Class ProducerInfo

All Implemented Interfaces:
Command, DataStructure

public class ProducerInfo extends BaseCommand
  • Field Details


      public static final byte DATA_STRUCTURE_TYPE
      See Also:
    • producerId

      protected ProducerId producerId
    • destination

      protected ActiveMQDestination destination
    • brokerPath

      protected BrokerId[] brokerPath
    • dispatchAsync

      protected boolean dispatchAsync
    • windowSize

      protected int windowSize
    • sentCount

      protected AtomicLong sentCount
  • Constructor Details

    • ProducerInfo

      public ProducerInfo()
    • ProducerInfo

      public ProducerInfo(ProducerId producerId)
    • ProducerInfo

      public ProducerInfo(SessionInfo sessionInfo, long producerId)
  • Method Details

    • copy

      public ProducerInfo copy()
    • copy

      public void copy(ProducerInfo info)
    • getDataStructureType

      public byte getDataStructureType()
      The type of the data structure
    • getProducerId

      public ProducerId getProducerId()
    • setProducerId

      public void setProducerId(ProducerId producerId)
    • getDestination

      public ActiveMQDestination getDestination()
    • setDestination

      public void setDestination(ActiveMQDestination destination)
    • createRemoveCommand

      public RemoveInfo createRemoveCommand()
    • getBrokerPath

      public BrokerId[] getBrokerPath()
      The route of brokers the command has moved through.
    • setBrokerPath

      public void setBrokerPath(BrokerId[] brokerPath)
    • visit

      public Response visit(CommandVisitor visitor) throws Exception
    • isDispatchAsync

      public boolean isDispatchAsync()
      If the broker should dispatch messages from this producer async. Since sync dispatch could potentally block the producer thread, this could be an important setting for the producer.
    • setDispatchAsync

      public void setDispatchAsync(boolean dispatchAsync)
    • getWindowSize

      public int getWindowSize()
      Used to configure the producer window size. A producer will send up to the configured window size worth of payload data to the broker before waiting for an Ack that allows him to send more.
    • setWindowSize

      public void setWindowSize(int windowSize)
    • getSentCount

      public long getSentCount()
    • incrementSentCount

      public void incrementSentCount()
    • resetSentCount

      public void resetSentCount()