceBinding, ClassLoader, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Static method for creating a delegation service proxy for provided service that is not offered by the component itself.
createEntries() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
createFiles(String, MultiCollection<String, ZipEntry>) - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Create the files for an entry.
createFilter(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.SlidingCuckooFilter
Creates a new filter.
createInitialComponents(ComponentInstanceInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Create the initial subcomponents.
createInitialCreationInfos(ComponentInstanceInfo[], IModelInfo, int, Future<Void>, List<CreationInfo>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Create initial subcomponents.
createInputConnection(IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageFeature
Create a virtual input connection.
createInputConnection(IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Create a virtual input connection.
createInstance(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeatureFactory
Create an instance of the feature.
createInstance(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
Create an instance of the feature.
createInstance(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Create an instance of the feature.
createLogRecord(Level, String, long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
createMultipacketSendTimer(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
This timer automatically sends non-full multipackets after mpsendtimeout has occurred.
createNext() - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create the next cause.
createOutputConnection(IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageFeature
Create a virtual output connection.
createOutputConnection(IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Create a virtual output connection.
createPlatform() - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create the platform.
createPlatform() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTest
Create a new platform (only if conf is given and thus platform per test is enabled)
createPlatform() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTestBase
Create a new platform (only if conf is given and thus platform per test is enabled)
createPlatform(IPlatformConfiguration) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create the platform.
createPlatform(IPlatformConfiguration, String...) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create the platform.
createPlatform(IPlatformConfiguration, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create the platform.
createPlatform(String...) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create the platform.
createPlatform(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create the platform.
createPlatformComponent(ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Create a platform component.
createPlatformComponent(ClassLoader, PlatformComponent) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Create a platform component.
createPlatformIdentifier(String, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Internal method to create a component identifier.
createProperty(Class<?>, IInternalAccess, IService, MethodInfo, List<UnparsedExpression>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.AbstractNFProperty
Create a property instance from its type.
createProvidedHandler(String, IInternalAccess, Class<?>, Object, ProvidedServiceInfo) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Create a basic invocation handler for a provided service.
createProvidedServiceProxy(IInternalAccess, Object, String, Class<?>, IServiceInvocationInterceptor[], boolean, ProvidedServiceInfo) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Static method for creating a standard service proxy for a provided service.
createProxy(IExternalAccess, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create a proxy for the remote platform.
createRealtimeTimer(long, ITimedObject) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedClockService
createRealtimeTimer(long, ITimedObject) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Create a new realtime timer.
createRemoteServiceProxy(IInternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RemoteMethodInvocationHandler
Create a proxy object for a remote service.
createReply() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Create a reply for a given message.
createReply(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
Create a reply message using a map.
createRequiredServiceProxy(IInternalAccess, IService, IRequiredServiceFetcher, RequiredServiceInfo, RequiredServiceBinding, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Static method for creating a standard service proxy for a required service.
createResourceIdentifier(IExternalAccess, String, String) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Create a resource identifier.
createResultListener(IInternalAccess, IResultListener<T>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Create result listener that tolerates when agent is null at shutdown.
createResultListener(IIntermediateResultListener<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExecutionFeature
Create a result listener that is executed on the component thread.
createResultListener(IIntermediateResultListener<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Create a result listener that is executed on the component thread.
createResultListener(IResultListener<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExecutionFeature
Create a result listener that is executed on the component thread.
createResultListener(IResultListener<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Create a result listener that is executed on the component thread.
createResultListener(IResultListener<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Create a result listener that is executed on the component thread.
createResultListener(IResultListener<T>, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Create a result listener which is executed as an component step.
createRuntimeTags(Object, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
Create a collection of tags and replace the variable values.
createServiceCall(IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.CallAccess
Create a service call.
createServiceCall(IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Create a service call.
createServiceIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier, ClassInfo, ClassInfo[], String, IResourceIdentifier, ServiceScope, Set<String>, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Create a new service identifier for a potentially remote component.
createServiceIdentifier(IInternalAccess, String, Class<?>, Class<?>, IResourceIdentifier, ProvidedServiceInfo) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Create a new service identifier for the own component.
createServiceImplementation(ProvidedServiceInfo, IValueFetcher) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Create a service implementation from description.
createServiceInfo(ServiceQuery<T>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
When searching with query -> create required service info from service query.
createServices() - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create the necessary platform service replacements.
createStepFuture(IComponentStep<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Create intermediate of direct future.
createTask(String, byte[], Integer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Create a new task.
createTask(String, Object, boolean, Integer, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Create a new task.
createTickTimer(ITimedObject) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedClockService
createTickTimer(ITimedObject) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Create a new tick timer.
createTickTimer(ITimedObject) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Create a new tick timer.
createTimer(long, ITimedObject) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedClockService
createTimer(long, ITimedObject) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Create a new timer.
createTimer(long, ITimedObject) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Create a new timer.
createTimerTask(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
createUniqueId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create a unique id.
createUniqueId(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Create a unique id.
createUniqueId(String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
Use SUtil.createUniqueId() instead
createUnparsedExpressions(NameValue[]) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation.SNameValue
Create unparsed expressions.
createUnparsedExpressionsList(NameValue[]) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation.SNameValue
Create unparsed expressions.
createValue(Value, IValueFetcher) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler
Convert value annotation to object.
createValue(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler
Create a value from a class.
CreationInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
A parameter object to capture extra information for component creation.
CreationInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Create a new creation info.
CreationInfo(IResourceIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Create a new creation info.
CreationInfo(CreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Create a new creation info.
CreationInfo(String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Create a new creation info.
CreationInfo(String, Map<String, Object>, IResourceIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Create a new creation info.
CreationInfo(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Create a new creation info.
creationtime - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The creation time.
creationtime - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
The source creation time.
creator - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The creator.
CronJob<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cron
The cron job consists of: - a unique id - a time pattern filter - a command
CronJob() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
Create a new cronjob.
CronJob(String, IFilter<Long>, IResultCommand<ISubscriptionIntermediateFuture<T>, Tuple2<IInternalAccess, Long>>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
Create a new cron job.
cs - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteTimerChangeListener
The clock service.
CURRENT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
The current service calls mapped to threads.
currentarg - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.PrePostConditionFetcher
The current arguments.
currentcall - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The current service call (to be reestablished after call).
currentfilter - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.SlidingCuckooFilter
The current filter.
currentthreads - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.threadpool.JadexExecutorServiceAdapter
Current threads.
customIntermediateResultAvailable(S) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener
Process intermediate results for ranking.
customIsApplicable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractLRUApplicableInterceptor
Replacement method for isApplicable.
customIsApplicable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AuthenticationInterceptor
Test if the interceptor is applicable.
customIsApplicable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor
Test if the interceptor is applicable.
CustomLogRecord - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
CustomLogRecord(Level, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CustomLogRecord
customResultAvailable(Void) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor.CopyReturnValueResultListener
Called when the service call is finished.
customResultAvailable(Void) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.CheckReturnValueResultListener
Called when the service call is finished.
customResultAvailable(Void) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.TracingInterceptor.ReturnValueResultListener
Called when the service call is finished.
customResultAvailable(Collection<S>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener
Called when result is available.


data - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnection
The data.
data - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
The data (stored here only as long as it is out of order or incomplete).
data - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.StreamPacket
The stream data.
DATA - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Send data message.
DATA_BOOTSTRAPFACTORY - Static variable in class jadex.base.Starter
The bootstrap component factory.
DATA_CMSSTATE - Static variable in class jadex.base.Starter
The CMS state.
DATA_COMPONENTMODELS - Static variable in class jadex.base.Starter
The cache of component models found by scanning available resources.
DATA_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class jadex.base.Starter
Constant for default timeout name.
DATA_INPUT_PARTICIPANT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Send data - from participant.
DATA_INVOKEDMETHODS - Static variable in class jadex.base.Starter
The weak set of invoked init, start or shutdown methods - to not invoke twice.
DATA_KERNELFILTERS - Static variable in class jadex.base.Starter
DATA_NETWORKNAMESCACHE - Static variable in class jadex.base.Starter
The used to store the current network names.
DATA_OUTPUT_INITIATOR - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Send data - from initiator.
DATA_PARAMETERCOPY - Static variable in class jadex.base.Starter
Flag if copying parameters for local service calls is allowed.
DATA_PLATFORMACCESS - Static variable in class jadex.base.Starter
The bootstrap component factory.
DATA_PLATFORMSETTINGS - Static variable in class jadex.base.Starter
The platform settings.
DATA_REALTIMETIMEOUT - Static variable in class jadex.base.Starter
Flag if local timeouts should be realtime (instead of clock dependent).
DATA_SERIALIZATIONSERVICES - Static variable in class jadex.base.Starter
The serialization services for serializing and en/decoding objects including remote reference handling.
DATA_SERVICEREGISTRY - Static variable in class jadex.base.Starter
The local service registry data key.
DATA_TRANSPORTCACHE - Static variable in class jadex.base.Starter
The transport cache used to .
dataRead() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnection
dataReceived(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalInputConnectionHandler
Called by local output connection handler to send data.
DataSendInfo(StreamPacket) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler.DataSendInfo
Create a send info.
datatimer - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
The current timer.
DAYS - jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.TimeUnit
debug - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Heisenbug debug flag cached for speed.
debug - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Debug flag.
debug - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Heisenbug debug flag cached for speed.
debug(IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Check if heisenbug debugging is requested for the agent.
DEBUG - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Debug flag.
DEBUG - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature
Put string representation of command in message header.
DEBUG - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor.InvokeMethodStep
DEBUG - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.MethodInvocationInterceptor
If debug is turned on it will print uncatched exceptions within service calls.
DEBUG_BLOCKERS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.SSimulation
debugBlocker() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.SSimulation
Add caller stack to service call on debug.
DEBUGFUTURES - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The debug futures flag argument.
DEBUGSERVICES - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The debug futures services argument.
DEBUGSTEPS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The debug futures services argument.
decider - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener
The termination decider.
decider - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingResultListener
The termination decider.
decode(byte[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.ICodec
Decode data with the codec.
decode(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.ICodec
Decode data with the codec.
decode(byte[], ClassLoader, ITraverseProcessor[], IErrorReporter, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.ISerializer
Decode data with the serializer.
decode(IMsgHeader, IInternalAccess, byte[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.serialization.ISerializationServices
Decodes/deserializes an object.
decode(InputStream, ClassLoader, ITraverseProcessor[], IErrorReporter, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.ISerializer
Decode an object.
DecouplingInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Invocation interceptor for executing a call on the underlying component thread.
DecouplingInterceptor(IInternalAccess, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
Create a new invocation handler.
DecouplingInterceptor.CopyReturnValueResultListener - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Copy return value, when service call is finished.
DecouplingInterceptor.InvokeMethodStep - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Service invocation step.
DecouplingReturnInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
The decoupling return interceptor ensures that the result notifications of a future a delivered on the calling component thread.
DecouplingReturnInterceptor() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingReturnInterceptor
decryptAndAuth(IComponentIdentifier, byte[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Decrypt and authenticates the message from a sender.
DEFAULT - jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
Marker for default scope to be replaced automatically according to context; for required services (search scope): the default scope is 'platform' for system services and 'application' for non-system services, for provided services (publication scope): the default scope is always platform.
DEFAULT_FEATURES - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
The default component features.
DEFAULT_MATCHINGMODES - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Default matching modes set the elements with OR semantics.
DEFAULT_RSPUBLISH_COMPONENTS - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IPublishService
The default publish implementations for rest.
DEFAULT_SYSTEM_SECURITY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
DefaultFileFilter - Class in jadex.base
The default file filter allows using different file extensions.
DefaultFileFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.base.DefaultFileFilter
Create a new file filter.
DefaultFileFilter(boolean, List<String>) - Constructor for class jadex.base.DefaultFileFilter
Create a new file filter.
deferredcommands - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature.OutCommand
Commands that have been deferred until a prior command arrives.
DEFTIMEOUT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The default timeout argument.
DEFTIMEOUT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
defvalues - Static variable in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
The default values.
delay - Variable in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentStartTest
The delay after which the started component is stopped again.
delay - Variable in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentStartTestLazyPlatform
The delay after which the started component is stopped again.
delay - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
The delay between searches when no service was found.
delay - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
The current send time delay (interval).
delayedremotequeries - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
delegate - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
The delegate.
delegate - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.UnresolvedServiceInvocationHandler
The service.
DelegationInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Delegates a service call to another service provider.
DelegationInterceptor() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DelegationInterceptor
delete(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.SlidingCuckooFilter
Delete a value from the filter.
deleteFile(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.IFileTransferService
Delete a file.
delta - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
The clock delta.
DependencyResolver<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.component
The dependency resolver can be used to find a valid execution order of elements with dependencies.
DependencyResolver() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Create a new dependency resolver.
DependencyResolver.NodeInfo<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.component
Info object for a node.
deregisterPropertiesProvider(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.settings.ISettingsService
desc - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
The component description.
desc - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent
The component description.
description - Variable in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
The test description.
description - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Argument
The description.
description - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
The description.
description - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
The application description.
deserializeMessage(IMsgHeader, byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Deserialize the message.
destroyComponent(IComponentIdentifier, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Destroy (forcefully terminate) an component on the platform.
destroyComponent(IComponentIdentifier, Future<Map<String, Object>>, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
This method is guaranteed to be called exactly ONCE and represents the internal destroy method that performs the actual cleanup work.
destroyComponentLoop(IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier[], int, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Loop for destroying subcomponents.
determineTarget(IServiceIdentifier, IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.ITargetResolver
Determine the target of a call.
DF_COMPONENT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
The default df component name.
dilation - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
The clock dilation.
dir - Variable in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
directory - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
The boolean for directory.
dirs - Variable in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTest
The dirs for rids (e.g.
DISCONFIRM - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
DISCONFIRM - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
DiscoveryInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness
Local information about discovered platforms.
DiscoveryInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Create a new discovery info.
DiscoveryInfo(IComponentIdentifier, List<TransportAddress>, IFuture<IComponentIdentifier>, boolean, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Create a new discovery info.
dispatchQueryEvent(ServiceQueryInfo<?>, IServiceIdentifier, int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
displayname - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
The display name.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteClockChangeListener
Remove local listeners.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteSimServiceChangeListener
Remove local listeners.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteTimerChangeListener
Remove local listeners.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui.ConsoleListener
Remove local listeners.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedThreadPoolService
dispose() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.AbstractNFProperty
Property was removed and should be disposed.
dispose() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFProperty
Property was removed and should be disposed.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFRootProperty
Property was removed and should be disposed.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
Remove local listeners.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeProperty
Property was removed and should be disposed.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.LatencyProperty
Property was removed and should be disposed.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitingTimeProperty
Property was removed and should be disposed.
dispose() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitqueueProperty
Property was removed and should be disposed.
dispose() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Called, when the clock is no longer used.
doCleanup() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
Perform cleanup in shutdown or kill.
doCleanup(Error) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Shared cleanup code for shutdown and kill.
doClose() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Called from connection.
doClose() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.streams.IAbstractConnectionHandler
Called from connection.
doClose() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
Called from connection.
doClose() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalAbstractConnectionHandler
Called from connection.
doClose() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Called from connection.
doCopy(boolean, IFilter, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
Copy a value, if necessary.
doCreateComponents(List<Tuple2<CreationInfo, IModelInfo>>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
documents - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ErrorReport
The external reports.
doExecute(IInternalAccess, IFuture<?>, ISecurityInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.AbstractResultCommand
Execute a command.
doExecute(IInternalAccess, IFuture<?>, ISecurityInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteFinishedCommand
Execute a command.
doExecute(IInternalAccess, IFuture<?>, ISecurityInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteForwardCmdCommand
Execute a command.
doExecute(IInternalAccess, IFuture<?>, ISecurityInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteIntermediateResultCommand
Execute a command.
doExecute(IInternalAccess, IFuture<?>, ISecurityInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteResultCommand
Execute a command.
doExecute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractMultiInterceptor
Execute the command.
doExecute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
Execute the command.
doFilter(IService, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
Test if an object passes the filter.
doFilter(IService, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.ConstantValueFilter
Test if an object passes the filter.
doFilter(IService, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.InequalityFilter
Test if an object passes the filter.
doFilter(IService, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.StrictInequalityFilter
Test if an object passes the filter.
doFindFactory(Iterator<IComponentFactory>, FactoryFilter) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Find a matching factory in the given iterator.
doInvoke(IInternalAccess, Method, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent.ExternalAccessInvocationHandler
doKillComponents(List<IComponentIdentifier>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
domainservice - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInfo
The service domain object.
done - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
The done size.
Done - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Predicate indicating a completed action.
Done() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.Done
Create a done action.
Done(IComponentAction) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.Done
Create a done action.
doNotifyListeners(boolean, Object, Method, Object[], Object, ServiceInvocationContext, List<IMethodInvocationListener>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.MethodListenerHandler
Do notify the listeners.
doResend() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler.DataSendInfo
Called when the message should be resent.
doSendData(StreamPacket) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
doSendMessage(MsgHeader, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Send the message to a single receiver.
doStep(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Do a step of a suspended component.
doStep(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalExecutionFeature
Do a step of a suspended component.
download - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
True for download, false for upload.
downloadFile(IOutputConnection, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.IFileTransferService
Download a file.
DROP_INTERMEDIATE_RESULT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Marker for an intermediate result to be dropped.
duration - Variable in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
The time needed to perform the test.
dynamic - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Flag indicating if the property is dynamic.


ea - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
The external access.
ea - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
The external access.
elementAdded(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
An element was added.
elementChanged(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
An element was changed.
elementRemoved(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
An element was removed.
Email - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.email
Email() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
Create an email.
Email(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
Create an email.
Email(String, String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
Create an email.
Email(String, String, String, String, String[], String[], String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
Create an email.
EmailAccount - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.email
Email account data.
EmailAccount() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Create a new EmailAccount.
EmailAccount(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Create a new EmailAccount.
EmailAccount(String, String, String, String, Integer, boolean, boolean, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Create a new account.
EmailAccount(Properties) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Create an account with initial properties.
emitlevelsub - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MonitoringComponentFeature
The event emit level for subscriptions.
EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
EMPTY_COMPONENTIDENTIFIERS - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier
Return value for empty arrays.
EMPTY_HANDLER_ARRAY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
EMPTY_SERVICES - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.IService
Empty service array.
ENABLE_HASHES - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
encode(byte[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.ICodec
Encode data with the codec.
encode(IMsgHeader, IInternalAccess, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.serialization.ISerializationServices
Encodes/serializes an object for a particular receiver.
encode(Object, ClassLoader, ITraverseProcessor[], Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.ISerializer
Encode data with the serializer.
ENCODING - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
encryptAndSign(IMsgHeader, byte[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Encrypts and signs the message for a receiver.
endagenda - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Future for signalling that end of agenda execution has been reached.
endseqno - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AckInfo
The end seqno.
endstepcnt - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
The step at which the endstate begins.
endsteps - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
The end steps.
enhanceQuery(ServiceQuery<T>, boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Enhance a query before processing.
enhanceWith(IPlatformConfiguration) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Enhance this config with given other config.
entries - Variable in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
The subentries contained in the entry.
entries - Variable in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
The parse errors (tuple(elements) -> {error messages}).
entries - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.BunchFileData
The data.
entry - Variable in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
The entry.
entryfiles - Variable in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
The files for the entry paths (cached for easy access).
entrystr - Variable in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
Test if two objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.SimulationState
Test if two objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.TimerEntries
Test if two objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Test for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.TimerWrapper
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteReference
Test for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Test if two component identifiers are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.FactoryFilter
Test if equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
Test if equals.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Test if equals.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
Test equality based on id.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Test if equals.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Check if the service is equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Test if two objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RemoteMethodInvocationHandler
Test equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ProxyFilter
Test if an object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceIdFilter
Test if an object is equal to this.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Test if other object equals this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Test if an object is equal to this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddress
Equals method.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Test for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Test for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Test if this description equals another description.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
Test if is equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Test if an object is equal to this.
errhtml - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ErrorReport
The error html text.
error - Variable in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentLoadTest
The error.
errorfile - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
The error stream redirection file name (if any).
ErrorReport - Class in jadex.bridge
Error report that holds information about model errors.
ErrorReport() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ErrorReport
ErrorReport(String, String, Map) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ErrorReport
errtext - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ErrorReport
The error text.
evaluate(IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.BasicEvaluator
Evaluate the service of method.
evaluate(IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ComposedEvaluator
Evaluates the service in detail.
evaluate(IService) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.IServiceEvaluator
Evaluates the service in detail.
evaluate(IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.AverageEvaluator
Evaluates the service in detail.
evaluator - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.AverageEvaluator
The contained evaluator.
evaluators - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ComposedEvaluator
The evaluators.
EVENT_ADDED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The event type suffix for added events.
EVENT_BULK - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The event type for bulk events.
EVENT_CHANGED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The event type suffix for changed events.
EVENT_OCCURRED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The event type suffix for occurred events.
EVENT_REMOVED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The event type suffix for removed events.
EVENT_TYPE_BULK - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Bulk event composed of sub events.
EVENT_TYPE_CREATION - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Event denoting creation of an element.
EVENT_TYPE_DISPOSAL - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Event denoting disposal of an element.
EVENT_TYPE_MODIFICATION - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Event denoting modification of an element.
EVENT_TYPE_NEW_DELTA - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Change event type new delta.
EVENT_TYPE_NEW_DILATION - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Change event type new dilation.
EVENT_TYPE_NEXT_TIMEPOINT - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Change event next timepoint.
EVENT_TYPE_OCCURRENCE - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Event denoting a single occurrence without temporal extension.
EVENT_TYPE_RESET - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Change event type reset.
EVENT_TYPE_STARTED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Change event type started.
EVENT_TYPE_STOPPED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Change event type stopped.
EVENT_TYPE_TIMER_ADDED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Change event timer added.
EVENT_TYPE_TIMER_REMOVED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Change event timer removed.
eventmode - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Flag if event mode is enabled on the query.
events - Variable in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
The bulk events.
exception - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteResultCommand
The exception.
exception - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSTerminatedEvent
Component exception if component failed
exception - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
The failure reason (if any).
EXCEPTION - jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent.Type
EXCEPTION - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Exception header property for error messages.
exceptionNotified() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
Check if there is somebody waiting for this component to finish.
exceptionNotified() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalArgumentsResultsFeature
Check if somebody was waiting for this component to finish.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature.LateCounterListener
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener
Called when exception occurs.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingResultListener
Called when exception occurs.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler.IntermediateMethodResultListener
Called when an exception has occurred.
exceptionOccurred(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurredIfUndone(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
exceptionOccurredIfUndone(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
Called when an exception occurred.
excluded - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
The excluded methods.
Excluded - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Excluded methods throw UnsupportedOperationException when called from remote.
excludedservices - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
The excluded services cache.
excludeowner - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Flag, if service by the query owner should be excluded, i.e.
excludes - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
The excludes list.
execfeat - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
The execution feature.
execute() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Execute the executable.
execute() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalExecutionFeature
Execute the executable.
execute(IComponentIdentifier, IRemoteCommand<T>, Class<? extends IFuture<T>>, Long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature
Execute a command on a remote agent.
execute(IComponentIdentifier, IRemoteCommand<T>, Class<? extends IFuture<T>>, Long) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IRemoteExecutionFeature
Execute a command on a remote agent.
execute(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.ExecuteWaitForStep
Removes the first entry from the ITimer array from the micro agents MicroAgent#timers List and executes the IComponentStep.
execute(IInternalAccess) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IComponentStep
Execute the command.
execute(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor.InvokeMethodStep
Execute the step.
execute(IInternalAccess, IOrderedConversation, ISecurityInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IRemoteOrderedConversationCommand
Execute a command.
execute(IInternalAccess, IOrderedConversation, ISecurityInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.AbstractResultCommand
Execute a command.
execute(IInternalAccess, ISecurityInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteMethodInvocationCommand
Execute the method.
execute(IInternalAccess, ISecurityInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IRemoteCommand
Execute a command.
execute(IInternalAccess, IFuture<Collection<T>>, ISecurityInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemotePullCommand
Execute a command.
execute(IInternalAccess, IFuture<T>, ISecurityInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IRemoteConversationCommand
Execute a command.
execute(IInternalAccess, IFuture<T>, ISecurityInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteBackwardCommand
Execute a command.
execute(IInternalAccess, IFuture<T>, ISecurityInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteTerminationCommand
Execute a command.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractMultiInterceptor
Execute the command.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AuthenticationInterceptor
Execute the interceptor.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingReturnInterceptor
Execute the interceptor.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
Execute the interceptor.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.MethodCallListenerInterceptor
Execute the interceptor.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.MethodInvocationInterceptor
Execute the interceptor.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.NFRequiredServicePropertyProviderInterceptor
Execute the interceptor.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor
Execute the interceptor.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
Execute the interceptor.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.TracingInterceptor
Execute the interceptor.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ValidationInterceptor
Execute the interceptor.
execute(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IServiceInvocationInterceptor
Execute the interceptor.
execute(IExecutable) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedExecutionService
execute(IExecutable) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.execution.IExecutionService
Execute a task.
execute(Runnable) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedThreadPoolService
execute(Runnable) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.threadpool.JadexExecutorServiceAdapter
executeBodyOnFeatures(Iterator<IComponentFeature>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Execute feature bodies in parallel.
executeCommand(String, Tuple2<String, Integer>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cli.ICliService
Execute a command line command and get back the results.
executeCycle() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Components with autonomous behavior may override this method to implement a recurring execution cycle.
executeForever(Runnable) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedThreadPoolService
executeInitOnFeatures(Iterator<IComponentFeature>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Recursively init the features.
executeKillOnFeatures(List<IComponentFeature>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Kill the features in inverse order.
executeRemoteMethod(RemoteReference, Method, Object[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalRemoteExecutionFeature
Invoke a method on a remote object.
executeRemoteMethod(RemoteReference, Method, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature
Invoke a method on a remote object.
executeShutdownOnFeatures(List<IComponentFeature>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Recursively shutdown the features in inverse order.
ExecuteWaitForStep(ITimer, IComponentStep<Void>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.ExecuteWaitForStep
This class is constructed with an array of ITimers and the IComponentStep which is scheduled for execution.
executing - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.SimulationState
The execution state.
executing - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Flag for testing double execution.
ExecutionComponentFeature - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl
This feature provides component step execution.
ExecutionComponentFeature(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Create the feature.
ExecutionComponentFeature.ExecuteWaitForStep - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl
Step to execute a wait for entry.
ExecutionComponentFeature.StepInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl
Info struct for steps.
ExecutionComponentFeature.TimerWrapper - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl
Wrap a timer and remove it from the agent when it is cancelled.
ExecutionTimeEvaluator - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.service
Execution time evaluator.
ExecutionTimeEvaluator(IExternalAccess, MethodInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeEvaluator
Create a new evaluator.
ExecutionTimeEvaluator(IExternalAccess, MethodInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeEvaluator
Create a new evaluator.
ExecutionTimeProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.service
Property for the overall execution time of a method or a service.
ExecutionTimeProperty(IInternalAccess, IService, MethodInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeProperty
Create a new property.
exists - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
The boolean for existance.
exists() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Check if the file exists.
exitDestroy(IComponentIdentifier, IComponentDescription, Exception, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Exit the destroy method by setting description state and resetting maps.
expiringfilter - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.SlidingCuckooFilter
The currently expiring filter.
expression() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.PostCondition
The expression will be parsed.
expression() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.PreCondition
The expression will be parsed.
EXPRESSION - jadex.bridge.service.annotation.PostCondition.Type
EXPRESSION - jadex.bridge.service.annotation.PreCondition.Type
EXPRESSION - jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
Marker for using a separate expression in required/provided service annotations.
exta - Variable in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
The external access.
exta - Variable in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
The external access.
ExternalAccessInvocationHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent.ExternalAccessInvocationHandler
externals - Variable in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
The external documents for links in html error reports (id -> html text).


factory - Variable in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedService
The factory from which this impl was created.
FACTORY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentLifecycleFeature
The factory.
FACTORY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
The factory.
FACTORY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.PropertiesComponentFeature
The factory.
FACTORY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature
The factory.
FactoryFilter - Class in jadex.bridge
Filtering specific component factories.
FactoryFilter(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.FactoryFilter
Find a component factory for loading a specific component type.
FactoryFilter(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.FactoryFilter
Find a matching component factory.
FAILURE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
FAILURE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
FALLBACK_COMPONENT_FACTORY - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The default component factory to be used for platform component.
FALLBACK_PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The default platform configuration.
FeatureNotAvailableException - Exception in jadex.bridge.component
Exception to denote that a requested feature is not available.
FeatureNotAvailableException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.component.FeatureNotAvailableException
Create a new service not found exception.
features - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The component features.
features - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
The features.
fetcher - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
The combined value fetcher (cached for speed).
fetchValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
Fetch the arguments.
fetchValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.PrePostConditionFetcher
fetchValue(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.PrePostConditionFetcher
ffilter - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Filter for scanning for kernel agent class files.
FileData - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer
A file data represents a java.io.File that can be transferred to remote address spaces.
FileData() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Create a new remote file.
FileData(File) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Create a new remote file.
FileData(String, String, boolean, boolean, String, long, char, int, long) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Create a new remote file.
filename - Variable in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentLoadTest
The component model.
filename - Variable in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTestBase
The component model.
filename - Variable in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
The file name with path (optional).
filename - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The filename.
filename - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.SubcomponentTypeInfo
The filename.
filename - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
The name of the local file (without path).
filename - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The file name.
filename - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The file name.
filename - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
The file name.
filepath - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
The full path of the local file (including filename).
filesize - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
The file size.
filter - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
The clone filter (facade for marshal).
filter - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
The service filter.
filter - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
The filter.
filter() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.MultiplexDistributor
The service filter.
filter(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.IAsyncFilter.AlwaysFilter
filter(E) - Method in class jadex.commons.IAsyncFilter.NeverFilter
filter(IComponentFactory) - Method in class jadex.bridge.FactoryFilter
Test if an object passes the filter.
filter(Object) - Method in class jadex.base.DefaultFileFilter
Filter an object.
filter(Object) - Method in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
Test if object is accepted by filter.
filter(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Test if an object passes the filter.
filter(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ProxyFilter
Test if service is a remote proxy.
filter(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceIdFilter
Test if service is a proxy.
filter(Object) - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Match an object against the filter.
filter(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
Test if an object passes the filter.
filter(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.TagFilter
Filter if a service contains all the tags.
filter(T) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IAsyncFilter
Test if an object passes the filter.
filters - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
The basic hard constraints filter
filters - Variable in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
The filters
findChild(IExternalAccess, String, List<String>) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Find an entry in a list of URLs.
findClassDirectories() - Static method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Find class directories on classpath.
findMethod(Object[], ClassInfo[], Class<?>, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
Find the correct method by its name and parameter values.
findPreprocessor(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Try to load a message preprocessor for a given class.
findResourceBundle(String, Locale, ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Try to find a ResourceBundle by trying Classloaders from all calling Classes.
fine(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Log a FINE message.
FINE - jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel
finer(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Log a FINER message.
finest(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Log a FINEST message.
fingerprintsize - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.SlidingCuckooFilter
Size of fingerprints in bits.
finished - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener
The listener state (false=unfinished, null=finishing, true=finished.
finished - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingResultListener
The listener state.
finished() - Method in class jadex.bridge.IntermediateComponentResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
finished() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener
finished() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingResultListener
finished() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
finished() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler.IntermediateMethodResultListener
Called when all services have been found.
finished() - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutIntermediateResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
FINISHED - jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent.Type
finishedIfUndone() - Method in class jadex.bridge.IntermediateComponentResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
finishedIfUndone() - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutIntermediateResultListener
Declare that the future is finished.
FIPA_SL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
FIPA_SL0 - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
FIPA_SL1 - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
FIPA_SL2 - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
FipaMessage - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
FIPA message as struct.
FipaMessage() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Bean constructor.
FipaMessage(IComponentIdentifier, Set<IComponentIdentifier>, String, Object, String, String, IComponentIdentifier, String, String, String, String, String, Long) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Constructor for all fields (e.g.
FipaMessage(String, Object, IComponentIdentifier...) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Constructor for most common fields (for sending).
FipaMessage.Performative - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
FIPA performatives.
FipaMessagePreprocessor - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Preprocessor fpr FIPA messages.
FipaMessagePreprocessor() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessagePreprocessor
flatten - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
Flag if flatten.
FlattenMultiplexCollector - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke
FlattenMultiplexCollector() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
flush() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.streams.IOutputConnectionHandler
Flush the data.
flush() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalOutputConnectionHandler
Flush the data.
flush() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnection
Flush the data.
flush() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Flush the data.
flush() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IOutputConnection
Flush the data.
flush() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
Flush the data.
flush() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Flush the data.
flushed - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
Flushed flag.
format - Static variable in enum jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.MemoryUnit
forwardData(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
Forward the data to the input connection.
freeService(IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
freeservices - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
The list of free services.
fromString() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddress
Convert a string to transport addresses.
fromString(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddress
Convert a string to transport addresses.
fromString(String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddress
Convert a string to transport addresses.
fullname - Variable in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentLoadTest
The component full name.
fullname - Variable in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTest
The component full name.
fullname - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The full name (cached for speed).
fut - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler.DataSendInfo
The future.
fut - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
The future.
future - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.StepInfo
The result future.
future - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature.OutCommand
Future for results.
future - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
The current future.
future - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQueryInfo
The futures.
future - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
The buffer.
FutureFunctionality - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Default future functionality.
FutureFunctionality(IResultCommand<Logger, Void>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
FutureFunctionality(Logger) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
FutureReturnType - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Allows for defining a concrete Future return type of a method.


