Class ActiveMQConnection

All Implemented Interfaces:
jakarta.jms.Connection, jakarta.jms.QueueConnection, jakarta.jms.TopicConnection, AutoCloseable, Closeable, EnhancedConnection, StatsCapable, TransportListener
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ActiveMQConnection extends Object implements jakarta.jms.Connection, jakarta.jms.TopicConnection, jakarta.jms.QueueConnection, StatsCapable, Closeable, TransportListener, EnhancedConnection
  • Field Details


      public static final String DEFAULT_USER

      public static final String DEFAULT_PASSWORD

      public static final String DEFAULT_BROKER_URL

      public static int DEFAULT_THREAD_POOL_SIZE
    • activeTempDestinations

      public final ConcurrentMap<ActiveMQTempDestination,ActiveMQTempDestination> activeTempDestinations
    • dispatchAsync

      protected boolean dispatchAsync
    • alwaysSessionAsync

      protected boolean alwaysSessionAsync
    • transportInterruptionProcessingComplete

      protected AtomicInteger transportInterruptionProcessingComplete
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setUserName

      protected void setUserName(String userName)
    • setPassword

      protected void setPassword(String password)
    • makeConnection

      public static ActiveMQConnection makeConnection() throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      A static helper method to create a new connection
      an ActiveMQConnection
    • makeConnection

      public static ActiveMQConnection makeConnection(String uri) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException, URISyntaxException
      A static helper method to create a new connection
      uri -
      and ActiveMQConnection
    • makeConnection

      public static ActiveMQConnection makeConnection(String user, String password, String uri) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException, URISyntaxException
      A static helper method to create a new connection
      user -
      password -
      uri -
      an ActiveMQConnection
    • getConnectionStats

      public JMSConnectionStatsImpl getConnectionStats()
      a number unique for this connection
    • createSession

      public jakarta.jms.Session createSession() throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Creates a Session object.
      Specified by:
      createSession in interface jakarta.jms.Connection
      jakarta.jms.JMSException - if the Connection object fails to create a session due to some internal error or lack of support for the specific transaction and acknowledgement mode.
    • createSession

      public jakarta.jms.Session createSession(int acknowledgeMode) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Creates a Session object.
      Specified by:
      createSession in interface jakarta.jms.Connection
      acknowledgeMode - indicates whether the consumer or the client will acknowledge any messages it receives; ignored if the session is transacted. Legal values are Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, and Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE.
      a newly created session
      jakarta.jms.JMSException - if the Connection object fails to create a session due to some internal error or lack of support for the specific transaction and acknowledgement mode.
      See Also:
      • Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE
    • createSession

      public jakarta.jms.Session createSession(boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Creates a Session object.
      Specified by:
      createSession in interface jakarta.jms.Connection
      transacted - indicates whether the session is transacted
      acknowledgeMode - indicates whether the consumer or the client will acknowledge any messages it receives; ignored if the session is transacted. Legal values are Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, and Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE.
      a newly created session
      jakarta.jms.JMSException - if the Connection object fails to create a session due to some internal error or lack of support for the specific transaction and acknowledgement mode.
      See Also:
      • Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE
    • getNextSessionId

      protected SessionId getNextSessionId()
    • getClientID

      public String getClientID() throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Gets the client identifier for this connection.

      This value is specific to the JMS provider. It is either preconfigured by an administrator in a ConnectionFactory object or assigned dynamically by the application by calling the setClientID method.

      Specified by:
      getClientID in interface jakarta.jms.Connection
      the unique client identifier
      jakarta.jms.JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to return the client ID for this connection due to some internal error.
    • setClientID

      public void setClientID(String newClientID) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Sets the client identifier for this connection.

      The preferred way to assign a JMS client's client identifier is for it to be configured in a client-specific ConnectionFactory object and transparently assigned to the Connection object it creates.

      Alternatively, a client can set a connection's client identifier using a provider-specific value. The facility to set a connection's client identifier explicitly is not a mechanism for overriding the identifier that has been administratively configured. It is provided for the case where no administratively specified identifier exists. If one does exist, an attempt to change it by setting it must throw an IllegalStateException. If a client sets the client identifier explicitly, it must do so immediately after it creates the connection and before any other action on the connection is taken. After this point, setting the client identifier is a programming error that should throw an IllegalStateException.

      The purpose of the client identifier is to associate a connection and its objects with a state maintained on behalf of the client by a provider. The only such state identified by the JMS API is that required to support durable subscriptions.

      If another connection with the same clientID is already running when this method is called, the JMS provider should detect the duplicate ID and throw an InvalidClientIDException.

      Specified by:
      setClientID in interface jakarta.jms.Connection
      newClientID - the unique client identifier
      jakarta.jms.JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to set the client ID for this connection due to some internal error.
      jakarta.jms.InvalidClientIDException - if the JMS client specifies an invalid or duplicate client ID.
      jakarta.jms.IllegalStateException - if the JMS client attempts to set a connection's client ID at the wrong time or when it has been administratively configured.
    • setDefaultClientID

      public void setDefaultClientID(String clientID) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Sets the default client id that the connection will use if explicitly not set with the setClientId() call.
    • getMetaData

      public jakarta.jms.ConnectionMetaData getMetaData() throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Gets the metadata for this connection.
      Specified by:
      getMetaData in interface jakarta.jms.Connection
      the connection metadata
      jakarta.jms.JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to get the connection metadata for this connection.
      See Also:
      • ConnectionMetaData
    • getExceptionListener

      public jakarta.jms.ExceptionListener getExceptionListener() throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Gets the ExceptionListener object for this connection. Not every Connection has an ExceptionListener associated with it.
      Specified by:
      getExceptionListener in interface jakarta.jms.Connection
      the ExceptionListener for this connection, or null, if no ExceptionListener is associated with this connection.
      jakarta.jms.JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to get the ExceptionListener for this connection.
      See Also:
      • Connection.setExceptionListener(ExceptionListener)
    • setExceptionListener

      public void setExceptionListener(jakarta.jms.ExceptionListener listener) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Sets an exception listener for this connection.

      If a JMS provider detects a serious problem with a connection, it informs the connection's ExceptionListener, if one has been registered. It does this by calling the listener's onException method, passing it a JMSException object describing the problem.

      An exception listener allows a client to be notified of a problem asynchronously. Some connections only consume messages, so they would have no other way to learn their connection has failed.

      A connection serializes execution of its ExceptionListener.

      A JMS provider should attempt to resolve connection problems itself before it notifies the client of them.

      Specified by:
      setExceptionListener in interface jakarta.jms.Connection
      listener - the exception listener
      jakarta.jms.JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to set the exception listener for this connection.
    • getClientInternalExceptionListener

      public ClientInternalExceptionListener getClientInternalExceptionListener()
      Gets the ClientInternalExceptionListener object for this connection. Not every ActiveMQConnectionn has a ClientInternalExceptionListener associated with it.
      the listener or null if no listener is registered with the connection.
    • setClientInternalExceptionListener

      public void setClientInternalExceptionListener(ClientInternalExceptionListener listener)
      Sets a client internal exception listener for this connection. The connection will notify the listener, if one has been registered, of exceptions thrown by container components (e.g. an EJB container in case of Message Driven Beans) during asynchronous processing of a message. It does this by calling the listener's onException() method passing it a Throwable describing the problem.
      listener - the exception listener
    • start

      public void start() throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Starts (or restarts) a connection's delivery of incoming messages. A call to start on a connection that has already been started is ignored.
      Specified by:
      start in interface jakarta.jms.Connection
      jakarta.jms.JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to start message delivery due to some internal error.
      See Also:
      • Connection.stop()
    • stop

      public void stop() throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Temporarily stops a connection's delivery of incoming messages. Delivery can be restarted using the connection's start method. When the connection is stopped, delivery to all the connection's message consumers is inhibited: synchronous receives block, and messages are not delivered to message listeners.

      This call blocks until receives and/or message listeners in progress have completed.

      Stopping a connection has no effect on its ability to send messages. A call to stop on a connection that has already been stopped is ignored.

      A call to stop must not return until delivery of messages has paused. This means that a client can rely on the fact that none of its message listeners will be called and that all threads of control waiting for receive calls to return will not return with a message until the connection is restarted. The receive timers for a stopped connection continue to advance, so receives may time out while the connection is stopped.

      If message listeners are running when stop is invoked, the stop call must wait until all of them have returned before it may return. While these message listeners are completing, they must have the full services of the connection available to them.

      Specified by:
      stop in interface jakarta.jms.Connection
      jakarta.jms.JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to stop message delivery due to some internal error.
      See Also:
      • Connection.start()
    • close

      public void close() throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Closes the connection.

      Since a provider typically allocates significant resources outside the JVM on behalf of a connection, clients should close these resources when they are not needed. Relying on garbage collection to eventually reclaim these resources may not be timely enough.

      There is no need to close the sessions, producers, and consumers of a closed connection.

      Closing a connection causes all temporary destinations to be deleted.

      When this method is invoked, it should not return until message processing has been shut down in an orderly fashion. This means that all message listeners that may have been running have returned, and that all pending receives have returned. A close terminates all pending message receives on the connection's sessions' consumers. The receives may return with a message or with null, depending on whether there was a message available at the time of the close. If one or more of the connection's sessions' message listeners is processing a message at the time when connection close is invoked, all the facilities of the connection and its sessions must remain available to those listeners until they return control to the JMS provider.

      Closing a connection causes any of its sessions' transactions in progress to be rolled back. In the case where a session's work is coordinated by an external transaction manager, a session's commit and rollback methods are not used and the result of a closed session's work is determined later by the transaction manager. Closing a connection does NOT force an acknowledgment of client-acknowledged sessions.

