Interface IInternalExecutionFeature

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IInternalExecutionFeature
    The execution feature allows to schedule steps to be synchronously executed on the component.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static java.lang.ThreadLocal<IInternalAccess> LOCAL
      The currently executing component (if any).
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addSubcomponent​(IInternalExecutionFeature sub)
      Add a synchronous subcomponent that will run on its parent's thread.
      void block​(java.lang.Object monitor, long timeout, boolean realtime)
      Block the current thread and allow execution on other threads.
      void childTerminated​(IComponentDescription desc, java.lang.Exception ex)
      Called when a child was terminated.
      jadex.commons.future.IFuture<java.lang.Void> doStep​(java.lang.String stepinfo)
      Do a step of a suspended component.
      boolean execute()
      Execute the executable.
      int getEndstateStart()
      Get the step number when endstate began.
      void removeSubcomponent​(IInternalExecutionFeature sub)
      Remove a synchronous subcomponent.
      void setManual​(boolean manual)
      Set manual execution mode, e.g.
      void unblock​(java.lang.Object monitor, java.lang.Throwable exception)
      Unblock the thread waiting for the given monitor and cease execution on the current thread.
      void wakeup()
      Trigger component execution.
    • Field Detail

      • LOCAL

        static final java.lang.ThreadLocal<IInternalAccess> LOCAL
        The currently executing component (if any).
    • Method Detail

      • wakeup

        void wakeup()
        Trigger component execution.
      • doStep

        jadex.commons.future.IFuture<java.lang.Void> doStep​(java.lang.String stepinfo)
        Do a step of a suspended component.
      • block

        void block​(java.lang.Object monitor,
                   long timeout,
                   boolean realtime)
        Block the current thread and allow execution on other threads.
        monitor - The monitor to wait for.
        realtime - Flag if timeout is realtime (in contrast to simulation time).
      • unblock

        void unblock​(java.lang.Object monitor,
                     java.lang.Throwable exception)
        Unblock the thread waiting for the given monitor and cease execution on the current thread.
        monitor - The monitor to notify.
      • execute

        boolean execute()
        Execute the executable.
        True, if the object wants to be executed again.
      • addSubcomponent

        void addSubcomponent​(IInternalExecutionFeature sub)
        Add a synchronous subcomponent that will run on its parent's thread.
        sub - The subcomponent.
      • removeSubcomponent

        void removeSubcomponent​(IInternalExecutionFeature sub)
        Remove a synchronous subcomponent.
        sub - The subcomponent.
      • getEndstateStart

        int getEndstateStart()
        Get the step number when endstate began.
        The step cnt.
      • childTerminated

        void childTerminated​(IComponentDescription desc,
                             java.lang.Exception ex)
        Called when a child was terminated.
      • setManual

        void setManual​(boolean manual)
        Set manual execution mode, e.g. for bootstrapping at platform startup/shutdown.
        manual - Ignore wake up calls, if true.