package io

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. io
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait AbstractKeyValueStorage[K, V] extends AnyRef
  2. sealed abstract class AppIOError extends IOError
  3. sealed trait Cache[V] extends AnyRef
  4. final case class Cached[V](value: V) extends Cache[V] with KeyExistedInUnderlying with ValueExists[V] with Product with Serializable
  5. abstract class CachedKV[K, V, C >: Modified[V] <: Cache[V]] extends MutableKV[K, V, Unit]
  6. final class CachedKVStorage[K, V] extends CachedKV[K, V, Cache[V]]
  7. final class CachedSMT[K, V] extends CachedKV[K, V, Cache[V]]
  8. sealed abstract class IOError extends Exception
  9. type IOResult[T] = Either[IOError, T]
  10. final class InMemorySparseMerkleTrie[K, V] extends SparseMerkleTrieBase[K, V, Unit]
  11. final case class Inserted[V](value: V) extends Modified[V] with ValueExists[V] with Product with Serializable
  12. sealed trait KeyExistedInUnderlying extends AnyRef
  13. trait KeyValueSource extends AnyRef
  14. trait KeyValueStorage[K, V] extends AbstractKeyValueStorage[K, V] with RawKeyValueStorage with ReadableKV[K, V]
  15. sealed trait Modified[V] extends Cache[V]
  16. trait MutableKV[K, V, T] extends ReadableKV[K, V]
  17. trait RawKeyValueStorage extends AnyRef
  18. trait ReadableKV[K, V] extends AnyRef
  19. final case class Removed[V]() extends Modified[V] with KeyExistedInUnderlying with Product with Serializable
  20. trait RocksDBColumn extends RawKeyValueStorage
  21. trait RocksDBKeyValueCompanion[S <: RocksDBKeyValueStorage[_, _]] extends AnyRef
  22. class RocksDBKeyValueStorage[K, V] extends KeyValueStorage[K, V] with RocksDBColumn
  23. class RocksDBSource extends KeyValueSource with LazyLogging
  24. final class SparseMerkleTrie[K, V] extends SparseMerkleTrieBase[K, V, SparseMerkleTrie[K, V]]
  25. abstract class SparseMerkleTrieBase[K, V, T] extends MutableKV[K, V, T]
  26. trait StagingKV[K, V] extends CachedKV[K, V, Modified[V]]
  27. final class StagingKVStorage[K, V] extends CachedKV[K, V, Modified[V]] with StagingKV[K, V]
  28. final class StagingSMT[K, V] extends CachedKV[K, V, Modified[V]] with StagingKV[K, V]
  29. final case class Updated[V](value: V) extends Modified[V] with KeyExistedInUnderlying with ValueExists[V] with Product with Serializable
  30. sealed trait ValueExists[V] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object CachedKV
  2. object CachedKVStorage
  3. object CachedSMT
  4. object IOError extends Serializable
  5. object IOUtils
  6. object MutableKV
  7. object RocksDBColumn
  8. object RocksDBKeyValueStorage
  9. object RocksDBSource
  10. object SparseMerkleTrie

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
