Class UfsLoadResult

  • public class UfsLoadResult
    extends java.lang.Object
    The UfsLoadResult represents the result of a load operation on an Under File System (UFS). It contains information about the loaded items, such as the count, whether it is truncated or not, and the continuation token.
    • Constructor Detail

      • UfsLoadResult

        public UfsLoadResult​(<UfsStatus> items,
                             int itemsCount,
                             java.lang.String continuationToken,
                             AlluxioURI lastItem,
                             boolean isTruncated,
                             boolean firstIsFile,
                             boolean isObjectStore)
        Constructs a new instance of UfsLoadResult.
        items - the stream of loaded items
        itemsCount - the count of loaded items
        continuationToken - the continuation token for loading more items
        lastItem - the URI of the last item that was loaded
        isTruncated - whether the load operation was truncated due to reaching a limit
        firstIsFile - whether the first item in the stream is a file
        isObjectStore - whether the under file system is an object store
    • Method Detail

      • isIsObjectStore

        public boolean isIsObjectStore()
        true if the under file system is an object store, false otherwise
      • isFirstFile

        public boolean isFirstFile()
        true if the first item in the stream is a file, false otherwise
      • getLastItem

        public java.util.Optional<AlluxioURI> getLastItem()
        an optional containing the URI of the last item that was loaded, or empty if no items were loaded
      • getItemsCount

        public int getItemsCount()
        the count of loaded items
      • isTruncated

        public boolean isTruncated()
        true if the load operation was truncated, false otherwise
      • getItems

        public<UfsStatus> getItems()
        the stream of loaded items
      • getContinuationToken

        public java.lang.String getContinuationToken()
        the continuation token for loading more items, or null if there are no more items to load