Interface KeywordExecutable

  • public interface KeywordExecutable
    An interface used with the Java ServiceLoader to auto-discover classes executable with a convenient keyword on the command-line.

    All implementing classes who have an entry in META-INF/services/KeywordExecutable on the classpath will be constructed by the ServiceLoader, so they should be lightweight and quickly constructible with a mandatory no-argument constructor. Because of this, implementing classes could simply be factories which execute a different class, if that class is expensive to construct or cannot have a no-argument constructor.

    One way to easily create META-INF/services files is to use the AutoService annotation.

    It generally should be avoided, but if the implementing class also must have a redundant main method, it may be useful to simply implement main as the following to ensure consistency of behavior when executing the main method and when executing using the keyword:
    new MyImplementingClass().execute(args);

    • Method Detail

      • keyword

        String keyword()
        Keyword which identifies this service
      • usage

        default String usage()
        Usage for service
      • description

        String description()
        Description of service
      • execute

        void execute​(String[] args)
              throws Exception
        Execute the item with the given arguments.
        args - command-line arguments to pass to the executed class