Class BlobTransferPolicy


public class BlobTransferPolicy extends Object
The policy for configuring how BLOBs (Binary Large OBjects) are transferred out of band between producers, brokers and consumers.
  • Constructor Details

    • BlobTransferPolicy

      public BlobTransferPolicy()
  • Method Details

    • copy

      public BlobTransferPolicy copy()
      Returns a copy of this policy object
    • getUploadUrl

      public String getUploadUrl()
    • setUploadUrl

      public void setUploadUrl(String uploadUrl)
      Sets the upload URL to use explicitly on the client which will overload the default or the broker's URL. This allows the client to decide where to upload files to irrespective of the brokers configuration.
    • getBrokerUploadUrl

      public String getBrokerUploadUrl()
    • setBrokerUploadUrl

      public void setBrokerUploadUrl(String brokerUploadUrl)
      Called by the JMS client when a broker advertises its upload URL
    • getDefaultUploadUrl

      public String getDefaultUploadUrl()
    • setDefaultUploadUrl

      public void setDefaultUploadUrl(String defaultUploadUrl)
      Sets the default upload URL to use if the broker does not have a configured upload URL
    • getUploadStrategy

      public BlobUploadStrategy getUploadStrategy()
    • getDownloadStrategy

      public BlobDownloadStrategy getDownloadStrategy()
    • setUploadStrategy

      public void setUploadStrategy(BlobUploadStrategy uploadStrategy)
      Sets the upload strategy to use for uploading BLOBs to some URL
    • getBufferSize

      public int getBufferSize()
    • setBufferSize

      public void setBufferSize(int bufferSize)
      Sets the default buffer size used when uploading or downloading files
    • createUploadStrategy

      protected BlobUploadStrategy createUploadStrategy()
      Returns the upload strategy depending on the information from the uploadURL. Currently supportet HTTP
    • createDownloadStrategy

      protected BlobDownloadStrategy createDownloadStrategy()
      Returns the download strategy depending on the information from the uploadURL. Currently supportet HTTP