Class ZooReaderWriter

    • Constructor Detail

      • ZooReaderWriter

        public ZooReaderWriter​(String string,
                               int timeInMillis,
                               String secret)
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static ZooReaderWriter getInstance​(String zooConnString,
                                                  int timeInMillis,
                                                  String secret)
        This method exposes the zookeeper connection parameters when instantiating a cached singleton ZooReaderWriter instance for later use in testing. The instance will only be created once, otherwise the previously cached instance is returned.
        zooConnString - a zookeeper connection string of host:port pair of server(s)
        timeInMillis - the zooKeeper connection timeout
        secret - the Accumulo instance secret
        a ZooReaderWriter instance either created or previously cached.