      Invoking the acknowledge method of a received message from a closed connection's session must throw an IllegalStateException. Closing a closed connection must NOT throw an exception.

      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable
      Specified by:
      close in interface jakarta.jms.Connection
      jakarta.jms.JMSException - if the JMS provider fails to close the connection due to some internal error. For example, a failure to release resources or to close a socket connection can cause this exception to be thrown.
    • createDurableConnectionConsumer

      public jakarta.jms.ConnectionConsumer createDurableConnectionConsumer(jakarta.jms.Topic topic, String subscriptionName, String messageSelector, jakarta.jms.ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Create a durable connection consumer for this connection (optional operation). This is an expert facility not used by regular JMS clients.
      Specified by:
      createDurableConnectionConsumer in interface jakarta.jms.Connection
      Specified by:
      createDurableConnectionConsumer in interface jakarta.jms.TopicConnection
      topic - topic to access
      subscriptionName - durable subscription name
      messageSelector - only messages with properties matching the message selector expression are delivered. A value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no message selector for the message consumer.
      sessionPool - the server session pool to associate with this durable connection consumer
      maxMessages - the maximum number of messages that can be assigned to a server session at one time
      the durable connection consumer
      jakarta.jms.JMSException - if the Connection object fails to create a connection consumer due to some internal error or invalid arguments for sessionPool and messageSelector.
      jakarta.jms.InvalidDestinationException - if an invalid destination is specified.
      jakarta.jms.InvalidSelectorException - if the message selector is invalid.
      See Also:
      • ConnectionConsumer
    • createDurableConnectionConsumer

      public jakarta.jms.ConnectionConsumer createDurableConnectionConsumer(jakarta.jms.Topic topic, String subscriptionName, String messageSelector, jakarta.jms.ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages, boolean noLocal) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Create a durable connection consumer for this connection (optional operation). This is an expert facility not used by regular JMS clients.
      topic - topic to access
      subscriptionName - durable subscription name
      messageSelector - only messages with properties matching the message selector expression are delivered. A value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no message selector for the message consumer.
      sessionPool - the server session pool to associate with this durable connection consumer
      maxMessages - the maximum number of messages that can be assigned to a server session at one time
      noLocal - set true if you want to filter out messages published locally
      the durable connection consumer
      jakarta.jms.JMSException - if the Connection object fails to create a connection consumer due to some internal error or invalid arguments for sessionPool and messageSelector.
      jakarta.jms.InvalidDestinationException - if an invalid destination is specified.
      jakarta.jms.InvalidSelectorException - if the message selector is invalid.
      See Also:
      • ConnectionConsumer
    • createSharedConnectionConsumer

      public jakarta.jms.ConnectionConsumer createSharedConnectionConsumer(jakarta.jms.Topic topic, String subscriptionName, String messageSelector, jakarta.jms.ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Specified by:
      createSharedConnectionConsumer in interface jakarta.jms.Connection
      See Also:
      • ConnectionConsumer
    • createSharedDurableConnectionConsumer

      public jakarta.jms.ConnectionConsumer createSharedDurableConnectionConsumer(jakarta.jms.Topic topic, String subscriptionName, String messageSelector, jakarta.jms.ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Specified by:
      createSharedDurableConnectionConsumer in interface jakarta.jms.Connection
      See Also:
      • ConnectionConsumer
    • isStarted

      public boolean isStarted()
      Returns true if this connection has been started
      true if this Connection is started
    • isClosed

      public boolean isClosed()
      Returns true if the connection is closed
    • isClosing

      public boolean isClosing()
      Returns true if the connection is in the process of being closed
    • isTransportFailed

      public boolean isTransportFailed()
      Returns true if the underlying transport has failed
    • getPrefetchPolicy

      public ActiveMQPrefetchPolicy getPrefetchPolicy()
      Returns the prefetchPolicy.
    • setPrefetchPolicy

      public void setPrefetchPolicy(ActiveMQPrefetchPolicy prefetchPolicy)
      Sets the prefetch policy for consumers created by this connection.
    • getTransportChannel

      public Transport getTransportChannel()
    • getInitializedClientID

      public String getInitializedClientID() throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Returns the clientID of the connection, forcing one to be generated if one has not yet been configured.
    • isDisableTimeStampsByDefault

      public boolean isDisableTimeStampsByDefault()
      Returns the timeStampsDisableByDefault.
    • setDisableTimeStampsByDefault

      public void setDisableTimeStampsByDefault(boolean timeStampsDisableByDefault)
      Sets whether or not timestamps on messages should be disabled or not. If you disable them it adds a small performance boost.
    • isOptimizedMessageDispatch

      public boolean isOptimizedMessageDispatch()
      Returns the dispatchOptimizedMessage.
    • setOptimizedMessageDispatch

      public void setOptimizedMessageDispatch(boolean dispatchOptimizedMessage)
      If this flag is set then an larger prefetch limit is used - only applicable for durable topic subscribers.
    • getCloseTimeout