GB - jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.MemoryUnit
generateComponentIdentifier(String, String, IInternalAccess, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Create a component identifier that is allowed on the platform.
generateConversationId() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Creates a conversation ID.
generateDetails(StringBuffer, String, Set<Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Generate detail HTML code for the given elements.
generateErrorHTML() - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Generate an html representation of the report.
generateErrorText() - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Generate a string representation of the report.
generateOverview(StringBuffer, String, Set<Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Generate overview HTML code for the given elements.
generateParameters(Object[], Method) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
Generate call parameters.
generateServiceName(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Generate a unique name.
GenericTestSuite - Class in jadex.base.test.impl
Suite that can run multiple test agents.
GenericTestSuite(boolean, Class<?>...) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.GenericTestSuite
GenericTestSuite(boolean, String...) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.GenericTestSuite
GenericTestSuite(Class<?>...) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.GenericTestSuite
GenericTestSuite(String...) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.GenericTestSuite
get(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
Provide default values for basic types, if not set.
getAbsolutePath() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
getAccess() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
Gets the access.
getAccess(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
Convenience method to get the access of a component.
getAction() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.Done
Get the action.
getAddress() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the address flag.
getAddress() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddress
Gets the address.
getAddresses() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.address.ITransportAddressService
Gets the addresses of the local platform.
getAddresses() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Gets the addresses.
getAddresses() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Gets the addresses.
getAddresses(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.address.ITransportAddressService
Gets the addresses of another platform known to the local platform.
getAddresses(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.address.ITransportAddressService
Gets the addresses of another platform known to the local platform.
getAddresses(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.address.ITransportAddressService
Gets the addresses of the local platform.
getAllFiles(File) - Method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
getAllImports() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the imports including the package.
getAllImports() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the imports including the package.
getAllKnownNetworks() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Gets the current known networks and secrets.
getAllListeners() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
getAllowedSendSize() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalInputConnectionHandler
Get the allowed size that can be accepted (send by the output side).
getAllQueries() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IServiceRegistry
Get all queries.
getAllQueries() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Get all queries.
getAllResourceIdentifiers() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Get all resource identifiers (does not include rids (urls) of parent loader).
getAllServices() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get all services in a single collection.
getAllServices() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IServiceRegistry
Get all services.
getAllServices() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Get all services.
getAllTransports() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Gets all transports on the platform.
getAllURLs() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Get all urls (managed and non-managed).
getAllValues() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.Indexer
Returns all values.
getAndroidDefault() - Static method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
Returns a PlatformConfiguration with the default parameters.
getApplication() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.IAppProviderService
Get the application instance as entrance point.
getApplicationName(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Get the application name.
getAppMetaInfo() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.IAppProviderService
Get meta information about an application.
getArgument(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get an argument value per name.
getArgument(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the argument.
getArgument(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get an argument per name.
getArgument(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
From 3.0. Use getComponentFeature(IArgumentsResultsFeature.class).getArguments() Get an argument value per name.
getArgumentArray() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Get the args.
getArgumentIterator() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
Get the argument iterator.
getArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
Get the arguments.
getArguments() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IArgumentsResultsFeature
Get the arguments.
getArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
Get the arguments.
getArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteMethodInvocationCommand
Get the arguments.
getArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Get the arguments of this AMSCreateComponent.
getArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Get the list of arguments.
getArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Get the list of arguments.
getArguments() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the arguments.
getArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the arguments.
getArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
Get the arguments for a call.
getArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
Get the arguments for a call.
getArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Get the args.
getArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the arguments.
getArguments(ComponentInstanceInfo, IModelInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Get the arguments.
getArgumentsAsync() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalArgumentsResultsFeature
Get the arguments.
getArgumentsAsync() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
Get the arguments.
getArgumentsExpression() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Get the arguments expression.
getArgumentString(String, IModelInfo, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SBootstrapLoader
Get an argument expression string from the model.
getArgumentValueFromModel(String, IModelInfo) - Static method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
getAsyncExecution() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the async execution mode flag.
getAttachments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
Get the attachments.
getAuthenticatedPlatformName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityInfo
Returns the authenticated platform name.
getAwaDelay() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the delay between awareness notifications.
getAwaExcludes() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the awareness platform excludes.
getAwaIncludes() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the awareness platform includes.
getAwaMechanisms() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the awareness mechanisms.
getAwareness() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Get the flag for starting with awareness.
getBaseClassloader() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the base classloader.
getBccs() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
Get the bccs.
getBinaryMessages() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the flag for binary messages.
getBinding() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
Get the binding.
getBindings() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Get the bindings.
getBody() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageEvent
Get the body.
getBody() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent
Get the body.
getBooleanValueWithArgs(Map<String, Object>, String, IPlatformConfiguration) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Get a boolean value from args (otherwise return default value passed as arg).
getBreakpoints() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the possible breakpoint places in that model.
getBreakpoints() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the possible breakpoint places in that model.
getBreakpoints() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the enabled breakpoints (if any).
getBreakpoints() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the enabled breakpoints (if any).
getBulkEvents() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
Get the bulk events.
getCache() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyReference
Get the cached values.
getCachedPlatformInfo(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.IAwarenessManagementService
Get the discovery info from local cache , if any.
getCallbackField() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
Get the callbackfield.
getCallbackMethod() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
Get the callback.
getCaller() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent
Get the caller.
getCaller() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Get the caller.
getCaller() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Get the caller component.
getCcs() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
Get the ccs.
getChat() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the flag for starting with chat.
getChildcount() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Get the childcount.
getChildcount() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.ISubcomponentsFeature
Get the childcount.
getChildCount() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
Gets the childcount.
getChildCount(IComponentIdentifier, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Get the children count.
getChildren() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the children.
getChildren(IComponentIdentifier, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Get the children components of a component.
getChildren(String, IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalSubcomponentsFeature
Get the children (if any) component identifiers.
getChildren(String, IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Get the children (if any) component identifiers.
getChildren(String, IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get the children (if any).
getChildrenDescriptions(IComponentIdentifier, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Get the children components of a component.
getCidCounts() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
Gets the cid counts.
getClassLoader() - Method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Get the class loader.
getClassLoader() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get the class loader of the component.
getClassLoader() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Return the class loader corresponding to the model.
getClassLoader() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get the class loader of the component.
getClassLoader(IResourceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Returns the classloader for a resource identifier.
getClassLoader(IResourceIdentifier, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Returns the classloader for a resource identifier.
getClassLoader(ILibraryService, IResourceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Gets the classloader from libservice.
getClassLoaders() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
Gets the class loaders.
getClassPath() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Get the classpath.
getClazz() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IArgument
Get the class info.
getClazz() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFPropertyInfo
Get the clazz.
getCleanupFuture() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
Gets the cleanupfuture.
getCleanupFuture(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
Convenience method to get the cleanup future of a component.
getCli() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the flag if command line interface is opened.
getCliConsole() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Should the cli console (in jcc)
getClock() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the clock flag.
getClockService() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedSimulationService
getClockService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.AbstractComponentFeature
Get the clock service.
getClockService() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Get the platform clock.
getClockService(IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Get the clock service.
getClockType() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedClockService
getClockType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Get the clock type.
getCloneProcessors() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.serialization.ISerializationServices
Get the clone processors.
getCmsListeners() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
Gets the cmslisteners.
getCmsListeners(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
Get the CMS listeners of a component or listen-to-all listeners if cid == null.
getCodecId() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.ICodec
Get the codec id.
getCommand() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteForwardCmdCommand
Get the command.
getCommand() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
Get the command.
getComponent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.AbstractComponentFeature
Get the component access.
getComponent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Get the component.
getComponent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SimpleValueNFProperty
Get the component.
getComponent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ComponentThreadInterceptor
Get the component.
getComponent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.TagFilter
getComponent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.InitInfo
Get the adapter.
getComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
Convenience method to get the state of a component.
getComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Helper to get a component from components or init infos.
getComponentDescription() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
Get the component description.
getComponentDescription() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Get the componentdescription of this CMSSearchComponents.
getComponentDescription() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IPersistInfo
Get the component description.
getComponentDescription() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent
Get the component description.
getComponentDescription(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Get an componentdescriptions of this CMSSearchComponents.
getComponentDescription(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Get the component description of a single component.
getComponentDescriptions() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Get the componentdescriptions of this CMSSearchComponents.
getComponentDescriptions(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Get the component descriptions.
getComponentFactory() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the component factory.
getComponentFactory(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Get the bootstrap factory
getComponentFactory(String, CreationInfo, IResourceIdentifier, boolean, boolean, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Get a fitting component factory for a specific model.
getComponentFeatures(IModelInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IComponentFactory
Get the component features for a model.
getComponentFilename(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Get the file name of a component type.
getComponentFilename(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.ISubcomponentsFeature
Get the file name of a component type.
getComponentFilename(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get the file name for a logical type name of a subcomponent of this application.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentNotFoundException
Get the component identifier.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentPersistedException
Get the component identifier.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentTerminatedException
Get the component identifier.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Get the componentidentifier of this AMSCreateComponent.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSDestroyComponent
Get the componentidentifier of this AMSDestroyComponent.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSResumeComponent
Get the componentidentifier of this AMSResumeComponent.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSuspendComponent
Get the componentidentifier of this CMSSuspendComponent.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.ILocalResourceIdentifier
Get the platform identifier belonging to the resource identifier.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Get the platform identifier belonging to the resource identifier.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Get the component identifier.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
Get the cid.
getComponentIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent
Get the componentIdentifier.
getComponentIdentifiers(IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Get the component identifiers.
getComponentInstances() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Get all components.
getComponentMap() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
Gets the component map.
getComponentModelsAsStream(IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Scans for component models and returns them as stream.
getComponentModelsAsStream(IInternalAccess, URL[]) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Scans for component models and returns them as stream.
getComponentName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Get the componentname.
getComponentPropertyProvider() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Get the component property provider.
getComponentPropertyProvider() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.INFPropertyComponentFeature
Get the component property provider.
getComponents() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Get the components as list.
getComponentStep() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.ExecuteWaitForStep
Returns the IComponentStep that is scheduled for execution.
getComponentThread() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Get the component thread.
getComponentType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Get the componenttype.
getComponentType(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IComponentFactory
Get the component type of a model.
getComponentTypeIcon(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IComponentFactory
Get a default icon for a component type.
getComponentTypes() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IComponentFactory
Get the names of component types supported by this factory.
getConfig() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.JunitAgentTest
Returns the platform config.
getConfiguration() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
Get the configuration.
getConfiguration() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Get the configuration of this AMSCreateComponent.
getConfiguration() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get the configuration.
getConfiguration() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Get the configuration.
getConfiguration() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the configuration.
getConfiguration() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get the start configuration or the default configuration if any.
getConfiguration(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the configurations.
getConfiguration(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get a configuration.
getConfigurationFile() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the configuration file.
getConfigurationInfo(String, IModelInfo) - Static method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
Get the configuration name.
getConfigurationName() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Get the configuration name.
getConfigurationName() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
getConfigurationNames() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the configurations.
getConfigurationNames() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the configurations.
getConfigurations() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the configurations.
getConfigurations() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the configurations.
getConnection() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Get the connection.
getConnection() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalAbstractConnectionHandler
Get the connection.
getConnectionHandler() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
Get the connection handler.
getConnectionHandler() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalAbstractConnectionHandler
Get the conhandler.
getConnectionId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
Get the id.
getConnectionId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Get the id.
getConnectionId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalAbstractConnectionHandler
Get the id.
getConnectionId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.StreamPacket
Get the connectionid.
getConnectionId() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IConnection
Get the connection id.
getConnectionId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Get the connection id.
getConnectionId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
Get the connectionid.
getConnectionId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
getConnectionId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Get the connectionid.
getConnections() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.transport.ITransportInfoService
Get the established connections.
getConnectionState() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.IProxyAgentService
Get the connection state of the proxy.
getContent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Denotes the content of the message; equivalently denotes the object of the action.
getContent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
Get the content.
getContentType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
Get the contenttype.
getContext() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the context flag.
getConversationId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Introduces an expression (a conversation identifier) which is used to identify the ongoing sequence of communicative acts that together form a conversation.
getCreationTime() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the creation time.
getCreationTime() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the creation time.
getCreator() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the creator.
getCreator() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the creator of this component.
getCurrentDirectory(IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteFileChooser
Get the current directory of the remote VM.
getCurrentInvocation() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Get the service call instance corresponding to the current execution context.
getCurrentServiceCall() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Get the last service call.
getCurrentStateEvents() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Get the current state as events.
getCurrentStateEvents() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MonitoringComponentFeature
Get the current state as events.
getCurrentSteps() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Get the current steps.
getCustomNameAuthorities() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Gets all authorities not defined in the Java trust store for authenticating platform names.
getData() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.StreamPacket
Get the data.
getDebugFutures() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the debug futures flag.
getDebugServices() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the debug services flag.
getDebugSteps() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the debug steps flag.
getDecoupledFuture(IFuture<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent.ExternalAccessInvocationHandler
Returns a future that schedules back to calling component if necessary..
getDefault() - Static method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
Returns a PlatformConfiguration with the default parameters.
getDefaultBinding() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Get the binding.
getDefaultDirectory(IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteFileChooser
Return the user's default starting directory for the file chooser.
getDefaultNoGui() - Static method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
Returns a PlatformConfiguration with the default parameters but without gui.
getDefaultTimeout() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Get the default timeout.
getDefaultTimeout() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
Get the default timeout.
getDefaultTimeout(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Get the default timeout.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Argument
Get the default value.
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IArgument
Get the default value.
getDeferredCommands() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IOrderedConversation
Returns queue of commands that have been deferred due to out-of-order arrival.
getDeferredCommands() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature.OutCommand
Returns queue of commands that have been deferred due to out-of-order arrival.
getDelay() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Get the delay.
getDelay() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Get the time.
getDelay(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Get the time.
getDelegate() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ISimpleDelegationClassLoader
getDelegationFuture(IFuture<T>, FutureFunctionality) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
getDelegationFuture(Class<?>, FutureFunctionality) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
getDelta() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedClockService
getDelta() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Get the clock delta.
getDelta() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Get the clock delta.
getDescription() - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Get the description.
getDescription() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExecutionFeature
Get the component description.
getDescription() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Get the component description.
getDescription() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Argument
Get the description.
getDescription() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IArgument
Get the description.
getDescription() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the model description.
getDescription() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Get the model description.
getDescription() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Get the description.
getDescription() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get the component description.
getDescription(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Get the component description.
getDescription(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Get the component description.
getDescription(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get the component description.
getDescription(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Get the description for a component (if any).
getDescriptionAsync() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Get the component description.
getDescriptionAsync() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Get the component description.
getDescriptions() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Get the component descriptions.
getDescriptions() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Get the component description.
getDescriptions() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get the component description.
getDf() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the df (directory facilitator) flag.
getDilation() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedClockService
getDilation() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Get the clocks dilation.
getDisplayName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Get the displayname.
getDisplayName(File) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Get the display name for a file.
getDocuments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ErrorReport
Get the external documents.
getDocuments() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IErrorReport
Get the external documents.
getDomainService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Get the domain service.
getDomainService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInfo
Get the domain service.
getDone() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Get the done.
getDotName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Get the name without @ replaced by dot.
getDotName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier
Get the dot name.
getDotName(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Get the name without @ replaced by dot.
getDuration() - Method in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Get the test duration.
getElementErrors(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Get all elements which have errors and are contained in the given element.
getElements() - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Get all invalid elements.
getEncoding() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Denotes the specific encoding of the content language expression.
getEndSequenceNumber() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AckInfo
Get the endSequenceNumber.
getEndstateStart() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Get the step number when endstate began.
getEndstateStart() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalExecutionFeature
Get the step number when endstate began.
getEndstateStart() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get the step number when endstate began.
getEndSteps() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Get the end steps.
getEntries() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.BunchFileData
Get the entries.
getEntryFiles() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Get the entryfiles.
getEntryName() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
getEnum(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
Get the enum per string.
getErrorFile() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Get the error stream redirection file (if any).
getErrorHTML() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ErrorReport
Get the html representation of the report.
getErrorHTML() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IErrorReport
Get the html representation of the report.
getErrorText() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ErrorReport
Get the text representation of the report.
getErrorText() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IErrorReport
Get the text representation of the report.
getException() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteResultCommand
Get the exception.
getException() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get the exception, if any.
getException() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSTerminatedEvent
Get the component exception if error occurred.
getException() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get the exception, if any.
getExceptionAsync() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalArgumentsResultsFeature
Get the exception, if any.
getExceptionAsync() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
Get the exception, if any.
getExcludedMethods() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Get the excluded.
getExcludes() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Get the excludes.
getExecutionFeature() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Get the execution feature.
getExecutionService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.AbstractComponentFeature
Get the execution service.
getExecutionService(IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Get the execution service.
getExecutorService() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedSimulationService
getExecutorService() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Get the executor service.
getExtendedPlatformConfiguration() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Get the extended platform configuration.
getExternalAccess() - Method in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
Get the external access.
getExternalAccess() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get the external access.
getExternalAccess() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get the external access.
getExternalAccess(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Get the external access for a component id.
getExternalAccess(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Get the external access for a component id.
getExternalAccess(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get the external access for a component id.
getExternalAccess(IComponentIdentifier, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Get the external access of a component.
getExternalAccessAsync(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Get the external access for a component id.
getExternalAccessAsync(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Get the external access for a component id.
getExternalFacade(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.AbstractComponentFeature
Get external feature facade.
getExternalFacade(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Get external feature facade.
getExternalFacadeType(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.AbstractComponentFeature
getExternalFeature(Class<? extends T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
Get a feature of the component.
getExternalFeature(Class<T>, ClassLoader, Object) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get external feature wrapper.
getFactory(FactoryFilter, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
getFeature(Class<? extends T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get a feature of the component.
getFeature(Class<? extends T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get a feature of the component.
getFeature0(Class<? extends T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get a feature of the component without throwing exception if not present.
getFeature0(Class<? extends T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get a feature of the component.
getFeatures() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the features.
getFeatures() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the features.
getFetcher() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get the fetcher.
getFetcher() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get the fetcher.
getFile(String) - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Get a file for an entry path.
getFileData(IExternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Get the file info of a remote path.
getFilename() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the filename.
getFilename() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the filename.
getFilename() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.SubcomponentTypeInfo
Get the filename.
getFilename() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
getFilename() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the filename.
getFilename() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the file name.
getFilename() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Get the filename.
getFilename(ComponentInstanceInfo, IModelInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Get the number of components to start.
getFileName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Get the name of the local file (without path).
getFileName(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalSubcomponentsFeature
Get the model name of a component type.
getFileName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Get the model name of a component type.
getFilePath() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Get the full path of the local file (including filename).
getFiles(IExternalAccess, FileData, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteFileChooser
Gets the list of shown (i.e.
getFileSize() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Get the filesize.
getFiletransfer() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the file transfer flag.
getFileTransfers() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatGuiService
Get a snapshot of the currently managed file transfers.
getFileType(IExternalAccess, String, IResourceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Get the file type of a model.
getFileTypeIcon(IExternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Get a default icon for a file type.
getFilter() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Get the current filter for this Logger.
getFilter() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
Get the filter.
getFilters() - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Get the filters.
getFirstResultAndTerminate(ITerminableIntermediateFuture<T>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Blocking wait for first result.
getFreeCapacity(IInternalAccess, IService) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.servicepool.ServicePoolHelper
Test if a service is pooled.
getFreeCapacity(Class<?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.servicepool.IServicePoolService
Get the free capacity.
getFreeService(IService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
Get the service for a call.
getFrom() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery.Multiplicity
Get the 'from' value, i.e.
getFullName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the full model name (package.name)
getFullName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the full model name (package.name)
getFuture() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.StepInfo
Get the future.
getFuture() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IOrderedConversation
Gets the conversation result future.
getFuture() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature.OutCommand
Gets the future.
getFuture() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler.DataSendInfo
Get the future.
getFuture() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
Get the future.
getFuture() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQueryInfo
Get the future.
getFuture(boolean, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Convenience method for creating a future (possibly with timeout avoidance).
getFuture(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Get the matching future object to a future (interface) type.
getFuture(Class<T>, boolean, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Convenience method for creating a future (possibly with timeout avoidance).
getFuture(Class<T>, boolean, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Convenience method for creating a future (possibly with timeout avoidance).
getGlobalIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IResourceIdentifier
Get the global identifier.
getGlobalIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Get the global identifier.
getGui() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Get the flag if gui is opened.
getHandlers() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Get the Handlers associated with this logger.
getHeader() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageEvent
Get the header.
getHomeDirectory(IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteFileChooser
getHostIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.ILocalResourceIdentifier
Get the host identifier.
getHostIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Get the host identifier.
getHTMLFragment(int, String) - Method in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Create an HTML representation of this element that can be included in an HTML document.
getId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler.SendInfo
Get the id.
getId() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
Get the id of the component.
getId() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get the id of the component.
getId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceIdFilter
Get the id.
getId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Get the id.
getId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Get the id.
getId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get the id of the component.
getId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
Get the id.
getImage() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Get the image.
getImage() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
Get the image.
getImage() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatGuiService
Get the avatar image.
getImage() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatService
Get the user image.
getImplementation() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Get the implementation.
getImplementationClass() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
Get the impl.
getImports() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the imports.
getImports() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the imports.
getImports() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the imports.
getIncludes() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Get the includes.
getIndexer() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Get the indexer.
getIndexerSearchSpec() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Gets the specification for the indexer.
getIndexerSpec(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryInfoExtractor
Gets the specification for the indexer.
getInfo() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteBackwardCommand
Get the info.
getInfo() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
Get the info.
getInfo() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.InitInfo
Get the info.
getInitCommand() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Get the init command.
getInitFuture() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.InitInfo
Get the initfuture.
getInitialSteps() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentLifecycleFeature
Get the initial steps from the model.
getInitialSteps() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Get the initial steps.
getInitiator() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
Get the initiator.
getInitiator() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InitInfo
Get the initiator.
getInitiator() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IConnection
Get the initiator.
getInitiator() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Get the initiator.
getInitiator() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
Get the initiator id.
getInitiator() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
getInitiator() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Get the initiator id.
getInitiatorConnections() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Get all initiator connections.
getInitInfo() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
Gets the initinfo.
getInitInfo(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
Convenience method to get the init info of a component.
getInputConnection() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
Get the input connection.
getInputConnection() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
getInputConnection(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Get a input connection.
getInReplyTo() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Denotes an expression that references an earlier action to which this message is a reply.
getInstance() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedService
Get the shared instance to delegate calls to.
getInterceptor(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractMultiInterceptor
Get a sub interceptor for special cases.
getInterceptor(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
Get a sub interceptor for special cases.
getInterceptors() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Get interceptors.
getInterceptors() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
Get the sub interceptors for special cases.
getInterceptors() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
Get the interceptors.
getInterceptors() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Get the interceptors.
getInterceptors() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Get the interceptors.
getInterceptors(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Get the interceptors of a service.
getInterceptors(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get the interceptors of a service.
getInterfaceType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Get the interface type.
getIntermediateResult() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteIntermediateResultCommand
Get the result.
getIntermediateResultListener() - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutIntermediateResultListener
getInternalAccess() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.AbstractComponentFeature
Get the component access.
getInternalAccess() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Get the internal access.
getInternalAccess() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Get the internal access.
getInternalAccess() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get the user view of this platform component.
getInternalAccess() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IPlatformComponentAccess
Get the user view of this platform component.
getInvocationHandler(Object) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ProxyFactory
Get the invocation handler of a proxy.
getInvokeMethod(Class<?>, ClassLoader, String, ClassInfo[]) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Get method that should be invoked on target object.
getJadexVersion(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Opportunistically returns the remote Jadex version if known.
getJarEntries() - Method in class jadex.base.RemoteJarFile
Get the jarentries.
getJarPath() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Get the path to the jar file.
getJavaCommand() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Get the java command.
getJccPlatforms() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get flag for open jcc for specific remote platforms.
getKeepalive() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Get the keepalive.
getKeepalive(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the keepalive flag.
getKeepalive(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the keepalive flag.
getKeepForPostConditions(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor
Get the number of intermediate results that should be explicitly kept by the interceptor (only necessary for subscription futures).
getKernelFilter(SClassReader.ClassInfo) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Add infos about a kernel to the map.
getKernelFilters(IInternalAccess, List<URL>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Get all kernel files, i.e.
getKeyExtractor() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.Indexer
Gets the key extractor used by the service.
getKeyForMethodname(String, int) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
Get the key for a method name.
getKeyMatchingMode(String, IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor
Extracts the matching mode from a multivalued term.
getKeyMatchingMode(String, ServiceQueryInfo<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryInfoExtractor
Extracts the matching mode from a multivalued term.
getKeyMatchingMode(String, T) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IKeyExtractor
Extracts the matching mode from a multivalued term.
getKeyNames() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IKeyExtractor
Get the key names for this type of extractor.
getKeyNames() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryInfoExtractor
Get the key names for this type of extractor.
getKeyNames() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor
Get the key names for this type of extractor.
getKeysStatic(String, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor
Extracts keys from a service.
getKeyValues(String, IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor
Extracts keys from a service.
getKeyValues(String, ServiceQueryInfo<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryInfoExtractor
Get the keys per keytype.
getKeyValues(String, T) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IKeyExtractor
Extracts key value from an object.
getKillFuture() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LockEntry
Get the killfuture.
getKnownPlatforms() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.IAwarenessManagementService
Get the currently known platforms.
getLanguage() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Denotes the language in which the content parameter is expressed.
getLastInvocation() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Get the last service call instance corresponding to the current execution context.
getLastModified() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Get the lastmodified.
getLastModified() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Get the lastmodified.
getLastService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
Get last service.
getLastService() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IRequiredServiceFetcher
Get the result of the last search.
getLastServices() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IRequiredServiceFetcher
Get the result of the last search.
getLeasetime() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Get the leasetime.
getLevel() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
Get the event importance.
getLevel() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Get the log Level that has been specified for this Logger.
getLevel() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Get the event importance level.
getLevel() - Method in enum jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel
Get the level.
getLevel() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Get the event importance level.
getLibPath() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the library path.
getLibrary() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the library flag.
getLocalClassLoader(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Gets the classloader of a local component.
getLocalExternalAccess(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Gets the external access of a local component.
getLocalFilter() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
Gets the filter for local filtering.
getLocalFilter(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
Gets the filter for local filtering.
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IResourceIdentifier
Get the local identifier.
getLocalIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Get the local identifier.
getLocalName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
getLocalName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier
Get the local component name.
getLocalService(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IServiceRegistry
Returns the service proxy of a local service identified by service ID.
getLocalService(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Returns the service proxy of a local service identified by service ID.
getLocalService(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Lookup matching services and provide first result.
getLocalService(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Search for matching services and provide first result.
getLocalService(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Search for matching services and provide first result.
getLocalService(Class<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Resolve a declared required service of a given type.
getLocalService(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Resolve a required service of a given type.
getLocalService(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Resolve a required service of a given type.
getLocalService(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Resolve a declared required service of a given name.
getLocalService(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Resolve a declared required service of a given name.
getLocalService(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Resolve a declared required service of a given name.
getLocalService0(Class<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Resolve a declared required service of a given type.
getLocalService0(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Resolve a required service of a given type.
getLocalService0(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Resolve a required service of a given type.
getLocalServices(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Lookup all matching services.
getLocalServices(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Search for all matching services.
getLocalServices(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Search for all matching services.
getLocalServices(Class<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Resolve a declared required services of a given type.
getLocalServices(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Resolve a required services of a given type.
getLocalServices(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Resolve a required services of a given type.
getLocalServices(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Resolve a declared required services of a given name.
getLocalServices(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Resolve a required services of a given name.
getLocalServices(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Resolve a required services of a given name.
getLocalTestConfig(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.base.test.util.STest
Get a local (no communication) test configuration using a unique platform name derived from the test name.
getLocalTestConfig(String) - Static method in class jadex.base.test.util.STest
Get local (no communication) test configuration using a generated unique platform name derived from the test name.
getLocalType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Get the local type name of this component as defined in the parent.
getLocalType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.ISubcomponentsFeature
Get the local type name of this component as defined in the parent.
getLocalType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the localtype.
getLocalType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the localtype.
getLocalType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the local type name of a component (defined in the parent).
getLocalTypeAsync() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalSubcomponentsFeature
Get the local type name of this component as defined in the parent.
getLocalTypeAsync() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Get the local type name of this component as defined in the parent.
getLocalTypes() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
Gets the local types.
getLock() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IServiceRegistry
Returns the lock on the registry.
getLock() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Returns the lock on the registry.
getLock() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
Gets the lock.
getLocked() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LockEntry
getLockerCount() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LockEntry
Get the locker count.
getLogger() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get the logger.
getLogger() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Get the logger.
getLogger() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get the logger.
getLoggerName(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get the logger name.
getLogging() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Get the logging flag.
getLoggingLevel() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Get the logging level.
getLookupTypes() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeatureFactory
Get lookup types.
getLookupTypes() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
Get the lookuptypes.
getMain() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Get the main.
getManagementService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInfo
Get the management service.
getMapping() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Get the mapping information (e.g.
getMasterId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Get the masterid.
getMatchingMode(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Get the matching mode for a key.
getMax() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Get the max number of services.
getMaxCapacity(IInternalAccess, IService) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.servicepool.ServicePoolHelper
Test if a service is pooled.
getMaxCapacity(Class<?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.servicepool.IServicePoolService
Get the maximum capacity.
getMaxDepth() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Get the max-depth of this SearchConstraints.
getMaxDepth() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.ISearchConstraints
Get the max-depth of this SearchConstraints.
getMaxEntry() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Get the time.
getMaxResults() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Get the max-results of this SearchConstraints.
getMaxResults() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.ISearchConstraints
Get the max-results of this SearchConstraints.
getMemInfo() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.memstat.IMemstatService
Get info about stored data like connections and listeners.
getMessageEvents() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalMessageFeature
Listen to message events (send and receive).
getMessageEvents() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Listen to message events (send and receive).
getMessageFeature() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Get the message feature.
getMessages(Tuple) - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Get the messages for a given element.
getMessageType(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Get the message type for a given type, e.g.
getMessageType(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Get the message type.
getMetaInfo() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.AbstractNFProperty
Get the metainfo.
getMetaInfo() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFProperty
Returns the meta information about the property.
getMethod() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteMethodInvocationCommand
Get the method.
getMethod() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent
Get the method.
getMethod() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Get the method.
getMethodInfo() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFRPropertyInfo
Get the methodInfo.
getMethodInfos() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Get reflective info about the service methods, args, return types.
getMethodInfos() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IService
Get reflective info about the service methods, args, return types.
getMethodNFAllPropertyNames(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this method.
getMethodNFAllPropertyNames(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this method.
getMethodNFAllPropertyNames(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this method.
getMethodNFAllPropertyNames(MethodInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this method.
getMethodNFAllPropertyNames(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this method.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfo(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfo(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfo(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfo(MethodInfo, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfo(MethodInfo, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of all methods.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of all methods.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of all methods.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of a method.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of all methods.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of all methods.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of a method.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of a method.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos(MethodInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of a method.
getMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of a method.
getMethodNFPropertyNames(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyNames(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyNames(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyNames(MethodInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyNames(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyPrettyPrintValue(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method, performs unit conversion.
getMethodNFPropertyPrettyPrintValue(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
getMethodNFPropertyPrettyPrintValue(MethodInfo, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service method.
getMethodNFPropertyPrettyPrintValue(MethodInfo, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service method.
getMethodNFPropertyValue(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyValue(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String, U) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method, performs unit conversion.
getMethodNFPropertyValue(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyValue(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyValue(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String, U) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method, performs unit conversion.
getMethodNFPropertyValue(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String, U) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method, performs unit conversion.
getMethodNFPropertyValue(MethodInfo, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyValue(MethodInfo, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method.
getMethodNFPropertyValue(MethodInfo, String, U) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method, performs unit conversion.
getMethodNFPropertyValue(MethodInfo, String, U) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method, performs unit conversion.
getMethodReplacement(Method) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Get a replacements.
getMethodReplacements() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Get the replacements
getMethodTimeout(IComponentIdentifier, Method) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Get a timeout.
getMethodTimeout(Class<?>[], Method, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Get the default timeout for a method.
getMethodTimeouts() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Get the timeouts
getMin() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Get the minimum number of services.
getMinimal() - Static method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
Returns a minimal platform configuration without any network connectivity.
getMinimalComm() - Static method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
Returns a minimal platform configuration that allows service discovery and platform communication in local (intranet via multicast/tcp) and global (internet via superpeer/relay over websockets) networks.
getMinLeaseTime(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Get the minimum lease time.
getMode() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedSimulationService
getMode() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Get the execution mode.
getModel() - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
getModel() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
Get the model.
getModel() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get the model of the component.
getModel() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get the model of the component.
getModelAsync() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
Get the model of the component.
getModelAsync() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get the model of the component.
getModelCache() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
Gets the model cache.
getModelFileName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IPersistInfo
Gets the model file name.
getModelName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the model name.
getModelName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the model name.
getMonitor() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
Get the monitor for waiting.
getMonitoring() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the monitoring level.
getMonitoring() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Get the monitoring.
getMonitoring() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the monitoring.
getMonitoring() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the monitoring.
getMonitoring() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the monitoring flag.
getMonitoring(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the monitoring flag.
getMonitoring(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the monitoring flag.
getMonitoringComp() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the monitoring component flag.
getMonitoringServiceGetter() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MonitoringComponentFeature
Get the monitoring service getter.
getMultiplicity() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Get the multiplicity.
getMyDeps() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver.NodeInfo
Get the mydeps.
getName() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentLoadTest
getName() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTest
getName() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTestLazyPlatform
getName() - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Get the component name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Get the name of this AMSCreateComponent.
getName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier
Get the component name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Get the name (expression).
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Get the name.
getName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IArgument
Get the name.
getName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFPropertyInfo
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.SubcomponentTypeInfo
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.AbstractNFProperty
Gets the name of the property.
getName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFProperty
Gets the name of the property.
getName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyMetaInfo
Gets the name of the property.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Gets the name of the property.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Get the name.
getName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Get the clocks name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the componentidentifier of this CESComponentDescription.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSIntermediateResultEvent
Get the name.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the instance name.
getName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the identifier of the component.
getName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Get the name for this logger.
getName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IProperty
Get the name of this Property.
getName(ComponentInstanceInfo, IModelInfo, int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Get the name of components to start.
getNameAuthorities() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Gets all authorities for authenticating platform names.
getNameAuthoritiesInfo() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Get infos about name authorities.
getNameHint() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the name hint for instances.
getNameHint() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the namehint.
getNetworkNames() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Get the network name (used at startup).
getNetworkNames() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IServiceIdentifier
Get the (security) network names.
getNetworkNames() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Get the networknames.
getNetworkNames() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Get the network names.
getNetworkNames() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Gets the current network names.
getNetworks() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityInfo
Gets the authenticated networks of the sender.
getNetworkSecrets() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Get the network secret (used at startup).
getNextByteArray() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnection
Get the next data byte array.
getNextIdleFuture() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedExecutionService
getNextIdleFuture() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.execution.IExecutionService
Get the future indicating that executor is idle.
getNextInterceptor() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Get the next interceptor.
getNextInvocation() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Get the invocation data for the next service call.
getNextReceivedSequenceNumber() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
Get the next received sequence number.
getNextResultCount() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IOrderedConversation
Gets the count of the next result.
getNextResultCount() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature.OutCommand
Gets the count of the next result.
getNextSequenceNumber() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Get The next seqnumber.
getNextServiceCall() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Get the service call.
getNextTimer() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedClockService
getNextTimer() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Get the next timer.
getNextTimer() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Get the next timer.
getNFAllPropertyNames() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this component.
getNFAllPropertyNames() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getNFAllPropertyNames() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getNFAllPropertyNames() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getNFAllPropertyNames(IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getNFAllPropertyNames(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getNFAllPropertyNames(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getNFAllPropertyNames(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getNFProperties() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the nf properties.
getNFProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the nfproperties.
getNFPropertyMetaInfo(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyMetaInfo(IExternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyMetaInfo(IServiceIdentifier, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyMetaInfo(IServiceIdentifier, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyMetaInfo(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this component.
getNFPropertyMetaInfo(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyMetaInfo(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyMetaInfo(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyMetaInfos() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this component.
getNFPropertyMetaInfos() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyMetaInfos() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyMetaInfos() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyMetaInfos(IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyMetaInfos(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyMetaInfos(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyMetaInfos(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyNames() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the declared names of all non-functional properties of this component.
getNFPropertyNames() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the declared names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getNFPropertyNames() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyProvider
Returns the declared names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getNFPropertyNames() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getNFPropertyNames(IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the declared names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getNFPropertyNames(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the declared names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getNFPropertyNames(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the declared names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getNFPropertyNames(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the declared names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getNFPropertyPrettyPrintValue(IServiceIdentifier, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service, performs unit conversion.
getNFPropertyPrettyPrintValue(IServiceIdentifier, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service, performs unit conversion.
getNFPropertyPrettyPrintValue(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this component.
getNFPropertyPrettyPrintValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this component.
getNFPropertyPrettyPrintValue(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyPrettyPrintValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyValue(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyValue(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, String, U) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service, performs unit conversion.
getNFPropertyValue(IExternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyValue(IExternalAccess, String, U) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service, performs unit conversion.
getNFPropertyValue(IServiceIdentifier, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyValue(IServiceIdentifier, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyValue(IServiceIdentifier, String, U) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service, performs unit conversion.
getNFPropertyValue(IServiceIdentifier, String, U) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service, performs unit conversion.
getNFPropertyValue(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this component.
getNFPropertyValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyValue(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service.
getNFPropertyValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service, performs unit conversion.
getNFPropertyValue(String, U) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this component, performs unit conversion.
getNFPropertyValue(String, U) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service, performs unit conversion.
getNFPropertyValue(String, U) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service, performs unit conversion.
getNFPropertyValue(String, U) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service, performs unit conversion.
getNFRProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Get the nfproperties.
getNick() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
Get the nick name.
getNickName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatGuiService
Get the user name.
getNickName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatService
Get the user name.
getNodeInfo(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Get the node info for the node id.
getNodeps() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Get the nodeps.
getNodes() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Get the nodes.
getNonFunctionalProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
Get the non-functional properties of the connection.
getNonFunctionalProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Get the non-functional properties.
getNonFunctionalProperties() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.streams.IAbstractConnectionHandler
Get the non-functional properties.
getNonFunctionalProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InitInfo
Get the nonFunctionalProperties.
getNonFunctionalProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalAbstractConnectionHandler
Get the non-functional properties of the connection.
getNonFunctionalProperties() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IConnection
Get the non-functional properties of the connection.
getNonFunctionalProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Get the non-functional properties of the connection.
getNonFunctionalProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
Get the non-functional properties of the connection.
getNonFunctionalProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
Get the non-functional properties of the connection.
getNonFunctionalProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Get the non-functional properties of the connection.
getNonManagedURLs() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Get other contained (but not directly managed) urls from parent classloaders.
getNoStackCompaction() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the no stack compaction flag.
getNotificationTime() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.TimerWrapper
getNotificationTime() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.ITimer
Get the next notification time.
getNoTimeoutFuture(IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Convenience method for creating a future (possibly with timeout avoidance).
getNoTimeoutFuture(Class<T>, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Convenience method for creating a future (possibly with timeout avoidance).
getNoTimeoutFuture(Class<T>, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Convenience method for creating a future (possibly with timeout avoidance).
getNoTimeoutFuture(Class<T>, IInternalAccess, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Convenience method for creating a future with timeout avoidance.
getNumber() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Get the number (expression).
getNumber(ComponentInstanceInfo, IModelInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Get the number of components to start.
getObject() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Get the object.
getObject(Tuple) - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
getObjectName(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Get the name of an object.
getOntology() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Denotes the ontology(s) used to give a meaning to the symbols in the content expression.
getOpenGl() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the opengl flag.
getOperator() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Gets the operator.
getOperator() - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Get the operator.
getOrCreateNextInvocation() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Set the properties of the next invocation.
getOrCreateNextInvocation(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Get or create the next servicecall for the next invocation.
getOrigin() - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Get the chain id.
getOther() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Get the opposite component.
getOtherDeps() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver.NodeInfo
Get the otherdeps.
getOtherErrors(Set<Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Get other errors, not in the given tags.
getOutputConnection() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Get the output connection.
getOutputConnection() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Get the corresponding output connection.
getOutputConnection(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Get a output connection.
getOutputFile() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Get the output stream redirection file (if any).
getOwnedElementErrors(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Get elements of the given owner type, which have errors or contain elements with errors.
getOwner() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Get the owner.
getOwnership() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the ownership of this CESComponentDescription.
getPackage() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the package name.
getPackage() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the package name.
getParameterGuesser() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeature
The feature can add objects for field or method injections by providing an optional parameter guesser.
getParameterGuesser() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.AbstractComponentFeature
The feature can add objects for field or method injections by providing an optional parameter guesser.
getParameterGuesser() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInternalAccess
Get the parameter guesser.
getParameterGuesser() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get the parameter guesser.
getParameters() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFPropertyInfo
Get the parameters.
getParent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Get the parent identifier.
getParent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Get the parent of this AMSCreateComponent.
getParent() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier
Get the parent identifier.
getParent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Return the parent for this Logger.
getParentComponent(CreationInfo, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Get the parent component.
getParentDirectory(IExternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteFileChooser
Returns the parent directory of dir.
getParentId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Get the parent.
getParentIdentifier(IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Get the parent component of a component.
getParentInfo(CreationInfo, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Get the info of the parent component.
getParticipant() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
Get the participant.
getParticipant() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InitInfo
Get the participant.
getParticipant() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IConnection
Get the participant.
getParticipant() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Get the participant.
getParticipant() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
Get the participant id.
getParticipant() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
getParticipant() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Get the participant id.
getParticipantConnections() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Get all participant connections.
getParticipantInputConnection(int, IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalMessageFeature
Get the participant input connection.
getParticipantInputConnection(int, IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Get the participant input connection.
getParticipantOutputConnection(int, IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalMessageFeature
Get the participant output connection.
getParticipantOutputConnection(int, IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Get the participant output connection.
getPassword() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Get the password.
getPath() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Get the path.
getPathElementObject(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Get the object of a path element
getPathName() - Method in class jadex.base.RemoteJarFile
Get path name.
getPattern() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
Get the pattern.
getPerformative() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Denotes the type of the communicative act of the ACL message.
getPermGenMemoryPool() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.MaxPermGenMemoryProperty
Get the perm gen pool.
getPermGenMemoryPool() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.UsedPermGenMemoryProperty
Get the perm gen pool.
getPlatform() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Get the platform.
getPlatformAddresses(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.IAwarenessService
Gets the address for a platform ID using the awareness mechanism.
getPlatformArgument(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Get a platform argument, i.e.
getPlatformComponent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get the platform component.
getPlatformComponent() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IPlatformComponentAccess
Get the platform component.
getPlatformConfiguration() - Static method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
Get the default platform configuration.
getPlatformConfiguration(ClassLoader) - Static method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
Get the default platform configuration.
getPlatformConfiguration(ClassLoader, PlatformConfigurationHandler) - Static method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
Get the default platform configuration.
getPlatformId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddress
Gets the ID of the platform owning the address.
getPlatformInfo(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.IAwarenessManagementService
Get the discovery info for a platform, if any.
getPlatformName() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Get the platform name.
getPlatformName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Get the platform name.
getPlatformName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier
Get the platform name.
getPlatformPrefix() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Get the platform name without the suffix for name uniqueness.
getPlatformPrefix() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier
Get the platform name without the suffix for name uniqueness.
getPlatformPrefix(String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Get the stripped platform name.
getPlatforms() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.IDaemonService
Get the component identifiers of all (managed) platforms.
getPlatformSecret(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Gets the secret of a platform if available.
getPlatformSettings(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
getPlatformValue(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Get a global platform value.
getPojo() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the pojo.
getPojoAgent() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IPojoComponentFeature
Get the POJO agent object.
getPojoAgent(Class<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IPojoComponentFeature
Get the POJO agent object casted to the pojo class.
getPojoServiceProxy(Object) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Get the proxy of a pojo service.
getPredecessors() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeatureFactory
Get the predecessors, i.e.
getPredecessors() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
Get the predecessors, i.e.
getPredecessors() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get required predecessors (dependencies).
getPredecessors() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get required predecessors (dependencies).
getPrefixLength() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Get the prefix.
getPreprocessor(Object) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Try to find a message preprocessor for the given object.
getPrettyPrintValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.AbstractNFProperty
Returns the current value of the property in a human readable form.
getPrettyPrintValue() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFProperty
Returns the current value of the property in a human readable form.
getPrettyPrintValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyRef
getPrettyPrintValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SimpleValueNFProperty
Returns the current value of the property in a human readable form.
getPriority() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.StepInfo
Get the priority.
getPriority() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ImmediateComponentStep
Get the priority of the step.
getPriority() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IPriorityComponentStep
Get the priority of the step.
getProgramArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Get the prgmargs.
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
Get a property.
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MsgHeader
Gets the properties.
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.AbstractInternalRemoteCommand
Get the non-functional properties.
getProperties() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the properties.
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the properties.
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Get the properties.
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Get the properties.
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Get the properties.
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Get the properties.
getProperties() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Get a property.
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Get a property.
getProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Get a property.
getProperties() - Method in interface jadex.commons.IPropertiesProvider
Write current state into properties.
getProperties(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IComponentFactory
Get the properties (name/value pairs).
getProperties(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.settings.ISettingsService
getProperty(IExternalAccess, String, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Get a default icon for a file type.
getProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
Get a property.
getProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MsgHeader
Gets a property stored in the header.
getProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.PropertiesComponentFeature
Get a property value.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMsgHeader
Gets a property stored in the header.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IPropertiesFeature
Get a property value.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Get a property.
getProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Get a property.
getProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Get a property.
getProperty(String, ClassLoader) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get a parsed property.
getProperty(String, ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get a parsed property.
getPropertyMap() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Get a service property.
getPropertyMap() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IService
Get the map of properties (considered as constant).
getPropertyName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Gets the propname.
getPropertyValue(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.BasicEvaluator
Get the property value based on the provider.
getProtocol() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Denotes the interaction protocol that the sending agent is employing with this ACL message.
getProvidedService(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Get the provided service implementation object by id.
getProvidedService(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get the provided service implementation object by id.
getProvidedService(Class<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Get provided (declared) service.
getProvidedService(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get provided (declared) service.
getProvidedService(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Get provided (declared) service.
getProvidedService(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get provided (declared) service.
getProvidedServiceInfo(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get the provided service info for a service.
getProvidedServiceInfos() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
Get the provided service infos.
getProvidedServiceInfos() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the service infos.
getProvidedServicePropertyProvider(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Get the provided service property provider for a service.
getProvidedServicePropertyProvider(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.INFPropertyComponentFeature
Get the provided service property provider for a service.
getProvidedServiceRawImpl(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Get the provided service implementation object by name.
getProvidedServiceRawImpl(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get the provided service implementation object by id.
getProvidedServiceRawImpl(Class<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Get the provided service implementation object by class.
getProvidedServiceRawImpl(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get the raw implementation of the provided service.
getProvidedServiceRawImpl(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Get the provided service implementation object by name.
getProvidedServiceRawImpl(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get the provided service implementation object by name.
getProvidedServices() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Get the provided services.
getProvidedServices() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the provided services.
getProvidedServices() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the provided services.
getProvidedServices(Class<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Get provided (declared) service.
getProvidedServices(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get provided (declared) service.
getProvider() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Get the provider.
getProviderId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Get the providerid.
getProviderId() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IServiceIdentifier
Get the service provider identifier.
getProviderId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Get the service provider identifier.
getProxy() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Get the proxy.
getProxy() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Get the proxy.
getProxyInfo() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyReference
Get the proxy info.
getProxyReference() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RemoteMethodInvocationHandler
Get the pr.
getProxyReference() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IBrokenProxy
Get the proxy reference
getProxytype() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
Get the proxy type.
getProxytype() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Get the proxytype.
getPublish() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Get the publish.
getPublishEmitLevelMonitoring() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MonitoringComponentFeature
Get the monitoring event emit level.
getPublishEmitLevelSubscriptions() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MonitoringComponentFeature
Get the monitoring event emit level for subscriptions.
getPublishId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Get the publishid.
getPublishScope() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Gets the publish scope.
getPublishService(IInternalAccess, String, ServiceScope, Iterator<IPublishService>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get the publish service for a publish type (e.g.
getPublishType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Get the type.
getQueries(ClassInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IRegistryDataProvider
Get queries per type.
getQuery() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryEvent
Gets the query.
getQuery() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceNotFoundException
Get the failed query, if any.
getQuery() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQueryInfo
Get the query.
getRawModel() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the kernel-specific model.
getRawModel() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the kernel-specific model.
getRawService(Class<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IInternalRequiredServicesFeature
Get a service raw (i.e.
getRawService(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get a service raw (i.e.
getRawServices(Class<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IInternalRequiredServicesFeature
Get a service raw (i.e.
getRawServices(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get a service raw (i.e.
getReason() - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Get the failure reason.
getReason() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteTerminationCommand
Get the reason.
getReason() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
Get the reason.
getReceiveHost() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Get the receivehost.
getReceiveProtocol() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Get the receiveprotocol.
getReceiver() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MsgHeader
Gets the receiver of the message.
getReceiver() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMsgHeader
Gets the receiver of the message.
getReceivers() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Denotes the identity of the intended recipients of the message.
getReceivers() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
Get the receivers.
getReferenceInfo(Method, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
Get the copy info for method parameters.
getRegisteredClients() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.ISuperpeerStatusService
Get the clients that are currently registered to super peer.
getRegistry(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Get the registry from a component.
getRegistry(IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Get the registry from a component.
getRelativePath() - Method in class jadex.base.RemoteJarFile
Get the relativepath.
getRelayAddresses() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the relay addresses.
getRelayForwarding() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Should the platform act as relay, i.e.
getRelayTransport() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the flag if the relay transport is active.
getRelevantValueNames() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.IHardConstraintsFilter
Returns the value names relevant to this filter
getRemotableFilter() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
Gets the filter that is remotable.
getRemoteComponent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteReference
Get the rms.
getRemoteComponentIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.IProxyAgentService
Get the component identifier of the remote platform.
getRemoteReference() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyReference
Get the remoteReference.
getRemovableLinks() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Get the removable links.
getReplyBy() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Denotes a time and/or date expression which indicates the latest time by which the sending agent would like to receive a reply.
getReplyTo() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
This parameter indicates that subsequent messages in this conversation thread are to be directed to the agent named in the reply-to parameter, instead of to the agent named in the sender parameter.
getReplyWith() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Introduces an expression that will be used by the responding agent to identify this message.
getReport() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the report.
getReport() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the report.
getReports() - Method in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Get the reports.
getRepositoryInfo() - Method in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
todo: make struct to also allow containing Get the url.
getRepositoryInfo() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IGlobalResourceIdentifier
todo: make struct to also allow containing Get the url.
getRequiredMethodNFAllPropertyNames(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this method.
getRequiredMethodNFAllPropertyNames(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this method.
getRequiredMethodNFAllPropertyNames(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this method.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyMetaInfo(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of the specified method.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyMetaInfo(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of the specified method.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyMetaInfo(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of the specified method.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of all methods.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of a method.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of all methods.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of all methods.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of a method.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyMetaInfos(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns meta information about a non-functional properties of a method.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyNames(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of the specified method.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyNames(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of the specified method.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyNames(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of the specified method.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyPrettyPrintValue(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyPrettyPrintValue(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method, performs unit conversion.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyValue(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyValue(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String, U) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method, performs unit conversion.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyValue(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyValue(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyValue(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String, U) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method, performs unit conversion.
getRequiredMethodNFPropertyValue(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String, U) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of the specified method, performs unit conversion.
getRequiredName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
Get the reqname.
getRequiredNFAllPropertyNames(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getRequiredNFAllPropertyNames(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getRequiredNFAllPropertyNames(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getRequiredNFPropertyMetaInfo(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getRequiredNFPropertyMetaInfo(IServiceIdentifier, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getRequiredNFPropertyMetaInfo(IServiceIdentifier, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getRequiredNFPropertyMetaInfos(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getRequiredNFPropertyMetaInfos(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getRequiredNFPropertyMetaInfos(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the meta information about a non-functional property of this service.
getRequiredNFPropertyNames(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the declared names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getRequiredNFPropertyNames(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the declared names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getRequiredNFPropertyNames(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the declared names of all non-functional properties of this service.
getRequiredNFPropertyPrettyPrintValue(IServiceIdentifier, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service.
getRequiredNFPropertyPrettyPrintValue(IServiceIdentifier, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service.
getRequiredNFPropertyValue(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service.
getRequiredNFPropertyValue(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, String, U) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service, performs unit conversion.
getRequiredNFPropertyValue(IServiceIdentifier, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service.
getRequiredNFPropertyValue(IServiceIdentifier, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service.
getRequiredNFPropertyValue(IServiceIdentifier, String, U) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service, performs unit conversion.
getRequiredNFPropertyValue(IServiceIdentifier, String, U) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Returns the current value of a non-functional property of this service, performs unit conversion.
getRequiredProxyType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Returns the requested required service proxy type.
getRequiredServiceBindings() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
Get the bindings.
getRequiredServiceBindings() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the bindings.
getRequiredServicePropertyProvider() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFRPropertyProvider
Get the required service property provider.
getRequiredServicePropertyProvider(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Get the required service property provider for a service.
getRequiredServicePropertyProvider(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.INFPropertyComponentFeature
Get the required service property provider for a service.
getResource(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ISimpleDelegationClassLoader
getResourceAsStream(IResourceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Get a resource as stream (jar).
getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ISimpleDelegationClassLoader
getResourceBundle() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Retrieve the localization resource bundle for this logger for the current default locale.
getResourceBundleName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Retrieve the localization resource bundle name for this logger.
getResourceId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
Get the resource id.
getResourceId() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IGlobalResourceIdentifier
Get the resource id.
getResourceIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Get the parent of this AMSCreateComponent.
getResourceIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Return the resource identifier.
getResourceIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Return the resource identifier.
getResourceIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IServiceIdentifier
Get the resource identifier.
getResourceIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Get the resource identifier.
getResourceIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Get the resourceIdentifier.
getResourceIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the resource identifier.
getResourceIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the resource identifier for loading the component model.
getResourceIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the resource identifier.
getResourceIdentifier(String, IResourceIdentifier, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Find the class loader for a new (local) component.
getResourceIdentifier(URL) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.IDependencyService
Get the resource identifier for an url.
getResourceIdentifier(URL) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Returns the resource identifier for a url.
getResourceIdentifiers() - Method in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
Get the resource identifiers for the root path entries.
getResourceIdentifiers() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Get the resource identifier dependencies.
getResources(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ISimpleDelegationClassLoader
getResult() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteResultCommand
Get the result.
getResult() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler.SendInfo
Get the result.
getResult() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Get the result.
getResult(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the results.
getResult(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get a result per name.
getResult(Collection<Tuple2<String, Object>>, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Argument
Get a specific result from a result collection.
getResultCount() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.AbstractResultCommand
Gets the result count.
getResults() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IArgumentsResultsFeature
Get the current results.
getResults() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
Get the current results.
getResults() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Get the list of results.
getResults() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the results.
getResults() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the results.
getResults() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSTerminatedEvent
Get the results.
getResultsAsync() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalArgumentsResultsFeature
Get the component results.
getResultsAsync() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
Get the current results.
getReturnType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.ITypedComponentStep
getReverseName(String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
Get the reverse name of a dot name (component id).
getRoleMap() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Gets a copy of the current role map.
getRoles() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityInfo
Gets the roles associated with the sender.
getRoles(Security, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Get the roles from an annotation.
getRoot() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Get the root identifier.
getRoot() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier
Get the root identifier.
getRootResourceIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Get the top-level resource identifier.
getRoots() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.IFileTransferService
Get the root devices.
getRoots(IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteFileChooser
Returns all root partitions on this system.
getRsPublish() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the flag if rest publishing is on.
getRsPublishComponent() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the rest publish component.
getRunningTasks() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedExecutionService
getRunningTasks() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.execution.IExecutionService
Get the currently running or waiting tasks.
getSaveOnExit() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get flag for save settings on exit.
getScaledDefaultTimeout(IComponentIdentifier, double) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Get the scaled default timeout.
getScope() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IServiceIdentifier
Get the visibility scope.
getScope() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Get the scope.
getScope() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Get the scope.
getScope() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Get the scope.
getScope() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Get the scope.
getScopeExpression() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Get the scope expression.
getScopeExpression() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Get the scope expression.
getSearchConstraints() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Get the searchconstraints of this CMSSearchComponents.
getSearchId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Get the search-id of this SearchConstraints.
getSearchId() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.ISearchConstraints
Get the search id.
getSearchStart() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Get the provider.
getSecinfos() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageEvent
Get the security infos.
getSecurity() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the security flag.
getSecurity() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Get the security settings.
getSecurityLevel(IInternalAccess) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ISecuredRemoteCommand
Method to provide the required security level.
getSecurityLevel(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteMethodInvocationCommand
Method to provide the required security level.
getSecurityLevel(IInternalAccess, ProvidedServiceInfo, Class<?>, Class<?>, Method, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Find the most specific security setting.
getSecurityLevel(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Method to provide the security level.
getSecurityService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Gets the security service.
getSelectedComponents() - Method in class jadex.base.DefaultFileFilter
Get the selected filter elements.
getSender() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MsgHeader
Gets the sender of the message.
getSender() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMsgHeader
Gets the sender of the message.
getSender() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Denotes the identity of the sender of the message, that is, the name of the agent of the communicative act.
getSender() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Get the sender.
getSender() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
Get the sender.
getSender() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Get the sender.
getSensors() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Get the sensors flag.
getSeparatorChar() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Get the separator char.
getSequenceNumber() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
Get the last received sequence number.
getSequenceNumber() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler.DataSendInfo
Get the sequence number.
getSequenceNumber() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Get the seqnumber.
getSequenceNumber() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.StreamPacket
Get the sequenceNumber.
getSerializationServices() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
Gets the serialization services.
getSerializationServices(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Gets the platform serialization services.
getSerializer(int) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.serialization.ISerializationServices
Returns a serializer per id.
getSerializerId() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.ISerializer
Get the serializer id.
getSerializers() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.serialization.ISerializationServices
Returns all serializers.
getService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Get the service.
getService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
Get or search the service with a delay in case not found.
getService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent
Get the service.
getService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceEvent
Gets the service.
getService(RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IRequiredServiceFetcher
Get a required service.
getService(Class<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Resolve a declared required service of a given type.
getService(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Resolve a required service of a given type.
getService(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Resolve a required service of a given type.
getService(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the required service.
getService(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the required service.
getService(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Resolve a declared required service of a given name.
getService(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Resolve a declared required service of a given name.
getService(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Resolve a declared required service of a given name.
getServiceEvents() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IInternalServiceMonitoringFeature
Listen to service call events (call, result and commands).
getServiceEvents() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Listen to service call events (call, result and commands).
getServiceId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Get the service id.
getServiceId() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IService
Get the service identifier.
getServiceIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Get the sid.
getServiceIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Get the service id.
getServiceIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Gets the service identifier.
getServiceIdentifier() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ServiceTerminatedException
Get the service identifier.
getServiceInfo(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get the required service info for a type.
getServiceInfo(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IInternalRequiredServicesFeature
Get the required service info for a name.
getServiceInfo(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get the required service info for a name.
getServiceInfos() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IInternalRequiredServicesFeature
Get the required services.
getServiceInfos() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get the required services.
getServiceInfos(IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Get the service infos for a component.
getServiceMethod() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
Get the method.
getServiceName() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IServiceIdentifier
Get the service name.
getServiceName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Get the service name.
getServiceProxy(IServiceIdentifier, RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Create the user-facing object from the received search or query result.
getServiceProxy(IServiceIdentifier, RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Create the user-facing object from the received search or query result.
getServiceProxy(IServiceIdentifier, RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Create the user-facing object from the received search or query result.
getServiceQuery(IInternalAccess, RequiredServiceInfo) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
When searching for declared service -> map required service declaration to service query.
getServiceQuery(RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
When searching for declared service -> map required service declaration to service query.
getServiceQuery(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Get a service query for a required service info (as defined in the agent under that name).
getServiceQuery(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Get a service query for a required service info (as defined in the agent under that name).
getServiceQuery(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Get a service query for a required service info (as defined in the agent under that name).
getServices() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Get the required services.
getServices() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the required services.
getServices() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the required services.
getServices() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Get the services.
getServices() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Get all services.
getServices(ClassInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IRegistryDataProvider
Get services per type.
getServices(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, ServiceScope, MethodInfo, RHardConstraints) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
getServices(RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IRequiredServiceFetcher
Get a required multi service.
getServices(ServiceQuery<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Get services per query.
getServices(Class<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Resolve a declared required services of a given type.
getServices(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Resolve a required services of a given type.
getServices(Class<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Resolve a required services of a given type.
getServices(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Resolve a declared required services of a given name.
getServices(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Resolve a required services of a given name.
getServices(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Resolve a required services of a given name.
getServiceSuperTypes() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IServiceIdentifier
Get the service super types.
getServiceSuperTypes() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Get the service super types.
getServiceTags() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Gets the service tags.
getServiceType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IServiceIdentifier
Get the service type name.
getServiceType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Get the service type.
getServiceType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Get the service type.
getServiceType(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
getServiceTypes(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
getSettings() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the settings flag.
getSharedNetworks() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityInfo
Gets the authenticated networks shared with the sender.
getShutdownLevels(MultiCollection<String, IComponentIdentifier>, List<IComponentIdentifier>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Gets the ordered shutdown levels for a number of components.
getSimul() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the simulation flag.
getSimulation() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the flag for simulation execution.
getSize() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Get the size.
getSmtpHost() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Get host.
getSmtpPort() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Get the port.
getSourceClassName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CustomLogRecord
Get the name of the class that (allegedly) issued the logging request.
getSourceCreationTime() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
Get the source creation time, i.e.
getSourceCreationTime() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Get the source creation time, i.e.
getSourceCreationTime() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Get the source creation time, i.e.
getSourceDescription() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
Get the source description, e.g.
getSourceDescription() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Get the source description, e.g.
getSourceDescription() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Get the source description, e.g.
getSourceId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Get the sourceId.
getSourceIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
Get the caller.
getSourceIdentifier() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Get the source component.
getSourceIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Get the caller.
getSourceMethodName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CustomLogRecord
Get the name of the method that (allegedly) issued the logging request.
getSpeed() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Get the speed.
getStartCommand() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Get the complete start command.
getStartDirectory() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Get the startdir.
getStartSequenceNumber() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AckInfo
Get the startSequenceNumber.
getStarttime() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedClockService
getStarttime() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Get the clocks start time.
getStarttime() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Get the clocks start time.
getState() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedClockService
getState() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Get the state.
getState() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Get the state.
getState() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Get the clock state.
getState() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Get the clock state.
getState() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the state of this CESComponentDescription.
getState() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the execution state of the component.
getState(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Get the CMS state for the platform.
getStatus() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatService
Get the current status.
getStep() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.StepInfo
Get the step.
getStep() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.StepAbortedException
Get the step.
getStep() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.StepInvalidException
Get the step.
getStepCount() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.StepInfo
Get the stepcnt.
getStepDetails(ExecutionComponentFeature.StepInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Get the details of a step.
getStepstring() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.StepAbortedException
Get the step string.
getStoredDataSize() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnection
Get the size of the stored data.
getStreamCount() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Get the stream count.
getStrictCom() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get flag for strict communication.
getStringConverters() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.serialization.ISerializationServices
Get the string converters (can convert to and from string, possibly only for some types).
getSubcomponentName(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Get the subcomponent name.
getSubcomponentTypes() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the subcomponent names.
getSubcomponentTypes() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the subcomponent names.
getSubject() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
Get the subject.
getSuccessors() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeatureFactory
Get the successors, i.e.
getSuccessors() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
Get the successors, i.e.
getSuccessors() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get declared successors (dependencies).
getSuccessors() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get declared successors (dependencies).
getSuperpeer() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Get the superpeer flag.
getSuperpeerClient() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Get the superpeer client flag.
getSupersuperpeer() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Get the superpeer flag.
getSuspend() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Get the suspend.
getSuspend() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the suspend flag.
getSuspend(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the suspend flag.
getSuspend(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the suspend flag.
getSynchronous() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Get the synchronous.
getSynchronous() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the synchronous.
getSynchronous(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the synchronous flag.
getSynchronous(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the synchronous flag.
getSynchronousMethods() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Get the synchronous.
getTags() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IServiceIdentifier
Get the service tags.
getTags() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Get the tags.
getTags() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.TagFilter
getTags() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Get the service tags.
getTarget() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyMetaInfo
Get the target of the property.
getTarget() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Get the target.
getTargetId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Get the targetId.
getTargetId() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteMethodInvocationCommand
Get the target id.
getTargetIdentifier() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteReference
Get the target id.
getTargetInterfaces() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Get the target remote interfaces.
getTargetObject() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Get the real target object.
getTargetPlatform() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Get the target platform if specified (using platform and provider).
getTargetResolver(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
Get the target resolver.
getTargetResolverClazz() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Get the target determiner clazz.
getTask() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler.SendInfo
Get the task.
getTcpPort() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the tcp port of the tcp transport.
getTcpTransport() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the flag if the tcp transport is active.
getter - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MonitoringComponentFeature
The monitoring service getter.
getTestCount() - Method in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Get the test count.
getThreadpoolClass() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the threadpool class.
getThreadpoolDefer() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the flag for deferred thread creation/deletion in threadpool.
getTick() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedClockService
getTick() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Get the current tick.
getTick() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Get the current tick.
getTickTimers() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Get all active tick timers.
getTime() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedClockService
getTime() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
Get the time.
getTime() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Get the time.
getTime() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Get the current time.
getTime() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Get the current time.
getTime() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Get the time.
getTime() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Get the event occurrence time.
getTime() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Get the time.
getTime(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Get the time.
getTimeDelays() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Get the delays.
getTimedObject() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.TimerWrapper
getTimedObject() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.ITimer
Get the timed object associated with this timer.
getTimeout() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTestBase
Get the timeout.
getTimeout() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Get the timeout.
getTimeout() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Get the timeout value.
getTimer() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler.SendInfo
Get the timer.
getTimerEntries(IClockService) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.TimerEntries
Get the current timer entries.
getTimers() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedClockService
getTimers() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Get all active timers.
getTimers() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Get all active timers.
getTo() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery.Multiplicity
Get the 'to' value, i.e.
getTransfer() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.StepInfo
Get the transfer.
getTransferableObject() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.ITransferableStep
The object to be transferred as replacement for the component step.
getTransportCache(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Gets the transport services cache.
getTransportType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddress
Gets the type of transport using the address.
getTrustedPlatforms() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Gets the trusted platforms that are specified by names.
getTryCnt() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler.SendInfo
Get the trycnt.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
Get the type.
getType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeatureFactory
Get the user interface type of the feature.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
Get the user interface type of the feature.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Get the user interface type of the feature.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageEvent
Get the type.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.StreamPacket
Get the type.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Get the type of this AMSCreateComponent.
getType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Get the component type (i.e.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Get the model type.
getType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyMetaInfo
Gets the type of the property.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Gets the type of the property.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent
Get the type.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Get the type.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Get the type.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryEvent
Gets the event type.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceEvent
Gets the event type.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
Get the type.
getType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Get the clock type.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the component type.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent
Get and set type are introduced to get the type explicitly (e.g.
getType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the component type.
getType() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Get the type.
getType() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Get the type.
getType(IModelInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Get the model of the component instance.
getTypeName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Get the type name.
getUncachedMethods() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Get the uncached.
getUniqueIds() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the unique id flag, i.e.
getUnit() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyMetaInfo
Gets the unit of the property.
getUnit() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Gets the unit of the property.
getUpdateRate() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyMetaInfo
Gets the update rate of the property, if it exists, for dynamic properties.
getUpdateRate() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Gets the update rate of the property, if it exists, for dynamic properties.
getUri() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.ILocalResourceIdentifier
Get the uri.
getUri() - Method in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Get the uri.
getUseParentHandlers() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Discover whether or not this logger is sending its output to its parent logger.
getUser() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Get the user.
getUsers() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatGuiService
Get available chat users.
getValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.AbstractNFProperty
Returns the current value of the property.
getValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
Gets the value.
getValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Gets the value.
getValue() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFProperty
Returns the current value of the property.
getValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor.SerializedValue
Get the value.
getValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
Get the value.
getValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSIntermediateResultEvent
Get the value.
getValue() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IProperty
Get the value of this Property.
getValue(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelValueProvider
Get the value.
getValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelValueProvider
Get the value.
getValue(String, IModelInfo) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Get a value per key.
getValue(String, IModelInfo) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
Generic getter for configuration parameters.
getValue(Void) - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
Returns the current value of the property, performs unit conversion if necessary.
getValue(U) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFProperty
Returns the current value of the property, performs unit conversion if necessary.
getValue(U) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyRef
Returns the current value of the property, performs unit conversion if necessary.
getValue(U) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SimpleValueNFProperty
Get the value converted by a unit.
getValueFetcher() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeature
The feature can inject parameters for expression evaluation by providing an optional value fetcher.
getValueFetcher() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.AbstractComponentFeature
The feature can inject parameters for expression evaluation by providing an optional value fetcher.
getValueFetcher() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
The feature can inject parameters for expression evaluation by providing an optional value fetcher.
getValueName() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
Gets the valuename.
getValues() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Get all values of the configuration as map.
getValues() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelValueProvider
Get the values.
getValues() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.SpanContextInfo
getValues(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.Indexer
Get values per type.
getValues(List<Tuple3<String, String[], Boolean>>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.Indexer
Get values per specification.
getValuesInverted(List<Tuple2<String, String[]>>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.Indexer
Get values per specification (multivalues considered as OR match, when queries are the values).
getVersion() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Get the version.
getVersionInfo() - Method in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
Get the version info.
getVersionInfo() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IGlobalResourceIdentifier
Get the version info.
getVMArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Get the vmargs.
getWelcome() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Get the welcome flag.
getWsPort() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the websocket port of the websocket transport.
getWsPublish() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the flag if wsdl publishing is on.
getWsTransport() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the flag if the ws transport is active.
getZipEntry() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Get the zip entry, if any (file pointer inside jar file).
gid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
The global identifier.
GLOBAL - jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
Global scope (any reachable platform including those with unrestricted services).
GLOBAL_SCOPES - Static variable in enum jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
The global scopes.
GlobalResourceIdentifier - Class in jadex.bridge
Default implementation for global resource identification.
GlobalResourceIdentifier() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
Create a resource identifier.
GlobalResourceIdentifier(String, URI, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
Create a resource identifier.
GREATER - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
The value should be greater than the given value.
GREATER_OR_EQUAL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
The value should be greater than or equal to the given value.
guesser - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.AbstractComponentFeature
The parameter guesser.
GUI - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Start the JCC agent to open the platform GUI?
GuiClass - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Gui representation for a service.
GuiClassName - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Gui representation for a service.
GuiClassNames - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Gui representations for a service.


