Interface | Description |
EqualityComparator<T> |
This interface provides an abstract concept of object equality independent of
Object.equals(java.lang.Object) (object equality) and the == operator
(reference equality). |
IntSet |
A generic set of integers.
Predicate<T> |
Class | Description |
AbstractEqualityComparator<T> |
This abstract base class is provided so performance-critical applications can
use virtual- instead of interface-dispatch when calling comparator methods.
Array2DHashSet<T> |
Set implementation with closed hashing (open addressing). |
DoubleKeyMap<Key1,Key2,Value> |
Sometimes we need to map a key to a value but key is two pieces of data.
FlexibleHashMap<K,V> |
A limited map (many unsupported operations) that lets me use
varying hashCode/equals.
FlexibleHashMap.Entry<K,V> | |
IntegerList | |
IntegerStack | |
InterpreterDataReader | |
InterpreterDataReader.InterpreterData | |
Interval |
An immutable inclusive interval a..b
IntervalSet |
This class implements the
IntSet backed by a sorted array of
non-overlapping intervals. |
LogManager | |
LogManager.Record | |
MultiMap<K,V> | |
MurmurHash | |
ObjectEqualityComparator |
This default implementation of
EqualityComparator uses object equality
for comparisons by calling Object.hashCode() and Object.equals(java.lang.Object) . |
OrderedHashSet<T> |
A HashMap that remembers the order that the elements were added.
Pair<A,B> | |
TestRig | Deprecated |
Triple<A,B,C> | |
Utils |
Exception | Description |
ParseCancellationException |
This exception is thrown to cancel a parsing operation.
Annotation Type | Description |
NotNull | Deprecated
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