Interface EnhancedConnection

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable, jakarta.jms.Connection, jakarta.jms.QueueConnection, jakarta.jms.TopicConnection
All Known Implementing Classes:
ActiveMQConnection, ActiveMQXAConnection

public interface EnhancedConnection extends jakarta.jms.TopicConnection, jakarta.jms.QueueConnection, Closeable
A set of enhanced APIs for a JMS provider
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the DestinationSource object which can be used to listen to destinations being created or destroyed or to enquire about the current destinations available on the broker

    Methods inherited from interface org.apache.activemq.Closeable


    Methods inherited from interface jakarta.jms.Connection

    close, createConnectionConsumer, createSession, createSession, createSession, createSharedConnectionConsumer, createSharedDurableConnectionConsumer, getClientID, getExceptionListener, getMetaData, setClientID, setExceptionListener, start, stop

    Methods inherited from interface jakarta.jms.QueueConnection

    createConnectionConsumer, createQueueSession

    Methods inherited from interface jakarta.jms.TopicConnection

    createConnectionConsumer, createDurableConnectionConsumer, createTopicSession
  • Method Details

    • getDestinationSource

      DestinationSource getDestinationSource() throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Returns the DestinationSource object which can be used to listen to destinations being created or destroyed or to enquire about the current destinations available on the broker
      a lazily created destination source