Class FirestoreV1

  • @Immutable
    public final class FirestoreV1
    extends java.lang.Object
    FirestoreV1 provides an API which provides lifecycle managed PTransforms for Cloud Firestore v1 API.

    This class is part of the Firestore Connector DSL and should be accessed via FirestoreIO.v1().

    All PTransforms provided by this API use GcpOptions on PipelineOptions for credentials access and projectId resolution. As such, the lifecycle of gRPC clients and project information is scoped to the bundle level, not the worker level.



    The currently supported read operations and their execution behavior are as follows:

    RPC Execution Behavior Example Usage
    FirestoreV1.PartitionQuery Parallel Streaming
     PCollection<PartitionQueryRequest> partitionQueryRequests = ...;
     PCollection<RunQueryRequest> runQueryRequests = partitionQueryRequests
     PCollection<RunQueryResponse> runQueryResponses = runQueryRequests
    FirestoreV1.RunQuery Sequential Streaming
     PCollection<RunQueryRequest> runQueryRequests = ...;
     PCollection<RunQueryResponse> runQueryResponses = runQueryRequests
    FirestoreV1.BatchGetDocuments Sequential Streaming
     PCollection<BatchGetDocumentsRequest> batchGetDocumentsRequests = ...;
     PCollection<BatchGetDocumentsResponse> batchGetDocumentsResponses = batchGetDocumentsRequests
    FirestoreV1.ListCollectionIds Sequential Paginated
     PCollection<ListCollectionIdsRequest> listCollectionIdsRequests = ...;
     PCollection<ListCollectionIdsResponse> listCollectionIdsResponses = listCollectionIdsRequests
    FirestoreV1.ListDocuments Sequential Paginated
     PCollection<ListDocumentsRequest> listDocumentsRequests = ...;
     PCollection<ListDocumentsResponse> listDocumentsResponses = listDocumentsRequests

    PartitionQuery should be preferred over other options if at all possible, becuase it has the ability to parallelize execution of multiple queries for specific sub-ranges of the full results. When choosing the value to set for PartitionQueryRequest.Builder.setPartitionCount(long), ensure you are picking a value this makes sense for your data set and your max number of workers. If you find that a partition query is taking a unexpectedly long time, try increasing the number of partitions. Depending on how large your dataset is increasing as much as 10x can significantly reduce total partition query wall time.

    You should only ever use ListDocuments if the use of show_missing is needed to access a document. RunQuery and PartitionQuery will always be faster if the use of show_missing is not needed.


    To write a PCollection to Cloud Firestore use write(), picking the behavior of the writer.

    Writes use Cloud Firestore's BatchWrite api which provides fine grained write semantics.

    The default behavior is to fail a bundle if any single write fails with a non-retryable error.

     PCollection<Write> writes = ...;
     PCollection<FirestoreV1.WriteSuccessSummary> sink = writes
    Alternatively, if you'd rather output write failures to a Dead Letter Queue add withDeadLetterQueue when building your writer.
     PCollection<Write> writes = ...;
     PCollection<FirestoreV1.WriteFailure> writeFailures = writes


    Permission requirements depend on the PipelineRunner that is used to execute the pipeline. Please refer to the documentation of corresponding PipelineRunners for more details.

    Please see Security for server client libraries > Roles for security and permission related information specific to Cloud Firestore.

    Optionally, Cloud Firestore V1 Emulator, running locally, could be used for testing purposes by providing the host port information via FirestoreOptions.setEmulatorHost(String). In such a case, all the Cloud Firestore API calls are directed to the Emulator.

    See Also:
    FirestoreIO.v1(), PipelineRunner, PipelineOptions, GcpOptions, Cloud Firestore v1 API
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  FirestoreV1.BatchGetDocuments
      Concrete class representing a PTransform<PCollection<BatchGetDocumentsRequest>, PTransform<BatchGetDocumentsResponse>> which will read from Firestore.
      static class  FirestoreV1.BatchWriteWithDeadLetterQueue
      Concrete class representing a PTransform<PCollection<Write>, PCollection<FirestoreV1.WriteFailure > which will write to Firestore.
      static class  FirestoreV1.BatchWriteWithSummary
      Concrete class representing a PTransform<PCollection<Write>, PDone> which will write to Firestore.
      static class  FirestoreV1.FailedWritesException
      Exception that is thrown if one or more Writes is unsuccessful with a non-retryable status code.
      static class  FirestoreV1.ListCollectionIds
      Concrete class representing a PTransform<PCollection<ListCollectionIdsRequest>, PTransform<ListCollectionIdsResponse>> which will read from Firestore.
      static class  FirestoreV1.ListDocuments
      Concrete class representing a PTransform<PCollection<ListDocumentsRequest>, PTransform<ListDocumentsResponse >> which will read from Firestore.
      static class  FirestoreV1.PartitionQuery
      Concrete class representing a PTransform<PCollection<PartitionQueryRequest>, PTransform<RunQueryRequest>> which will read from Firestore.
      static class  FirestoreV1.Read
      Type safe builder factory for read operations.
      static class  FirestoreV1.RunQuery
      Concrete class representing a PTransform<PCollection<RunQueryRequest>, PTransform<RunQueryResponse>> which will read from Firestore.
      static class  FirestoreV1.Write
      Type safe builder factory for write operations.
      static class  FirestoreV1.WriteFailure
      Failure details for an attempted Write.
      static class  FirestoreV1.WriteSuccessSummary
      Summary object produced when a number of writes are successfully written to Firestore in a single BatchWrite.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      FirestoreV1.Read read()
      The class returned by this method provides the ability to create PTransforms for read operations available in the Firestore V1 API provided by FirestoreStub.
      FirestoreV1.Write write()
      The class returned by this method provides the ability to create PTransforms for write operations available in the Firestore V1 API provided by FirestoreStub.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • read

        public FirestoreV1.Read read()
        The class returned by this method provides the ability to create PTransforms for read operations available in the Firestore V1 API provided by FirestoreStub.

        This method is part of the Firestore Connector DSL and should be accessed via FirestoreIO.v1().

        Type safe builder factory for read operations.
        See Also:
      • write

        public FirestoreV1.Write write()
        The class returned by this method provides the ability to create PTransforms for write operations available in the Firestore V1 API provided by FirestoreStub.

        This method is part of the Firestore Connector DSL and should be accessed via FirestoreIO.v1().

        Type safe builder factory for write operations.
        See Also: