Interface DevConsoleRegistry

    • Method Detail

      • isEnabled

        boolean isEnabled()
        Whether dev console is enabled globally
      • setEnabled

        void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Whether dev console is enabled globally
      • getConsoleIDs

        default Collection<String> getConsoleIDs()
        A collection of dev console IDs.
      • getConsole

        default Optional<DevConsole> getConsole​(String id)
        Returns the dev console identified by the given id if available.
      • get

        static DevConsoleRegistry get​(CamelContext context)
        Returns an optional DevConsoleRegistry, by default no registry is present, and it must be explicit activated. Components can register/unregister dev consoles in response to life-cycle events (i.e. start/stop). This registry is not used by the camel context, but it is up to the implementation to properly use it.
      • loadDevConsoles

        void loadDevConsoles()
        Loads custom dev consoles by scanning classpath.
      • loadDevConsoles

        void loadDevConsoles​(boolean force)
        Loads custom dev consoles by scanning classpath.
        force - force re-scanning such as when additional JARs has been added to the classpath that can include custom dev consoles