Class AccumuloConfiguration

    • Constructor Detail

      • AccumuloConfiguration

        public AccumuloConfiguration()
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public String get​(String property)
        Gets a property value from this configuration.

        Note: this is inefficient for values that are not a Property. For retrieving multiple properties, use getProperties(Map, Predicate) with a custom filter.

        property - property to get
        property value
      • get

        public abstract String get​(Property property)
        Gets a property value from this configuration.
        property - property to get
        property value
      • resolve

        public Property resolve​(Property property,
                                Property... deprecated)
        Given a property that is not deprecated and an ordered list of deprecated properties, determine which one to use based on which is set by the user in the configuration. If the non-deprecated property is set, use that. Otherwise, use the first deprecated property that is set. If no deprecated properties are set, use the non-deprecated property by default, even though it is not set (since it is not set, it will resolve to its default value). Since the deprecated properties are checked in order, newer properties should be on the left, replacing older properties on the right, so if a newer property is set, it will be selected over any older property that may also be set.
      • getProperties

        public abstract void getProperties​(Map<String,​String> props,
                                           Predicate<String> filter)
        Returns property key/value pairs in this configuration. The pairs include those defined in this configuration which pass the given filter, and those supplied from the parent configuration which are not included from here.
        props - properties object to populate
        filter - filter for accepting properties from this configuration
      • getUpdateCount

        public long getUpdateCount()
        Each time configuration changes, this counter should increase. Anything that caches information that is derived from configuration can use this method to know when to update.
      • getAllPropertiesWithPrefix

        public Map<String,​String> getAllPropertiesWithPrefix​(Property property)
        Gets all properties under the given prefix in this configuration.
        property - prefix property, must be of type PropertyType.PREFIX
        a map of property keys to values
        IllegalArgumentException - if property is not a prefix
      • getAllPropertiesWithPrefixStripped

        public Map<String,​String> getAllPropertiesWithPrefixStripped​(Property prefix)
      • getAllCryptoProperties

        public Map<String,​String> getAllCryptoProperties()
      • getTimeInMillis

        public long getTimeInMillis​(Property property)
        Gets a property of type PropertyType.TIMEDURATION, interpreting the value properly.
        property - property to get
        property value
        IllegalArgumentException - if the property is of the wrong type
      • getBoolean

        public boolean getBoolean​(Property property)
        Gets a property of type PropertyType.BOOLEAN, interpreting the value properly (using Boolean.parseBoolean()).
        property - property to get
        property value
        IllegalArgumentException - if the property is of the wrong type
      • getFraction

        public double getFraction​(Property property)
        Gets a property of type PropertyType.FRACTION, interpreting the value properly.
        property - property to get
        property value
        IllegalArgumentException - if the property is of the wrong type
      • getPort

        public int[] getPort​(Property property)
        Gets a property of type PropertyType.PORT, interpreting the value properly (as an integer within the range of non-privileged ports). Consider using getPortStream(Property), if an array is not needed.
        property - property to get
        property value
        IllegalArgumentException - if the property is of the wrong type
      • getCount

        public int getCount​(Property property)
        Gets a property of type PropertyType.COUNT, interpreting the value properly (as an integer).
        property - property to get
        property value
        IllegalArgumentException - if the property is of the wrong type
      • isPropertySet

        public abstract boolean isPropertySet​(Property prop)
      • newDeriver

        public <T> AccumuloConfiguration.Deriver<T> newDeriver​(Function<AccumuloConfiguration,​T> converter)
        Enables deriving an object from configuration and automatically deriving a new object any time configuration changes.
        converter - This functions is used to create an object from configuration. A reference to this function will be kept and called by the returned deriver.
        The returned supplier will automatically re-derive the object any time this configuration changes. When configuration is not changing, the same object is returned.
      • invalidateCache

        public void invalidateCache()
        Invalidates the ZooCache used for storage and quick retrieval of properties for this configuration.
      • getParent

        public AccumuloConfiguration getParent()
        get a parent configuration or null if it does not exist.