handleAfterIntermediateResult(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Perform code after an intermediate result has been added.
handleBackwardCommand(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Optionally augment backward command behavior.
handleException(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Optionally augment exception behavior.
handleException(Exception) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
handleFinished(Collection<Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Optionally alter finished behavior.
handleIntermediateResult(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Optionally alter a result.
handleMessage(ISecurityInfo, IMsgHeader, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageHandler
Handle the message.
handleMessage(ISecurityInfo, IMsgHeader, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Handle message with user message handlers.
handleMessage(ISecurityInfo, IMsgHeader, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature.RxHandler
Handle the message.
handlePull() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Optionally augment pull behavior.
handleResult(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Optionally alter a result.
handleStreamPacket(StreamPacket) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Handles a stream packet.
handleTerminated(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Optionally augment termination behavior.
hasArgument(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Test if has an argument.
hasArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
Test if has arguments.
hasComponentInstance(String, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Test if has a component instance.
hasDependencies(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Test if a node has dependencies.
hasEventTargets(IMonitoringService.PublishTarget, IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMonitoringComponentFeature
Check if event targets exist.
hasEventTargets(IMonitoringService.PublishTarget, IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MonitoringComponentFeature
Check if event targets exist.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
The hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.SimulationState
The hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.TimerEntries
The hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Get the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.TimerWrapper
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteReference
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
The hash code of the object.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.FactoryFilter
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
Hash code based on id.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Return the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RemoteMethodInvocationHandler
Hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ProxyFilter
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceIdFilter
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddress
Hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Get the hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the hash code of this description.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
Get the hashcode.
hashCode() - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Get the hashcode.
hasMethodListeners(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Test if service and method has listeners.
hasMethodListeners(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.MethodListenerHandler
Test if service and method has listeners.
hasMethodListeners(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Test if service and method has listeners.
hasPlatformValue(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Get a global platform value.
hasProvidedService(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Test if has a provided service.
hasRequiredService(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Test if has a required service.
hasRequiredServicePropertyProvider(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Has the service a property provider.
hasRequiredServicePropertyProvider(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.INFPropertyComponentFeature
Has the service a property provider.
hasResult(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Test if has a result.
hasSameRoot(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Test if this identifier has the same root as the cid.
hasSameRoot(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier
Test if this identifier has the same root as the cid.
hasUserBody() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeature
Check if the feature potentially executed user code in body.
hasUserBody() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.AbstractComponentFeature
Check if the feature potentially executed user code in body.
hasUserBody() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
Check if the feature potentially executed user code in body.
hasUserBody() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentLifecycleFeature
Run body on separate thread if there are initial (user) steps in model.
hasUserBody() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Check if the feature potentially executed user code in body.
hasUserBody() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Check if the feature potentially executed user code in body.
hasUserBody() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MonitoringComponentFeature
Check if the feature potentially executed user code in body.
hasUserBody() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Check if the feature potentially executed user code in body.
hasUserBody() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.PropertiesComponentFeature
Check if the feature potentially executed user code in body.
hasUserBody() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature
Has no user body.
hasUserBody() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Check if the feature potentially executed user code in body.
hasUserBody() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Check if the feature potentially executed user code in body.
hasUserBody() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Check if the feature potentially executed user code in body.
hasUserTimeout() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Test if the user has set a timeout.
header - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageEvent
The message header.
hostid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
The host id.
HOURS - jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.TimeUnit


