Interface HealthCheck

    • Method Detail

      • getOrder

        default int getOrder()
        Description copied from interface: Ordered
        Gets the order.

        Use low numbers for higher priority. Normally the sorting will start from 0 and move upwards. So if you want to be last then use Integer.MAX_VALUE or eg Ordered.LOWEST.

        Specified by:
        getOrder in interface Ordered
        the order
      • isReadiness

        default boolean isReadiness()
        Whether this health check can be used for readiness checks
      • isLiveness

        default boolean isLiveness()
        Whether this health check can be used for liveness checks
      • call

        HealthCheck.Result call​(Map<String,​Object> options)
        Invoke the check. The implementation is responsible to eventually perform the check according to the limitation of the third party system i.e. it should not be performed too often to avoid rate limiting. The options argument can be used to pass information specific to the check like forcing the check to be performed against the policies. The implementation is responsible to catch an handle any exception thrown by the underlying technology, including unchecked ones.