Class FipaMessage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class FipaMessage
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements jadex.commons.IFilter<java.lang.Object>
    FIPA message as struct.
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  FipaMessage.Performative
      FIPA performatives.
    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from interface jadex.commons.IFilter

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Bean constructor.
      FipaMessage​(IComponentIdentifier sender, java.util.Set<IComponentIdentifier> receivers, java.lang.String performative, java.lang.Object content, java.lang.String convid, java.lang.String protocol, IComponentIdentifier reply_to, java.lang.String language, java.lang.String ontology, java.lang.String encoding, java.lang.String reply_with, java.lang.String in_reply_to, java.lang.Long reply_by)
      Constructor for all fields (e.g.
      FipaMessage​(java.lang.String performative, java.lang.Object content, IComponentIdentifier... receiver)
      Constructor for most common fields (for sending).
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addReceiver​(IComponentIdentifier receiver)
      Denotes the identity of the intended recipients of the message.
      FipaMessage createReply()
      Create a reply for a given message.
      boolean filter​(java.lang.Object obj)
      Test if an object passes the filter.
      java.lang.Object getContent()
      Denotes the content of the message; equivalently denotes the object of the action.
      java.lang.String getConversationId()
      Introduces an expression (a conversation identifier) which is used to identify the ongoing sequence of communicative acts that together form a conversation.
      java.lang.String getEncoding()
      Denotes the specific encoding of the content language expression.
      java.lang.String getInReplyTo()
      Denotes an expression that references an earlier action to which this message is a reply.
      java.lang.String getLanguage()
      Denotes the language in which the content parameter is expressed.
      java.lang.String getOntology()
      Denotes the ontology(s) used to give a meaning to the symbols in the content expression.
      java.lang.String getPerformative()
      Denotes the type of the communicative act of the ACL message.
      java.lang.String getProtocol()
      Denotes the interaction protocol that the sending agent is employing with this ACL message.
      java.util.Set<IComponentIdentifier> getReceivers()
      Denotes the identity of the intended recipients of the message.
      java.lang.Long getReplyBy()
      Denotes a time and/or date expression which indicates the latest time by which the sending agent would like to receive a reply.
      IComponentIdentifier getReplyTo()
      This parameter indicates that subsequent messages in this conversation thread are to be directed to the agent named in the reply-to parameter, instead of to the agent named in the sender parameter.
      java.lang.String getReplyWith()
      Introduces an expression that will be used by the responding agent to identify this message.
      IComponentIdentifier getSender()
      Denotes the identity of the sender of the message, that is, the name of the agent of the communicative act.
      void removeReceiver​(IComponentIdentifier receiver)
      Denotes the identity of the intended recipients of the message.
      void setContent​(java.lang.Object content)
      Denotes the content of the message; equivalently denotes the object of the action.
      void setConversationId​(java.lang.String convid)
      Introduces an expression (a conversation identifier) which is used to identify the ongoing sequence of communicative acts that together form a conversation.
      void setEncoding​(java.lang.String encoding)
      Denotes the specific encoding of the content language expression.
      void setInReplyTo​(java.lang.String in_reply_to)
      Denotes an expression that references an earlier action to which this message is a reply.
      void setLanguage​(java.lang.String language)
      Denotes the language in which the content parameter is expressed.
      void setOntology​(java.lang.String ontology)
      Denotes the ontology(s) used to give a meaning to the symbols in the content expression.
      void setPerformative​(java.lang.String performative)
      Denotes the type of the communicative act of the ACL message.
      void setProtocol​(java.lang.String protocol)
      Denotes the interaction protocol that the sending agent is employing with this ACL message.
      void setReceivers​(java.util.Set<IComponentIdentifier> receivers)
      Denotes the identity of the intended recipients of the message.
      void setReplyBy​(java.lang.Long reply_by)
      Denotes a time and/or date expression which indicates the latest time by which the sending agent would like to receive a reply.
      void setReplyTo​(IComponentIdentifier reply_to)
      This parameter indicates that subsequent messages in this conversation thread are to be directed to the agent named in the reply-to parameter, instead of to the agent named in the sender parameter.
      void setReplyWith​(java.lang.String reply_with)
      Introduces an expression that will be used by the responding agent to identify this message.
      void setSender​(IComponentIdentifier sender)
      Denotes the identity of the sender of the message, that is, the name of the agent of the communicative act.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Get a string representation.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • FipaMessage

        public FipaMessage()
        Bean constructor.
      • FipaMessage

        public FipaMessage​(java.lang.String performative,
                           java.lang.Object content,
                           IComponentIdentifier... receiver)
        Constructor for most common fields (for sending).
      • FipaMessage

        public FipaMessage​(IComponentIdentifier sender,
                           java.util.Set<IComponentIdentifier> receivers,
                           java.lang.String performative,
                           java.lang.Object content,
                           java.lang.String convid,
                           java.lang.String protocol,
                           IComponentIdentifier reply_to,
                           java.lang.String language,
                           java.lang.String ontology,
                           java.lang.String encoding,
                           java.lang.String reply_with,
                           java.lang.String in_reply_to,
                           java.lang.Long reply_by)
        Constructor for all fields (e.g. for match template).
    • Method Detail

