Class Message

    • Field Detail


        public static final int DEFAULT_MINIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE
        The default minimum amount of memory a message is assumed to use
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • originalTransactionId

        protected TransactionId originalTransactionId
      • deliveryTime

        protected long deliveryTime
      • expiration

        protected long expiration
      • timestamp

        protected long timestamp
      • arrival

        protected long arrival
      • brokerInTime

        protected long brokerInTime
      • brokerOutTime

        protected long brokerOutTime
      • correlationId

        protected String correlationId
      • persistent

        protected boolean persistent
      • priority

        protected byte priority
      • groupID

        protected String groupID
      • groupSequence

        protected int groupSequence
      • targetConsumerId

        protected ConsumerId targetConsumerId
      • compressed

        protected boolean compressed
      • userID

        protected String userID
      • marshalledProperties

        protected volatile ByteSequence marshalledProperties
      • redeliveryCounter

        protected int redeliveryCounter
      • size

        protected int size
      • readOnlyProperties

        protected boolean readOnlyProperties
      • readOnlyBody

        protected boolean readOnlyBody
      • recievedByDFBridge

        protected transient boolean recievedByDFBridge
      • droppable

        protected boolean droppable
      • jmsXGroupFirstForConsumer

        protected boolean jmsXGroupFirstForConsumer
    • Constructor Detail

      • Message

        public Message()
    • Method Detail

      • copy

        public abstract Message copy()
      • storeContent

        public abstract void storeContent()
      • storeContentAndClear

        public abstract void storeContentAndClear()
      • isMarshalled

        public boolean isMarshalled()
      • isPropertiesMarshalled

        protected boolean isPropertiesMarshalled()
      • isContentMarshalled

        protected boolean isContentMarshalled()
      • copy

        protected void copy​(Message copy)
      • clearProperties

        public void clearProperties()
      • getProducerId

        public ProducerId getProducerId()
      • setProducerId

        public void setProducerId​(ProducerId producerId)
      • setTransactionId

        public void setTransactionId​(TransactionId transactionId)
      • isInTransaction

        public boolean isInTransaction()
      • setOriginalDestination

        public void setOriginalDestination​(ActiveMQDestination destination)
      • setMessageId

        public void setMessageId​(MessageId messageId)
      • getOriginalTransactionId

        public TransactionId getOriginalTransactionId()
      • setOriginalTransactionId

        public void setOriginalTransactionId​(TransactionId transactionId)
      • setGroupID

        public void setGroupID​(String groupID)
      • setGroupSequence

        public void setGroupSequence​(int groupSequence)
      • getCorrelationId

        public String getCorrelationId()
      • setCorrelationId

        public void setCorrelationId​(String correlationId)
      • setPersistent

        public void setPersistent​(boolean deliveryMode)
      • setExpiration

        public void setExpiration​(long expiration)
      • getPriority

        public byte getPriority()
      • setPriority

        public void setPriority​(byte priority)
      • getTimestamp

        public long getTimestamp()
      • setTimestamp

        public void setTimestamp​(long timestamp)
      • getType

        public String getType()
      • setType

        public void setType​(String type)
      • setContent

        public void setContent​(ByteSequence content)
      • getMarshalledProperties

        public ByteSequence getMarshalledProperties()
      • setMarshalledProperties

        public void setMarshalledProperties​(ByteSequence marshalledProperties)
      • setDataStructure

        public void setDataStructure​(DataStructure data)
      • getTargetConsumerId

        public ConsumerId getTargetConsumerId()
        Can be used to route the message to a specific consumer. Should be null to allow the broker use normal JMS routing semantics. If the target consumer id is an active consumer on the broker, the message is dropped. Used by the AdvisoryBroker to replay advisory messages to a specific consumer.
        Specified by:
        getTargetConsumerId in interface MessageReference
      • setTargetConsumerId

        public void setTargetConsumerId​(ConsumerId targetConsumerId)
      • isAdvisory

        public boolean isAdvisory()
        Specified by:
        isAdvisory in interface MessageReference
        true if the message is an advisory
      • isCompressed

        public boolean isCompressed()
      • setCompressed

        public void setCompressed​(boolean compressed)
      • isRedelivered

        public boolean isRedelivered()
      • setRedelivered

        public void setRedelivered​(boolean redelivered)
      • setRedeliveryCounter

        public void setRedeliveryCounter​(int deliveryCounter)
      • getBrokerPath

        public BrokerId[] getBrokerPath()
        The route of brokers the command has moved through.
      • setBrokerPath

        public void setBrokerPath​(BrokerId[] brokerPath)
      • isReadOnlyProperties

        public boolean isReadOnlyProperties()
      • setReadOnlyProperties

        public void setReadOnlyProperties​(boolean readOnlyProperties)
      • isReadOnlyBody

        public boolean isReadOnlyBody()
      • setReadOnlyBody

        public void setReadOnlyBody​(boolean readOnlyBody)
      • getArrival

        public long getArrival()
        Used to schedule the arrival time of a message to a broker. The broker will not dispatch a message to a consumer until it's arrival time has elapsed.
      • setArrival

        public void setArrival​(long arrival)
      • getUserID

        public String getUserID()
        Only set by the broker and defines the userID of the producer connection who sent this message. This is an optional field, it needs to be enabled on the broker to have this field populated.
      • setUserID

        public void setUserID​(String jmsxUserID)
      • setMemoryUsage

        public void setMemoryUsage​(MemoryUsage usage)
      • getMinimumMessageSize

        protected int getMinimumMessageSize()
      • isRecievedByDFBridge

        public boolean isRecievedByDFBridge()
        Returns the recievedByDFBridge.
      • setRecievedByDFBridge

        public void setRecievedByDFBridge​(boolean recievedByDFBridge)
        recievedByDFBridge - The recievedByDFBridge to set.
      • onMessageRolledBack

        public void onMessageRolledBack()
      • isDroppable

        public boolean isDroppable()
      • setDroppable

        public void setDroppable​(boolean droppable)
      • getCluster

        public BrokerId[] getCluster()
        If a message is stored in multiple nodes on a cluster, all the cluster members will be listed here. Otherwise, it will be null.
      • setCluster

        public void setCluster​(BrokerId[] cluster)
      • getBrokerInTime

        public long getBrokerInTime()
      • setBrokerInTime

        public void setBrokerInTime​(long brokerInTime)
      • getBrokerOutTime

        public long getBrokerOutTime()
      • setBrokerOutTime

        public void setBrokerOutTime​(long brokerOutTime)
      • isJMSXGroupFirstForConsumer

        public boolean isJMSXGroupFirstForConsumer()
      • setJMSXGroupFirstForConsumer

        public void setJMSXGroupFirstForConsumer​(boolean val)