ia - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ComponentThreadInterceptor
The internal access.
ia - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
The internal access.
ia - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
The component.
ia - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.UnresolvedServiceInvocationHandler
The component.
ia - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
The internal access.
IAbortableTestSuite - Interface in jadex.base.test
Created by kalinowski on 06.01.16.
IAbstractConnectionHandler - Interface in jadex.bridge.component.streams
IAppGui - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore
IAppPanel - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore
Marker interface.
IAppProviderService<T> - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore
Interface for applications that want to provider themselves as app in the store.
IArgument - Interface in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
Interface for start arguments.
IArgumentsResultsFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
This features provides arguments.
IAsyncFilter<T> - Interface in jadex.commons
Generic filter interface.
IAsyncFilter.AlwaysFilter<E> - Class in jadex.commons
A filter that always returns true.
IAsyncFilter.NeverFilter<E> - Class in jadex.commons
A filter that always returns false.
IAutoConfigRegistryService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.registry
Interface allows for making a platform to a) registry superpeer b) registry client
IAwarenessManagementService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness
Service for managing discovery infos.
IAwarenessService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness
Locate other platforms without polling.
IBootstrapFactory - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
Interface for bootstrap component factories, i.e.
IBrokenProxy - Interface in jadex.bridge.service
Marker interface for broken proxies.
IChatGuiService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.chat
Service for connecting a user interface to a running chat service.
IChatService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.chat
Global chat service.
ICliService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.cli
Service to invoke the command line via a service call.
IClock - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.clock
Interface a for clock.
IClockService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.clock
The clock service.
ICMSComponentListener - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
Interface for locally listening to element changes.
ICodec - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.message
Encode and decode an object from a string representation.
IComponentAction - Interface in jadex.bridge.fipa
Basic super interface for component actions.
IComponentDescription - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
A description of a component, i.e.
IComponentFactory - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.factory
A factory is responsible for one or more component types and is capable of loading component models from files as well as providing component features.
IComponentFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
A component feature is a pluggable part of the state and behavior of a component.
IComponentFeatureFactory - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
A component feature is a pluggable part of the state and behavior of a component.
IComponentIdentifier - Interface in jadex.bridge
Interface for component identifiers.
IComponentStep<T> - Interface in jadex.bridge
Interface for a component step.
IConditionalComponentStep<T> - Interface in jadex.bridge
The interface for interpreter actions.
IConnection - Interface in jadex.bridge
Base interface for all Jadex connections (streams).
icons - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
The initiator connections.
IConvertableUnit<T> - Interface in jadex.bridge.sensor.unit
Unit interface supporting conversions.
ICronService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.cron
Interface for adding and removing cron jobs.
id - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
The connection id.
id - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler.SendInfo
The id.
id - Variable in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
The id.
id - Variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The id for remote listener deregistration.
id - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
The query id.
id - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
The id.
id - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
The id.
IDaemonService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon
IDaemonThreadPoolService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.threadpool
Interface for threadpool service.
idcnt - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
The id counter.
IDependencyService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.library
Service for resolving deployment artifact dependencies.
IDiscoveryService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness
Service interface for discovering other platforms.
IEmailService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.email
The email service allows for sending and receiving emails.
IErrorReport - Interface in jadex.bridge
The interface for an error report of loaded models.
IExecutionFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
The execution feature allows to schedule steps to be synchronously executed on the component.
IExecutionService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.execution
Common interface for different execution services.
IExtendedPlatformConfiguration - Interface in jadex.base
IExternalAccess - Interface in jadex.bridge
The interface for accessing components from the outside.
IExternalArgumentsResultsFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
IExternalComponentFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
Marker interface for external component feature interfaces.
IExternalExecutionFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
External perspective of the execution feature.
IExternalMonitoringComponentFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
External perspective of the monitoring feature.
IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
External perspective of the monitoring feature.
IExternalProvidedServicesFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.component
Component feature for provided services.
IExternalRequiredServicesFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.component
External perspective of the required services feature.
IExternalSubcomponentsFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
External perspective of the subcomponents feature.
ifeatures - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
The inited feature instances as list (for shutdown after failed init).
IFileTransferService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer
Interface for the file transfer service.
ifuture - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnection
The read futures.
IGlobalResourceIdentifier - Interface in jadex.bridge
Global resources are identified by their unique resource id.
IGNORED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
The ignored directories for determining resource project name.
IHardConstraintsFilter - Interface in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints
IIdleHook - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence
Called when a component becomes idle.
IInputConnection - Interface in jadex.bridge
Interface for input connection stream.
IInputConnectionHandler - Interface in jadex.bridge.component.streams
IInternalAccess - Interface in jadex.bridge
Common interface for all component types.
IInternalArgumentsResultsFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component.impl
Internal methods of argument/result feature.
IInternalExecutionFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component.impl
The execution feature allows to schedule steps to be synchronously executed on the component.
IInternalMessageFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component.impl
A component feature for message-based communication.
IInternalRemoteExecutionFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component.impl
Feature for securely sending and handling remote execution commands.
IInternalRequiredServicesFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.component
Interface for internal service access methods.
IInternalService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service
Internal service interface for managing services in service container.
IInternalServiceMonitoringFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.component
Interface for monitoring provided and required services
IInternalSubcomponentsFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component.impl
Allows a component to have subcomponents.
IKeyExtractor<T> - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.search
Interface denoting key extraction functionality for indexers.
ILibraryService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.library
Interface for the Library Service.
ILibraryServiceListener - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.library
Interface for listening to library loading and unloading.
ILifecycleComponentFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
Lifecycle feature for components.
ILocalResourceIdentifier - Interface in jadex.bridge
Interface for resource identification.
image - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
The image.
image - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
The image.
image(String, byte[], boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatService
Post an image.
IMemstatService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.memstat
Service for providing debugging infos for a component or service, e.g.
IMessageFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
Feature for sending messages and handling incoming messages via handlers.
IMessageHandler - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
Interface for message handlers.
IMessagePreprocessor<T> - Interface in jadex.bridge.component.impl
Allows adding special treatment of certain user message types like FIPA messages.
IMethodInvocationListener - Interface in jadex.bridge.sensor.service
Interface for listeners that are notified when a service method is invoked.
IMethodReplacement - Interface in jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands
Interface to be implemented by the user for replacing a remote method with custom code.
ImmediateComponentStep<T> - Class in jadex.bridge
Simple abstract class for immediate component steps.
ImmediateComponentStep() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ImmediateComponentStep
IModelInfo - Interface in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
This model interface represents the common properties of all component models.
IModelValueProvider - Interface in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
IMonitoringComponentFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
IMonitoringEvent - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring
Interface for monitoring events.
IMonitoringService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring
The monitoring service allows for: sources: publishing new events consumers: subscribing for event patterns
IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel - Enum in jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring
The event importance.
IMonitoringService.PublishTarget - Enum in jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring
The publish target
impl - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
The implementation type.
implementation - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
The service implementation.
impltype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
imports - Variable in class jadex.bridge.FactoryFilter
The imports (if any).
imports - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The imports.
imports - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The imports.
IMsgHeader - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
Interface for message headers with meta information / link-level security.
IMultiKernelListener - Interface in jadex.bridge
Kernel listener.
IMultiKernelNotifierService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.factory
Notifier service for dynamic kernels.
IMultiplexCollector - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke
IMultiplexDistributor - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke
Interface for multiplex call distributor.
IN_REPLY_TO - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
include() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Tag
Condition to check if the value/tag should be included.
includenull - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.Indexer
Include null values during indexing.
includes - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
The includes list.
incNextResultCount() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IOrderedConversation
Increases the next result count.
incNextResultCount() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature.OutCommand
Increases the next result count.
incommands - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature
Commands that have been received to be executed locally.
indexedvalues - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.Indexer
The index of published values.
indexer - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
The service indexer.
Indexer<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.service.search
Indexer for values.
Indexer(IKeyExtractor<T>, boolean, String...) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.Indexer
Create a new ServiceIndexer.
InequalityFilter - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints
InequalityFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.InequalityFilter
Creates a constant value filter.
InequalityFilter(boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.InequalityFilter
Creates a constant value filter.
INFMethodPropertyProvider - Interface in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
Interface for method-based non-functional property providers such as services.
INFMixedPropertyProvider - Interface in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
Interface that combines property provider with method property provider.
info - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteBackwardCommand
The backward command info.
info - Variable in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
The optional info.
info - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.InitInfo
The creation info.
info - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
The creation info.
info(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Log an INFO message.
INFORM - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
INFORM - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
INFORM_IF - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
INFORM_IF - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
INFORM_REF - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
INFORM_REF - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
infos - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
The provided service infos.
INFProperty<T,​U> - Interface in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
A non-functional property.
INFProperty.Target - Enum in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
INFPropertyComponentFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
Feature for non-functional properties.
INFPropertyMetaInfo - Interface in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
Meta information about a non-functional property.
INFPropertyProvider - Interface in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
Interface for non-functional property providers such as services and components.
INFRPropertyProvider - Interface in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
Interface for required service proxies.
INHERIT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
The inherit constant.
ini - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
The initiator flag.
init() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeature
Initialize the feature.
init() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.AbstractComponentFeature
Initialize the feature.
init() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
Initialize the feature.
init() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
init() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Initialize the feature.
init() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.PropertiesComponentFeature
Initialize the feature.
init() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature
Initialize the feature.
init() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Initialize the feature.
init() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Initialize the feature.
init() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Init the required services
init() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Perform the initialization of the component.
init() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IPlatformComponentAccess
Perform the initialization of the component.
init(IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteFileChooser
Initialize the remote file system view such that home, default and current directory as well as roots are available.
init(IExternalAccess, IService) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.IAppGui
init(Future<Object>, Method, Object[], Method) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
Init to share code.
init(Future<Object>, Method, Object[], Method) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.IMultiplexCollector
Init the collector.
init(Method, Object[], IFilter<Tuple2<IService, Object[]>>, IParameterConverter) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.IMultiplexDistributor
Init the call distributor.
init(Method, Object[], IFilter<Tuple2<IService, Object[]>>, IParameterConverter) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
Start the distributor.
init(Method, Object[], IFilter<Tuple2<IService, Object[]>>, IParameterConverter) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
Start the distributor.
INIT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Init a connection.
INIT_INPUT_INITIATOR - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Create virtual input connection - from initiator.
INIT_OUTPUT_INITIATOR - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Create virtual output connection - from initiator.
initDefaultArguments() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
Init unset arguments from default values.
initDefaultResults() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
Init unset results from default values.
inited - Variable in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedServiceFactory
The init future of the shared service.
inited - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
Boolean flag if connection is inited, closing, closed.
initfuture - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.InitInfo
The init future.
initialsteps - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
The initial steps.
initiator - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
The connection initiator.
initiator - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InitInfo
The initiator.
initiator - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
The initiator id.
initiator - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
The initiator id.
initinfo - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
The initialization infos.
InitInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.component.streams
Info sent as content of the init message.
InitInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
Struct that stores information about initing components.
InitInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InitInfo
Create a new init info.
InitInfo(IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InitInfo
Create a new init info.
InitInfo(IPlatformComponentAccess, CreationInfo, Future<Void>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.InitInfo
Create a new init info.
initInputConnection(int, IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Create local input connection side after receiving a remote init output message.
initLogger(Logger) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Init the logger with capability settings.
initNFProperties() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Init the non-functional properties (todo: move to other location?)
initNFProperties(IInternalService, Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Init the service and method nf properties.
initOutputConnection(int, IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Create local output connection side after receiving a remote init input message.
initReceived() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Received the init message.
initReceived() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalAbstractConnectionHandler
Received the init message.
initRescueThread(IComponentIdentifier, IPlatformConfiguration) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Init the rescue thread for a platform..
initService(IInternalService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Init a service, i.e.
initServices(Iterator<IInternalService>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Init the services one by one.
initTimer() - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
injected - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFRootProperty
The flag if the property has been injected to the root component.
injectPropertyToRootComponent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFRootProperty
Inject the property to the root component.
input - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
The input flag.
InputConnection - Class in jadex.bridge.component.streams
Input connection implementation for byte streams.
InputConnection(IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, int, boolean, IAbstractConnectionHandler) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnection
Create a new input connection.
InputConnectionHandler - Class in jadex.bridge.component.streams
Handler that sits between connection and message service.
InputConnectionHandler(IInternalAccess, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
Create a new input connection handler.
insert(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.SlidingCuckooFilter
Insert a byte array into the filter.
instance - Variable in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedServiceFactory
The shared service instance.
instance - Variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The component instance.
IntelligentProxyInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Interceptor for realizing intelligent proxies.
IntelligentProxyInterceptor(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
Create a new invocation handler.
interceptors - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The list of interceptors.
interceptors - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The service interceptors.
interceptors - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
The list of interceptors.
interceptors - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
The interceptors.
interceptors - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
The list of interceptors.
intermediate() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.CheckNotNull
Flag if used as post condition for intermediate results.
intermediate() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.CheckState
Flag if used as post condition for intermediate results.
INTERMEDIATE_RESULT - jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent.Type
IntermediateComponentResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.bridge
Intermediate listener that invokes listeners on component thread.
IntermediateComponentResultListener(IIntermediateResultListener<E>, IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.IntermediateComponentResultListener
Create a new component result listener.
IntermediateMethodResultListener(Future, Method, Object[], Method) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler.IntermediateMethodResultListener
Create a new listener.
intermediateResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.bridge.IntermediateComponentResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutIntermediateResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultAvailable(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
intermediateResultAvailable(S) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingResultListener
Process intermediate results for ranking.
intermediateResultAvailable(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler.IntermediateMethodResultListener
Called when a service has been found.
intermediateResultAvailableIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.bridge.IntermediateComponentResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
intermediateResultAvailableIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutIntermediateResultListener
Called when an intermediate result is available.
IntermediateResultUnavailableException() - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.IntermediateResultUnavailableException
Create a new exception.
IntermediateResultUnavailableException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.IntermediateResultUnavailableException
Create a new exception.
internalaccess - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Internal access to its component.
internalClearAWT() - Static method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Workaround for AWT/Swing memory leaks.
internalCreateInputConnection(IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalMessageFeature
Create a virtual input connection.
internalCreateInputConnection(IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Create a virtual input connection.
internalCreateOutputConnection(IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalMessageFeature
Create a virtual output connection.
internalCreateOutputConnection(IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Create a virtual output connection.
internalGetChildren(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Get the children of a component.
internalGetComponentDescription(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Get the component description of a single component.
internalRead() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnection
Non-blocking read.
internalSetRawModel(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the kernel-specific model.
INTERSECT_CUTOFF - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.Indexer
Cutoff value for building index set intersections.
intransitiveSearchService(ServiceQuery<?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.ISuperpeerCollaborationService
Search superpeer for a single service, restricted to the called superpeer.
intransitiveSearchServices(ServiceQuery<?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.ISuperpeerCollaborationService
Search superpeer for services, restricted to the called superpeer.
invoke() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Invoke the next interceptor.
invoke(IServiceIdentifier, ServiceInvocationContext, int, int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
invoke(IServiceIdentifier, ServiceInvocationContext, IServiceIdentifier, IExternalAccess, ITargetResolver, int, int) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
invoke(Object, Object[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.IMethodReplacement
Invoke the method on the given object with the given args.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
Called on method invocation.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
A proxy method has been invoked.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler
Called when a method is invoked.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RemoteMethodInvocationHandler
Invoke a method.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.UnresolvedServiceInvocationHandler
Called on method invocation.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent.ExternalAccessInvocationHandler
invoke(Object, Method, List<Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Invoke the next interceptor.
INVOKE_METHOD - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
invokeDoubleMethod(ServiceInvocationContext, ServiceInfo, Method, Class<? extends Annotation>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
Invoke double methods.
invokeMethod(String, ClassInfo[], Object[], ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Invoke a method reflectively.
invokeMethod(String, ClassInfo[], Object[], ClassInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IService
todo: support also blackbox args (e.g.
InvokeMethodStep(ServiceInvocationContext) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor.InvokeMethodStep
Create an invoke method step.
IOrderedConversation - Interface in jadex.bridge.component.impl
Interface for a remote conversation in progress that processes ordered commands.
IOutputConnection - Interface in jadex.bridge
Interface for output connection.
IOutputConnectionHandler - Interface in jadex.bridge.component.streams
IParameterConverter - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke
IPersistenceService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence
Service for basic component persistence features.
IPersistInfo - Interface in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
Interface for a persistable component state to be used from the outside (e.g.
IPlatformComponentAccess - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.factory
Interface for operations on the component to be called from the platform.
IPlatformConfiguration - Interface in jadex.base
Interface for platform configuration.
IPlatformSettings - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.settings
IPojoComponentFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
Feature to retrieve a pojo for the component.
IPrettyPrintUnit<T> - Interface in jadex.bridge.sensor.unit
Pretty print a value of unit of type T.
IPriorityComponentStep<T> - Interface in jadex.bridge
A priority component step can define an execution priority.
IPropertiesFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
This features provides properties, i.e.
IPropertiesProvider - Interface in jadex.commons
Component that allows its properties being saved and restored.
IProperty - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.df
IProvidedServicesFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.component
Component feature for provided services.
IProxyAgentService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.remote
Service for administration of proxy agents.
IProxyAgentService.State - Enum in jadex.bridge.service.types.remote
The connection state.
IPublishService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.publish
Service for publishing services in other technologies such as web services.
IRankingSearchTerminationDecider<S> - Interface in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search
Decides when to start ranking results.
IRecoveryService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence
The recovery service is responsible for performing backups of the platform state and restore them at the next startup in case of platform failure.
IRegistryDataProvider - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.search
Interface for the search functionality to get the registry data.
IRemoteChangeListener<T> - Interface in jadex.commons
Remote version of the change listener.
IRemoteCommand<T> - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
Interface for remotely executable commands.
IRemoteConversationCommand<T> - Interface in jadex.bridge.component.impl
Interface for intermediate (or final) commands in existing conversations.
IRemoteExecutionFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
Feature for securely sending and handling remote execution commands.
IRemoteOrderedConversationCommand - Interface in jadex.bridge.component.impl
Interface for intermediate (or final) commands in existing conversations.
IRemoteRegistryService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.registry
Service access to a remote registry.
IRequiredServiceFetcher - Interface in jadex.bridge.service
Interface for fetching required services.
IRequiredServicesFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.component
Component feature for required services.
ires - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.PrePostConditionFetcher
The intermediate results.
IResourceIdentifier - Interface in jadex.bridge
Interface for resource identification.
IRulebaseEvent - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules
IRulebaseService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules
IRuleEngineService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules
IRuleService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules
isAborted() - Method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Indicate when the suite is aborted due to excessive run time.
isAborted() - Method in interface jadex.base.test.IAbortableTestSuite
isAborted() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.GenericTestSuite
isAlive() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Check, if the platform is still alive.
isAll() - Method in class jadex.base.DefaultFileFilter
Test the all flag .
isAll() - Method in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
Get the all.
isApplicable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractApplicableInterceptor
Test if the interceptor is applicable.
isApplicable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractLRUApplicableInterceptor
Test if the interceptor is applicable.
isApplicable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AbstractMultiInterceptor
Test if the interceptor is applicable.
isApplicable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ComponentThreadInterceptor
Test if the interceptor is applicable.
isApplicable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.MethodCallListenerInterceptor
Test if the interceptor is applicable.
isApplicable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.NFRequiredServicePropertyProviderInterceptor
Test if the interceptor is applicable.
isApplicable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.TracingInterceptor
Test if the interceptor is applicable.
isApplicable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IServiceInvocationInterceptor
Test if the interceptor is applicable.
isASMProxyClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ProxyFactory
Test if it is a ASM proxy class.
isAtBreakpoint(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Test if the agent's execution is currently at one of the given breakpoints.
isAuthenticated(Annotation) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AuthenticationInterceptor
Check if an annotation belongs to the supported types of pre/postconditions.
isChildProcess() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Get the childProcess.
isClosed() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
Get the closed.
isClosed() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Get the closed.
isCloseRequested() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Get the closereq.
isClosing() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
Get the closed.
isComponentStepNecessary(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Check if a component is necessary.
isComponentStepNecessary(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Check if a component is necessary.
isComponentThread() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExecutionFeature
Test if current thread is the component thread.
isComponentThread() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Test if current thread is the component thread.
isConnectionAlive() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Test if the connection is alive.
isDataAckFinished() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Tests if the data processing of the connection is finished.
isDataSendFinished() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Tests if the data processing of the connection is finished.
isDirectory() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
isDirectory() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Get the directory.
isDownload() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Check if transfer is a download or upload.
isDropPrivileges() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Gets if the platform should keep admin/root privileges or attempt to drop to a user.
isDynamic() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyMetaInfo
Checks if the property is dynamic.
isDynamic() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Checks if the property is dynamic.
ISearchConstraints - Interface in jadex.bridge
Interface for search constraints.
ISearchQueryManagerService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.registry
Local service for handling all remote searches and queries including superpeer management and plain polling search fallback.
ISecuredRemoteCommand - Interface in jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands
Remote command that can provide custom security settings for being checked before execution.
ISecurityInfo - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.security
Security meta-information of a message;
ISecurityService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.security
The security service is responsible for validating (remote) requests.
isEmpty() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor.SetWrapper
ISerializationServices - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.serialization
Functionality for managing serialization.
ISerializer - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.message
Encode and decode an object from a byte representation.
IService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service
The interface for platform services.
IServiceEvaluator - Interface in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search
IServiceIdentifier - Interface in jadex.bridge.service
Interface for service identifier.
IServiceInvocationInterceptor - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.component
Service invocation interceptor interface.
IServicePoolService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.servicepool
Service pool service that allows for adding and removing service types and handling strategies to the pool.
IServiceRanker<S> - Interface in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search
Interfaces for non-functional ranking mechanism for services.
IServiceRegistry - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.search
Interface for a service registry.
ISettingsService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.settings
isEventMode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Checks if query is in event mode.
isExcluded(Method) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Test if method is excluded.
isExcludeOwner() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Checks if service of the query owner should be excluded.
isExecuting() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedSimulationService
isExecuting() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Test if context is executing.
isExists() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Get the exists flag.
isExternalThread() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Test if the current thread is an external thread.
isFinished() - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Is the test finished, i.e.
isFinished() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener
Get the finished.
isFinished() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingResultListener
Get the finished.
isFinished() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Check if transfer is finished.
isFinishing() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener
Get the finished.
isGlobal() - Method in enum jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
Check if the scope is global.
isHandling(ISecurityInfo, IMsgHeader, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageHandler
Test if handler should handle a message.
isHandling(ISecurityInfo, IMsgHeader, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature.RxHandler
Test if handler should handle a message.
isHashGid(IResourceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Test if the global id is non-null and a hash id.
ISimpleDelegationClassLoader - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.library
Interface for DexClassLoaders that are capable of delegating classloading requests.
ISimulationService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation
Interface for the time simulation service.
isInCategory(Object, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
Test if an object belongs to a category.
isIncluded(IComponentIdentifier, IService) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IRegistryDataProvider
Test if a service is included.
isIndexed(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.Indexer
Test if a property is indexed per name.
isInited() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
Get the inited.
isInitiatorSide() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
Test if this connection is the initiator side.
isInitSuspend(CreationInfo, IModelInfo, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Test if a component should be suspended after init is done.
isInjected() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFRootProperty
Get the injected.
isInputConnection() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
Test if this connection is an input connection.
isJadexRid(IResourceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Test if a rid refers to one of the jadex platform modules, i.e.
isLoadable(IExternalAccess, String, IResourceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Test if a model can be loaded by the factory.
isLoadable(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IComponentFactory
Test if a model can be loaded by the factory.
isLocal() - Method in enum jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
Check if the scope not remote.
isLocal(IResourceIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Test if a rid is local to this platform.
isLocalReference(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.serialization.ISerializationServices
Test if an object has reference semantics.
isLoggable(Level) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Check if a message of the given level would actually be logged by this logger.
isLoggedIn(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IWebPublishService
Test if a the web user is logged in.
isMaster() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Get the master flag.
isModelType(IExternalAccess, String, IResourceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Test if a model can be loaded by the factory.
isMonitoring() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IInternalServiceMonitoringFeature
Check if there is someone monitoring.
isMonitoring() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Check if there is someone monitoring.
isMulti() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Gets if the publishing should be done on multiple publishing services.
isMultiFactory(IComponentFactory) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Test if factory is a multi factory.
isNetwork() - Method in enum jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
Check if the scope is a network scope.
isNoAuthentication() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Get the noAuthentication.
isNoPlatformMode(IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Test if agent runs in no platform mode.
isObjectReference() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteReference
Test if reference is object reference (not service or component).
isonrescue - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Running on rescue thread?
isParameterCopy(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Check if the parameter copy flag is set for a platform.
isPerformed() - Method in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Check if this test case has been performed and is finished.
isPooledService(IInternalAccess, IService) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.servicepool.ServicePoolHelper
Test if a service is pooled.
isPrePostCondition(Annotation) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor
Check if an annotation belongs to the supported types of pre/postconditions.
isPrintExceptions() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Shall print exceptions.
isPrintPlatformSecret() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Checks if platform secret is printed.
isPrintSecret() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Returns if the security service should print the platform secret during start.
isPrivateMessage() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
Get the privatemessage.
isProvidedServiceProxy(Object) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Test if a service is a provided service proxy.
isProxyClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ProxyFactory
Returns true if and only if the specified class was dynamically generated to be a proxy class using the getProxyClass method or the newProxyInstance method.
isRealtime() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyMetaInfo
Checks if the property is real time.
isRealtime() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Checks if the property is real time.
isRealtimeTimeout(IComponentIdentifier, boolean) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Check if the real time / non-real time timeout flag is set for a platform.
isRedirectable(ServiceInvocationContext) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
isRefresh() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Test if jar should refresh its content.
isRefuseUnauth() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Returns if the security service allows unauthenticated connections.
isRelayDynamicRouting() - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Checks if the relay transport should support routing through dynamically acquired peers.
isRemote() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Test if remote.
isRemote(ServiceQuery<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Check if a query is potentially remote.
isRemoteCall() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Test if a call is remote.
isRemoteCall(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Test if a call is remote.
isRemoteComponent(IComponentIdentifier, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Test if a component identifier is a remote component.
isRemoteExcluded() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Is the local platform excluded by the remote platform?
isRemoteObject(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.serialization.ISerializationServices
Test if an object is a remote object.
isRemove() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageHandler
Test if handler should be removed.
isRemove() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature.RxHandler
Test if handler should be removed.
isReplaced(Method) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Test if method is replaced.
isReply(FipaMessage, FipaMessage) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessagePreprocessor
Optionally check for reply matches.
isReply(T, T) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IMessagePreprocessor
Optionally check for reply matches.
isRequired() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Check if the handler is for a required service proxy.
isRequiredServiceProxy(Object) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Test if a service is a required service proxy.
isRescueThread(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Test if the current thread is the rescue thread of the platform.
isResolved() - Method in class jadex.base.RemoteJarFile
Test if the jar is already resolved, ie.
isRoot() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Test if this is the real jar (not a contained file).
isRunning() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedThreadPoolService
isSecurityMessage(IMsgHeader) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
isSendAllowed() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
isShutdown() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.threadpool.JadexExecutorServiceAdapter
isSimulating(IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.SSimulation
Check if running in (single platform) simulation.
isSsl() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Is ssl connection?
isStartable() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IModelInfo
Is the model startable.
isStartable() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Is the model startable.
isStartable(IExternalAccess, String, IResourceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Test if a model is startable (e.g.
isStartable(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IComponentFactory
Test if a model is startable (e.g.
isStartRanking(Collection<S>, IServiceEvaluator) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.CountThresholdSearchTerminationDecider
Decides if the search should start ranking.
isStartRanking(Collection<S>, IServiceEvaluator) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.IRankingSearchTerminationDecider
Decides if the search should terminate and the ranking should start.
isStartTls() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Get the starttls.
isStop() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AckInfo
Get the stop.
isStop() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
Test if stop is activated (too much data arrived).
isStop() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
isSucceeded() - Method in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Have all component tests succeeded.
isSucceeded() - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Has the test succeeded.
isSupported(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IPublishService
Test if publishing a specific type is supported (e.g.
isSupportedBasicType(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
Test if basic converter can handle this type.
isSuspend() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Get the suspend flag.
isSwitchCall() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Check if a switch call should be done.
isSwitchCall() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.ISwitchCall
Check if a switch call should be done.
isSwitchCall() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RemoteMethodInvocationHandler
Check if a switch call should be done.
isSynchronous() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get the synchronous flag.
isSynchronous() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Get the synchronous flag.
isSynchronous(Method) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Test if method is synchronous.
isSystemComponent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Test if it is a system component.
isSystemComponent() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Test if it is a system component.
isSystemComponent(IModelInfo, CreationInfo, IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
isSystemService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Get the systemservice.
isSystemService(Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Test if the service is a system service.
isTerminated() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.threadpool.JadexExecutorServiceAdapter
isTestcase(String, IExternalAccess, IResourceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Check if a component model can be started as test case.
isTrusted(ISecurityInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Tests if a message is considered "trusted".
ISubcomponentsFeature - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
Allows a component to have subcomponents.
isUncached(Method) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Test if method is uncached.
isUndone() - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutIntermediateResultListener
Get the undone.
isUndone(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Optionally alter the undone flag.
isUnrestricted() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IServiceIdentifier
Check if the service has unrestricted access.
isUnrestricted() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Get the unrestricted mode.
isUnrestricted() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Check if the service has unrestricted access.
isUnrestricted(IInternalAccess, ClassInfo) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Is the service unrestricted.
isUnrestricted(IInternalAccess, Class<?>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Is the service unrestricted.
isUnrestricted(IServiceIdentifier, IInternalAccess, Method) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
todo: move to some security class Check if a service method is unrestricted.
ISuperpeerCollaborationService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.registry
Interface for superpeer collaboration functionality.
ISuperpeerService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.registry
Service for service registry superpeers.
ISuperpeerStatusService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.registry
Monitoring service for displaying information about a superpeer, e.g.
isUsePlatformSecret() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Checks if platform secret is used.
isUseSecret() - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Returns if the security service should use a platform secret for authentication.
isValid() - Method in class jadex.bridge.CheckedAction
Test if the timed object is valid.
isValid() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IConditionalComponentStep
Test if the action is valid.
isValid() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Test if the service is valid.
isValid() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IService
Test if the service is valid.
isValid(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteMethodInvocationCommand
Checks if the remote command is internally valid.
isValid(IInternalAccess) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IRemoteCommand
Checks if the remote command is internally valid.
ISwapService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence
The swap service is responsible for swapping idle components to/from disk in order to save memory.
ISwitchCall - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.component
Interface for determining if the method invocation interceptor should do a switch call, i.e.
ITargetResolver - Interface in jadex.bridge
The target resolver is used to determine dynamically a new service target by an intelligent proxy.
itargs - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
The arguments.
iterator() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor.SetWrapper
IThreadPoolService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.threadpool
Interface for threadpool service.
ITimedObject - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.clock
Interface for objects that are interested in timepoints.
ITimer - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.clock
Interface for a timer.
ITransferableStep<T> - Interface in jadex.bridge
Marker interface for transferable component steps.
ITransportAddressService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.address
Service for translating platform names to communication addresses and address book management.
ITransportInfoService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.transport
Provide information about a transport.
ITransportService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.transport
Interface for a transport service.
ITypedComponentStep<T> - Interface in jadex.bridge
Component step with explicit return type.
IUntrustedMessageHandler - Interface in jadex.bridge.component
Marker interface that allows a message handler to handle untrusted messages.
IWebPublishService - Interface in jadex.bridge.service.types.publish
Publish something to the internal or external http server.


JADEX_BINARY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
JADEX_PROJECTS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
The jadex project names.
JADEX_RAW - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
JADEX_VERSION - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
JADEX_XML - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
jadex.base - package jadex.base
jadex.base.test - package jadex.base.test
jadex.base.test.impl - package jadex.base.test.impl
jadex.base.test.util - package jadex.base.test.util
jadex.bridge - package jadex.bridge
This package contains the interfaces of the adapter layer, which is used to establish a connection between the Jadex runtime system and an underlying platform.
jadex.bridge.component - package jadex.bridge.component
jadex.bridge.component.impl - package jadex.bridge.component.impl
jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands - package jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands
jadex.bridge.component.streams - package jadex.bridge.component.streams
jadex.bridge.fipa - package jadex.bridge.fipa
jadex.bridge.modelinfo - package jadex.bridge.modelinfo
jadex.bridge.nonfunctional - package jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation - package jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation
jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints - package jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints
jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search - package jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search
jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu - package jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu
jadex.bridge.sensor.mac - package jadex.bridge.sensor.mac
jadex.bridge.sensor.memory - package jadex.bridge.sensor.memory
jadex.bridge.sensor.service - package jadex.bridge.sensor.service
jadex.bridge.sensor.time - package jadex.bridge.sensor.time
jadex.bridge.sensor.unit - package jadex.bridge.sensor.unit
jadex.bridge.service - package jadex.bridge.service
jadex.bridge.service.annotation - package jadex.bridge.service.annotation
jadex.bridge.service.component - package jadex.bridge.service.component
jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors - package jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke - package jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke
jadex.bridge.service.search - package jadex.bridge.service.search
jadex.bridge.service.types.address - package jadex.bridge.service.types.address
jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore - package jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore
jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness - package jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness
jadex.bridge.service.types.chat - package jadex.bridge.service.types.chat
jadex.bridge.service.types.cli - package jadex.bridge.service.types.cli
jadex.bridge.service.types.clock - package jadex.bridge.service.types.clock
jadex.bridge.service.types.cms - package jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
jadex.bridge.service.types.cron - package jadex.bridge.service.types.cron
jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon - package jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon
jadex.bridge.service.types.df - package jadex.bridge.service.types.df
jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules - package jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules
jadex.bridge.service.types.email - package jadex.bridge.service.types.email
jadex.bridge.service.types.execution - package jadex.bridge.service.types.execution
jadex.bridge.service.types.factory - package jadex.bridge.service.types.factory
jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer - package jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer
jadex.bridge.service.types.library - package jadex.bridge.service.types.library
jadex.bridge.service.types.memstat - package jadex.bridge.service.types.memstat
jadex.bridge.service.types.message - package jadex.bridge.service.types.message
jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring - package jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring
jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence - package jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence
jadex.bridge.service.types.publish - package jadex.bridge.service.types.publish
jadex.bridge.service.types.registry - package jadex.bridge.service.types.registry
jadex.bridge.service.types.remote - package jadex.bridge.service.types.remote
jadex.bridge.service.types.security - package jadex.bridge.service.types.security
jadex.bridge.service.types.serialization - package jadex.bridge.service.types.serialization
jadex.bridge.service.types.servicepool - package jadex.bridge.service.types.servicepool
jadex.bridge.service.types.settings - package jadex.bridge.service.types.settings
jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation - package jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation
jadex.bridge.service.types.threadpool - package jadex.bridge.service.types.threadpool
jadex.bridge.service.types.transport - package jadex.bridge.service.types.transport
jadex.commons - package jadex.commons
JadexExecutorServiceAdapter - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.threadpool
Provides access to the Jadex thread pools as a Java ExecutorService.
JadexExecutorServiceAdapter(IThreadPool) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.threadpool.JadexExecutorServiceAdapter
Creates the adapter.
JarAsDirectory - Class in jadex.base
A directory-like representation of a jar file.
JarAsDirectory(String) - Constructor for class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Create a directory representation of a jar file.
JarAsDirectory(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Create a directory representation of a jar file entry.
JarAsDirectory(String, ZipEntry) - Constructor for class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Create a directory representation of a jar file entry.
jarentries - Variable in class jadex.base.RemoteJarFile
The map of jar entries.
jarpath - Variable in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
The path of the jar file.
JAVA_XML - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
javacmd - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
The path to the java command.
JCCPLATFORMS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Open JCC for specific remote platforms.
JunitAgentTest - Class in jadex.base.test.impl
Junit compatible test class to be extended either by agents that provide test results or by separate classes that provide a name of an agent that provides test results using the constructor.
JunitAgentTest() - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.JunitAgentTest
Empty constructor, will try to use this.getClass().getName() as Agent under test.
JunitAgentTest(String) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.JunitAgentTest


KB - jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.MemoryUnit
keep() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.CheckState
Flag how many intermediate results should be preserved.
KERNELS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The name(s) of kernel(s) to load (separated by comma).
KEY_TYPE_ID - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryInfoExtractor
Key type for the query id.
KEY_TYPE_INTERFACE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryInfoExtractor
Key type for the service interface.
KEY_TYPE_INTERFACE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor
Key type for the service interface.
KEY_TYPE_NETWORKS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryInfoExtractor
Key type for the id.
KEY_TYPE_NETWORKS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor
Key type for the networks.
KEY_TYPE_OWNER - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryInfoExtractor
Key type for the owner.
KEY_TYPE_OWNER_PLATORM - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryInfoExtractor
Key type for the owner.
KEY_TYPE_PLATFORM - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryInfoExtractor
Key type for the service platform.
KEY_TYPE_PLATFORM - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor
Key type for the service platform.
KEY_TYPE_PROVIDER - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryInfoExtractor
Key type for the service provider.
KEY_TYPE_PROVIDER - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor
Key type for the service provider.
KEY_TYPE_SID - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryInfoExtractor
Key type for the service id.
KEY_TYPE_SID - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor
Key type for the service id.
KEY_TYPE_TAGS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryInfoExtractor
Key type for the service tags.
KEY_TYPE_TAGS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor
Key type for the service tags.
KEY_TYPE_UNRESTRICTED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryInfoExtractor
Key type for the unrestricted services.
KEY_TYPE_UNRESTRICTED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor
Key type for the unrestricted mode.
keyextractor - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.Indexer
Service key extractor.
kill() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeature
Kill is only invoked, when shutdown does not return due to timeout.
kill() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.AbstractComponentFeature
Kill is only invoked, when shutdown of some (e.g.
kill() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
Kill is only invoked, when shutdown of some (e.g.
kill() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Kill is only invoked, when shutdown of some (e.g.
killComponent() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Kill the component.
killComponent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Kill the component.
killComponent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Kill the component.
killComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Kill the component.
killComponent(Exception) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Kill the component.
killComponent(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Kill the component.
killComponent(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Kill the component.
killComponents(IComponentIdentifier...) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalSubcomponentsFeature
Stops a set of components, in order of dependencies.
killComponents(IComponentIdentifier...) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Stops a set of components, in order of dependencies.
killfuture - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LockEntry
The kill flag.
killLocalComponents(IComponentIdentifier...) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Stops a set of components, in order of dependencies.