      public int getCloseTimeout()
      Returns the closeTimeout.
    • setCloseTimeout

      public void setCloseTimeout(int closeTimeout)
      Sets the timeout before a close is considered complete. Normally a close() on a connection waits for confirmation from the broker; this allows that operation to timeout to save the client hanging if there is no broker
    • getConnectionInfo

      public ConnectionInfo getConnectionInfo()
    • isUseRetroactiveConsumer

      public boolean isUseRetroactiveConsumer()
    • setUseRetroactiveConsumer

      public void setUseRetroactiveConsumer(boolean useRetroactiveConsumer)
      Sets whether or not retroactive consumers are enabled. Retroactive consumers allow non-durable topic subscribers to receive old messages that were published before the non-durable subscriber started.
    • isNestedMapAndListEnabled

      public boolean isNestedMapAndListEnabled()
    • setNestedMapAndListEnabled

      public void setNestedMapAndListEnabled(boolean structuredMapsEnabled)
      Enables/disables whether or not Message properties and MapMessage entries support Nested Structures of Map and List objects
    • isExclusiveConsumer

      public boolean isExclusiveConsumer()
    • setExclusiveConsumer

      public void setExclusiveConsumer(boolean exclusiveConsumer)
      Enables or disables whether or not queue consumers should be exclusive or not for example to preserve ordering when not using Message Groups
      exclusiveConsumer -
    • addTransportListener

      public void addTransportListener(TransportListener transportListener)
      Adds a transport listener so that a client can be notified of events in the underlying transport
    • removeTransportListener

      public void removeTransportListener(TransportListener transportListener)
    • isUseDedicatedTaskRunner

      public boolean isUseDedicatedTaskRunner()
    • setUseDedicatedTaskRunner

      public void setUseDedicatedTaskRunner(boolean useDedicatedTaskRunner)
    • getSessionTaskRunner

      public TaskRunnerFactory getSessionTaskRunner()
    • setSessionTaskRunner

      public void setSessionTaskRunner(TaskRunnerFactory sessionTaskRunner)
    • getTransformer

      public MessageTransformer getTransformer()
    • setTransformer

      public void setTransformer(MessageTransformer transformer)
      Sets the transformer used to transform messages before they are sent on to the JMS bus or when they are received from the bus but before they are delivered to the JMS client
    • isStatsEnabled

      public boolean isStatsEnabled()
      the statsEnabled
    • setStatsEnabled

      public void setStatsEnabled(boolean statsEnabled)
      statsEnabled - the statsEnabled to set
    • getDestinationSource

      public DestinationSource getDestinationSource() throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Returns the DestinationSource object which can be used to listen to destinations being created or destroyed or to enquire about the current destinations available on the broker
      Specified by:
      getDestinationSource in interface EnhancedConnection
      a lazily created destination source
    • addSession

      protected void addSession(ActiveMQSession session) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Used internally for adding Sessions to the Connection
      session -
    • removeSession

      protected void removeSession(ActiveMQSession session)
      Used interanlly for removing Sessions from a Connection
      session -
    • addConnectionConsumer

      protected void addConnectionConsumer(ActiveMQConnectionConsumer connectionConsumer) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Add a ConnectionConsumer
      connectionConsumer -
    • removeConnectionConsumer

      protected void removeConnectionConsumer(ActiveMQConnectionConsumer connectionConsumer)
      Remove a ConnectionConsumer
      connectionConsumer -
    • createTopicSession

      public jakarta.jms.TopicSession createTopicSession(boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Creates a TopicSession object.
      Specified by:
      createTopicSession in interface jakarta.jms.TopicConnection
      transacted - indicates whether the session is transacted
      acknowledgeMode - indicates whether the consumer or the client will acknowledge any messages it receives; ignored if the session is transacted. Legal values are Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, and Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE.
      a newly created topic session
      jakarta.jms.JMSException - if the TopicConnection object fails to create a session due to some internal error or lack of support for the specific transaction and acknowledgement mode.
      See Also:
      • Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE
    • createConnectionConsumer

      public jakarta.jms.ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer(jakarta.jms.Topic topic, String messageSelector, jakarta.jms.ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Creates a connection consumer for this connection (optional operation). This is an expert facility not used by regular JMS clients.
      Specified by:
      createConnectionConsumer in interface jakarta.jms.TopicConnection
      topic - the topic to access
      messageSelector - only messages with properties matching the message selector expression are delivered. A value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no message selector for the message consumer.
      sessionPool - the server session pool to associate with this connection consumer
      maxMessages - the maximum number of messages that can be assigned to a server session at one time
      the connection consumer
      jakarta.jms.JMSException - if the TopicConnection object fails to create a connection consumer due to some internal error or invalid arguments for sessionPool and messageSelector.
      jakarta.jms.InvalidDestinationException - if an invalid topic is specified.
      jakarta.jms.InvalidSelectorException - if the message selector is invalid.
      See Also:
      • ConnectionConsumer
    • createConnectionConsumer

