Interface ObjectUnderFileSystem.ObjectListingChunk

  • Enclosing class:

    public static interface ObjectUnderFileSystem.ObjectListingChunk
    A chunk of listing results.
    • Method Detail

      • getObjectStatuses

        ObjectUnderFileSystem.ObjectStatus[] getObjectStatuses()
        Returns objects in a pseudo-directory which may be a file or a directory.
        a list of object statuses
      • getCommonPrefixes

        java.lang.String[] getCommonPrefixes()
        Use common prefixes to infer pseudo-directories in object store.
        a list of common prefixes
      • hasNextChunk

        default java.lang.Boolean hasNextChunk()
        Gets if there is more chunks to fetch WITHOUT actually fetching the next chunk.
        true if there is, no if there isn't, NULL if it cannot tell