LANGUAGE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
LAST - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
The upcoming service invocations.
lastack - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
The last in order sequence number acknowledged.
lastdone - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
The done size of the last update (for calculating speed).
lastmod - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
lastmodified - Variable in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
The timestamp of the file.
lastmodified - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
The last modified date.
lastModified() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
lastsearch - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
The time of the last search.
lastsend - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler.DataSendInfo
The sequence number during the last sending.
lastseqno - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
The last sequence number.
laststate - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteSimServiceChangeListener
The last state.
lastupdate - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
The time (millis) of the last update (for calculating speed).
LateCounterListener(IResultListener<T>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature.LateCounterListener
LatencyProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.service
Property for the overall latency a service call.
LatencyProperty(IInternalAccess, IService, MethodInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.LatencyProperty
Create a new property.
leasetime - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
The lease time.
length() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
LESS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
The value should be less than the given value.
LESS_OR_EQUAL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
The value should be less than or equal to the given value.
level - Variable in enum jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel
level - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
The event importance.
lfeatures - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
The feature instances as list (for reverse execution, cached for speed).
LIBPATH - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Additional library paths (classpath entries) for loading agent models and classes.
lid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
The local identifier.
LIMIT - Static variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui.ConsoleListener
The limit of characters sent in one event.
linkResults(IResultListener<Collection<Tuple2<String, Object>>>, IPlatformComponentAccess, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
listDirectory(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.IFileTransferService
List the contents of a directory.
listener - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
The result listener.
listener - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingResultListener
The delegate listener.
listener - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeProperty
The listener.
listener - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.LatencyProperty
The listener.
listener - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.UserMethodInvocationListener
The protected listener.
listener - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitingTimeProperty
The listener.
listener - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitqueueProperty
The listener.
listener - Variable in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
The delegation listener.
listenToAll() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Add a component listener for all components of a platform.
listenToAll() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Add a component listener for all components of a platform.
listenToAll(IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Add a component listener for all components.
listenToComponent() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Add a component listener for a specific component.
listenToComponent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Add a component listener for a specific component.
listenToComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Add a component listener for a specific component.
listenToComponent(IComponentIdentifier, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Add a component listener for a specific component.
listFiles() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
listFiles() - Method in class jadex.base.RemoteJarFile
List the files.
listFiles(FileData, IAsyncFilter) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
List files in a directory matching a filter (if any).
listFiles(FileData, IAsyncFilter, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
List files in a directory matching a filter (if any).
listFiles(FileFilter) - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
listFiles(FilenameFilter) - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
listJarFileEntries(FileData, IAsyncFilter) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
List files of a remote jar file
listJarFileEntries(FileData, IAsyncFilter, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
List files in a directory matching a filter (if any).
loadClass(String, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ISimpleDelegationClassLoader
loadDependencies(IResourceIdentifier, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.IDependencyService
Load dependencies from a resource identifier.
LoadedClassesProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.memory
Property for the number of loaded classes in the JVM.
LoadedClassesProperty(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.LoadedClassesProperty
Create a new property.
loadFile(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.settings.IPlatformSettings
Directly loads a file from the settings directory.
loadModel(IExternalAccess, String, IResourceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Load an component model.
loadModel(ClassLoader, String, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SBootstrapLoader
Load a component model.
loadModel(String, CreationInfo, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Load a model with the following steps: - get the resource identifier for the model - resolve the filename (local types of subcomponents -> filenames) - get a suitable component factory - load the model with that factory - check if the model has errors and convert to exception
loadModel(String, String[], IResourceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IComponentFactory
Load a model.
loadProperties() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.settings.ISettingsService
loadState(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.settings.IPlatformSettings
Loads arbitrary state form a persistent directory.
local() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Reference
Set the local reference state.
LOCAL - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalExecutionFeature
The currently executing component (if any).
LOCAL - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier
The currently executing component (if any).
LOCAL_SCOPES - Static variable in enum jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
The scopes local to a platform.
LocalAbstractConnectionHandler - Class in jadex.bridge.component.streams
LocalAbstractConnectionHandler(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalAbstractConnectionHandler
LocalAbstractConnectionHandler(Map<String, Object>, LocalAbstractConnectionHandler) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalAbstractConnectionHandler
LocalInputConnectionHandler - Class in jadex.bridge.component.streams
Local version of the input connection handler.
LocalInputConnectionHandler(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalInputConnectionHandler
Create new local input connection handler.
LocalInputConnectionHandler(Map<String, Object>, LocalAbstractConnectionHandler) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalInputConnectionHandler
Create new local input connection handler.
localizeModel(IExternalAccess, String, IResourceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Localize a model name.
LocalOutputConnectionHandler - Class in jadex.bridge.component.streams
LocalOutputConnectionHandler(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalOutputConnectionHandler
LocalOutputConnectionHandler(Map<String, Object>, LocalAbstractConnectionHandler) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalOutputConnectionHandler
LocalResourceIdentifier - Class in jadex.bridge
Default implementation for resource identification.
LocalResourceIdentifier() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Create a resource identifier.
LocalResourceIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier, URI) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Create a resource identifier.
LocalResourceIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier, URI, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Create a resource identifier.
LocalResourceIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier, URL) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Create a resource identifier.
localserviceproxies - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Map for looking up local services using the service identifier.
LOCALTRANSPORT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Flag if local transport is enabled.
localtype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The local type name (from parent).
localtype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The local component type name.
localtypes - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
The local types.
lock - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
Component lock for locking parent.
locked - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LockEntry
The locked component.
LOCKED - jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.IProxyAgentService.State
LockEntry - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
Entry that represents a lock for a component.
LockEntry(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LockEntry
Create a new lock entry.
lockers - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LockEntry
The components that have a lock.
log(Level, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Log a message, with no arguments.
log(Level, String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Log a message, with one object parameter.
log(Level, String, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Log a message, with an array of object arguments.
log(Level, String, Throwable) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Log a message, with associated Throwable information.
log(LogRecord) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Log a LogRecord.
logException(Exception, Exception, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Log an exception.
logger - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The logger for errors/warnings.
logger - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
The logger used for notification failure warnings (if any).
logger - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
The original logger.
logger - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
The logger.
loggerfetcher - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
LoggerWrapper - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
The logger wrapper is used to encapsulate a logger and redirect messages to the logger with the correct time (according to a clock service).
LoggerWrapper(Logger, IClockService) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Create a new logger wrapper.
LOGGING - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Enable verbose logging (shortcut for setting logging_level to info).
LOGGING_LEVEL - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Logging level for platform.
logp(Level, String, String, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Log a message, specifying source class and method, with no arguments.
logp(Level, String, String, String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Log a message, specifying source class and method, with a single object parameter to the log message.
logp(Level, String, String, String, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Log a message, specifying source class and method, with an array of object arguments.
logp(Level, String, String, String, Throwable) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Log a message, specifying source class and method, with associated Throwable information.
logrb(Level, String, String, String, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Log a message, specifying source class, method, and resource bundle name with no arguments.
logrb(Level, String, String, String, String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Log a message, specifying source class, method, and resource bundle name, with a single object parameter to the log message.
logrb(Level, String, String, String, String, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Log a message, specifying source class, method, and resource bundle name, with an array of object arguments.
logrb(Level, String, String, String, String, Throwable) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Log a message, specifying source class, method, and resource bundle name, with associated Throwable information.
logWarning(String, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Log a warning on a component.
lookuptypes - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
The lookup types.


MacAddressProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.mac
The (first) mac address.
MacAddressProperty(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.mac.MacAddressProperty
Create a new property.
main - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
The main class to start.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Main for starting the platform (with meaningful fallbacks)
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentStartTest
Command line test: start the given agent in the given rid
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
The main for testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.Indexer
Main for testing.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddress
Main for testing.
makeImmutable(IPlatformConfiguration) - Static method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
Check the readonly state.
makeRegistryClient() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.IAutoConfigRegistryService
Make this platform registry client.
makeRegistrySuperpeer() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.IAutoConfigRegistryService
Make this platform registry superpeer.
managementservice - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInfo
The management object.
manual - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Flag to indicate bootstrapping execution of main thread (only for platform, hack???).
MANY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Constant for multiplicity many.
mapping - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
The mapping information (e.g.
master - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Attribute for slot master.
masterid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
The masterid (or null if not a master).
match(List<Tuple3<String, String[], Boolean>>, T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.Indexer
Tests if the search specification matches a value (spec=query).
MATCH_ALWAYS - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IKeyExtractor
Match any value constant for values.
matchesKeys(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Tests if the query keys matches a service.
matchingmodes - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
The matching mode for multivalued terms.
matchModel(String, String, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Compare a model to a path.
matchOr(List<Tuple2<String, String[]>>, T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.Indexer
Tests if the search specification matches a value (spec=service, value=query).
MAVEN_DEPENDENCIES - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Flag to enable the Maven dependency service (requires Jadex Pro add-on).
max - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitqueueEvaluator
The wait queue cutoff len.
max - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
The max number of services.
MAX - jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent.Type
MAX_EVENTS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
Maximum number of events per delay period.
maxackseqno - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
The highest yet (may be out of order) acknowledged sequence number (only used to trigger new acks every x messages).
maxbuf - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
The maximum buffer size for out of order packets.
maxdepth - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Attribute for slot max-depth.
MaxMemoryProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.memory
The maximum physical memory.
MaxMemoryProperty(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.MaxMemoryProperty
Create a new property.
MaxPermGenMemoryProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.memory
MaxPermGenMemoryProperty(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.MaxPermGenMemoryProperty
Create a new property.
maxqueued - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
The max number of messages that can be sending concurrently (i.e.
maxreq - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
The max number of preserved req service providers.
maxresends - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
The maximum number of resends.
maxResultCountAvailable(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.IntermediateComponentResultListener
maxResultCountAvailable(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingResultListener
maxResultCountAvailable(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
maxResultCountAvailable(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler.IntermediateMethodResultListener
maxResultCountAvailable(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutIntermediateResultListener
maxresults - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Attribute for slot max-results.
maxsend - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
The max number of packets that can be sent without an ack is received.
maxseqno - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
The highest yet (may be out of order) received sequence number.
maxstored - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
The maximum bytes of data that can be stored in connection (without being consumed).
maxstored - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalInputConnectionHandler
The maximum bytes of data that can be stored in connection (without being consumed).
maxstored - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalOutputConnectionHandler
The maximum bytes of data that can be stored in connection (without being consumed).
MB - jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.MemoryUnit
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SimpleValueNFProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu.CoreNumberProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu.CPULoadProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.mac.MacAddressProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.LoadedClassesProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.MaxMemoryProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.MaxPermGenMemoryProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.UsedMemoryProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.UsedPermGenMemoryProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.LatencyProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitingTimeProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitqueueProperty
Measure the value.
measureValue() - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.time.ComponentUptimeProperty
Measure the value.
MEDIUM - jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel
MemoryProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.memory
Abstract base memory property.
MemoryProperty(String, IInternalAccess, long) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.MemoryProperty
Create a new property.
MemoryUnit - Enum in jadex.bridge.sensor.unit
Memory unit.
message - Variable in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
The timeout message.
message(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatService
Post a message
MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
The allowed message attributes.
MESSAGE_TYPE_NAME_FIPA - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
The FIPA message type.
MESSAGE_TYPE_STREAM - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
The message type for streams.
messageArrived(IMsgHeader, byte[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalMessageFeature
Inform the component that a message has arrived.
messageArrived(IMsgHeader, byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Inform the component that a message has arrived.
messageArrived(ISecurityInfo, IMsgHeader, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalMessageFeature
Inform the component that a message has arrived.
messageArrived(ISecurityInfo, IMsgHeader, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Inform the component that a message has arrived.
MessageComponentFeature - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl
Feature to send messages and receive messages via handlers.
MessageComponentFeature(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Create the feature.
MessageEvent - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl
Represents the event of a sent or received message for monitoring of communication.
MessageEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageEvent
Bean constructor.
MessageEvent(MessageEvent.Type, ISecurityInfo, IMsgHeader, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageEvent
Instance constructor.
MessageEvent.Type - Enum in jadex.bridge.component.impl
messagehandlers - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
The list of message handlers.
MESSAGETYPES - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
String type, boolean input, boolean initiator.
metainfo - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.AbstractNFProperty
Name of the property.
method - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyRef
The method.
method - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeProperty
The method info.
method - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.LatencyProperty
The method info.
method - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitingTimeProperty
The method info.
method - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitqueueProperty
The method info.
method - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
The method.
method - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent
The method.
method - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The method to be called.
METHOD - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.NFRequiredServicePropertyProviderInterceptor
methodCallFinished(Object, Method, Object[], Object, ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.sensor.service.IMethodInvocationListener
Called when the method call is finished.
methodCallFinished(Object, Method, Object[], Object, ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.UserMethodInvocationListener
Called when the method call is finished.
MethodCallListenerInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Interceptor for observing method calls start and end e.g.
MethodCallListenerInterceptor(IInternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.MethodCallListenerInterceptor
Create a new interceptor.
methodCallStarted(Object, Method, Object[], Object, ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.sensor.service.IMethodInvocationListener
Called when a method call started.
methodCallStarted(Object, Method, Object[], Object, ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.UserMethodInvocationListener
Called when a method call started.
methodinfo - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFRPropertyInfo
The method info.
methodinfo - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.BasicEvaluator
The method info.
MethodInvocationInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Calls a methods on an object and returns the result.
MethodInvocationInterceptor() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.MethodInvocationInterceptor
MethodListenerHandler - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
MethodListenerHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.MethodListenerHandler
methodlisteners - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.MethodListenerHandler
The registered non-functional property hooks.
methodname() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation.NFRProperty
The method name (if method property).
methodnfproperties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Non-functional properties of methods.
methodparametertypes() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation.NFRProperty
The method name (if method property).
methodreferences - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
The reference method cache (method -> boolean[] (is reference)).
MHardConstraint - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints
A hard constraint for non-functional properties.
MHardConstraint() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Creates a hard constraint for non-functional properties.
MHardConstraint(String, String, UnparsedExpression) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Creates a hard constraint for non-functional properties.
MHardConstraint(String, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Creates a hard constraint for non-functional properties.
MILLIS - jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.TimeUnit
min - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
The min number of services.
MINS - jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.TimeUnit
MODE_ACTION_STEP - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
The execution mode action step.
MODE_NORMAL - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
The execution mode normal.
MODE_TIME_STEP - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
The execution mode time step.
model - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.ComponentCreationInfo
The model.
model - Variable in class jadex.bridge.FactoryFilter
The model to be loaded.
modelcache - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
The model cache.
ModelFileFilter - Class in jadex.base
Filter for Jadex component models.
ModelFileFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
Create a new filter.
ModelFileFilter(boolean, Map<URL, IResourceIdentifier>, IExternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
Create a new filter.
ModelInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
Public model information that is provided as result from component factories when a model is loaded.
ModelInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Create a new model info.
ModelInfo(String, String, String, IErrorReport, IArgument[], IArgument[], boolean, String, Map<String, Object>, ClassLoader, RequiredServiceInfo[], ProvidedServiceInfo[], ConfigurationInfo[], SubcomponentTypeInfo[], String[], IResourceIdentifier, Object, IComponentFeatureFactory[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Create a new model info.
modelname - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The model name.
ModelValueProvider - Class in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
Default model value provider.
ModelValueProvider() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelValueProvider
Create a new provider.
ModelValueProvider(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelValueProvider
Create a new provider.
monitoring - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The monitoring flag.
monitoring - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
MONITORING - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The monitoring flag argument.
MONITORING - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
The monitoring constant.
MonitoringComponentFeature - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl
MonitoringComponentFeature(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MonitoringComponentFeature
Create the feature.
MonitoringEvent - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring
Default implementation for events.
MonitoringEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Create a new monitoring event.
MonitoringEvent(IComponentIdentifier, long, String, long, IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Create a new monitoring event.
MonitoringEvent(IComponentIdentifier, long, String, String, long, IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Create a new monitoring event.
MonitoringEvent(IComponentIdentifier, long, String, String, long, IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Create a new monitoring event.
mpfut - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
The current multipacket future (shared by all write requests that put data in the same multi packet).
mpmaxsize - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
The packet size to collect (in bytes).
mpsendtimeout - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
The max delay before a multipacket is sent (even if not full).
mpsendtimer - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
The multipacket send timer.
mpsize - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
The current multipacket size.
MsgHeader - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl
Message header with message meta information.
MsgHeader() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MsgHeader
Creates the header.
muldis - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler.IntermediateMethodResultListener
The call distributor.
multi - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Flag for allowing publishing to multiple locations.
multipacket - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
The collected data for a packet.
multipackets - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Flag if multipackets should be used.
MultiplexCollector - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
MultiplexDistributor - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
multiplicity - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
The multiple flag.
Multiplicity() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery.Multiplicity
Bean constructor.
Multiplicity(int, int) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery.Multiplicity
Create a multiplicity.
MultiplicityException - Exception in jadex.bridge.service.search
Exception that the multiplicity has been violated.
MultiplicityException() - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.service.search.MultiplicityException
Create an exception.
MultiplicityException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.service.search.MultiplicityException
Create an exception with message.
MultiplicityException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.service.search.MultiplicityException
Create an exception with message and cause.
MultiplicityException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.service.search.MultiplicityException
Create an exception with cause.
MultiServiceInvocationHandler - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke
Invocation handler for multiplexing service calls.
MultiServiceInvocationHandler(IInternalAccess, String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler
Create a new invocation handler.
MultiServiceInvocationHandler.IntermediateMethodResultListener<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke
Listener that invokes service methods and delegates the results.
muxservicetype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler
The multiplex service type.
mydeps - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver.NodeInfo
The set of nodes this node depends on.


name - Variable in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
The test name .
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.AbstractErrorReportBuilder
The unqualified (model/file) name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
The component name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Attribute for slot name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
The name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
The name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFPropertyInfo
The property name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.SubcomponentTypeInfo
The name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Name of the property.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
The name (used for referencing).
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
The service name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
The component internal service name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
The application name.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Attribute for slot component identifier.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSIntermediateResultEvent
The name of the result.
name - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The instance name.
name() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation.NameValue
The name.
name() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation.NFProperty
The name of the property.
name() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation.NFRProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu.CoreNumberProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.cpu.CPULoadProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.mac.MacAddressProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.LoadedClassesProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.MaxMemoryProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.MaxPermGenMemoryProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.UsedMemoryProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.UsedPermGenMemoryProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.LatencyProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitingTimeProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitqueueProperty
The name of the property.
NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.time.ComponentUptimeProperty
The name of the property.
namehint - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The name hint for instances of this model.
namemappings - Static variable in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
Used for mapping method names to property names (if they differ).
NameValue - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation
Name, value pair.
NETNO - Static variable in class jadex.base.test.util.STest
NETWORK - jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
Network scope (any platform with which a secret is shared).
NETWORK_SCOPES - Static variable in enum jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
The network scopes.
networknames - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
The network names.
networknames - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
The network names (shared object with security service).
NETWORKS_NOT_SET - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Marker for networks not set.
NEVER - Static variable in interface jadex.commons.IAsyncFilter
A filter that always returns false.
NeverFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.IAsyncFilter.NeverFilter
newProxyInstance(ClassLoader, Class<?>[], InvocationHandler) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ProxyFactory
Returns an instance of a proxy class for the specified interfaces that dispatches method invocations to the specified invocation handler.
NEXT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
The upcoming service invocations.
nextcall - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The next service call (will be current during call and last after call).
NFMethodPropertyProvider - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
Default implementation for a method property provider.
NFMethodPropertyProvider(IComponentIdentifier, IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Create a new provider.
nfproperties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The nf properties.
nfproperties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Non-functional properties.
nfproperties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
The nf props.
NFProperties - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation
The annotation for non functional properties in - components - provided services - provided service methods.
NFProperty - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation
Non-functional property annotation.
NFPropertyComponentFeature - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl
Feature for non functional properties of the component, provided/required services and methods.
NFPropertyComponentFeature(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Create the feature.
NFPropertyComponentFeature.LateCounterListener<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl
Counter listener that allows to set the max after usage.
NFPropertyInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
Info struct for a nf property.
NFPropertyInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFPropertyInfo
Create a new property.
NFPropertyInfo(String, ClassInfo, List<UnparsedExpression>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFPropertyInfo
Create a new property.
NFPropertyMetaInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
Meta information about a non-functional property.
NFPropertyMetaInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Creates an empty meta info.
NFPropertyMetaInfo(String, ClassInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Creates a meta info.
NFPropertyMetaInfo(String, ClassInfo, ClassInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Creates a meta info.
NFPropertyMetaInfo(String, ClassInfo, ClassInfo, boolean, long, boolean, INFProperty.Target) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Creates a meta info.
NFPropertyMetaInfo(String, Class<?>, Class<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Creates a meta info.
NFPropertyMetaInfo(String, Class<?>, Class<?>, boolean, long, boolean, INFProperty.Target) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Creates a meta info.
NFPropertyProvider - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
Base impl for nf property property provider.
NFPropertyProvider(IComponentIdentifier, IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Create a new provider.
NFPropertyRef<T,​U> - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
Property reference.
NFPropertyRef(IExternalAccess, NFPropertyMetaInfo, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyRef
Create a new property ref.
NFRequiredServicePropertyProviderInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Delegates 'getRequiredServicePropertyProvider()' calls to the underlying component.
NFRequiredServicePropertyProviderInterceptor(IInternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.NFRequiredServicePropertyProviderInterceptor
Create a new interceptor.
NFRootProperty<T,​U> - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
Injects properties on root component.
NFRootProperty(IInternalAccess, NFPropertyMetaInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFRootProperty
Create a new property.
NFRootProperty(IInternalAccess, NFPropertyMetaInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFRootProperty
Create a new property.
NFRProperty - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation
Property for required services and methods.
NFRPropertyInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
NFRPropertyInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFRPropertyInfo
Create a new property.
NFRPropertyInfo(String, ClassInfo, MethodInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFRPropertyInfo
Create a new property.
nick - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
The nick name.
NO_DECOUPLING - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
The static set of no decoupling methods.
NoCopy - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Parameters that should be copied / not copied.
NodeInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver.NodeInfo
Create a node info.
nodeps - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
The set of empty nodes.
nodes - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
The nodes with dependencies.
NONE - jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
None component scope (nothing will be searched, forces required service creation).
NONE - Static variable in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Timeout
Constant for no timeout.
nonfunc - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
The non-functional properties.
nonfunc - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InitInfo
The non-functional properties.
nonfunc - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalAbstractConnectionHandler
The non-functional properties.
nonfunc - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
The non-functional properties.
nonfunc - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
The non-functional properties.
NOSTACKCOMPACTION - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The stack compaction disable flag argument.
NOT - Static variable in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
The NOT operator.
NOT_UNDERSTOOD - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
NOT_UNDERSTOOD - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
notified - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
Flag to remember when an exception was notified to a listener.
notified - Variable in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
The timeout occurred flag.
notifyDataRead() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.streams.IInputConnectionHandler
Called by connection when user read some data so that other side can continue to send.
notifyDataRead() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
Called by connection when user read some data so that other side can continue to send.
notifyDataRead() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalInputConnectionHandler
Called by connection when user read some data so that other side can continue to send.
notifyException(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener
notifyException(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingResultListener
notifyInited() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
notifyInited() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.streams.IAbstractConnectionHandler
notifyInited() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalAbstractConnectionHandler
notifyInited() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
notifyListenersAdded(IComponentDescription) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Notify the cms listeners of an addition.
notifyListenersChanged(IComponentDescription) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Notify the cms listeners of a change.
notifyListenersRemoved(IComponentDescription, Exception, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Notify the cms listeners of a removal.
notifyMessageReceived(ISecurityInfo, IMsgHeader, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Called for each received message.
notifyMessageSent(IMsgHeader, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Called for each sent message.
notifyMethodListeners(boolean, Object, Method, Object[], Object, ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.MethodListenerHandler
Notify registered listeners in case a method is called.
notifyMethodListeners(IServiceIdentifier, boolean, Object, Method, Object[], Object, ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Notify listeners that a service method has been called.
notifyMethodListeners(IServiceIdentifier, boolean, Object, Method, Object[], Object, ServiceInvocationContext) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Notify listeners that a service method has been called.
notifyQueryListeners(QueryEvent) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Notify all listeners.
notifyResults(List<Tuple2<S, Double>>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener
notifyResults(List<Tuple2<S, Double>>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener2
Notify the results,
notifyResults(List<Tuple2<S, Double>>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingResultListener
NOTNULL - jadex.bridge.service.annotation.PostCondition.Type
NOTNULL - jadex.bridge.service.annotation.PreCondition.Type
NUGGETS_XML - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
NULL - jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel
NULL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
number - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
The number of components.


object - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The object.
objects - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.TimerEntries
The objects.
occurred - Variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The listed occurrences (if any).
occurrenceAppeared(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
An occurrence appeared.
OFF - jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel
offset - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnection
The offset (startvalue of current first row).
offValue - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
ofuture - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnection
ONE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery.Multiplicity
'1' multiplicity for required service (default for searchService methods).
ONE_MANY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery.Multiplicity
'1..*' multiplicity for required service (default for searchService methods).
OnEnd - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
A method marked with this annotation will be called upon end of the element.
OnInit - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
A method marked with this annotation will be called upon init of the element.
OnStart - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
A method marked with this annotation will be called upon start of the element.
ONTOLOGY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
openFile(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.IFileTransferService
Open a file.
OPENGL - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The opengl disable flag argument.
operator - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Operator used to evaluate the value.
operator - Variable in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
The operator.
operatorToString(int) - Static method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Create a string representation of the operator.
optimizeFilters() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
Used after searches to make bound filters remotable.
OR - Static variable in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
The OR operator.
orderComponentFeatures(String, Collection<Collection<IComponentFeatureFactory>>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Build an ordered list of component features.
origin - Variable in class jadex.bridge.Cause
The id.
other - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
The ID of the component at the other side of the transfer (i.e.
otherdeps - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver.NodeInfo
The set of nodes depending on this node.
OutCommand(IFuture<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature.OutCommand
Creates the command.
outcommands - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature
Commands that have been sent to a remote component.
OutputConnection - Class in jadex.bridge.component.streams
Output connection for writing data.
OutputConnection(IComponentIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier, int, boolean, IOutputConnectionHandler) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnection
Create a new connection.
OutputConnectionHandler - Class in jadex.bridge.component.streams
The output connection handler.
OutputConnectionHandler(IInternalAccess, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Create a new handler.
OutputConnectionHandler.DataSendInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.component.streams
Info about a sent but not yet acknowledged data message.
outputfile - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
The output stream redirection file name (if any).
owner - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
The query owner.
ownership - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Attribute for slot ownership.


packagename - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The package.
paramconverter() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.MultiplexDistributor
The parameter converter.
PARAMETERCOPY - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Flag if copying parameters for local service calls is allowed.
ParameterInfo - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Parameter info annotation.
parameters - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFPropertyInfo
The parameters (optional).
parameters() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation.NFProperty
The init parameter values.
parameters() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.TargetMethod
The method parameters.
params - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
The parameters.
parent - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
The parent provider.
parent - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Attribute for slot parent.
parent - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
The parent.
PARENT - jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
Available in immediate parent and all direct and indirect subcomponents.
parenta - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
The parent adapter (cached for speed).
parseArg(IPlatformConfiguration, String, String, Object) - Method in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
Parse an argument.
parseArg(String, String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
parseArgs(String) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Create a platform configuration.
parseArgs(String[]) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
parseArgs(Map<String, String>, IResourceIdentifier, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
participant - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
The participant.
participant - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InitInfo
The participant.
participant - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
The participant id.
participant - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
The participant id.
path - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
The path.
pattern - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
The time pattern.
pause() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedSimulationService
pause() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Pause the execution (can be resumed via start or step).
pcons - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
The participant connections.
PERCENT - jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.PercentUnit
PercentUnit - Enum in jadex.bridge.sensor.unit
Percent unit.
Performative() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
PERFORMATIVE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PERFORMATIVES - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
The allowed message attributes.
performCall(IService, Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
Perform a call on given service with given arguments.
period - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.AverageEvaluator
The avg period.
PERSIST - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The persist flag argument.
pi - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyReference
The proxy info.
pid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
The publish id.
pinfos - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The provided service infos.
platform - Variable in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
The platform.
platform - Variable in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTestBase
The component management system.
platform - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The platform identifier.
platform - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
The service platform.
platform - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.transport.PlatformData
The platform.
PLATFORM - jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
Available in all components on the local platform.
PLATFORM - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
PLATFORM_COMPONENT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Tell the starter to use the default platform component implementation (usually no need to change).
PLATFORM_INTERNAL - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.IExternalAccess
PLATFORM_NAME - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
The name of the platform component (null for auto generation).
PLATFORM_NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
PLATFORMARGS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
PlatformComponent - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
Standalone platform component implementation.
PlatformComponent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
PlatformComponent.ExternalAccessInvocationHandler - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
Nested class for service annotation.
PLATFORMCONFIG - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
PlatformConfigurationHandler - Class in jadex.base
Platform configuration handler is a proxy handler that implements the logic for the configuration interfaces.
PlatformConfigurationHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
Create a new handler.
PlatformData - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.transport
Transfer object for information about a connected platform.
PlatformData() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.transport.PlatformData
Create a new platform data.
PlatformData(IComponentIdentifier, String, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.transport.PlatformData
Create a new platform data.
platformid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
The platform ID.
platformid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddress
ID of the platform.
platformmem - Static variable in class jadex.base.Starter
Global platform data.
PLATFORMMODEL - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
PLATFORMPROXIES - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Flag if CIDs may be reused (true for not).
pojo - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The pojo (optional).
pojoproxies - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The pojo service map (pojo -> proxy).
pop() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Pop delete the top most set of values.
position - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnection
The position.
PostCondition - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
PostCondition.Type - Enum in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
PostConditions - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
postEvent(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
Post an event to subscribed listeners.
postImage(byte[], IComponentIdentifier[], boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatGuiService
Post an image.
postMessage(String, IComponentIdentifier[], boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatGuiService
Post a message.
postServiceEvent(ServiceCallEvent) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IInternalServiceMonitoringFeature
Post a service call event.
postServiceEvent(ServiceCallEvent) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Post a service call event.
postStatus(String, byte[], IComponentIdentifier[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatGuiService
Post a status change.
pr - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RemoteMethodInvocationHandler
The proxy reference.
PreCondition - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
PreCondition.Type - Enum in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
PreConditions - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
predecessors - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The predecessors.
prefix - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
The prefix length.
prepare(CreationInfo) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Helper method for preparing the creation info.
PrePostConditionFetcher(Object[], Object, Object, List<Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.PrePostConditionFetcher
PrePostConditionInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Interceptor that checks annotated pre- and postconditions.
PrePostConditionInterceptor(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor
Create a new AbstractLRUApplicableInterceptor.
PrePostConditionInterceptor.CheckReturnValueResultListener - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Check return value, when service call is finished.
PrePostConditionInterceptor.IntermediateResultUnavailableException - Exception in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
PrePostConditionInterceptor.PrePostConditionFetcher - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Fetcher for pre and post condition.
preprocessMessage(IMsgHeader, FipaMessage) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessagePreprocessor
Preprocess a message before sending.
preprocessMessage(IMsgHeader, Object) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Preprocess a message before sending.
preprocessMessage(IMsgHeader, T) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IMessagePreprocessor
Optionally preprocess a message before sending.
preprocessors - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Cache for message preprocessors.
pres - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
The presdecessors.
prettyPrint(Double) - Method in enum jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.PercentUnit
Pretty print a value according to the underlying unit to a string.
prettyPrint(Long) - Method in enum jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.MemoryUnit
Pretty print a value according to the underlying unit to a string.
prettyPrint(Long) - Method in enum jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.TimeUnit
Pretty print a value according to the underlying unit to a string.
prettyPrint(T) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.IPrettyPrintUnit
Pretty print a value according to the underlying unit to a string.
prgmargs - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
The program arguments.
PRINT_DELAY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Print every 10 seconds.
PRINTEXCEPTIONS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Flag if exceptions should be printed.
PRINTSECRET - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Flag if the platform password/secret(s) should be printed to the console.
printStackTrace() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentNotFoundException
printStackTrace() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceNotFoundException
priority - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.StepInfo
The priority.
privatemessage - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
Flag for privat message.
processResult(Object, RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
processServiceEvent(ServiceEvent, RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Create the user-facing object from the received search or query result.
processUnhandledMessage(ISecurityInfo, IMsgHeader, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Called for all messages without matching message handlers.
PROFILING - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Enable call profiling.
PROGRAM_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
PROPAGATE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
PROPAGATE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
properties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MsgHeader
Map containing properties.
properties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.PropertiesComponentFeature
The properties.
properties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The properties.
properties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
The service properties.
properties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
The mapping properties.
properties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
A map of properties (if any).
properties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Platform properties (if any).
properties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
The service call properties.
properties - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
The service call properties.
PropertiesComponentFeature - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl
This feature provides arguments.
PropertiesComponentFeature(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.PropertiesComponentFeature
Create the feature.
PROPERTY_AWAMECHANISM - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
The mechanism src.
PROPERTY_JADEXDATE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
The property for the Jadex build date.
PROPERTY_JADEXVERSION - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
The property for the Jadex version.
PROPERTY_TERMINATION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Property name for timeout after which component long running cleanup is forcefully aborted.
PROPERTY_TEST_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
The name of the property for defining a test timeout.
propertyname - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.BasicEvaluator
The property name.
propname - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
Name of the property being kept constant.
propname - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Name of the property.
PROPOSE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
PROPOSE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
props - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
All settings are stored in standard javax.mail...
proserprops - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
The nf property providers for required services.
protocol - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.transport.PlatformData
The protocol name (i.e.
PROTOCOL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_BROKERING - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_CANCEL_META - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_CONTRACT_NET - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_DUTCH_AUCTION - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_ENGLISH_AUCTION - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_ITERATED_CONTRACT_NET - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_PROPOSE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_QUERY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_RECRUITING - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_REQUEST - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_REQUEST_WHEN - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOL_SUBSCRIBE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
PROTOCOLS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
The standard protocols.
ProvidedServiceImplementation - Class in jadex.bridge.service
Contains information for provided service implementation: - implementation class or - creation expression or - implementation forward to other component via binding
ProvidedServiceImplementation() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
Create a new service implementation.
ProvidedServiceImplementation(ProvidedServiceImplementation) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
Create a new service implementation.
ProvidedServiceImplementation(Class<?>, String, String, RequiredServiceBinding, UnparsedExpression[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
Create a new service implementation.
ProvidedServiceInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.service
Info for provided services.
ProvidedServiceInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Create a new service info.
ProvidedServiceInfo(String, ClassInfo, ProvidedServiceImplementation) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Create a new service info.
ProvidedServiceInfo(String, ClassInfo, ProvidedServiceImplementation, ServiceScope, UnparsedExpression, Security, PublishInfo, List<UnparsedExpression>, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Create a new service info.
ProvidedServiceInfo(String, Class<?>, ProvidedServiceImplementation) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Create a new service info.
ProvidedServiceInfo(String, Class<?>, ProvidedServiceImplementation, ServiceScope, UnparsedExpression, Security, PublishInfo, List<UnparsedExpression>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Create a new service info.
providedservices - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
The provided service overridings.
providedservices - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The provided services.
ProvidedServicesComponentFeature - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Feature for provided services.
ProvidedServicesComponentFeature(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Factory method constructor for instance level.
provider - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
The application provider.
providerid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
The provider id.
providerid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
The provider identifier.
proxy - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The origin (proxy object).
proxy - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Component id of local proxy (if any).
PROXY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
PROXY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
ProxyFactory - Class in jadex.bridge
Create a proxy with standard Java or per Jadex ASM.
ProxyFactory() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ProxyFactory
ProxyFilter - Class in jadex.bridge.service.search
Test if a class is a proxy.
ProxyFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.ProxyFilter
PROXYFILTER - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ProxyFilter
Static proxy filter instance.
ProxyInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands
Info struct that holds all necessary model information to generate a proxy on the local platform.
ProxyInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Create a new proxy info.
ProxyInfo(Class<?>[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Create a new proxy info.
ProxyReference - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands
A proxy reference is the transfer format of a remote reference which should be made to a proxy on the other side.
ProxyReference() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyReference
Create a new proxy reference.
ProxyReference(ProxyInfo, RemoteReference) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyReference
Create a new proxy reference.
proxyrwlock - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Read-Write Lock for proxy map.
proxytype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
The proxy type.
proxytype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
The proxytype.
PROXYTYPE_DECOUPLED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The (default) decoupled proxy type (decouples from caller thread to component thread).
PROXYTYPE_DECOUPLED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
The (default) decoupled proxy type (decouples from component thread to caller thread).
PROXYTYPE_DIRECT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The direct proxy type (supports custom interceptors, but uses caller thread).
PROXYTYPE_DIRECT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
The direct proxy type (supports custom interceptors, but uses caller thread).
PROXYTYPE_RAW - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The raw proxy type (i.e.
PROXYTYPE_RAW - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
The raw proxy type (i.e.
publish - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Publish information.
PUBLISH_RS - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IPublishService
The publish type rest service.
PUBLISH_WS - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IPublishService
The publish type web service.
publishEvent(IMonitoringEvent) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService
Publish a new event.
publishEvent(IMonitoringEvent, ServiceGetter<IMonitoringService>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MonitoringComponentFeature
Publish a monitoring event to the monitoring service.
publishEvent(IMonitoringEvent, IMonitoringService.PublishTarget) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalMonitoringComponentFeature
Publish a monitoring event.
publishEvent(IMonitoringEvent, IMonitoringService.PublishTarget) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MonitoringComponentFeature
Publish a monitoring event.
publishHMTLPage(String, String, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IWebPublishService
Publish a static page (without ressources).
PublishInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.service
Info struct for service publishing details.
PublishInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Create a new publish info.
PublishInfo(PublishInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Create a new publish info.
PublishInfo(String, String, ServiceScope, boolean, Class<?>, UnparsedExpression[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Create a new publish info.
PublishInfo(String, String, ServiceScope, boolean, Class<?>, Object[]) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Create a new publish info.
PublishInfo(String, String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Create a new publish info.
publishLocalEvent(IMonitoringEvent) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MonitoringComponentFeature
Forward event to all currently registered subscribers.
publishLocalEvent(IMonitoringEvent, SubscriptionIntermediateFuture<IMonitoringEvent>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MonitoringComponentFeature
Forward event to one subscribers.
publishResources(String, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IWebPublishService
Publish file resources from the classpath.
publishscope - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
The publish scope.
publishService(IServiceIdentifier, PublishInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IPublishService
Publish a service.
publishStepEvent(ExecutionComponentFeature.StepInfo, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Publish a step event.
publishtype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
The publish type.
push(Object, Method, List<Object>, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Push saves and copies the current set of values.
putCache(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyReference
Get the cached values.
putPlatformValue(IComponentIdentifier, String, Object) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Get a global platform value.