      public jakarta.jms.ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer(jakarta.jms.Queue queue, String messageSelector, jakarta.jms.ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Creates a connection consumer for this connection (optional operation). This is an expert facility not used by regular JMS clients.
      Specified by:
      createConnectionConsumer in interface jakarta.jms.QueueConnection
      queue - the queue to access
      messageSelector - only messages with properties matching the message selector expression are delivered. A value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no message selector for the message consumer.
      sessionPool - the server session pool to associate with this connection consumer
      maxMessages - the maximum number of messages that can be assigned to a server session at one time
      the connection consumer
      jakarta.jms.JMSException - if the QueueConnection object fails to create a connection consumer due to some internal error or invalid arguments for sessionPool and messageSelector.
      jakarta.jms.InvalidDestinationException - if an invalid queue is specified.
      jakarta.jms.InvalidSelectorException - if the message selector is invalid.
      See Also:
      • ConnectionConsumer
    • createConnectionConsumer

      public jakarta.jms.ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer(jakarta.jms.Destination destination, String messageSelector, jakarta.jms.ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Creates a connection consumer for this connection (optional operation). This is an expert facility not used by regular JMS clients.
      Specified by:
      createConnectionConsumer in interface jakarta.jms.Connection
      destination - the destination to access
      messageSelector - only messages with properties matching the message selector expression are delivered. A value of null or an empty string indicates that there is no message selector for the message consumer.
      sessionPool - the server session pool to associate with this connection consumer
      maxMessages - the maximum number of messages that can be assigned to a server session at one time
      the connection consumer
      jakarta.jms.JMSException - if the Connection object fails to create a connection consumer due to some internal error or invalid arguments for sessionPool and messageSelector.
      jakarta.jms.InvalidDestinationException - if an invalid destination is specified.
      jakarta.jms.InvalidSelectorException - if the message selector is invalid.
      See Also:
      • ConnectionConsumer
    • createConnectionConsumer

      public jakarta.jms.ConnectionConsumer createConnectionConsumer(jakarta.jms.Destination destination, String messageSelector, jakarta.jms.ServerSessionPool sessionPool, int maxMessages, boolean noLocal) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
    • createQueueSession

      public jakarta.jms.QueueSession createQueueSession(boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Creates a QueueSession object.
      Specified by:
      createQueueSession in interface jakarta.jms.QueueConnection
      transacted - indicates whether the session is transacted
      acknowledgeMode - indicates whether the consumer or the client will acknowledge any messages it receives; ignored if the session is transacted. Legal values are Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, and Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE.
      a newly created queue session
      jakarta.jms.JMSException - if the QueueConnection object fails to create a session due to some internal error or lack of support for the specific transaction and acknowledgement mode.
      See Also:
      • Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE
    • checkClientIDWasManuallySpecified

      public void checkClientIDWasManuallySpecified() throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Ensures that the clientID was manually specified and not auto-generated. If the clientID was not specified this method will throw an exception. This method is used to ensure that the clientID + durableSubscriber name are used correctly.
    • asyncSendPacket

      public void asyncSendPacket(Command command) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      send a Packet through the Connection - for internal use only
      command -
    • syncSendPacket

      public void syncSendPacket(Command command, AsyncCallback onComplete) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Send a packet through a Connection - for internal use only
      command -
    • syncSendPacket

      public Response syncSendPacket(Command command, int timeout) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
    • syncSendPacket

      public Response syncSendPacket(Command command) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Send a packet through a Connection - for internal use only
      command -
      the broker Response for the given Command.
    • getStats

      public StatsImpl getStats()
      Specified by:
      getStats in interface StatsCapable
      statistics for this Connection
    • checkClosedOrFailed

      protected void checkClosedOrFailed() throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      simply throws an exception if the Connection is already closed or the Transport has failed
    • checkClosed

      protected void checkClosed() throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      simply throws an exception if the Connection is already closed
    • ensureConnectionInfoSent

      protected void ensureConnectionInfoSent() throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Send the ConnectionInfo to the Broker
    • isWatchTopicAdvisories

      public boolean isWatchTopicAdvisories()
    • setWatchTopicAdvisories

      public void setWatchTopicAdvisories(boolean watchTopicAdvisories)
    • isUseAsyncSend

      public boolean isUseAsyncSend()
      Returns the useAsyncSend.
    • setUseAsyncSend

      public void setUseAsyncSend(boolean useAsyncSend)
      Forces the use of Async Sends which adds a massive performance boost; but means that the send() method will return immediately whether the message has been sent or not which could lead to message loss.
    • isAlwaysSyncSend

      public boolean isAlwaysSyncSend()
      true if always sync send messages
    • setAlwaysSyncSend

      public void setAlwaysSyncSend(boolean alwaysSyncSend)
      Set true if always require messages to be sync sent
      alwaysSyncSend -
    • isMessagePrioritySupported

      public boolean isMessagePrioritySupported()
      the messagePrioritySupported
    • setMessagePrioritySupported

      public void setMessagePrioritySupported(boolean messagePrioritySupported)
      messagePrioritySupported - the messagePrioritySupported to set
    • cleanup

      public void cleanup() throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Cleans up this connection so that it's state is as if the connection was just created. This allows the Resource Adapter to clean up a connection so that it can be reused without having to close and recreate the connection.
    • isUserSpecifiedClientID

      public boolean isUserSpecifiedClientID()
    • doCleanup

      public void doCleanup(boolean removeConnection) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
    • changeUserInfo

      public void changeUserInfo(String userName, String password) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Changes the associated username/password that is associated with this connection. If the connection has been used, you must called cleanup() before calling this method.
      jakarta.jms.IllegalStateException - if the connection is in used.
    • getResourceManagerId

      public String getResourceManagerId() throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Returns the resourceManagerId.
    • getBrokerName

      public String getBrokerName()
      Returns the broker name if one is available or null if one is not available yet.
    • getBrokerInfo

      public BrokerInfo getBrokerInfo()
      Returns the broker information if it is available or null if it is not available yet.
    • getRedeliveryPolicy

      public RedeliveryPolicy getRedeliveryPolicy() throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Returns the RedeliveryPolicy.
    • setRedeliveryPolicy

      public void setRedeliveryPolicy(RedeliveryPolicy redeliveryPolicy)
      Sets the redelivery policy to be used when messages are rolled back
    • getBlobTransferPolicy

      public BlobTransferPolicy getBlobTransferPolicy()
    • setBlobTransferPolicy

      public void setBlobTransferPolicy(BlobTransferPolicy blobTransferPolicy)
      Sets the policy used to describe how out-of-band BLOBs (Binary Large OBjects) are transferred from producers to brokers to consumers
    • isAlwaysSessionAsync

      public boolean isAlwaysSessionAsync()
      Returns the alwaysSessionAsync.
    • setAlwaysSessionAsync

      public void setAlwaysSessionAsync(boolean alwaysSessionAsync)
      If this flag is not set then a separate thread is not used for dispatching messages for each Session in the Connection. However, a separate thread is always used if there is more than one session, or the session isn't in auto acknowledge or duplicates ok mode. By default this value is set to true and session dispatch happens asynchronously.
    • isOptimizeAcknowledge

      public boolean isOptimizeAcknowledge()
      Returns the optimizeAcknowledge.
    • setOptimizeAcknowledge

      public void setOptimizeAcknowledge(boolean optimizeAcknowledge)
      Enables an optimised acknowledgement mode where messages are acknowledged in batches rather than individually
      optimizeAcknowledge - The optimizeAcknowledge to set.
    • setOptimizeAcknowledgeTimeOut

      public void setOptimizeAcknowledgeTimeOut(long optimizeAcknowledgeTimeOut)
      The max time in milliseconds between optimized ack batches
      optimizeAcknowledgeTimeOut -
    • getOptimizeAcknowledgeTimeOut

      public long getOptimizeAcknowledgeTimeOut()
    • getWarnAboutUnstartedConnectionTimeout

      public long getWarnAboutUnstartedConnectionTimeout()
    • setWarnAboutUnstartedConnectionTimeout

      public void setWarnAboutUnstartedConnectionTimeout(long warnAboutUnstartedConnectionTimeout)
      Enables the timeout from a connection creation to when a warning is generated if the connection is not properly started via start() and a message is received by a consumer. It is a very common gotcha to forget to start the connection so this option makes the default case to create a warning if the user forgets. To disable the warning just set the value to < 0 (say -1).
    • getSendTimeout

      public int getSendTimeout()
      the sendTimeout (in milliseconds)
    • setSendTimeout

      public void setSendTimeout(int sendTimeout)
      sendTimeout - the sendTimeout to set (in milliseconds)
    • isSendAcksAsync

      public boolean isSendAcksAsync()
      the sendAcksAsync
    • setSendAcksAsync

      public void setSendAcksAsync(boolean sendAcksAsync)
      sendAcksAsync - the sendAcksAsync to set
    • getTimeCreated

      public long getTimeCreated()
      Returns the time this connection was created
    • getTransport

      public Transport getTransport()
    • addProducer

      public void addProducer(ProducerId producerId, ActiveMQMessageProducer producer)
    • removeProducer

      public void removeProducer(ProducerId producerId)
    • addDispatcher

      public void addDispatcher(ConsumerId consumerId, ActiveMQDispatcher dispatcher)
    • removeDispatcher

      public void removeDispatcher(ConsumerId consumerId)
    • hasDispatcher

      public boolean hasDispatcher(ConsumerId consumerId)
    • onCommand

      public void onCommand(Object o)
      Description copied from interface: TransportListener
      called to process a command
      Specified by:
      onCommand in interface TransportListener
      o - - the command to consume
    • onWireFormatInfo

