Package alluxio.grpc

Class DataMessageMarshallerProvider<ReqT,​ResT>

  • Type Parameters:
    ReqT - type of the request message
    ResT - type of the response message

    public class DataMessageMarshallerProvider<ReqT,​ResT>
    extends java.lang.Object
    A provider of DataMessageMarshaller for a gRPC call.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DataMessageMarshallerProvider

        public DataMessageMarshallerProvider​(@Nullable
                                             DataMessageMarshaller<ReqT> requestMarshaller,
                                             DataMessageMarshaller<ResT> responseMarshaller)
        requestMarshaller - the marshaller for the request, or null if not provided
        responseMarshaller - the marshaller for the response, or null if not provided
    • Method Detail

      • getRequestMarshaller

        public java.util.Optional<DataMessageMarshaller<ReqT>> getRequestMarshaller()
        the request marshaller
      • getResponseMarshaller

        public java.util.Optional<DataMessageMarshaller<ResT>> getResponseMarshaller()
        the response marshaller