Interface CloneConfiguration

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface CloneConfiguration
    A configuration object that can be used with the table clone command in the TableOperations.
    1.10 and 2.1
    • Method Detail

      • isFlush

        boolean isFlush()
        Determines if memory is flushed in the source table before cloning.
        true if memory is flushed in the source table before cloning.
      • getPropertiesToSet

        Map<String,​String> getPropertiesToSet()
        The source table properties are copied. This allows overriding of some of those properties.
        The source table properties to override.
      • getPropertiesToExclude

        Set<String> getPropertiesToExclude()
        The source table properties are copied, this allows reverting to system defaults for some of those properties.
        The properties that are to be reverted to system defaults.
      • isKeepOffline

        boolean isKeepOffline()
        The new table is normally brought online after the cloning process. This allows leaving the new table offline
        true if the new table is to be kept offline after cloning.