queries - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
The persistent service queries.
query - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.UnresolvedServiceInvocationHandler
The search query for a lazy proxy.
query - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryEvent
The service.
query - Variable in exception jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceNotFoundException
The failed query.
query - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQueryInfo
The query.
QUERY_ADDED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryEvent
Query was added event.
QUERY_IF - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
QUERY_IF - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
QUERY_KEY_TYPES - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryInfoExtractor
The key types.
QUERY_KEY_TYPES_INDEXABLE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryInfoExtractor
The indexable types.
QUERY_REF - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
QUERY_REF - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
QUERY_REMOVED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryEvent
Query was removed event.
QueryEvent - Class in jadex.bridge.service.search
Query event for signaling when a query is added or removed.
QueryEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryEvent
Bean constructor.
QueryEvent(ServiceQuery<?>, int) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryEvent
Creates the query event.
QueryInfoExtractor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.search
Extractor for query infos.
QueryInfoExtractor() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryInfoExtractor
querysubs - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
The query change subscribers.
queuecnt - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
The number of sending messages (i.e.


rank(List<S>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ComposedEvaluator
Ranks services according to non-functional criteria.
rank(List<S>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.IServiceRanker
Ranks services according to non-functional criteria.
ranker - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener
The ranker.
ranker - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingResultListener
The ranker.
rankResults() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener
Rank the results and announce them
rankResults() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingResultListener
Rank the results and announce them
rankServices(ITerminableIntermediateFuture<S>, IServiceRanker<S>, IRankingSearchTerminationDecider<S>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.SServiceProvider
Rank the services of a search with a specific ranker.
rankServicesWithScores(ITerminableIntermediateFuture<S>, IServiceRanker<S>, IRankingSearchTerminationDecider<S>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.SServiceProvider
Rank the services of a search with a specific ranker and emit the scores.
rankWithScores(List<S>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ComposedEvaluator
Ranks services according to non-functional criteria.
rankWithScores(List<S>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.IServiceRanker
Ranks services according to non-functional criteria.
Raw - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Explicitly declare a method as raw.
rawmodel - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The raw model.
rcl - Variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The change listener (proxy) to be informed about important changes.
read() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnection
Non-blocking read.
read() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInputConnection
Non-blocking read.
read() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Non-blocking read.
read() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
read(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnection
Non-blocking read.
read(byte[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInputConnection
Non-blocking read.
read(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Non-blocking read.
read(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
readAccount(InputStream) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Read account data from property file.
readAccount(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Read account data from property file.
readLock() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
Locks the read lock for resource-based locking.
readNFProperties(Class<?>, IInternalAccess, IService, MethodInfo) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.AbstractNFProperty
Create nf properties form a class with nf annotations.
readonly - Variable in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
Readonly flag means that the config has been used to start a platform and is now immutable.
ready(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalOutputConnectionHandler
Called by local input connection handler to signal that user has read some data.
readyfuture - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalOutputConnectionHandler
The ready future.
readyfuture - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Future used in waitForReady().
readyfuture - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
The ready future.
realtime - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Flag indicating if the update rate is real time.
realtime - Variable in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
The realtime flag.
REALTIME - Static variable in class jadex.base.test.util.STest
Global flag to switch between sim and realtime tests.
REALTIME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
The realtime constant.
REALTIMETIMEOUT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Flag if local timeouts should be realtime (instead of clock dependent).
reason - Variable in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
The failure reason.
reason - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteTerminationCommand
The termination reason (if any).
reason - Variable in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
The reason.
REASON_COMPONENT_EXISTS - Static variable in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
Constant that indicates that the component already exists.
REASON_MODEL_ERROR - Static variable in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
Constant that indicates that a model has occurred.
REASON_NO_COMPONENT_FACTORY - Static variable in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
Constant that indicates that no component factory has been found.
REASON_WRONG_ID - Static variable in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
Constant that indicates that component has a wrong/errorneous id.
RECEIVED - jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageEvent.Type
receiver - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.StreamPacket
The reqceiver.
RECEIVER - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMsgHeader
Message header key for the receiver.
receivers - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
The receivers.
RECEIVERS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
RecoveryInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
The recovery interceptor is used in required service proxies for automatically reassigning a service if it fails due to one of specific exceptions.
RecoveryInterceptor() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.RecoveryInterceptor
redirectInput(IExternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Redirect some text to the remote input stream.
Reference - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Can be used to give objects reference semantics in local and remote calls: - in local calls references are not copied.
refresh - Variable in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
The refresh flag (normally only for root jar file but in remote case also for entries (partial jars).
refresh() - Method in class jadex.base.JarAsDirectory
Refresh the jar entries.
refreshLatency() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.IProxyAgentService
Refresh the latency value.
REFUSE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
REFUSE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
registerClient(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.ISuperpeerService
Initiates the client registration procedure (super peer will answer initially with an empty intermediate result, client will send updates with backward commands).
registerPropertiesProvider(String, IPropertiesProvider) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.settings.ISettingsService
REJECT_PROPOSAL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
REJECT_PROPOSAL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
rejectFile(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatGuiService
Reject a waiting file transfer.
relativepath - Variable in class jadex.base.RemoteJarFile
The relative path inside of the jar file.
RELAYADDRESSES - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Address(es) for relay transport (one or more addresses separated by commas).
RELAYFORWARDING - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
RELAYTRANSPORT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Flag if relay transport is enabled.
remote - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Flag if remote search should be done.
remote() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Reference
Set the remote reference state.
REMOTE_REGISTRY_NAME - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.IRemoteRegistryService
Name of the remote registry component and service.
RemoteBackwardCommand<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands
Command for sending backward command data.
RemoteBackwardCommand() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteBackwardCommand
Create the command.
RemoteBackwardCommand(Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteBackwardCommand
Create the command.
RemoteChangeListenerHandler - Class in jadex.bridge
A listener to be installed remotely in a component.
RemoteChangeListenerHandler(String, IInternalAccess, IRemoteChangeListener) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
Create a BDI listener.
RemoteClockChangeListener(String, IInternalAccess, IRemoteChangeListener<?>, ISimulationService) - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteClockChangeListener
Create a BPMN listener.
remoteexcluded - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Flag indicating that the remote component has excluded our local component.
RemoteExecutionComponentFeature - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl
Feature for securely sending and handling remote execution commands.
RemoteExecutionComponentFeature(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature
Create the feature.
RemoteExecutionComponentFeature.OutCommand - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl
Command that has been sent to a remote component.
RemoteExecutionComponentFeature.RxHandler - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl
Handle RX Messages.
RemoteFinishedCommand<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands
Command for finished intermediate futures.
RemoteFinishedCommand() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteFinishedCommand
Create the command.
RemoteFinishedCommand(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteFinishedCommand
Create the command.
RemoteForwardCmdCommand - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands
Remote command for sending future commands in ICommandFuture.
RemoteForwardCmdCommand() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteForwardCmdCommand
Create the command.
RemoteForwardCmdCommand(Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteForwardCmdCommand
Create the command.
RemoteIntermediateResultCommand<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands
Command for intermediate results.
RemoteIntermediateResultCommand() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteIntermediateResultCommand
Create the command.
RemoteIntermediateResultCommand(T, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteIntermediateResultCommand
Create the command.
RemoteJarFile - Class in jadex.base
The remote jar file.
RemoteJarFile() - Constructor for class jadex.base.RemoteJarFile
Create a remote jar file.
RemoteJarFile(String, String, boolean, String, Map<String, Collection<FileData>>, String, long, char, int, long) - Constructor for class jadex.base.RemoteJarFile
Create a remote jar file.
RemoteMethodInvocationCommand<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands
Invoke a remote method.
RemoteMethodInvocationCommand() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteMethodInvocationCommand
Create a remote method invocation command.
RemoteMethodInvocationCommand(Object, Method, Object[], Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteMethodInvocationCommand
Create a remote method invocation command.
RemoteMethodInvocationHandler - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Class that implements the Java proxy InvocationHandler, which is called when a method on a proxy is called.
RemoteMethodInvocationHandler(IInternalAccess, ProxyReference) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.RemoteMethodInvocationHandler
Create a new invocation handler.
RemotePullCommand<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands
Command for pulling from pull intermediate futures.
RemotePullCommand() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemotePullCommand
Create the command.
RemoteReference - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands
Remote reference for locating a specific target object in another platform.
RemoteReference() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteReference
Create a new remote reference.
RemoteReference(IComponentIdentifier, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteReference
Create a new remote reference.
RemoteResultCommand<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands
Command for results.
RemoteResultCommand() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteResultCommand
Create the command.
RemoteResultCommand(Exception, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteResultCommand
Create the command.
RemoteResultCommand(T, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteResultCommand
Create the command.
RemoteSimServiceChangeListener(String, IInternalAccess, IRemoteChangeListener, ISimulationService) - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteSimServiceChangeListener
Create a BPMN listener.
RemoteTerminationCommand<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands
Command for future termmination.
RemoteTerminationCommand() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteTerminationCommand
Create the command.
RemoteTerminationCommand(Exception) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteTerminationCommand
Create the command.
RemoteTimerChangeListener(String, IInternalAccess, IRemoteChangeListener, IClockService) - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteTimerChangeListener
Create a BPMN listener.
remove(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor.SetWrapper
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor.SetWrapper
removeChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedClockService
removeChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedSimulationService
removeChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Remove a change listener.
removeChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Remove a change listener.
removeChangeListener(IChangeListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Remove a change listener.
removeChangeListener(IRemoteChangeListener<IComponentIdentifier>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.IDaemonService
Remove a change listener.
removeChild(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Remove a child component.
removeClockListener(String, ISimulationService, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock
Remove a clock listener.
removeComponentDescription(IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Remove a componentdescription from this CMSSearchComponents.
removeComponentFactory(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Remove the bootstrap factory
removeComponentInstance(ComponentInstanceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Removes a component.
removeConsoleListener(IExternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
removed - Variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The removed elements (if any).
REMOVED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.IDaemonService
Event for a removed platform.
removeDependency(T, T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Remove a dependency that a depends on b.
removeEvaluator(IServiceEvaluator) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ComposedEvaluator
Removes an evaluator.
removeExcludedComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IServiceRegistry
Remove an excluded component.
removeExcludedComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Remove an excluded component.
removeHandler(Handler) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Remove a log Handler.
removeInputConnection(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Remove an input connection.
removeInterceptor(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
Remove an interceptor.
removeInterceptor(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Remove an interceptor.
removeInterceptor(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Remove an interceptor.
removeInterceptor(IServiceInvocationInterceptor, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Remove a service interceptor.
removeInterceptor(IServiceInvocationInterceptor, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Remove a service interceptor.
removeJob(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.ICronService
Remove a schedule job.
removeKernelListener(IMultiKernelListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IMultiKernelNotifierService
Removes a kernel listener.
removeLibraryServiceListener(ILibraryServiceListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Remove an Library Service listener.
removeLocker(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LockEntry
Remove a locker id.
removeMessageHandler(IMessageHandler) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageFeature
Remove a message handler.
removeMessageHandler(IMessageHandler) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Remove a message handler.
removeMethodInvocationListener(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, IMethodInvocationListener) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IProvidedServicesFeature
Remove a method invocation handler.
removeMethodInvocationListener(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, IMethodInvocationListener) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Remove a method invocation handler.
removeMethodListener(MethodInfo, IMethodInvocationListener) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.MethodListenerHandler
Add a method listener.
removeMethodNFProperty(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Remove a non-functional property.
removeMethodNFProperty(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Remove a non-functional property.
removeMethodNFProperty(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Remove a non-functional property.
removeMethodNFProperty(MethodInfo, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFMethodPropertyProvider
Remove a non-functional property.
removeMethodNFProperty(MethodInfo, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Remove a non-functional property.
removeNameAuthority(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Remvoes an authority for authenticating platform names.
removeNetwork(String, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Remove a network.
removeNFProperty(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Remove a non-functional property.
removeNFProperty(IExternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Remove a non-functional property.
removeNFProperty(IServiceIdentifier, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Remove a non-functional property.
removeNFProperty(IServiceIdentifier, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Remove a non-functional property.
removeNFProperty(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Remove a non-functional property.
removeNFProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Remove a non-functional property.
removeNFProperty(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyProvider
Remove a non-functional property.
removeNFProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Remove a non-functional property.
removeOutputConnection(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Remove an output connection.
removePlatformMemory(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Get a global platform value.
removePojoServiceProxy(IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Remove a pojo - proxy pair.
removeProperty(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Remove a property.
removeProvidedService(ProvidedServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Remove a provided service.
removeProvidedService(ProvidedServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Remove a provided service.
removeQueries(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IServiceRegistry
Remove all service queries of a specific component from the registry.
removeQueries(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Remove all service queries of a specific component from the registry.
removeQueriesOfPlatform(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IServiceRegistry
Remove all service queries of a specific platform from the registry.
removeQueriesOfPlatform(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Remove all service queries of a specific platform from the registry.
removeQuery(ServiceQuery<?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IServiceRegistry
Remove a service query from the registry.
removeQuery(ServiceQuery<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Remove a service query from the registry.
removeReceiver(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Denotes the identity of the intended recipients of the message.
removeRequiredMethodNFProperty(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Remove a non-functional property.
removeRequiredMethodNFProperty(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Remove a non-functional property.
removeRequiredMethodNFProperty(IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Remove a non-functional property.
removeRequiredNFProperty(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier, String) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Remove a non-functional property.
removeRequiredNFProperty(IServiceIdentifier, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Remove a non-functional property.
removeRequiredNFProperty(IServiceIdentifier, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Remove a non-functional property.
removeRequiredService(RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Remove a required service.
removeRequiredService(RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Remove a required service.
removeResourceIdentifier(IResourceIdentifier, IResourceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Remove a resource identifier.
removeRole(String, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Adds a role of an entity (platform or network name).
removeRule(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules.IRulebaseService
Remove a rule.
removeService(IInternalService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Remove a service.
removeService(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IExternalProvidedServicesFeature
Removes a service from the container (shutdowns also the service if the container is running).
removeService(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Removes a service from the platform (shutdowns also the service).
removeService(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IServiceRegistry
Remove a service from the registry.
removeService(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Remove a service from the registry.
removeServiceInterceptor(IServiceInvocationInterceptor) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Remove an interceptor.
removeServices(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IServiceRegistry
Remove services of a platform from the registry.
removeServices(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Remove services of a platform from the registry.
removeServiceType(Class<?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.servicepool.IServicePoolService
Remove a service type.
removeSimulationListener(String, ISimulationService, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock
Remove a sim listener.
removeStep() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Remove a new step.
removeSubcomponent(IInternalExecutionFeature) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Remove a synchronous subcomponent.
removeSubcomponent(IInternalExecutionFeature) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalExecutionFeature
Remove a synchronous subcomponent.
removeSubscription(SubscriptionIntermediateFuture<IMonitoringEvent>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MonitoringComponentFeature
Remove an existing subscription.
removeTickTimer(ITimer) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Remove a tick timer.
removeTimeDelay(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Remove a time support.
removeTimer(ITimer) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Remove a timer.
removeTimerListener(String, ISimulationService, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock
Remove a timer listener.
removeTopLevelURL(URL) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Remove a top level url.
removeTrustedPlatform(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Adds a name of an authenticated platform to allow access.
removeURL(IExternalAccess, String) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
Remove a URL from the lib service.
removeURL(IResourceIdentifier, URL) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryService
Remove a url.
removeValue(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.Indexer
Remove a value from the indexer.
rename(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Rename if necessary.
renameFile(String, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.IFileTransferService
Rename a file.
reorderMultiFactory(Collection<IComponentFactory>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Exclude the multifactory from a collection.
repeatStep(long, long, IComponentStep<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Repeats a ComponentStep periodically, until terminate() is called on result future or a failure occurs in a step.
repeatStep(long, long, IComponentStep<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Repeats a ComponentStep periodically, until terminate() is called on result future or a failure occurs in a step.
repeatStep(long, long, IComponentStep<T>, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Repeats a ComponentStep periodically, until terminate() is called on result future.
repeatStep(long, long, IComponentStep<T>, boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Repeats a ComponentStep periodically, until terminate() is called on result future.
Replacement - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Define a replacement object to be called instead of the remote method.
replacements - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
The replacements for methods (method-info -> replacement method).
REPLY_BY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
REPLY_TO - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
REPLY_WITH - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
report - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The report.
reports - Variable in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
The test reports.
republish() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.IDiscoveryService
Republish the awareness info.
reqname - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler
The required service name.
reqname - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
The required service name.
reqserprops - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
The nf property providers for required services.
REQUEST - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
REQUEST - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
REQUEST_WHEN - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
REQUEST_WHEN - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
REQUEST_WHENEVER - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
REQUEST_WHENEVER - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
required - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.BasicEvaluator
The required flag.
required - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The flag if the proxy is required (provided otherwise).
required - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
Is the interceptor for a required service proxy?
requiredproxytype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Required service proxy type.
RequiredServiceBinding - Class in jadex.bridge.service
Required service binding information.
RequiredServiceBinding() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Create a new binding.
RequiredServiceBinding(RequiredServiceBinding) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Create a new binding.
RequiredServiceBinding(String, ServiceScope) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Create a new binding.
RequiredServiceBinding(String, String, String, ServiceScope, UnparsedExpression[], String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Create a new binding.
RequiredServiceInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.service
Struct for information about a required service.
RequiredServiceInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Create a new service info.
RequiredServiceInfo(Class<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Create a new service info.
RequiredServiceInfo(String, ClassInfo, int, int, RequiredServiceBinding, List<NFRPropertyInfo>, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Create a new service info.
RequiredServiceInfo(String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Create a new service info.
RequiredServiceInfo(String, Class<?>, int, int, RequiredServiceBinding, List<NFRPropertyInfo>, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Create a new service info.
RequiredServiceInfo(String, Class<?>, ServiceScope) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Create a new service info.
requiredserviceinfos - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
The required service infos.
requiredservices - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
The required service overridings.
requiredservices - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The required services.
RequiredServicesComponentFeature - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Feature for provided services.
RequiredServicesComponentFeature(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Factory method constructor for instance level.
RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Adapter for the required services feature.
RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter(IRequiredServicesFeature) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Create a new adapter.
rescuethread - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Is the current thread the rescue thread?
rescuethreads - Static variable in class jadex.base.Starter
The rescue threads - per platform.
reset() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Reset the clock.
resetCurrentInvocation() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.CallAccess
Remove the current service call.
resetExecutionState(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Reset flags when exiting thread.
resetLastInvocation() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.CallAccess
Reset the invocation data for the last service call.
resetNextInvocation() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.CallAccess
Reset the invocation data for the next service call.
resetService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
Set the service to null, if e.g.
resfuts - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
The result subscription, if any.
resolveAddresses(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.address.ITransportAddressService
Resolves the addresses of a platform for a specific transport type using multiple methods.
resolveDependencies(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Resolve the DAG and deliver a valid order of nodes.
resolveDependenciesWithLevel() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
Resolve the DAG and deliver a valid order of nodes with sets of nodes for same levels.
resolveFilename(String, CreationInfo, IResourceIdentifier, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Find the file name and local component type name for a component to be started.
ResolveInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
The resolve interceptor is responsible for determining the object on which the method invocation is finally performed.
ResolveInterceptor(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
Create a new ResolveInterceptor.
ResolveInterceptor.SerializedValue - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Struct for serialized value.
resolveLocalService(ServiceQuery<T>, RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IInternalRequiredServicesFeature
Search for matching services and provide first result.
resolveLocalService(ServiceQuery<T>, RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Search for matching services and provide first result.
resolveLocalServices(ServiceQuery<T>, RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IInternalRequiredServicesFeature
Search for all matching services.
resolveLocalServices(ServiceQuery<T>, RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Search for all matching services.
resolveQuery(ServiceQuery<T>, RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IInternalRequiredServicesFeature
Query for all matching services.
resolveQuery(ServiceQuery<T>, RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Query for all matching services.
resolveService(ServiceQuery<T>, RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IInternalRequiredServicesFeature
Search for matching services and provide first result.
resolveService(ServiceQuery<T>, RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Search for matching services and provide first result.
resolveServices(ServiceQuery<T>, RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IInternalRequiredServicesFeature
Search for all matching services.
resolveServices(ServiceQuery<T>, RequiredServiceInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Search for all matching services.
ResourceIdentifier - Class in jadex.bridge
Default implementation for resource identification.
ResourceIdentifier() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Create a resource identifier.
ResourceIdentifier(ILocalResourceIdentifier, IGlobalResourceIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Create a resource identifier.
resourceIdentifierAdded(IResourceIdentifier, IResourceIdentifier, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryServiceListener
Called when a new rid has been added.
resourceIdentifierRemoved(IResourceIdentifier, IResourceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ILibraryServiceListener
Called when a rid has been removed.
restore(IPersistInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.IPersistenceService
Restore a component from a snapshot.
restore(Collection<IPersistInfo>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.IPersistenceService
Restore components from a snapshot.
result - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteIntermediateResultCommand
The result.
result - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteResultCommand
The result.
result - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler.SendInfo
The result future of the call.
result - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.PrePostConditionFetcher
The result.
result - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The call result.
RESULT - jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent.Type
resultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailable(E) - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailable(Collection<Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
resultAvailable(Collection<S>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingResultListener
Called when result is available.
resultAvailable(Collection<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler.IntermediateMethodResultListener
Called when services have been found.
resultAvailable(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature.LateCounterListener
resultAvailableIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
Called when the result is available.
resultAvailableIfUndone(E) - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
Called when the result is available.
RESULTCID - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.IComponentIdentifier
The constant to fetch the component id out of the results of a component.
resultcount - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.AbstractResultCommand
Count of the result for ordering.
resultcount - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature.OutCommand
results - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
The results.
results - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
The list of result default values.
results - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The results.
results - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener
The saved results.
results - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingResultListener
The saved results.
results - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
The results.
results - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSTerminatedEvent
The component results.
resume(Future<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
Resume the execution of the suspendable.
resumeComponent() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Resume the execution of an component.
resumeComponent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Resume the execution of an component.
resumeComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Resume the execution of an component.
resumeComponent(IComponentIdentifier, boolean, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Resume the execution of an component.
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor.SetWrapper
retry() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler.DataSendInfo
Retry sending the message.
ReturnValueResultListener(Future<Void>, ServiceInvocationContext, Span, Scope) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.TracingInterceptor.ReturnValueResultListener
Create a result listener.
RHardConstraints - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints
Class defining runtime hard constraints.
RHardConstraints(IExternalAccess, Collection<MHardConstraint>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
Creates the runtime hard constraints.
rid - Variable in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTestBase
The component resource identifier.
rid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.FactoryFilter
The resource identifier.
rid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Attribute for slot rid.
rid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The resource identifier.
rid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
The resource identifier.
rid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
The download resource identifier.
rid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The resource identifier.
rid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The resource identifier.
ridFromProperties(Properties, IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Create a rid from properties.
rids - Variable in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
The resource identifiers of the tree's root entries.
ridToProperties(IResourceIdentifier, IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Create properties from rid.
roles() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Security
Use predefined role: see constants unrestricted, default and admin.
roll() - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.CallAccess
root - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Cache for platform name for getRoot() calls.
root - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFRootProperty
The root access.
Root - jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFProperty.Target
rr - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyReference
The remote reference.
rseqno - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
The last in order received sequence number.
RSPUBLISH - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Flag if rest service publishing is enabled.
RSPUBLISHCOMPONENT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Optionally provide alternative rs publish implementation.
run(TestResult) - Method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Overridden for pre and post code.
run(TestResult) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.GenericTestSuite
runBare() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentLoadTest
Test the component.
runBare() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTestBase
Test the component.
runBare() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTestLazyPlatform
Test the component.
runBare() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.JunitAgentTest
runSimLocked(IPlatformConfiguration, Consumer<IInternalAccess>) - Static method in class jadex.base.test.util.STest
Start a platform and run the code on a component thread.
runTest(Test, TestResult) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.GenericTestSuite
rwlock - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Read-Write Lock
RX_DEBUG - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature
Debug info of the remote execution command.
RX_ID - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature
ID of the remote execution command in progress.
RxHandler() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature.RxHandler


