Interface ProcessorExchangeFactory

    • Method Detail

      • getProcessor

        Processor getProcessor()
        The processor using this factory.
      • createCopy

        Exchange createCopy​(Exchange exchange)
        Gets a copy of the given Exchange
        exchange - original exchange
      • createCorrelatedCopy

        Exchange createCorrelatedCopy​(Exchange exchange,
                                      boolean handover)
        Gets a copy of the given Exchange the the copy is correlated to the source
        exchange - original exchange
        handover - whether the on completion callbacks should be handed over to the new copy.
      • release

        boolean release​(Exchange exchange)
        Releases the exchange back into the pool
        Specified by:
        release in interface PooledObjectFactory<Exchange>
        exchange - the exchange
        true if released into the pool, or false if something went wrong and the exchange was discarded