Class SimpleTimer

  • public class SimpleTimer
    extends Object
    Generic singleton timer. Don't use this if you are going to do anything that will take very long. Please use it to reduce the number of threads dedicated to simple events.
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static SimpleTimer getInstance​(int threadPoolSize)
        Gets the timer instance. If an instance has already been created, it will have the number of threads supplied when it was constructed, and the size provided here is ignored.
        threadPoolSize - number of threads
      • getInstance

        public static SimpleTimer getInstance​(AccumuloConfiguration conf)
        Gets the timer instance. If an instance has already been created, it will have the number of threads supplied when it was constructed, and the size provided by the configuration here is ignored. If a null configuration is supplied, the number of threads defaults to 1.
        conf - configuration from which to get the number of threads
        See Also:
      • schedule

        public ScheduledFuture<?> schedule​(Runnable task,
                                           long delay)
        Schedules a task to run in the future.
        task - task to run
        delay - number of milliseconds to wait before execution
        future for scheduled task
      • schedule

        public ScheduledFuture<?> schedule​(Runnable task,
                                           long delay,
                                           long period)
        Schedules a task to run in the future with a fixed delay between repeated executions.
        task - task to run
        delay - number of milliseconds to wait before first execution
        period - number of milliseconds to wait between executions
        future for scheduled task