SAFE_COMMANDS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature
Commands safe to use with untrusted clients.
SAME_PLATFORM - Static variable in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
Run all tests on the same platform.
saveFile(String, byte[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.settings.IPlatformSettings
Directly saves a file in the settings directory.
SAVEONEXIT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Save platform settings on shutdown?
saveProperties() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.settings.ISettingsService
saveState(String, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.settings.IPlatformSettings
Saves arbitrary state to a persistent directory as JSON.
SBootstrapLoader - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.factory
Helper methods for loading component models without a running platform.
SBootstrapLoader() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SBootstrapLoader
scanForKernelFilters(List<URL>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
Scan files for kernel components.
scheduleBackward(ICommand<Void>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Schedule backward in result direction, i.e.
scheduleDecoupledStep(IComponentStep<?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Schedule a component step but don't wait for its execution.
scheduleDecoupledStep(IComponentStep<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Schedule a component step but don't wait for its execution.
scheduleForward(IExternalAccess, IInternalAccess, Runnable) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
Execute a listener notification on the component using either an external access or the internal one and robustly use the rescue thread for the notification, when the component is terminated.
scheduleForward(ICommand<T>, T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentFutureFunctionality
Send a foward command.
scheduleForward(ICommand<T>, T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
Schedule forward in result direction, i.e.
scheduleForward(Runnable) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
Execute a listener notification on the component.
scheduleRescueStep(IComponentIdentifier, Runnable) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Schedule a rescue step.
scheduleStep(int, IComponentStep<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Execute a component step.
scheduleStep(int, IComponentStep<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Execute a component step.
scheduleStep(IComponentIdentifier, IComponentStep<T>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Schedule a step without getting external access.
scheduleStep(IComponentStep<E>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Schedule a step on the message service component.
scheduleStep(IComponentStep<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Execute a component step.
scheduleStep(IComponentStep<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Execute a component step.
SComponentFactory - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.factory
Standard meta component factory.
SComponentFactory() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.SComponentFactory
SComponentManagementService - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.cms
Static CMS methods.
SComponentManagementService() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
scope - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
The scope.
scope - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.TracingInterceptor.ReturnValueResultListener
scope - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
The scope.
scope - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
The search scope.
scope - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
The search scope.
scope - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
The scope.
SCOPE_APPLICATION - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Use ServiceScope instead
SCOPE_APPLICATION_GLOBAL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Use ServiceScope instead
SCOPE_APPLICATION_NETWORK - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Use ServiceScope instead
SCOPE_COMPONENT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Use ServiceScope instead
SCOPE_COMPONENT_ONLY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Use ServiceScope instead
SCOPE_GLOBAL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Use ServiceScope instead
SCOPE_NETWORK - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Use ServiceScope instead
SCOPE_NONE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Use ServiceScope instead
SCOPE_PARENT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Use ServiceScope instead
SCOPE_PLATFORM - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Use ServiceScope instead
scopeexpression - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
The scope expression (if any).
scopeexpression - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
The scope expression (if any).
scorelistener - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingResultListener
The delegate listener.
searchComponents(IComponentDescription, ISearchConstraints) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalSubcomponentsFeature
Search for subcomponents matching the given description.
searchComponents(IComponentDescription, ISearchConstraints) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Search for components matching the given description.
searchComponents(IComponentDescription, ISearchConstraints) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Search for components matching the given description.
searchComponents(IComponentDescription, ISearchConstraints, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Search for components matching the given description.
searchconstraints - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Attribute for slot searchconstraints.
SearchConstraints - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Java class for concept SearchConstraints of beanynizer_beans_fipa_default ontology.
SearchConstraints() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Default Constructor.
SearchConstraints(int, int) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Default Constructor.
searchid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Attribute for slot search-id.
searchMethod(Class<?>, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
Search an annotation method.
SEARCHMETHOD - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteMethodInvocationCommand
searchPlatforms() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.IAwarenessService
Try to find other platforms and finish after timeout.
searchService(ServiceQuery<?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IServiceRegistry
Search for a service.
searchService(ServiceQuery<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Search for services.
searchService(ServiceQuery<?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.IRemoteRegistryService
Search remote registry for a single service.
searchService(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IExternalRequiredServicesFeature
Search for matching services and provide first result.
searchService(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Search for matching services and provide first result.
searchService(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Search for matching services and provide first result.
searchService(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.ISearchQueryManagerService
Search for matching services using available remote information sources and provide first result.
searchService(ServiceQuery<T>, long) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IRequiredServicesFeature
Performs a sustained search for a service.
searchService(ServiceQuery<T>, long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Performs a sustained search for a service.
searchService(ServiceQuery<T>, long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Performs a sustained search for a service.
searchServices(ServiceQuery<?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IServiceRegistry
Search for services.
searchServices(ServiceQuery<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Search for services.
searchServices(ServiceQuery<?>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.IRemoteRegistryService
Search remote registry for services.
searchServices(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IExternalRequiredServicesFeature
Search for all matching services.
searchServices(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Search for all matching services.
searchServices(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesFeatureAdapter
Search for all matching services.
searchServices(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.ISearchQueryManagerService
Search for all matching services.
searchstart - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Starting point for the search scoping.
secinfos - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageEvent
The security infos (only for received).
SECS - jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.TimeUnit
secservice - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
The security service.
secure - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
The secure transport methods.
security - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
The security settings (empty roles if unset).
Security - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Set the roles that would allow access to a service interface or service method.
SECURITY_INFOS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
The security infos constant.
selected - Variable in class jadex.base.DefaultFileFilter
The selected component list.
Self - jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFProperty.Target
send - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.AuthenticationInterceptor
The mode (send or receive).
send(byte[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.streams.IOutputConnectionHandler
Called from connection.
send(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalOutputConnectionHandler
Called from connection.
send(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Called from connection.
sendAcknowledgedMessage(StreamPacket, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Send a message and wait for an ack.
sendAcknowledgedMultiPacket() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Called internally.
sendAlive() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Send alive message.
sendData(StreamPacket) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Send or resend a data message.
sendDataAck() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
Send ack data.
sendDataAck(int, int, boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnectionHandler
sendEmail(Email, EmailAccount) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.email.IEmailService
Send an email.
sender - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
The sending component's identifier.
sender - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
The sender.
SENDER - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMsgHeader
Message header key for the sender.
SENDER - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
sendFile(String, byte[], IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatGuiService
Send a file to the target component via bytes.
sendFile(String, IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatGuiService
Send a local file to the target component.
sendFile(String, String, long, String, IInputConnection) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatService
Send a file.
SendInfo(StreamPacket, Object, int, TimerTask, Future<Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler.SendInfo
Create a new send info.
sendInit() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Send init message.
sendInit() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.streams.IAbstractConnectionHandler
Send init message.
sendInit() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalAbstractConnectionHandler
Send init message.
sendMessage(MsgHeader, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Send the message to potentially multiple receivers.
sendMessage(IMsgHeader, byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.transport.ITransportService
Send a message.
sendMessage(Object, IComponentIdentifier...) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageFeature
Send a message.
sendMessage(Object, IComponentIdentifier...) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Send a message.
sendMessage(Object, Map<String, Object>, IComponentIdentifier...) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageFeature
Send a message.
sendMessage(Object, Map<String, Object>, IComponentIdentifier...) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Send a message.
sendMessageAndWait(IComponentIdentifier, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageFeature
Send a message and wait for a reply.
sendMessageAndWait(IComponentIdentifier, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Send a message and wait for a reply.
sendMessageAndWait(IComponentIdentifier, Object, Long) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageFeature
Send a message and wait for a reply.
sendMessageAndWait(IComponentIdentifier, Object, Long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Send a message and wait for a reply.
sendReply(IMsgHeader, Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMessageFeature
Send a message reply.
sendReply(IMsgHeader, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Send a message reply.
SENDREPLY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Header marker for send-reply messages.
sendRxMessage(IComponentIdentifier, String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.RemoteExecutionComponentFeature
Sends RX message.
sendStored() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Called internally.
sendTask(StreamPacket) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Send a task.
sendToAllTransports(IComponentIdentifier, IMsgHeader, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Forwards the prepared message to the transport layer using all transports.
sendToTransports(IMsgHeader, byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalMessageFeature
Forwards the prepared message to the transport layer.
sendToTransports(IMsgHeader, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Forwards the prepared message to the transport layer.
sent - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
The data sent (not acknowledged).
SENT - jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageEvent.Type
separator - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
The separator char.
seqnumber - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
The current sequence number.
sequencenumber - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.StreamPacket
The sequence number.
SequentialMultiplexDistributor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke
Sequential call distributor.
SequentialMultiplexDistributor() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
SerializedValue() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor.SerializedValue
Create a new serialized value.
SerializedValue(String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor.SerializedValue
Create a new serialized value.
SERIALIZER_ID - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.message.ISerializer
Constant for accessing the serializer id.
service - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The service.
service - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
The cached service.
service - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent
The service.
service - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceEvent
The service.
Service - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Mark a class as implementing a service.
SERVICE_ADDED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceEvent
Service was added event.
SERVICE_CHANGED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceEvent
Service changed.
SERVICE_KEY_TYPES - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor
The key types.
SERVICE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
The key used to store the tags in the service property map.
SERVICE_REMOVED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceEvent
Service was removed event.
ServiceCall - Class in jadex.bridge
Information about a current service call.
ServiceCall(IComponentIdentifier, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Create a service call info object.
ServiceCallEvent - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Represents the events associated with service calls (call, response, etc.).
ServiceCallEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent
Bean constructor.
ServiceCallEvent(ServiceCallEvent.Type, IServiceIdentifier, MethodInfo, IComponentIdentifier, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent
Instance constructor.
ServiceCallEvent.Type - Enum in jadex.bridge.service.component
ServiceCallInfo - Class in jadex.bridge
ServiceCallInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
Create a new service call info.
ServiceCallInfo(String, MethodInfo, FieldInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
Create a new service call info.
ServiceCallInfo(String, MethodInfo, MethodInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
Create a new service call info.
ServiceComponent - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Annotation for field of pojo service in which the service component (internal access) should be injected.
ServiceEvent<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.service.search
Service event used if the service registry is used in event mode.
ServiceEvent() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceEvent
Bean constructor.
ServiceEvent(T, int) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceEvent
Creates the service event.
ServiceGetter<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
The service getter allows for getting a service
ServiceGetter(IInternalAccess, long, Class<T>, ServiceScope) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
Create a new service getter.
ServiceGetter(IInternalAccess, Class<T>, ServiceScope) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
Create a new service getter.
serviceidentifier - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
The service ID of the target service.
ServiceIdentifier - Class in jadex.bridge.service
Service identifier for uniquely identifying a service.
ServiceIdentifier - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Annotation for field of pojo service in which the service identifier should be injected.
ServiceIdentifier() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Create a new service identifier.
ServiceIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier, ClassInfo, ClassInfo[], String, IResourceIdentifier, ServiceScope, Set<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Create a new service identifier.
ServiceIdentifier(IInternalAccess, Class<?>, String, IResourceIdentifier, ServiceScope, Boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Create a new service identifier.
ServiceIdFilter - Class in jadex.bridge.service.search
Filter for service ids.
ServiceIdFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceIdFilter
Create a new filter.
ServiceIdFilter(Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceIdFilter
Create a new filter.
ServiceInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Simple struct for storing a pojo/domain service with its management part.
ServiceInfo(Object, BasicService) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInfo
Create a new service info.
serviceinfos - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
The map of provided service infos.
ServiceInputConnection - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.remote
ServiceInputConnection() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Create a new service input connection.
ServiceInputConnectionProxy - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.remote
ServiceInputConnectionProxy() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
ServiceInputConnectionProxy(ServiceOutputConnection) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
ServiceInvalidException - Exception in jadex.bridge.service
Exception that is thrown when a service is called that is invalid.
ServiceInvalidException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.service.ServiceInvalidException
Create a new service invalid exception.
ServiceInvocationContext - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Context for service invocations.
ServiceInvocationContext(ServiceInvocationContext) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Create a copied context.
ServiceInvocationContext(Object, Method, IServiceInvocationInterceptor[], IComponentIdentifier, IServiceIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Create a new context.
ServiceKeyExtractor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.search
Responsible for extracting values.
ServiceKeyExtractor() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor
ServiceKeyExtractor.SetWrapper<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.service.search
Efficiently wrap a single value as a Set.
servicelisteners - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
The map of provided service infos.
servicemethod - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
The method to call on the service.
SERVICEMETHODS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
The static map of subinterceptors (method -> interceptor).
servicename - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
The service name.
ServiceNotFoundException - Exception in jadex.bridge.service.search
Exception to denote that a requested service was not found.
ServiceNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceNotFoundException
Create a new service not found exception.
ServiceNotFoundException(ServiceQuery<?>) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceNotFoundException
Create a new service not found exception.
ServiceNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceNotFoundException
Create a new service not found exception.
ServiceOutputConnection - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.remote
A service output connection can be used to write data to a remote input connection.
ServiceOutputConnection() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
Create a new connection.
ServiceOutputConnectionProxy - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.remote
ServiceOutputConnectionProxy() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Create a new connection proxy
ServiceOutputConnectionProxy(ServiceInputConnection) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Create a new connection proxy
ServicePoolHelper - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.servicepool
Helper methods for advanced service pool management.
ServicePoolHelper() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.servicepool.ServicePoolHelper
ServiceQuery<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.service.search
Service query definition.
ServiceQuery() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Create a new service query.
ServiceQuery(ClassInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Create a new service query.
ServiceQuery(ClassInfo, ServiceScope, IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Create a new service query.
ServiceQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Shallow copy constructor.
ServiceQuery(Class<T>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Create a new service query.
ServiceQuery(Class<T>, ServiceScope) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Create a new service query.
ServiceQuery(Class<T>, ServiceScope, IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Create a new service query.
ServiceQuery.Multiplicity - Class in jadex.bridge.service.search
Define cases for multiplicity.
ServiceQueryInfo<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.service.search
Info with query and result future.
ServiceQueryInfo(ServiceQuery<T>, TerminableIntermediateFuture<T>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQueryInfo
Create a new query info.
ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener<S> - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search
Listener that ranks results.
ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener(TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture<S>, ITerminableIntermediateFuture<S>, IServiceRanker<S>, IRankingSearchTerminationDecider<S>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener
Create a new ranker.
ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener2<S> - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search
Listener that ranks results.
ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener2(TerminableIntermediateDelegationFuture<Tuple2<S, Double>>, ITerminableIntermediateFuture<S>, IServiceRanker<S>, IRankingSearchTerminationDecider<S>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingDelegationResultListener2
Create a new ranker.
ServiceRankingResultListener<S> - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search
Listener that ranks results.
ServiceRankingResultListener(IServiceRanker<S>, IRankingSearchTerminationDecider<S>, IResultListener<Collection<S>>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingResultListener
Create a new ranker.
ServiceRankingResultListener(IResultListener<Collection<Tuple2<S, Double>>>, IServiceRanker<S>, IRankingSearchTerminationDecider<S>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.ServiceRankingResultListener
Create a new ranker.
ServiceRegistry - Class in jadex.bridge.service.search
Local service registry.
ServiceRegistry() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Create a new registry.
services - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
The map of platform services.
ServiceScope - Enum in jadex.bridge.service
Scopes for service publication (provided) and search (e.g.
serviceSearchFinished() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.IMultiplexDistributor
Search for services has finished.
serviceSearchFinished() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
Notify that the search has finished.
serviceSearchFinished() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
Notify that the search has finished.
ServiceShutdown - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
serviceShutdowned(IInternalService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Called after a service has been shutdowned.
ServiceStart - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
serviceStarted(IInternalService) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Called after a service has been started.
servicetags - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Tags of the service.
ServiceTerminatedException - Exception in jadex.bridge
Thrown when operations are invoked after a service has been shut down.
ServiceTerminatedException(IServiceIdentifier) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.ServiceTerminatedException
Create a service termination exception.
servicetype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.MultiServiceInvocationHandler
The service type.
servicetype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
The service type.
setAccess(IPlatformComponentAccess) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
Sets the access.
setAction(IComponentAction) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.Done
Set the action.
setAddress(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the address flag.
setAddress(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddress
Sets the address.
setAddresses(List<TransportAddress>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Sets the addresses.
setAddresses(List<TransportAddress>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Sets the addresses.
setAliveTime(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Set the alive time of the other connection side.
setAll(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.DefaultFileFilter
Set the all flag.
setAll(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
Set the all.
setArguments(IArgument[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the arguments.
setArguments(UnparsedExpression[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Set the arguments.
setArguments(UnparsedExpression[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Set the arguments.
setArguments(Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteMethodInvocationCommand
Set the arguments.
setArguments(List<Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Set the arguments.
setArguments(Map) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Set the arguments of this AMSCreateComponent.
setArguments(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the arguments.
setArgumentsExpression(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Set the arguments expression.
setAsyncExecution(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the async execution mode flag.
setAttachments(Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
Set the attachments.
setAwaDelay(long) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the delay between awareness notifications.
setAwaExcludes(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the awareness platform excludes.
setAwaIncludes(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the awareness platform includes.
setAwaMechanisms(String...) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the awareness mechanisms.
setAwareness(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Set the flag for starting with awareness.
setBaseClassloader(ClassLoader) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the base classloader.
setBccs(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
Set the bccs.
setBinaryMessages(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the flag for binary messages.
setBinding(RequiredServiceBinding) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
Set the binding.
setBindings(RequiredServiceBinding[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Set the bindings.
setBody(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageEvent
Set the body.
setBody(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent
Set the body.
setBreakpoints(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the breakpoints.
setBreakpoints(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the enabled breakpoints (if any).
setBulkEvents(IMonitoringEvent[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.BulkMonitoringEvent
Set the events.
setCache(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyReference
Set the cached values.
setCallbackField(FieldInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
The callbackfield to set.
setCallbackMethod(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
The callback to set.
setCaller(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent
Set the caller.
setCcs(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
Set the ccs.
setChat(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the flag for starting with chat.
setChildCount(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
Sets the childcount.
setChildProcess(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Set the childProcess.
setClassloader(ClassLoader) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the classloader.
setClassPath(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Set the classpath.
setClazz(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFPropertyInfo
Set the clazz.
setCleanupFuture(IFuture<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
Sets the cleanupfuture.
setCli(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the command line interface flag.
setCliConsole(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the cli console flag (in jcc).
setClock(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the clock flag.
setClock(String, IThreadPool) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedClockService
setClock(String, IThreadPool) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Set the clock.
setClockType(String) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedSimulationService
setClockType(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Set the clock type.
setClosed() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
Set the connection to closed.
setClosed() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnection
Set the stream to be closed.
setClosed() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Set the connection closed.
setClosing() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
Set the connection to closed.
setCommand(IResultCommand<ISubscriptionIntermediateFuture<T>, Tuple2<IInternalAccess, Long>>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
Set the command.
setCommand(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteForwardCmdCommand
Set the command.
setComponent(IExternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.TagFilter
Sets the component.
setComponentAccess(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Sets the access for the component.
setComponentAccess(IInternalAccess) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IInternalService
Sets the access for the component.
setComponentBreakpoints(IComponentIdentifier, String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Set breakpoints for a component.
setComponentBreakpoints(IComponentIdentifier, String[], IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Set breakpoints for a component.
setComponentBreakpoints(String[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Set breakpoints for a component.
setComponentBreakpoints(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Set breakpoints for a component.
setComponentDescription(int, IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Set a componentdescription to this CMSSearchComponents.
setComponentDescription(IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Set the componentdescription of this CMSSearchComponents.
setComponentDescription(IComponentDescription) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent
Set the component description.
setComponentDescriptions(IComponentDescription[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Set the componentdescriptions of this CMSSearchComponents.
setComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentNotFoundException
Get the component identifier.
setComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentPersistedException
Set the component identifier.
setComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentTerminatedException
Get the component identifier.
setComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Set the componentidentifier of this AMSCreateComponent.
setComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSDestroyComponent
Set the componentidentifier of this AMSDestroyComponent.
setComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSResumeComponent
Set the componentidentifier of this AMSResumeComponent.
setComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSuspendComponent
Set the componentidentifier of this CMSSuspendComponent.
setComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Set the platform identifier belonging to the resource identifier.
setComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Set the component identifier.
setComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
Set the cid.
setComponentName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Set the componentname.
setComponents(List<String>) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Set multiple components as list.
setComponentState(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Set the state of a component (i.e.
setComponentThread(Thread) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Set the component thread.
setComponentType(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Set the componenttype.
setConfig(IPlatformConfiguration) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.GenericTestSuite
setConfiguration(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Set the configuration of this AMSCreateComponent.
setConfiguration(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Set the configuration.
setConfiguration(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the configuration.
setConfigurationFile(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the configuration file.
setConfigurationName(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Set the configuration name.
setConfigurations(ConfigurationInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the configurations.
setConnection(AbstractConnection) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Set the connection (needed as connection and handler need each other).
setConnection(AbstractConnection) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.streams.IAbstractConnectionHandler
Set the connection (needed as connection and handler need each other).
setConnection(AbstractConnection) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalAbstractConnectionHandler
Set the connection (needed as connection and handler need each other).
setConnectionHandler(LocalAbstractConnectionHandler) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalAbstractConnectionHandler
Set the connection handler of the other side.
setConnectionId(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
Set the connectionid.
setConnectionId(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Set the connectionid.
setConnectionId(Integer) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.StreamPacket
Set the connectionid.
setContent(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Denotes the content of the message; equivalently denotes the object of the action.
setContent(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
Set the content.
setContentType(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
Set the contenttype.
setContext(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the context flag.
setConversationId(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Introduces an expression (a conversation identifier) which is used to identify the ongoing sequence of communicative acts that together form a conversation.
setCreationTime(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the creationtime.
setCreationTime(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Set the creation time.
setCreator(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the creator.
setCurrentInvocation(ServiceCall) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.CallAccess
Set the current service call.
setData(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.StreamPacket
Set the data.
setDebugFutures(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the debug futures flag.
setDebugServices(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the debug services flag.
setDebugSteps(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the debug steps flag.
setDefaultBinding(RequiredServiceBinding) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Set the binding.
setDefaultTimeout(long) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Set the default timeout.
setDefaultTimeout(IComponentIdentifier, long) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Set the default timeout.
setDelay(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Set the delay.
setDelay(long) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.IDiscoveryService
Set the send delay.
setDelays(Map<String, long[]>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Set the delays.
setDelegate(ISimpleDelegationClassLoader) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.library.ISimpleDelegationClassLoader
Set the delegation ClassLoader which will respond to all classloading requests.
setDelta(long) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedClockService
setDelta(long) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Set the clock delta.
setDelta(long) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Set the clock delta.
setDelta(long, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock
Set the delta.
setDescription(String) - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Set the description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Argument
Set the description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Set the description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Set the description.
setDf(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get the df (directory facilitator) flag.
setDilation(double) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedClockService
setDilation(double) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Set the clocks dilation.
setDilation(double, IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock
Set the dilation.
setDirectory(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Set the directory.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Set the displayname.
setDocuments(Map<String, String>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ErrorReport
Set the documents.
setDone(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Set the done.
setDownload(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Set the transfer as a download or upload.
setDropPrivileges(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Sets if the platform should keep admin/root privileges or attempt to drop to a user.
setDuration(long) - Method in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Get the test duration.
setDynamic(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Sets the dynamic flag of the property.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Denotes the specific encoding of the content language expression.
setEndSequenceNumber(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AckInfo
Set the endSequenceNumber.
setEndSteps(UnparsedExpression[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Set the end steps.
setEntries(Collection<Tuple2<String, RemoteJarFile>>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.BunchFileData
Set the entries.
setErrorFile(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Set the error stream redirection file (if any).
setErrorHTML(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ErrorReport
Set the errhtml.
setErrorText(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ErrorReport
Set the errtext.
setEventMode() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Changes the query to event mode.
setEventMode(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
For bean purposes only, use setEventMode().
setException(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteResultCommand
Set the exception.
setException(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
Set an exception.
setException(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSTerminatedEvent
Set the component exception if error occurred.
setExcludedMethods(Set<MethodInfo>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Set the excluded.
setExcludeOwner(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Sets if service of the query owner should be excluded.
setExcludes(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Set the excludes.
setExcludes(String[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.IDiscoveryService
Set the excludes.
setExecutionState() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Set flags when entering thread.
setExists(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Set the exists flag.
setExternalAccess(IExternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
Set the external access.
setFailed(Exception) - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Set the report result to failed and set the failure reason.
setFailed(String) - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Set the report result to failed and set the failure reason.
setFast(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.IDiscoveryService
Set the fast awareness flag.
setFeatures(IComponentFeatureFactory[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The features to set.
setFilename(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the filename.
setFilename(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.SubcomponentTypeInfo
Set the filename.
setFilename(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
setFilename(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the filename.
setFilename(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Set the filename.
setFileName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Set the name of the local file (without path).
setFilenameClass(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the filename.
setFilePath(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Set the full path of the local file (including filename).
setFileSize(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Set the filesize.
setFiletransfer(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the file transfer flag.
setFilter(IFilter<Long>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
Set the filter.
setFilter(Filter) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Set a filter to control output on this Logger.
setFilters(IAsyncFilter<T>[]) - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Set the filters.
setFinished() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.FlattenMultiplexCollector
Set finished.
setFrom(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery.Multiplicity
Set the 'from' value, i.e.
setFuture(Future<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.StepInfo
Set the future.
setFuture(TerminableIntermediateFuture<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQueryInfo
Set the future.
setGlobalIdentifier(IGlobalResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Set the global identifier.
setGui(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Set the gui flag.
setHeader(IMsgHeader) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageEvent
Set the header.
setHostIdentifier(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Set the host identifier.
setId(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler.SendInfo
Set the id.
setId(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceIdFilter
Set the id.
setId(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Set the id.
setId(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Set the id.
setId(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
Set the id.
setImage(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Set the image.
setImage(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
Set the image.
setImage(byte[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatGuiService
Set the avatar image.
setImplementation(ProvidedServiceImplementation) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Set the implementation.
setImplementationClass(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
The impl to set.
setImports(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the imports.
setImports(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the imports
setIncludes(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Set the includes.
setIncludes(String[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.IDiscoveryService
Set the includes.
setInfo(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteBackwardCommand
Set the info.
setInfo(Object) - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
Set the info.
setInitCommand(ICommand<IComponentIdentifier>) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Set the init cmd.
setInited() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnection
Set the inited.
setInitialSteps(UnparsedExpression[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Set the initial steps.
setInitiator(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InitInfo
Set the initiator.
setInitiator(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
Set the initiator.
setInitiator(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Set the initiator.
setInitInfo(InitInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
Sets the initinfo.
setInputConnection(IInputConnection) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Set the input connection.
setInputConnection(IInputConnection) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
setInReplyTo(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Denotes an expression that references an earlier action to which this message is a reply.
setIntermediateResult(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteIntermediateResultCommand
Set the result.
setInternalAccess(IInternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Set the internal access (proxy).
setJarEntries(Map<String, Collection<FileData>>) - Method in class jadex.base.RemoteJarFile
Set the jarentries.
setJavaCommand(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Set the java.
setJccPlatforms(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set flag for open jcc for specific remote platforms.
setKeepalive(Boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Set the keepalive.
setKillFuture(Future<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LockEntry
Set the killfuture.
setLanguage(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Denotes the language in which the content parameter is expressed.
setLastInvocation(ServiceCall) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.CallAccess
Reset the invocation data for the last service call.
setLastModified(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Set the lastmodified.
setLevel(IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Set the importance.
setLevel(Level) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Set the log level specifying which message levels will be logged by this logger.
setLibPath(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the library path.
setLibrary(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the library flag.
setLocalIdentifier(ILocalResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Set the local identifier.
setLocalType(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the localtype.
setLocalType(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the localtype.
setLock(LockEntry) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState.CmsComponentState
Sets the lock.
setLogging(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Set the logging flag.
setLoggingLevel(Level) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Set the logging level.
setLoginSecurity(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IWebPublishService
Turn on or off the login security.
setLookupTypes(Class<?>[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
The lookuptypes to set.
setMain(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Set the main.
setManual(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Set manual execution mode, e.g.
setManual(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalExecutionFeature
Set manual execution mode, e.g.
setMapping(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Set the mapping information (e.g.
setMaster(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Set the master flag.
setMasterId(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Set the masterid.
setMatchingMode(String, Boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Set a matching mode.
setMax(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature.LateCounterListener
setMax(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Set the max number of services.
setMaxDepth(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Set the max-depth of this SearchConstraints.
setMaxResults(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Set the max-results of this SearchConstraints.
setMethod(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteMethodInvocationCommand
Set the method.
setMethod(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent
Set the method.
setMethod(Method) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Set the method.
setMethodInfo(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFRPropertyInfo
Set the methodInfo.
setMethodReplacements(Map<MethodInfo, IMethodReplacement>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Set the replacements.
setMethodTimeouts(Map<MethodInfo, Long>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Set the timeouts.
setMin(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Set the min number of services.
setModelName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the model name.
setMonitoring(IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the monitoring level.
setMonitoring(IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Set the monitoring.
setMonitoring(IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the monitoring.
setMonitoring(IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the monitoring.
setMonitoringComp(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the monitoring component flag.
setMulti(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Sets if the publishing should be done on multiple publishing services.
setMultiplicity(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Set the multiplicity.
setMultiplicity(int, int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Set the multiplicity.
setMultiplicity(ServiceQuery.Multiplicity) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Set the multiplicity.
setMyDeps(Set<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver.NodeInfo
Set the mydeps to set.
setName(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the componentidentifier of this CESComponentDescription.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Set the component name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Set the name of this AMSCreateComponent.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFPropertyInfo
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.SubcomponentTypeInfo
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Sets the name of the property.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSIntermediateResultEvent
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the name.
setName(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IProperty
Set the name of this Property.
setNameHint(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the namehint.
setNetwork(String, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Sets a new network.
setNetworkNames(String...) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Set the network name (used at startup).
setNetworkNames(String...) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Set the networknames.
setNetworkNames(Set<String>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Set the network names.
setNetworkSecrets(String...) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Set the network secret (used at startup).
setNextCall(ServiceCall) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Set the lastcall.
setNextInvocation(ServiceCall) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.CallAccess
Reset the invocation data for the next service call.
setNFProperties(List<NFPropertyInfo>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the nfproperties.
setNFRProperties(List<NFRPropertyInfo>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Set the nfproperties.
setNick(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
Set the nick name.
setNickName(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatGuiService
Set the user name.
setNoAuthentication(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Set the noAuthentication.
setNodeps(Set<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
The nodeps to set.
setNodes(Map<T, DependencyResolver.NodeInfo<T>>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver
The nodes to set.
setNonFunctionalProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Set the non-functional properties.
setNonFunctionalProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InitInfo
Set the nonFunctionalProperties.
setNonFunctionalProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
Set the non-functional properties of the connection.
setNonFunctionalProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Set the non-functional properties of the connection.
setNoStackCompaction(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the no stack compaction flag.
setNotificationTime(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.TimerWrapper
setNotificationTime(long) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.ITimer
Change notification time.
setNumber(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Set the number.
setObject(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Set the object.
setOntology(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Denotes the ontology(s) used to give a meaning to the symbols in the content expression.
setOpenGl(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the opengl flag.
setOperator(int) - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Set the operator.
setOperator(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Sets the operand.
setOrigin(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Set the chain id.
setOther(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Set the opposite component.
setOtherDeps(Set<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver.NodeInfo
Set the otherdeps to set.
setOutputConnection(IOutputConnection) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
setOutputConnection(IOutputConnection) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
Set the real output connection to the other side.
setOutputFile(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Set the output stream redirection file (if any).
setOwner(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Set the owner.
setOwnership(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the ownership of this CESComponentDescription.
setPackage(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the packagename.
setParameters(List<UnparsedExpression>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.NFPropertyInfo
Set the parameters.
setParent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Set the parent of this AMSCreateComponent.
setParent(Logger) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Set the parent for this Logger.
setParticipant(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InitInfo
Set the participant.
setParticipant(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
Set the participant.
setParticipant(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Set the participant.
setPassword(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Set the password.
setPath(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Set the path.
setPattern(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cron.CronJob
Set the pattern.
setPerformative(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Denotes the type of the communicative act of the ACL message.
setPlatform(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Set the platform.
setPlatform(IExternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTestLazyPlatform
setPlatformId(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddress
Sets the ID of the platform owning the address.
setPlatformName(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Set the platform name.
setPlatformSecret(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Sets the secret of a platform.
setPojo(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the pojo.
setPredecessors(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set required predecessors (dependencies).
setPredecessors(Set<Class<?>>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
The predecessors to set.
setPrefixLength(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Set the prefix.
setPrintExceptions(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Set print exceptions flag.
setPrintPlatformSecret(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Sets whether the platform secret should be printed.
setPrintSecret(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Returns if the security service should print the platform secret during start.
setPriority(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.StepInfo
The priority to set.
setPrivateMessage(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
Set the privatemessage.
setProgramArguments(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Set the prgmargs.
setProperties(Properties) - Method in interface jadex.commons.IPropertiesProvider
Update from given properties.
setProperties(String, Properties) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.settings.ISettingsService
setProperties(List<UnparsedExpression>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
setProperties(List<UnparsedExpression>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Set the properties.
setProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MsgHeader
Sets the properties.
setProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.AbstractInternalRemoteCommand
Set the non-functional properties.
setProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the properties.
setProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Set the properties.
setProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Set the properties.
setProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Set the properties.
setProperties(Properties) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Set the properties.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Set a property.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Set a property.
setPropertyMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Set the properties.
setPropname(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Sets the propname.
setProtocol(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Denotes the interaction protocol that the sending agent is employing with this ACL message.
setProvidedServiceInfos(ProvidedServiceInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the ProvidedServiceInfos.
setProvidedServices(ProvidedServiceInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Set the provided services.
setProvidedServices(ProvidedServiceInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the provided services.
setProvider(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Set the provider.
setProvider(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Set the provider.
setProviderId(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Set the providerid.
setProxy(IFuture<IComponentIdentifier>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Set the proxy.
setProxy(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Set the proxy.
setProxyInfo(ProxyInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyReference
Set the pi.
setProxytype(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
Set the proxy type.
setProxytype(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Set the proxytype.
setPublish(PublishInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Set the publish.
setPublishId(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Set the publishid.
setPublishScope(ServiceScope) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Set the publish scope.
setPublishType(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Set the type.
setQuery(ServiceQuery<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryEvent
Sets the query.
setQuery(ServiceQuery<?>) - Method in exception jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceNotFoundException
Set the query.
setQuery(ServiceQuery<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQueryInfo
Set the query.
setRealtime(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Sets the real time flag of the property.
setReason(Exception) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteTerminationCommand
Set the reason.
setReason(String) - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Set the failure reason.
setReason(String) - Method in exception jadex.bridge.ComponentCreationException
Set the reason.
setReceiveHost(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Set the receivehost.
setReceiveProtocol(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Set the receiveprotocol.
setReceivers(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
Set the receivers.
setReceivers(Set<IComponentIdentifier>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Denotes the identity of the intended recipients of the message.
setRefuseUnauth(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Configure the security service to whether to allow unauthenticated connections.
setRelativePath(String) - Method in class jadex.base.RemoteJarFile
Set the relativepath.
setRelayAddresses(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the relay addresses.
setRelayDynamicRouting(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Sets if the relay transport should support routing through dynamically acquired peers.
setRelayForwarding(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Should the platform act as relay, i.e.
setRelayTransport(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the flag if the relay transport is active.
setRemote(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Set remote flag.
setRemoteComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteReference
Set the rms.
setRemoteComponentIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.IProxyAgentService
Set or update the component identifier of the remote platform, i.e., top reflect new transport addresses.
setRemoteExcluded(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Set the remote excluded flag.
setRemoteReference(RemoteReference) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyReference
Set the remote reference.
setReplyBy(Long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Denotes a time and/or date expression which indicates the latest time by which the sending agent would like to receive a reply.
setReplyTo(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
This parameter indicates that subsequent messages in this conversation thread are to be directed to the agent named in the reply-to parameter, instead of to the agent named in the sender parameter.
setReplyWith(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Introduces an expression that will be used by the responding agent to identify this message.
setReport(IErrorReport) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the report.
setReports(TestReport[]) - Method in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Set the reports.
setRepositoryInfo(URI) - Method in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
Set the repository info.
setRequiredName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
The reqname to set.
setRequiredProxyType(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Sets the requested required service proxy type.
setRequiredServiceBindings(RequiredServiceBinding[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the bindings.
setRequiredServices(RequiredServiceInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Set the required services.
setRequiredServices(RequiredServiceInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the required services.
setResourceId(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
Set the id.
setResourceIdentifier(IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Set the parent of this AMSCreateComponent.
setResourceIdentifier(IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the resource identifier.
setResourceIdentifier(IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Set the resource identifier.
setResourceIdentifier(IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Set the resourceIdentifier.
setResourceIdentifier(IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the resource identifier.
setResourceIdentifier(IResourceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the resource identifier for loading the component model.
setResourceIdentifiers(Map<URL, IResourceIdentifier>) - Method in class jadex.base.ModelFileFilter
Set the resource identifiers for the root path entries.
setResult(Future<Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler.SendInfo
Set the result.
setResult(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Set the result.
setResult(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteResultCommand
Set the result.
setResultCount(Integer) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.AbstractResultCommand
Sets the result count.
setResults(IArgument[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the results.
setResults(UnparsedExpression[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ConfigurationInfo
Set the arguments.
setResults(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSTerminatedEvent
Set the results.
setRsPublish(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the flag if rest publishing is on.
setRsPublishComponent(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the rest publishing component.
setSaveOnExit(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set flag for save settings on exit.
setSaveOnExit(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.settings.ISettingsService
setScope(ServiceScope) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Set the scope.
setScope(ServiceScope) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Set the scope.
setScope(ServiceScope) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Set the scope.
setScope(ServiceScope) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Set the scope.
setScopeExpression(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Set the scope expression.
setScopeExpression(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Set the scope expression.
setSearchConstraints(ISearchConstraints) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Set the searchconstraints of this CMSSearchComponents.
setSearchId(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Set the search-id of this SearchConstraints.
setSearchStart(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Set the provider.
setSecinfos(ISecurityInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageEvent
Set the security infos.
setSecurity(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the security flag.
setSecurity(Security) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Set the security settings.
setSelectedComponents(List<String>) - Method in class jadex.base.DefaultFileFilter
Set the selected elements.
setSender(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Denotes the identity of the sender of the message, that is, the name of the agent of the communicative act.
setSender(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Set the sender.
setSender(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
Set the sender.
setSender(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Set the sender.
setSensors(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Set the sensors flag.
setSeparatorChar(char) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Set the separator char.
setSequenceNumber(Integer) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.StreamPacket
Set the sequenceNumber.
setService(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent
Set the service.
setService(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceEvent
Sets the service.
setServiceIdentifier(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Set the service identifier.
setServiceIdentifier(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
Set the service id.
setServiceIdentifier(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IInternalService
Set the service identifier.
setServiceIdentifier(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Sets the service identifier.
setServiceMethod(MethodInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCallInfo
The method to set.
setServiceName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Set the servicename.
setServiceSuperTypes(ClassInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Set the service super types.
setServiceTags(String...) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Sets the service tags.
setServiceTags(String[], IExternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Sets the service tags.
setServiceType(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Set the service type.
setServiceType(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Set the service type.
setSettings(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the settings flag.
setSimul(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the simulation flag.
setSimulation(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the flag for simulation execution.
setSize(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Set the size.
setSmtpHost(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Set the host.
setSmtpPort(Integer) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Set the port.
setSourceDescription(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Set the source description.
setSourceId(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Set the sourceId.
setSourceIdentifier(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Set the source.
setSpeed(double) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Set the speed.
setSsl(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Set the ssl connection property.
setStartable(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the startable.
setStartDirectory(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Set the startdir.
setStartSequenceNumber(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AckInfo
Set the startSequenceNumber.
setStarttime(long) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Set the clocks start time.
setStartTls(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Set the starttls.
setState(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Set the state.
setState(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Set the state.
setState(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the state of this CESComponentDescription.
setStep(IComponentStep<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.StepInfo
Set the step.
setStepCount(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.StepInfo
The stepcnt to set.
setStepstring(String) - Method in exception jadex.bridge.StepAbortedException
Set the step string.
setStop(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AckInfo
Set the stop.
setStrictCom(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Get flag for strict communication.
setSubcomponentTypes(SubcomponentTypeInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the subcomponent types.
setSubject(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
Set the subject.
setSucceeded(boolean) - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Set the test success.
setSuccessors(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set declared successors (dependencies).
setSuccessors(Set<Class<?>>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
The successors to set.
setSuperpeer(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Set the superpeer flag.
setSuperpeerClient(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Set the superpeer client flag.
setSupersuperpeer(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Set the supersuperpeer flag.
setSuspend(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Set the suspend flag.
setSuspend(Boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Set the suspend.
setSuspend(Boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the suspend flag.
setSynchronous(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the synchronous flag.
setSynchronous(Boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
Set the synchronous.
setSynchronous(Boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Set the synchronous.
setSynchronousMethods(Set<MethodInfo>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Set the synchronous.
setSystemComponent(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the system component flag.
setSystemService(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Set the systemservice.
setTags(IServiceIdentifier, String...) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.component.IExternalProvidedServicesFeature
Sets the tags of a service.
setTags(IServiceIdentifier, String...) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Sets the tags of a service.
setTags(Collection<String>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Set the tags.
setTags(Collection<String>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.TagFilter
Sets the tags.
setTags(Set<String>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Set the tags.
setTarget(INFProperty.Target) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Set the target.
setTargetId(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteMethodInvocationCommand
Set the target id.
setTargetId(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Set the targetId.
setTargetIdentifier(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteReference
Set the target id.
setTargetInterfaces(ClassInfo[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Set the target remote interfaces.
setTargetResolverClazz(Class<ITargetResolver>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Set the target determiner class.
setTask(StreamPacket) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler.SendInfo
Set the task.
setTcpPort(int) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the tcp port of the tcp transport.
setTcpTransport(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the flag if the tcp transport is active.
setTestCount(int) - Method in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Set the test count.
setThreadpoolClass(String) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the threadpool class name.
setThreadpoolDefer(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the flag for deferred thread creation/deletion in threadpool.
setTime(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Set the time.
setTimeDelay(String, long, long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Add a new time support.
setTimeout(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Set the timeout.
setTimeout(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Set the timeout.
setTimer(TimerTask) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler.SendInfo
Set the timer.
setTo(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery.Multiplicity
Get the 'to' value, i.e.
setTransfer(ThreadLocalTransferHelper) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.StepInfo
The transfer to set.
setTransportType(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddress
Sets the type of transport using the address.
setTryCnt(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler.SendInfo
Set the trycnt.
setType(byte) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.StreamPacket
Set the type.
setType(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryEvent
Sets the event type.
setType(int) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceEvent
Sets the event type.
setType(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Sets the type of the property.
setType(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Set the type.
setType(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Set the type.
setType(MessageEvent.Type) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageEvent
Set the type.
setType(ServiceCallEvent.Type) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent
Set the type.
setType(Class<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
The type to set.
setType(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Set the type of this AMSCreateComponent.
setType(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Set the component type.
setType(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
Set the type.
setType(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Set the component type.
setType(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent
setType(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Set the type.
setTypeName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
Set the typename.
setUncachedMethods(Set<MethodInfo>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Set the uncached.
setUniqueIds(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the unique id flag, i.e.
setUnit(ClassInfo) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Sets the unit of the property.
setUnrestricted(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Set the unrestricted flag.
setUnrestricted(Boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Set the unrestricted mode.
setUpdateRate(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Sets the update rate of the property for dynamic properties.
setUri(URI) - Method in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Set the url.
setUseParentHandlers(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Specify whether or not this logger should send its output to it's parent Logger.
setUsePlatformSecret(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.security.ISecurityService
Sets whether the platform secret should be used.
setUser(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Set the user.
setUseSecret(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Sets if the security service should use a platform secret for authentication.
setValid(boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.CheckedAction
Set the valid state.
setValue(UnparsedExpression) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Sets the value.
setValue(Long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeProperty
Set the value.
setValue(Long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.LatencyProperty
Set the value.
setValue(Long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitingTimeProperty
Set the value.
setValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelValueProvider
Set the value.
setValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
Sets the value.
setValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
Set the value.
setValue(Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSIntermediateResultEvent
Set the value.
setValue(Object) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.df.IProperty
Set the value of this Property.
setValue(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor.SerializedValue
Set the value.
setValue(String, Object) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Set a value per key.
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelValueProvider
Set the value.
setValue(T) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SimpleValueNFProperty
Set the value.
setValueName(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
Sets the valuename.
setValues(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelValueProvider
Set the values.
setValues(Map<String, String>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.SpanContextInfo
setVersion(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
Set the version.
setVersionInfo(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
Set the version info.
setVMArguments(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Set the vmargs.
setWelcome(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Tell starter to print welcome message.
SetWrapper() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor.SetWrapper
SetWrapper(T) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor.SetWrapper
setWsPort(int) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the websocket port of the websocket transport.
setWsPublish(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the flag if wsdl publishing is on.
setWsTransport(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.base.IExtendedPlatformConfiguration
Set the flag if the ws transport is active.
severe(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Log a SEVERE message.
SFilter - Class in jadex.commons
SFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.commons.SFilter
SFipa - Class in jadex.bridge.fipa
Helper class for JADE specific issues.
SFipa() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
SFuture - Class in jadex.bridge
Helper class for future aspects.
SFuture() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.SFuture
SharedClockService - Class in jadex.base.test.impl
Helper class to allow sharing a clock service across platforms in same VM.
SharedClockService(IComponentIdentifier, SharedServiceFactory<IClockService>) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedClockService
Get the instance.
SharedExecutionService - Class in jadex.base.test.impl
Helper class to allow sharing an execution service across platforms in same VM.
SharedExecutionService(IComponentIdentifier, SharedServiceFactory<IExecutionService>) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedExecutionService
Get the instance.
SharedService<T> - Class in jadex.base.test.impl
Helper class to allow sharing a service across platforms in same VM.
SharedService(IComponentIdentifier, Class<T>, SharedServiceFactory<T>) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedService
Get the instance.
SharedServiceFactory<T> - Class in jadex.base.test.impl
A factory for creating service instances that delegate to the same shared instance, i.e.
SharedServiceFactory(BiFunction<IComponentIdentifier, SharedServiceFactory<T>, SharedService<T>>) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedServiceFactory
Create a factory for service sharing.
SharedSimulationService - Class in jadex.base.test.impl
Helper class to allow sharing a simulation service across platforms in same VM.
SharedSimulationService(IComponentIdentifier, SharedServiceFactory<ISimulationService>) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedSimulationService
Get the instance.
SharedThreadPoolService - Class in jadex.base.test.impl
Helper class to allow sharing a thread pool service across platforms in same VM.
SharedThreadPoolService(IComponentIdentifier, SharedServiceFactory<IThreadPoolService>) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedThreadPoolService
Get the instance.
shutdown - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
The shutdown flag (set on start of shutdown).
shutdown() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IComponentFeature
Shutdown the feature.
shutdown() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.AbstractComponentFeature
Shutdown the feature.
shutdown() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
Shutdown the feature.
shutdown() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentLifecycleFeature
Called just before the component is removed from the platform.
shutdown() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Shutdown the feature.
shutdown() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Cleanup on shutdown.
shutdown() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Called when the feature is shutdowned.
shutdown() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
Called when the feature is shutdowned.
shutdown() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.IAppGui
shutdown() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Perform the shutdown of the component (if any).
shutdown() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.factory.IPlatformComponentAccess
Perform the shutdown of the component (if any).
shutdown() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.threadpool.JadexExecutorServiceAdapter
SHUTDOWN_METHOD - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
shutdowned - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
The shutdowned state.
shutdownNFPropertyProvider() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Shutdown the provider.
shutdownNFPropertyProvider() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Shutdown the provider.
shutdownNFPropertyProvider() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFMethodPropertyProvider
Shutdown the provider.
shutdownNFPropertyProvider() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFPropertyProvider
Shutdown the provider.
shutdownNFPropertyProvider() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFMethodPropertyProvider
Shutdown the provider.
shutdownNFPropertyProvider() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyProvider
Shutdown the provider.
shutdownNFPropertyProvider(IExternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Shutdown the provider.
shutdownNFPropertyProvider(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Shutdown the provider.
shutdownNFPropertyProvider(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Shutdown the provider.
shutdownNFPropertyProvider(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Shutdown the provider.
shutdownNow() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.threadpool.JadexExecutorServiceAdapter
shutdownPlatform(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.IDaemonService
Shutdown a platform.
shutdownRequiredNFPropertyProvider(IExternalAccess, IServiceIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
Shutdown the provider.
shutdownRequiredNFPropertyProvider(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalNFPropertyComponentFeature
Shutdown the provider.
shutdownRequiredNFPropertyProvider(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.NFPropertyComponentFeature
Shutdown the provider.
shutdownRescueThread(IComponentIdentifier) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Shutdown the rescue thread of a platform.
shutdownService() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedService
shutdownService() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedServiceFactory
Shutdown the original service on last invocation.
shutdownService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Shutdown the service.
shutdownService() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IInternalService
Shutdown the service.
shutdownServices(Iterator<IInternalService>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ProvidedServicesComponentFeature
Shutdown the services one by one.
sic - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor.CopyReturnValueResultListener
The service invocation context.
sic - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor.InvokeMethodStep
sic - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.PrePostConditionInterceptor.CheckReturnValueResultListener
The service invocation context.
sic - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.TracingInterceptor.ReturnValueResultListener
The service invocation context.
SICS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyRef
The service identifier.
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.ExecutionTimeProperty
The service identifier.
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.LatencyProperty
The service identifier.
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitingTimeProperty
The service identifier.
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitqueueProperty
The service identifier.
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
The service id.
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The service identifier.
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
The service identifier.
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.MethodCallListenerInterceptor
The service indentifier.
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.NFRequiredServicePropertyProviderInterceptor
The service indentifier.
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
sid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceIdFilter
The service id.
sid - Variable in exception jadex.bridge.ServiceTerminatedException
The service identifier.
SimpleMultiplexDistributor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke
Simple multiplex call distributor.
SimpleMultiplexDistributor() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SimpleMultiplexDistributor
SimpleValueNFProperty<T,​U> - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
SimpleValueNFProperty(IInternalAccess, NFPropertyMetaInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SimpleValueNFProperty
Create a new property.
simservice - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteClockChangeListener
The simulation service.
simservice - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.RemoteSimServiceChangeListener
The simulation service.
SIMULATION - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Use simulation execution mode?
SIMULATION_CLOCK_FLAG - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Platform value key for flag if the clock is a simulation clock.
SimulationState() - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.SimulationState
Bean constructor.
SimulationState(boolean, String, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.SimulationState
Create a clock state object.
size - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnection
The size.
size - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
The size.
size() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor.SetWrapper
SlidingCuckooFilter - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.registry
Filter class based on two cuckoo filter.
SlidingCuckooFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.SlidingCuckooFilter
Creates the cuckoo filter with the given capacity and a false positive probability of ~1:500000.
SlidingCuckooFilter(long, int, byte) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.SlidingCuckooFilter
Creates the cuckoo filter with the given capacity and false positive probability.
SNameValue - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation
NameValue converter helper.
SNameValue() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation.SNameValue
snapshot(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.IPersistenceService
Get the component state.
snapshot(Collection<IComponentIdentifier>, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.IPersistenceService
Get the component states.
SNFPropertyProvider - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional
Static helper class for accessing nf properties also remotely.
SNFPropertyProvider() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SNFPropertyProvider
source - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
The source.
SOURCE_CATEGORY_ACTIVITY - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Events regarding a BPMN activity.
SOURCE_CATEGORY_COMPONENT - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Events regarding a component.
SOURCE_CATEGORY_EXECUTION - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Events regarding the execution of a step.
SOURCE_CATEGORY_FACT - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Events regarding a BDI fact.
SOURCE_CATEGORY_GOAL - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Events regarding a BDI goal.
SOURCE_CATEGORY_IEVENT - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Events regarding a BDI internal event.
SOURCE_CATEGORY_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Events regarding a message.
SOURCE_CATEGORY_PLAN - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Events regarding a BDI plan.
SOURCE_CATEGORY_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Events regarding a property.
SOURCE_CATEGORY_SERVICE - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Events regarding a service.
sourcedesc - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
The source description.
sourceid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.Cause
The source id.
span - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.TracingInterceptor.ReturnValueResultListener
The span.
SpanContextInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Struct for sending spans.
SpanContextInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.SpanContextInfo
Create a new span context info.
SpanContextInfo(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.SpanContextInfo
Create a new span context info.
speed - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
The upload/download speed calculated as dynamic moving average (bytes/sec).
sqms - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
SRemoteClock - Class in jadex.base
Helper class for remote access to clock service.
SRemoteClock() - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteClock
SRemoteClock.ClockState - Class in jadex.base
Information about the clock to be transferred.
SRemoteClock.RemoteClockChangeListener - Class in jadex.base
The remote clock change listener.
SRemoteClock.RemoteSimServiceChangeListener - Class in jadex.base
The remote clock change listener.
SRemoteClock.RemoteTimerChangeListener - Class in jadex.base
The remote clock change listener.
SRemoteClock.SimulationState - Class in jadex.base
Information about the simulation to be transferred.
SRemoteClock.TimerEntries - Class in jadex.base
Information about the timers to be transferred.
SRemoteFileChooser - Class in jadex.base
Helper methods for remote file system view.
SRemoteFileChooser() - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteFileChooser
SRemoteGui - Class in jadex.base
Helper class for GUI code to be executed on remote devices (e.g.
SRemoteGui() - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteGui
SRemoteGui.ConsoleListener - Class in jadex.base
SServiceProvider - Class in jadex.bridge.service.search
Static helper class for searching services.
SServiceProvider() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.SServiceProvider
SSimulation - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation
Helper class for simulation control.
SSimulation() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.SSimulation
stacktrace - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Exception for debugging double execution.
start() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedClockService
start() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedSimulationService
start() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Start the clock.
start() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Start the clock.
start() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Restart the execution after pause.
START_METHOD - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor
startable - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
Flag if startable.
Startable - Class in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
Base class for startable elements.
Startable() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Startable
startComponents(int, List<String>, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Loop for starting components.
startdir - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
The start directory.
started - Variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The flag that the timer has been started.
started - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
The started state.
Starter - Class in jadex.base
Starter class for starting the Jadex platform.
Starter() - Constructor for class jadex.base.Starter
StartOptions - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon
java [ options ] class [ argument ...
StartOptions() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
startPlatform(StartOptions) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.IDaemonService
Start a platform using a configuration.
startPlatform(StartOptions, long) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.IDaemonService
Start a platform using a configuration.
startPlatformAndWait(StartOptions) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.IDaemonService
Start a platform using a configuration.
startProcess() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
Start a platform using a configuration.
startseqno - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AckInfo
The start seqno.
startService() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedService
startService() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedServiceFactory
Start the original service on first invocation.
startService() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Start the service.
startService() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.IInternalService
Start the service.
startService(IInternalAccess, IResourceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IBootstrapFactory
Start the service.
startStreamCheckAliveBehavior() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Start the checker.
starttime - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
The start time.
startTimer() - Method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
startTimer() - Method in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
startUpload(String, String, long, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatService
Send a file.
state - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
The component state.
state - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
The state.
state - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Attribute for slot state.
STATE_ABORTED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
State when transfer was aborted by sending or receiving user.
STATE_ACTIVE - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Predefined value "active" for slot state.
STATE_ALLOFFLINE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
STATE_AWAY - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatService
The user is currently away from the chat.
STATE_CANCELLING - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
State when cancel was requested.
STATE_COMPLETED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
State when transfer was successful.
STATE_DEAD - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatService
The state for a disconnected user.
STATE_ERROR - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
State when transfer was stopped due to e.g.
STATE_IDLE - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatService
The default user state.
STATE_OFFLINE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
State indicating that a component is going offline.
STATE_ONLINE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
State indicating that a component is currently online.
STATE_REJECTED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
State when transfer was rejected by receiver.
STATE_RUNNING - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
The clock state running.
STATE_SUSPENDED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
The clock state suspended.
STATE_SUSPENDED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Predefined value "suspended" for slot state.
STATE_TERMINATED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.IComponentDescription
Predefined value "terminated" for slot state.
STATE_TRANSFERRING - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
State when transfer is in progress.
STATE_TYPING - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatService
The user typing a message.
STATE_WAITING - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
State waiting for acceptance.
status(String, String, byte[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatService
Post a status or nick name, or image change.
step - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.StepInfo
The component step.
step - Variable in exception jadex.bridge.StepAbortedException
The step.
step - Variable in exception jadex.bridge.StepInvalidException
The step.
STEP_PRIORITY_IMMEDIATE - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExecutionFeature
Constant for first immediate step level.
STEP_PRIORITY_NORMAL - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExecutionFeature
Constant for first normal step level.
StepAborted - Error in jadex.bridge
An error thrown to abort the thread execution of a blocked component step.
StepAborted(IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for error jadex.bridge.StepAborted
StepAbortedException - Exception in jadex.bridge
Exception thrown when a step is aborted due to end state.
StepAbortedException() - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.StepAbortedException
Create a new exception.
StepAbortedException(IComponentStep<?>) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.StepAbortedException
Create a new exception.
stepadditions - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
stepcnt - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
The stepcnt - used to keep insertion order of same priority elements in the queue.
stepcnt - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.StepInfo
The number of the step (preserve insert order of same prio).
stepComponent(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Execute a step of a suspended component.
stepComponent(IComponentIdentifier, String, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Execute a step of a suspended component.
stepComponent(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Execute a step of a suspended component.
stepComponent(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Execute a step of a suspended component.
stepEvent() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedSimulationService
stepEvent() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Perform one event.
stepfuture - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
The future to be informed, when the requested step is finished.
stepinfo - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
The flag for a requested step (true when a step is allowed in stepwise execution).
stepinfo - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The step info for debugging.
StepInfo(IComponentStep<?>, Future<?>, ThreadLocalTransferHelper, int, int) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.StepInfo
Create a new StepInfo.
StepInvalidException - Exception in jadex.bridge
Exception thrown when a conditional step is invalid on execution.
StepInvalidException(IComponentStep<?>) - Constructor for exception jadex.bridge.StepInvalidException
Create a new exception.
steps - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
The component steps.
stepstring - Variable in exception jadex.bridge.StepAbortedException
The step string (for remote).
stepTime() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedSimulationService
stepTime() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.simulation.ISimulationService
Perform all actions belonging to one time point.
STest - Class in jadex.base.test.util
Static config class for tests.
STest() - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.util.STest
stop - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AckInfo
The stop flag.
stop() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedClockService
stop() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
Stop the clock.
stop() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
Stop the clock.
stopflag - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Stop flag (is sent in ack from input side) to signal that the rceiver is flooded with data).
stopStreamCheckAliveBehavior() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Stop the checker.
stopTimer() - Method in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
streamArrived(IConnection) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalMessageFeature
Inform the component that a stream has arrived.
streamArrived(IConnection) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
Inform the component that a stream has arrived.
StreamPacket - Class in jadex.bridge.component.streams
Data container for a streaming packet.
StreamPacket() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.StreamPacket
Create a new task.
StreamPacket(byte, Integer, Object, Integer, IComponentIdentifier) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.StreamPacket
Create a new task.
StreamPacket(StreamPacket) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.streams.StreamPacket
Create a new task.
streamToFuture(IInternalAccess, Stream<T>) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.SFuture
Create an intermediate future for a stream.
STRICTCOM - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Fail on recoverable message decoding errors instead of ignoring.
StrictInequalityFilter - Class in jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints
Hard constraint filter for strict inequalities (> and <).
StrictInequalityFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.StrictInequalityFilter
Creates a constant value filter.
StrictInequalityFilter(boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.StrictInequalityFilter
Creates a constant value filter.
StrictInequalityFilter(String, Object) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.StrictInequalityFilter
Creates a constant value filter.
subcomponents - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
The synchronous subcomponents that want to be executed (if any).
subcomponents - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The subcomponent types.
SubcomponentsComponentFeature - Class in jadex.bridge.component.impl
This feature provides subcomponents.
SubcomponentsComponentFeature(IInternalAccess, ComponentCreationInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.SubcomponentsComponentFeature
Create the feature.
SubcomponentTypeInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.modelinfo
Component type representation.
SubcomponentTypeInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.SubcomponentTypeInfo
Create a new component type.
SubcomponentTypeInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.SubcomponentTypeInfo
Create a new component type.
SUBINTERCEPTORS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor
The static map of subinterceptors (method -> interceptor).
subject - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.Email
The subject.
SUBSCRIBE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
SUBSCRIBE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
subscribeForEmail(IFilter<Email>, EmailAccount) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.email.IEmailService
Subscribe for email.
subscribeForEmail(IFilter<Email>, EmailAccount, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.email.IEmailService
Subscribe for email.
subscribeToConnections() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.transport.ITransportInfoService
Get events about established connections.
subscribeToEngine() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules.IRuleEngineService
Subscribe to rule executions.
subscribeToEvents() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.IChatGuiService
Subscribe to events from the chat service.
subscribeToEvents(IFilter<IMonitoringEvent>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService
Subscribe to monitoring events.
subscribeToEvents(IFilter<IMonitoringEvent>, boolean, IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalMonitoringComponentFeature
Subscribe to component events.
subscribeToEvents(IFilter<IMonitoringEvent>, boolean, IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MonitoringComponentFeature
Subscribe to monitoring events.
subscribeToLocalAddresses() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.address.ITransportAddressService
Subscribe to local address changes.
subscribeToPlatformList(boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.IAwarenessManagementService
Retrieve information about platforms as they appear or vanish.
subscribeToQueries() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IServiceRegistry
Subscribe for query events.
subscribeToQueries() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Subscribe for query events.
subscribeToQueries() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.registry.ISuperpeerStatusService
Get registered queries.
subscribeToResults() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalArgumentsResultsFeature
Subscribe to receive results.
subscribeToResults() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ArgumentsResultsComponentFeature
Subscribe to receive results.
subscribeToRulebase() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.ecarules.IRulebaseService
Subscribe to rule base changes.
subscriptions - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageComponentFeature
The current subscriptions.
subscriptions - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MonitoringComponentFeature
The subscriptions (subscription future -> subscription info).
subscriptions - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.RequiredServicesComponentFeature
The current subscriptions.
succeeded - Variable in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
The test success.
successors - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The predecessors.
sucs - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
The successors.
suite - Variable in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTestBase
The test suite.
supertypes - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
The service super types.
suspend - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Attribute for slot suspend.
suspend - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The suspend flag (default: false).
suspend(Future<?>, long, boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
Suspend the execution of the suspendable.
SUSPEND_METHOD_EXEMPTIONS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
External access method exempt from component suspension.
suspendComponent() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Suspend the execution of an component.
suspendComponent() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Suspend the execution of an component.
suspendComponent(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Suspend the execution of an component.
suspendComponent(IComponentIdentifier, IInternalAccess) - Static method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.SComponentManagementService
Suspend the execution of an component.
swapFromStorage(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.ISwapService
Transparently restore the component state of a previously swapped component.
swapFromStorage(IPersistInfo) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.IPersistenceService
Transparently restore the component state of a previously swapped component.
swapToStorage(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.IPersistenceService
Fetch the component state and transparently remove it from memory.
swapToStorage(IComponentIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.persistence.ISwapService
Store the component state and transparently remove it from memory.
switchcall - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
The flag if a switchcall should be done.
switchtorescue - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Should switch to rescue thread after next step?
switchToRescueThread() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Switch to rescue thread when execution service is gone.
synchronous - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
The synchronous methods.
synchronous - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The synchronous flag.
synchronous - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
The synchronous flag (default: false).
Synchronous - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
If void methods are declared synchronous they will block the caller until the method has been executed on the remote side (exceptions thus can arrive).
system() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Service
Flag if it is a system service.
SYSTEM_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
The system properties to send in awareness infos.
systemcomponent - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Boolean flag if it is a system component.
systemservice - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Flag if it is a system service.


