Interface PluginEnvironment.Configuration

    • Method Detail

      • isSet

        boolean isSet​(String key)
        Properties with a default value will always return something when calling get(String), even if a user never set the property. The method allows checking if a user set a property.
        true if a user set this property and false if a user did not set it.
      • get

        String get​(String key)
        The value for a single property or null if not present. Sensitive properties are intentionally not returned in order to prevent inadvertent logging of them. If your plugin needs sensitive properties a getSensitive method could be added.
      • getWithPrefix

        Map<String,​String> getWithPrefix​(String prefix)
        Returns all properties with a given prefix
        prefix - prefix of properties to be returned. Include the trailing '.' in the prefix.
        all properties with a given prefix
      • getCustom

        Map<String,​String> getCustom()
        Users can set arbitrary custom properties in Accumulo using the prefix general.custom.. This method will return all properties with that prefix, stripping the prefix. For example, assume the following properties were set :
        Then this function would return a map containing [prop1=123,prop2=abc].
      • getCustom

        String getCustom​(String keySuffix)
        This method appends the prefix general.custom and gets the property.
        The same as calling getCustom().get(keySuffix) OR get("general.custom."+keySuffix)
      • getTableCustom

        Map<String,​String> getTableCustom()
        Users can set arbitrary custom table properties in Accumulo using the prefix table.custom.. This method will return all properties with that prefix, stripping the prefix. For example, assume the following properties were set :
        Then this function would return a map containing [tp1=ch1,tp2=bh2].
      • getTableCustom

        String getTableCustom​(String keySuffix)
        This method appends the prefix table.custom and gets the property.
        The same as calling getTableCustom().get(keySuffix) OR get("table.custom."+keySuffix)
      • iterator

        Iterator<Map.Entry<String,​String>> iterator()
        Returns an iterator over all properties. This may be inefficient, consider opening an issue if you have a use case that is only satisfied by this. Sensitive properties are intentionally suppressed in order to prevent inadvertent logging of them.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface Iterable<Map.Entry<String,​String>>
      • getDerived

        <T> Supplier<T> getDerived​(Function<PluginEnvironment.Configuration,​T> computeDerivedValue)
        Returns a derived value from this Configuration. The returned value supplier is thread-safe and attempts to avoid re-computation of the response. The intended use for a derived value is to ensure that configuration changes that may be made in Zookeeper, for example, are always reflected in the returned value.