      protected void onWireFormatInfo(WireFormatInfo info)
    • onClientInternalException

      public void onClientInternalException(Throwable error)
      Handles async client internal exceptions. A client internal exception is usually one that has been thrown by a container runtime component during asynchronous processing of a message that does not affect the connection itself. This method notifies the ClientInternalExceptionListener by invoking its onException method, if one has been registered with this connection.
      error - the exception that the problem
    • onAsyncException

      public void onAsyncException(Throwable error)
      Used for handling async exceptions
      error -
    • onException

      public void onException(IOException error)
      Description copied from interface: TransportListener
      An unrecoverable exception has occured on the transport
      Specified by:
      onException in interface TransportListener
    • transportInterupted

      public void transportInterupted()
      Description copied from interface: TransportListener
      The transport has suffered an interuption from which it hopes to recover
      Specified by:
      transportInterupted in interface TransportListener
    • transportResumed

      public void transportResumed()
      Description copied from interface: TransportListener
      The transport has resumed after an interuption
      Specified by:
      transportResumed in interface TransportListener
    • createTempDestination

      protected ActiveMQTempDestination createTempDestination(boolean topic) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Create the DestinationInfo object for the temporary destination.
      topic - - if its true topic, else queue.
    • deleteTempDestination

      public void deleteTempDestination(ActiveMQTempDestination destination) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
      destination -
    • isDeleted

      public boolean isDeleted(ActiveMQDestination dest)
    • isCopyMessageOnSend

      public boolean isCopyMessageOnSend()
    • getLocalTransactionIdGenerator

      public LongSequenceGenerator getLocalTransactionIdGenerator()
    • isUseCompression

      public boolean isUseCompression()
    • setUseCompression

      public void setUseCompression(boolean useCompression)
      Enables the use of compression of the message bodies
    • destroyDestination

      public void destroyDestination(ActiveMQDestination destination) throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
    • isDispatchAsync

      public boolean isDispatchAsync()
    • setDispatchAsync

      public void setDispatchAsync(boolean asyncDispatch)
      Enables or disables the default setting of whether or not consumers have their messages dispatched synchronously or asynchronously by the broker. For non-durable topics for example we typically dispatch synchronously by default to minimize context switches which boost performance. However sometimes its better to go slower to ensure that a single blocked consumer socket does not block delivery to other consumers.
      asyncDispatch - If true then consumers created on this connection will default to having their messages dispatched asynchronously. The default value is true.
    • isObjectMessageSerializationDefered

      public boolean isObjectMessageSerializationDefered()
    • setObjectMessageSerializationDefered

      public void setObjectMessageSerializationDefered(boolean objectMessageSerializationDefered)
      When an object is set on an ObjectMessage, the JMS spec requires the object to be serialized by that set method. Enabling this flag causes the object to not get serialized. The object may subsequently get serialized if the message needs to be sent over a socket or stored to disk.
    • unsubscribe

      public void unsubscribe(String name) throws jakarta.jms.InvalidDestinationException, jakarta.jms.JMSException
      Unsubscribes a durable subscription that has been created by a client.

      This method deletes the state being maintained on behalf of the subscriber by its provider.

      It is erroneous for a client to delete a durable subscription while there is an active MessageConsumer or TopicSubscriber for the subscription, or while a consumed message is part of a pending transaction or has not been acknowledged in the session.

      name - the name used to identify this subscription
      jakarta.jms.JMSException - if the session fails to unsubscribe to the durable subscription due to some internal error.
      jakarta.jms.InvalidDestinationException - if an invalid subscription name is specified.
    • onConnectionControl

      protected void onConnectionControl(ConnectionControl command)
    • onConsumerControl

      protected void onConsumerControl(ConsumerControl command)
    • transportFailed

      protected void transportFailed(IOException error)
    • setCopyMessageOnSend

      public void setCopyMessageOnSend(boolean copyMessageOnSend)
      Should a JMS message be copied to a new JMS Message object as part of the send() method in JMS. This is enabled by default to be compliant with the JMS specification. You can disable it if you do not mutate JMS messages after they are sent for a performance boost
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • createBlobTransferPolicy

      protected BlobTransferPolicy createBlobTransferPolicy()
    • getProtocolVersion

      public int getProtocolVersion()
    • getProducerWindowSize

      public int getProducerWindowSize()
    • setProducerWindowSize

      public void setProducerWindowSize(int producerWindowSize)
    • setAuditDepth

      public void setAuditDepth(int auditDepth)
    • setAuditMaximumProducerNumber

      public void setAuditMaximumProducerNumber(int auditMaximumProducerNumber)
    • removeDispatcher

      protected void removeDispatcher(ActiveMQDispatcher dispatcher)
    • isDuplicate

      protected boolean isDuplicate(ActiveMQDispatcher dispatcher, Message message)
    • rollbackDuplicate