Tag - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
TagFilter<T> - Class in jadex.bridge.service.search
Tag filter class.
TagFilter() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.TagFilter
TagFilter(IExternalAccess, String...) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.TagFilter
Create a new tag filter.
TagFilter(IExternalAccess, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.search.TagFilter
Create a new tag filter.
TagProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.service
Tagging a service with a string for searching specifically tagged services.
TagProperty(IInternalAccess, IService, MethodInfo, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.TagProperty
Creates the property.
tags - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
The service tags to search for.
tags - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.TagFilter
The search tags.
tags - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
The tags.
Tags - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Service search tags.
target - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
The target.
targetid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.Cause
The target id.
targetid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteReference
The target identifier (sid, cid, or tid).
targetinterfaces - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
The target class.
TargetMethod - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Target method annotation.
TARGETRESOLVER - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.ITargetResolver
The target resolver class (to dynamically resolve the called service).
task - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler.SendInfo
The send task.
task - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler.DataSendInfo
The task.
TB - jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.MemoryUnit
TCPPORT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Port for TCP transport.
TCPTRANSPORT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Flag if tcp transport is enabled.
termfuture - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
The termination future (used in noplatform case).
TERMINATION_FILTER - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
Testcase - Class in jadex.base.test
A testcase consists of an component type to test and the result reports.
Testcase() - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Create a new testcase.
Testcase(int) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Create a new testcase.
Testcase(int, TestReport[]) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Create a testcase which is already performed.
testComponent() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.JunitAgentTest
testIfBreakpoint(String[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Kernel specific test if the step is a breakpoint.
TestReport - Class in jadex.base.test
A test report captures the description and results of a test.
TestReport() - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Create a new test report.
TestReport(String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Create a new test report.
TestReport(String, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Create a new test report.
TestReport(String, String, Exception) - Constructor for class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Create a new test report.
threadpool - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.threadpool.JadexExecutorServiceAdapter
The Jadex thread pool.
THREADPOOLCLASS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Optionally provide alternative thread pool implementation.
THREADPOOLDEFER - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Flag for deferring thread creation/deletion in thread pool
threshold - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.CountThresholdSearchTerminationDecider
The threshold of found services after which the ranking starts.
throwing(String, String, Throwable) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Log throwing an exception.
tick - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
The current tick.
time - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
The current time.
time - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
The timepoint.
timedelays - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
The current send delay time.
TimedProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.time
Base property for time properties.
TimedProperty(String, IInternalAccess, boolean) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.time.TimedProperty
Create a new property.
TimedProperty(String, IInternalAccess, long) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.time.TimedProperty
Create a new property.
timeEventOccurred(long) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.ITimedObject
Called when the submitted timepoint was reached.
timeout - Variable in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
The timeout (if any).
timeout - Variable in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTestBase
The timeout.
timeout - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
The absolute timeout value.
timeout - Variable in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
The timeout.
Timeout - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Specify a timeout period after which the remote invocation is aborted when no result is received.
TIMEOUT - Static variable in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Timeout
Constant for timeout name in non-functional properties.
TIMEOUT - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
The timeout constant.
TimeoutIntermediateResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.bridge
TimeoutIntermediateResultListener(long, IExternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.TimeoutIntermediateResultListener
Create a new listener.
TimeoutIntermediateResultListener(long, IExternalAccess, boolean, Object, IIntermediateResultListener<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.TimeoutIntermediateResultListener
Create a new listener.
TimeoutIntermediateResultListener(long, IExternalAccess, IIntermediateResultListener<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.TimeoutIntermediateResultListener
Create a new listener.
timeoutOccurred(TimeoutException) - Method in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
Can be overridden, e.g.
TimeoutResultListener<E> - Class in jadex.bridge
Listener that allows to automatically trigger a timeout when no result (or exception) was received after some timeout interval.
TimeoutResultListener(long, IExternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
Create a new listener.
TimeoutResultListener(long, IExternalAccess, boolean, Object, IResultListener<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
Create a new listener.
TimeoutResultListener(long, IExternalAccess, IResultListener<E>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
Create a new listener.
timeouts - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
The timeouts for methods (method-info -> long).
timer - Variable in class jadex.base.test.ComponentTestSuite
The timeout timer (if any).
timer - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler.SendInfo
The timer for triggering resends.
timer - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
The timer.
timer - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler.DataSendInfo
The timer.
timer - Variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
The update timer (if any).
timer - Variable in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
The timer.
TimerEntries() - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.TimerEntries
Bean constructor.
TimerEntries(long[], String[]) - Constructor for class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.TimerEntries
Create timer entries
timers - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
The current timer.
TimerWrapper(ITimer) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.TimerWrapper
Wrap a timer.
times - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.TimerEntries
The times.
TimeUnit - Enum in jadex.bridge.sensor.unit
The time unit.
TOALL - jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService.PublishTarget
toArray() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor.SetWrapper
toArray(Object[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceKeyExtractor.SetWrapper
TOMONITORING - jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService.PublishTarget
tosend - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
The data to send.
tostring - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
The string representation (cached for reducing memory consumption).
tostring - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent.ExternalAccessInvocationHandler
The toString value.
toString() - Method in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.SimulationState
toString() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentLoadTest
Get a string representation of this test.
toString() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentStartTest
Get a string representation of this test.
toString() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentStartTestLazyPlatform
Get a string representation of this test.
toString() - Method in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTest
Get a string representation of this test.
toString() - Method in class jadex.base.test.Testcase
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class jadex.base.test.TestReport
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.Cause
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.DependencyResolver.NodeInfo
Get a string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
Create a string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.ExecuteWaitForStep
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.StepInfo
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.TimerWrapper
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MsgHeader
Get the string rep.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyReference
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteMethodInvocationCommand
Get a string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteReference
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.RemoteResultCommand
Get a string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ComponentIdentifier
Return a string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.FactoryFilter
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Get a string representation of this AMSCreateComponent.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSDestroyComponent
Get a string representation of this AMSDestroyComponent.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSResumeComponent
Get a string representation of this AMSResumeComponent.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSearchComponents
Get a string representation of this CMSSearchComponents.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSShutdownPlatform
Get a string representation of this CMSShutdownPlatform.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSSuspendComponent
Get a string representation of this CMSSuspendComponent.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage
Get a string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SearchConstraints
Get a string representation of this SearchConstraints.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
Get a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
Get a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Argument
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
A string of this object.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ResourceIdentifier
Get a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
Get a string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.BasicServiceInvocationHandler
Get a string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor.InvokeMethodStep
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
String representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceImplementation
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceBinding
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryEvent
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceEvent
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery.Multiplicity
Get a string representation of the multiplicity.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddress
Get the string rep.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.AwarenessInfo
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.awareness.DiscoveryInfo
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
Get a string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
Get a string representation of this description.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CreationInfo
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
Get a string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
String representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.FileData
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
Get the string representation.
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.transport.PlatformData
String representation
toString() - Method in class jadex.bridge.ServiceCall
Get the string represntation.
toString() - Method in error jadex.bridge.StepAborted
toString() - Method in exception jadex.bridge.StepAbortedException
Include step in string.
toString() - Method in class jadex.commons.ComposedRemoteFilter
Create a string representation of this filter.
TOSUBSCRIBERS - jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService.PublishTarget
tr - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
The target resolver.
TracingInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Interceptor that creates traces.
TracingInterceptor(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.TracingInterceptor
Create a new interceptor.
TracingInterceptor.ReturnValueResultListener - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
Listener that handles the end of the call.
transfer - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature.StepInfo
The service call.
transfercommand - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
The transfer future.
transfercommand - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
The transfer future.
transferfuture - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
The transfer future.
TransferInfo - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.chat
Information about a requested, ongoing or completed file transfer.
TransferInfo() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Create a new file transfer info.
TransferInfo(boolean, String, String, String, IComponentIdentifier, long, long) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Create a new file transfer info.
TransportAddress - Class in jadex.bridge.service.types.address
Class representing a transport address of a specific platform.
TransportAddress() - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddress
Bean constructor.
TransportAddress(IComponentIdentifier, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddress
Creates the address.
TransportAddress(IComponentIdentifier, String, String) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddress
Creates the address.
transporttype - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.address.TransportAddress
Type of transport the address supports.
trcl - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
The target resolver (for intelligent proxies).
tries - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler.DataSendInfo
The try count.
TRUSTED - Static variable in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Security
The default role that is assigned to services without security annotation and granted in all authenticated networks.
trycnt - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler.SendInfo
The number of timer this task has been executed.
type - Variable in class jadex.base.SRemoteClock.ClockState
The clock type.
type - Variable in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentLoadTest
The component type.
type - Variable in class jadex.base.test.impl.ComponentTest
The component (kernel) type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ComponentFeatureFactory
The interface type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageEvent
The event type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.StreamPacket
The type of the message.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.FactoryFilter
The component type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.CMSCreateComponent
Attribute for slot type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelInfo
The type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Type of the property.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.BasicService
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ServiceGetter
The service type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent
The event type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
The type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
The type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.QueryEvent
Event type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceEvent
Event type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
The service type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
The event type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSComponentDescription
The component type.
type - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.MonitoringEvent
The type.
TYPE - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClockService
The Class object representing the class corresponding to the this interface.
TYPE_COMPONENT_CREATED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
TYPE_COMPONENT_DISPOSED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
TYPE_CONTINUOUS - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
The clock type continuous.
TYPE_EVENT_DRIVEN - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
The clock type event driven.
TYPE_FILE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
Event type for a received file (value is file info, nick only available for initial file events).
TYPE_IMAGE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
Event type for a received image.
TYPE_MESSAGE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
Event type for a received message (value is message text).
TYPE_PROPERTY_ADDED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
TYPE_PROPERTY_REMOVED - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
TYPE_SERVICECALL_END - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
TYPE_SERVICECALL_START - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
TYPE_STATECHANGE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
Event type for a chat user status change (value is user state).
TYPE_STEP - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Constant for step event.
TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION_START - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringEvent
TYPE_SYSTEM - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
The clock type system.
TYPE_TIME_DRIVEN - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.clock.IClock
The clock type time driven.
TYPE_USER - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
Event type for added or removed user.
typename - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ComponentInstanceInfo
The type name.
typename - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ProvidedServiceInfo
The service interface type as string.


unacked - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
The unacknowledged messages.
unbind() - Method in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.ConstantValueFilter
Unbinds the constant value.
unblock(Object, Throwable) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Unblock the thread waiting for the given monitor and cease execution on the current thread.
unblock(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalExecutionFeature
Unblock the thread waiting for the given monitor and cease execution on the current thread.
unboundconstantfilters - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.RHardConstraints
Unbound constant value filters
uncached - Variable in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.remotecommands.ProxyInfo
The uncached methods.
Uncached - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Specify a method as uncached.
UNCONNECTED - jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.IProxyAgentService.State
UNDEFINED - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.RequiredServiceInfo
Constant for multiplicity undefined.
undone - Variable in class jadex.bridge.ComponentResultListener
The undone flag.
undone - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.FutureFunctionality
undone - Variable in class jadex.bridge.TimeoutResultListener
Flag if undone methods should be used.
unescape(String) - Static method in class jadex.base.Starter
Unescape a string.
UNIQUEIDS - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Flag if CIDs may be reused (true for not).
UNIQUENAMES - Static variable in class jadex.base.Starter
Counters for generating unique names of platforms.
unit - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
Unit of the property value.
unit - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.search.BasicEvaluator
The unit.
units - Static variable in enum jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.MemoryUnit
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.FipaMessage.Performative
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
unpublishService(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.publish.IPublishService
Unpublish a service.
UnresolvedServiceInvocationHandler - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component
Lazy service proxy that resolves a service via a search command.
UnresolvedServiceInvocationHandler(IInternalAccess, ServiceQuery<?>) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.UnresolvedServiceInvocationHandler
Create a new invocation handler.
unrestricted - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery
Should the service be unrestricted.
unrestricted - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.ServiceIdentifier
Is the service unrestricted.
UNRESTRICTED - Static variable in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Security
The unrestricted role (access is granted to all), e.g.
UNSET - Static variable in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Timeout
Constant for unset (i.e.
update(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.TransferInfo
Update the transfer info.
UPDATE_DELAY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.RemoteChangeListenerHandler
Update delay.
updateIndex(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.Indexer
Update an index for all values.
updaterate - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.NFPropertyMetaInfo
The update rate.
updateService(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.search.IServiceRegistry
Updates a service if the service meta-information has changes.
updateService(IServiceIdentifier) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Updates a service if the service meta-information has changes.
updateService(IServiceIdentifier, String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceRegistry
Updates a service if the service meta-information has changes.
uploadFile(IInputConnection, String, String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.service.types.filetransfer.IFileTransferService
Put a file.
uri - Variable in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
The URI.
uri - Variable in class jadex.bridge.LocalResourceIdentifier
The URI.
useasm - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.ProxyFactory
used - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceInvocationContext
The stack of used interceptors.
UsedMemoryProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.memory
The used physical memory.
UsedMemoryProperty(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.UsedMemoryProperty
Create a new property.
UsedPermGenMemoryProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.memory
UsedPermGenMemoryProperty(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.memory.UsedPermGenMemoryProperty
Create a new property.
UserMethodInvocationListener - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.service
Listener that only observes user methods.
UserMethodInvocationListener(IMethodInvocationListener) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.UserMethodInvocationListener
Create a new UserMethodInvocationListener.


valid - Variable in class jadex.bridge.CheckedAction
The valid flag.
validate(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.Argument
Check the validity of an input.
validate(String) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.modelinfo.IArgument
Check the validity of an input.
ValidationInterceptor - Class in jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors
The validation interceptor tests whether a service call is valid.
ValidationInterceptor(IInternalAccess) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ValidationInterceptor
Create a new interceptor.
vals - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.ComponentSuspendable
The thread locals.
value - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.AbstractConstraintFilter
The value once it is bound.
value - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.hardconstraints.MHardConstraint
Expected value.
value - Variable in class jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.SimpleValueNFProperty
The current value.
value - Variable in class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.AverageEvaluator
The last average value.
value - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.ResolveInterceptor.SerializedValue
The serialized value.
value - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.chat.ChatEvent
The event value (depends on type).
value - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CMSStatusEvent.CMSIntermediateResultEvent
The value of the result.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation.NameValue
The value as string, will be parsed.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation.NFProperties
The non-functional properties.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation.NFProperty
The type of the property.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation.NFRProperty
The type of the property.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.CheckIndex
The argument number with the array or collection or array.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.CheckState
The expression will be parsed.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.GuiClass
Supply a class implementing the gui.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.GuiClassName
Supply a class name of a class implementing the gui.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.GuiClassNames
Supply a class name of a class implementing the gui.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.MultiplexCollector
The multiplex distributor class.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.MultiplexDistributor
The multiplex distributor class.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.NoCopy
Set the copy state.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.ParameterInfo
The parameter name.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.PostCondition
The type.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.PostConditions
Supply a number of postconditions.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.PreCondition
The type.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.PreConditions
Supply a number of preconditions.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Replacement
Supply a class name of a class implementing IMethodReplacement.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Service
Supply the interface.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.ServiceIdentifier
Supply the interface.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Tag
The tags as strings or expression.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Tags
The tags as strings or expression
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.TargetMethod
The method name.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Timeout
The timeout period after which local or remote invocations are aborted when no result is received.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.annotation.Value
The value as string, will be parsed.
value() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.service.component.Breakpoint
The breakpoint name.
Value - Annotation Type in jadex.bridge.service.annotation
Value as class or unparsed expression string.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageEvent.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFProperty.Target
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.MemoryUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.PercentUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.TimeUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.annotation.PostCondition.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.annotation.PreCondition.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService.PublishTarget
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.IProxyAgentService.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values - Variable in class jadex.base.PlatformConfigurationHandler
The map of values.
values - Variable in class jadex.bridge.modelinfo.ModelValueProvider
The values.
values - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.SpanContextInfo
The values.
values - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.Indexer
All values.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.component.impl.MessageEvent.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in annotation type jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.annotation.NameValue
The values as strings, will be individually parsed.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.nonfunctional.INFProperty.Target
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.MemoryUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.PercentUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.sensor.unit.TimeUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.annotation.PostCondition.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.annotation.PreCondition.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.component.ServiceCallEvent.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.ServiceScope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService.PublishEventLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.types.monitoring.IMonitoringService.PublishTarget
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.IProxyAgentService.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
version - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.appstore.AppMetaInfo
The application version.
versioninfo - Variable in class jadex.bridge.GlobalResourceIdentifier
The version info.
vmargs - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.daemon.StartOptions
The vm arguments.


waitForDelay(long) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Wait for some time.
waitForDelay(long) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Wait for some time.
waitForDelay(long, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Wait for some time.
waitForDelay(long, boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Wait for some time.
waitForDelay(long, IComponentStep<T>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Wait for some time and execute a component step afterwards.
waitForDelay(long, IComponentStep<T>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Wait for some time and execute a component step afterwards.
waitForDelay(long, IComponentStep<T>, boolean) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Wait for some time and execute a component step afterwards.
waitForDelay(long, IComponentStep<T>, boolean) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Wait for some time and execute a component step afterwards.
waitForReady() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.streams.IOutputConnectionHandler
Wait until the connection is ready for the next write.
waitForReady() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.LocalOutputConnectionHandler
Wait until the connection is ready for the next write.
waitForReady() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnection
Wait until the connection is ready for the next write.
waitForReady() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnectionHandler
Wait until the connection is ready for the next write.
waitForReady() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IOutputConnection
Wait until the connection is ready for the next write.
waitForReady() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
Wait until the connection is ready for the next write.
waitForReady() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Wait until the connection is ready for the next write.
waitForRealDelay(long, IComponentStep<?>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.AbstractConnectionHandler
Wait for a time delay on the (real) system clock.
waitForTermination() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Waits for the components to finish.
waitForTermination() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Waits for the components to finish.
waitForTick() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Wait for the next tick.
waitForTick() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Wait for the next tick.
waitForTick(IComponentStep<Void>) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.IExternalExecutionFeature
Wait for the next tick.
waitForTick(IComponentStep<Void>) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Wait for the next tick.
waitingcalls - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.multiinvoke.SequentialMultiplexDistributor
The waiting for service calls.
WaitingTimeProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.service
Property for the waiting time of a method or a service as a whole.
WaitingTimeProperty(IInternalAccess, IService, MethodInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitingTimeProperty
Create a new property.
WaitqueueEvaluator - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.service
Execution time evaluator.
WaitqueueEvaluator(IExternalAccess, MethodInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitqueueEvaluator
Create a new evaluator.
WaitqueueEvaluator(IExternalAccess, MethodInfo, int) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitqueueEvaluator
Create a new evaluator.
WaitqueueProperty - Class in jadex.bridge.sensor.service
Property for the waitqueue length (in calls) of a method or a service.
WaitqueueProperty(IInternalAccess, IService, MethodInfo) - Constructor for class jadex.bridge.sensor.service.WaitqueueProperty
Create a new property.
wakeup() - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.impl.ExecutionComponentFeature
Trigger component execution.
wakeup() - Method in interface jadex.bridge.component.impl.IInternalExecutionFeature
Trigger component execution.
warning(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.LoggerWrapper
Log a WARNING message.
WELCOME - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Tell starter to print welcome message.
WP_APPNAME - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
WP_PASS - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
WP_TARGET - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
WP_URL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
WP_USER - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.PublishInfo
wrapperfactory - Variable in class jadex.base.test.impl.SharedServiceFactory
The wrapper creation function.
write(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnection
Write the content to the stream.
write(byte[]) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IOutputConnection
Write the content to the stream.
write(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
Write the content to the stream.
write(byte[]) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Write the content to the stream.
writeAccount(String) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.email.EmailAccount
Store data to a property file.
writeFromInputStream(InputStream, IExternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.OutputConnection
Do write all data from the input stream.
writeFromInputStream(InputStream, IExternalAccess) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IOutputConnection
Write all data from input stream to the connection.
writeFromInputStream(InputStream, IExternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnection
Write all data from input stream to the connection.
writeFromInputStream(InputStream, IExternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceOutputConnectionProxy
Do write all data from the input stream.
writeLock() - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.CmsState
Locks the write lock for resource-based locking.
writeToOutputStream(OutputStream, IExternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bridge.component.streams.InputConnection
Read all data from output stream to the connection.
writeToOutputStream(OutputStream, IExternalAccess) - Method in interface jadex.bridge.IInputConnection
Write all data from the connection to the output stream.
writeToOutputStream(OutputStream, IExternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnection
Read all data from output stream to the connection.
writeToOutputStream(OutputStream, IExternalAccess) - Method in class jadex.bridge.service.types.remote.ServiceInputConnectionProxy
Read all data from output stream to the connection.
WSPORT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
WSPUBLISH - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
Flag if web service publishing is enabled.
WSTRANSPORT - Static variable in interface jadex.base.IPlatformConfiguration
wto - Variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.IntelligentProxyInterceptor
The worker timeout.


X_MESSAGE_ID - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
X_NONFUNCTIONAL - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
X_RECEIVER - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
X_RID - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
X_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.fipa.SFipa
XID - Static variable in interface jadex.bridge.component.IMsgHeader
Message header key for internal message id (optional).


ZERO_MANY - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery.Multiplicity
'0..*' multiplicity for optional multi service (default for searchServices methods).
ZERO_ONE - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.search.ServiceQuery.Multiplicity
'0..1' multiplicity for single optional service.


_BROKEN - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.types.cms.PlatformComponent
_DEBUG - Static variable in class jadex.bridge.service.component.interceptors.DecouplingInterceptor.InvokeMethodStep
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