      • getPerformative

        public java.lang.String getPerformative()
        Denotes the type of the communicative act of the ACL message.
      • setPerformative

        public void setPerformative​(java.lang.String performative)
        Denotes the type of the communicative act of the ACL message.
      • getSender

        public IComponentIdentifier getSender()
        Denotes the identity of the sender of the message, that is, the name of the agent of the communicative act.
      • setSender

        public void setSender​(IComponentIdentifier sender)
        Denotes the identity of the sender of the message, that is, the name of the agent of the communicative act.
      • getReceivers

        public java.util.Set<IComponentIdentifier> getReceivers()
        Denotes the identity of the intended recipients of the message.
      • setReceivers

        public void setReceivers​(java.util.Set<IComponentIdentifier> receivers)
        Denotes the identity of the intended recipients of the message.
      • addReceiver

        public void addReceiver​(IComponentIdentifier receiver)
        Denotes the identity of the intended recipients of the message.
      • removeReceiver

        public void removeReceiver​(IComponentIdentifier receiver)
        Denotes the identity of the intended recipients of the message.
      • getReplyTo

        public IComponentIdentifier getReplyTo()
        This parameter indicates that subsequent messages in this conversation thread are to be directed to the agent named in the reply-to parameter, instead of to the agent named in the sender parameter.
      • setReplyTo

        public void setReplyTo​(IComponentIdentifier reply_to)
        This parameter indicates that subsequent messages in this conversation thread are to be directed to the agent named in the reply-to parameter, instead of to the agent named in the sender parameter.
      • getContent

        public java.lang.Object getContent()
        Denotes the content of the message; equivalently denotes the object of the action. The meaning of the content of any ACL message is intended to be interpreted by the receiver of the message. This is particularly relevant for instance when referring to referential expressions, whose interpretation might be different for the sender and the receiver.
      • setContent

        public void setContent​(java.lang.Object content)
        Denotes the content of the message; equivalently denotes the object of the action. The meaning of the content of any ACL message is intended to be interpreted by the receiver of the message. This is particularly relevant for instance when referring to referential expressions, whose interpretation might be different for the sender and the receiver.
      • getLanguage

        public java.lang.String getLanguage()
        Denotes the language in which the content parameter is expressed.
      • setLanguage

        public void setLanguage​(java.lang.String language)
        Denotes the language in which the content parameter is expressed.
      • getEncoding

        public java.lang.String getEncoding()
        Denotes the specific encoding of the content language expression.
      • setEncoding

        public void setEncoding​(java.lang.String encoding)
        Denotes the specific encoding of the content language expression.
      • getOntology

        public java.lang.String getOntology()
        Denotes the ontology(s) used to give a meaning to the symbols in the content expression.
      • setOntology

        public void setOntology​(java.lang.String ontology)
        Denotes the ontology(s) used to give a meaning to the symbols in the content expression.
      • getProtocol

        public java.lang.String getProtocol()
        Denotes the interaction protocol that the sending agent is employing with this ACL message.
      • setProtocol

        public void setProtocol​(java.lang.String protocol)
        Denotes the interaction protocol that the sending agent is employing with this ACL message.
      • getConversationId

        public java.lang.String getConversationId()
        Introduces an expression (a conversation identifier) which is used to identify the ongoing sequence of communicative acts that together form a conversation.
      • setConversationId

        public void setConversationId​(java.lang.String convid)
        Introduces an expression (a conversation identifier) which is used to identify the ongoing sequence of communicative acts that together form a conversation.
      • getReplyWith

        public java.lang.String getReplyWith()
        Introduces an expression that will be used by the responding agent to identify this message.
      • setReplyWith

        public void setReplyWith​(java.lang.String reply_with)
        Introduces an expression that will be used by the responding agent to identify this message.
      • getInReplyTo

        public java.lang.String getInReplyTo()
        Denotes an expression that references an earlier action to which this message is a reply.
      • setInReplyTo

        public void setInReplyTo​(java.lang.String in_reply_to)
        Denotes an expression that references an earlier action to which this message is a reply.
      • getReplyBy

        public java.lang.Long getReplyBy()
        Denotes a time and/or date expression which indicates the latest time by which the sending agent would like to receive a reply.
      • setReplyBy

        public void setReplyBy​(java.lang.Long reply_by)
        Denotes a time and/or date expression which indicates the latest time by which the sending agent would like to receive a reply.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Get a string representation.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • createReply

        public FipaMessage createReply()
        Create a reply for a given message.
      • filter

        public boolean filter​(java.lang.Object obj)
        Test if an object passes the filter.
        Specified by:
        filter in interface jadex.commons.IFilter<java.lang.Object>
        True, if passes the filter.