      protected void rollbackDuplicate(ActiveMQDispatcher dispatcher, Message message)
    • getFirstFailureError

      public IOException getFirstFailureError()
    • waitForTransportInterruptionProcessingToComplete

      protected void waitForTransportInterruptionProcessingToComplete() throws InterruptedException
    • transportInterruptionProcessingComplete

      protected void transportInterruptionProcessingComplete()
    • setConsumerFailoverRedeliveryWaitPeriod

      public void setConsumerFailoverRedeliveryWaitPeriod(long consumerFailoverRedeliveryWaitPeriod)
    • getConsumerFailoverRedeliveryWaitPeriod

      public long getConsumerFailoverRedeliveryWaitPeriod()
    • getScheduler

      protected Scheduler getScheduler() throws jakarta.jms.JMSException
    • getExecutor

      protected ThreadPoolExecutor getExecutor()
    • getSessions

      protected CopyOnWriteArrayList<ActiveMQSession> getSessions()
    • isCheckForDuplicates

      public boolean isCheckForDuplicates()
      the checkForDuplicates
    • setCheckForDuplicates

      public void setCheckForDuplicates(boolean checkForDuplicates)
      checkForDuplicates - the checkForDuplicates to set
    • isTransactedIndividualAck

      public boolean isTransactedIndividualAck()
    • setTransactedIndividualAck

      public void setTransactedIndividualAck(boolean transactedIndividualAck)
    • isNonBlockingRedelivery

      public boolean isNonBlockingRedelivery()
    • setNonBlockingRedelivery

      public void setNonBlockingRedelivery(boolean nonBlockingRedelivery)
    • isRmIdFromConnectionId

      public boolean isRmIdFromConnectionId()
    • setRmIdFromConnectionId

      public void setRmIdFromConnectionId(boolean rmIdFromConnectionId)
    • cleanUpTempDestinations

      public void cleanUpTempDestinations()
      Removes any TempDestinations that this connection has cached, ignoring any exceptions generated because the destination is in use as they should not be removed. Used from a pooled connection, b/c it will not be explicitly closed.
    • setRedeliveryPolicyMap

      public void setRedeliveryPolicyMap(RedeliveryPolicyMap redeliveryPolicyMap)
      Sets the Connection wide RedeliveryPolicyMap for handling messages that are being rolled back.
      redeliveryPolicyMap - the redeliveryPolicyMap to set
    • getRedeliveryPolicyMap

      public RedeliveryPolicyMap getRedeliveryPolicyMap()
      Gets the Connection's configured RedeliveryPolicyMap which will be used by all the Consumers when dealing with transaction messages that have been rolled back.
      the redeliveryPolicyMap
    • getMaxThreadPoolSize

      public int getMaxThreadPoolSize()
    • setMaxThreadPoolSize

      public void setMaxThreadPoolSize(int maxThreadPoolSize)
    • getRejectedTaskHandler

      public RejectedExecutionHandler getRejectedTaskHandler()
    • setRejectedTaskHandler

      public void setRejectedTaskHandler(RejectedExecutionHandler rejectedTaskHandler)
    • getOptimizedAckScheduledAckInterval

      public long getOptimizedAckScheduledAckInterval()
      Gets the configured time interval that is used to force all MessageConsumers that have optimizedAcknowledge enabled to send an ack for any outstanding Message Acks. By default this value is set to zero meaning that the consumers will not do any background Message acknowledgment.
      the scheduledOptimizedAckInterval
    • setOptimizedAckScheduledAckInterval

      public void setOptimizedAckScheduledAckInterval(long optimizedAckScheduledAckInterval)
      Sets the amount of time between scheduled sends of any outstanding Message Acks for consumers that have been configured with optimizeAcknowledge enabled.
      optimizedAckScheduledAckInterval - the scheduledOptimizedAckInterval to set
    • isConsumerExpiryCheckEnabled

      public boolean isConsumerExpiryCheckEnabled()
      true if MessageConsumer instance will check for expired messages before dispatch.
    • setConsumerExpiryCheckEnabled

      public void setConsumerExpiryCheckEnabled(boolean consumerExpiryCheckEnabled)
      Controls whether message expiration checking is done in each MessageConsumer prior to dispatching a message. Disabling this check can lead to consumption of expired messages.
      consumerExpiryCheckEnabled - controls whether expiration checking is done prior to dispatch.
    • getTrustedPackages

      public List<String> getTrustedPackages()
    • setTrustedPackages

      public void setTrustedPackages(List<String> trustedPackages)
    • isTrustAllPackages

      public boolean isTrustAllPackages()
    • setTrustAllPackages

      public void setTrustAllPackages(boolean trustAllPackages)
    • getConnectResponseTimeout

      public int getConnectResponseTimeout()
    • setConnectResponseTimeout

      public void setConnectResponseTimeout(int connectResponseTimeout)