Interface IComponentFeatureFactory

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IComponentFeatureFactory
    A component feature is a pluggable part of the state and behavior of a component. This interface follows the prototype-instance-pattern and represents the type level (i.e. factory) as well as the instance level. The feature can inject parameters for expression evaluation using the value fetcher super interface. The fetch order is the reverse init order, i.e., later features can override values from earlier features.
    • Method Detail

      • getPredecessors

        java.util.Set<java.lang.Class<?>> getPredecessors()
        Get the predecessors, i.e. features that should be inited first.
        The predecessors.
      • getSuccessors

        java.util.Set<java.lang.Class<?>> getSuccessors()
        Get the successors, i.e. features that should be inited after this feature.
        The successors.
      • getType

        java.lang.Class<?> getType()
        Get the user interface type of the feature.
        The type.
      • getLookupTypes

        java.lang.Class<?>[] getLookupTypes()
        Get lookup types. Allows for fetching a feature via a different interface.
        The lookup types.