Class AWS2S3Configuration

All Implemented Interfaces:

@UriParams public class AWS2S3Configuration extends Object implements Cloneable
  • Constructor Details

    • AWS2S3Configuration

      public AWS2S3Configuration()
  • Method Details

    • getPartSize

      public long getPartSize()
    • setPartSize

      public void setPartSize(long partSize)
      Set up the partSize which is used in multipart upload, the default size is 25M. Camel will only do multipart uploads for files that are larger than the part-size thresholds. Files that are smaller will be uploaded in a single operation.
    • isMultiPartUpload

      public boolean isMultiPartUpload()
    • setMultiPartUpload

      public void setMultiPartUpload(boolean multiPartUpload)
      If it is true, camel will upload the file with multipart format. The part size is decided by the partSize option. Camel will only do multipart uploads for files that are larger than the part-size thresholds. Files that are smaller will be uploaded in a single operation.
    • getAccessKey

      public String getAccessKey()
    • setAccessKey

      public void setAccessKey(String accessKey)
      Amazon AWS Access Key
    • getSecretKey

      public String getSecretKey()
    • setSecretKey

      public void setSecretKey(String secretKey)
      Amazon AWS Secret Key
    • getSessionToken

      public String getSessionToken()
    • setSessionToken

      public void setSessionToken(String sessionToken)
      Amazon AWS Session Token used when the user needs to assume an IAM role
    • getAmazonS3Client

      public getAmazonS3Client()
    • setAmazonS3Client

      public void setAmazonS3Client( amazonS3Client)
      Reference to a `` in the registry.
    • getPrefix

      public String getPrefix()
    • setPrefix

      public void setPrefix(String prefix)
      The prefix which is used in the to only consume objects we are interested in.
    • getDelimiter

      public String getDelimiter()
    • setDelimiter

      public void setDelimiter(String delimiter)
      The delimiter which is used in the to only consume objects we are interested in.
    • getDoneFileName

      public String getDoneFileName()
    • setDoneFileName

      public void setDoneFileName(String doneFileName)
      If provided, Camel will only consume files if a done file exists.
    • setIncludeFolders

      public void setIncludeFolders(boolean includeFolders)
      If it is true, the folders/directories will be consumed. If it is false, they will be ignored, and Exchanges will not be created for those
    • isIncludeFolders

      public boolean isIncludeFolders()
    • getBucketName

      public String getBucketName()
    • setBucketName

      public void setBucketName(String bucketName)
      Name of the bucket. The bucket will be created if it doesn't already exist.
    • getFileName

      public String getFileName()
    • setFileName

      public void setFileName(String fileName)
      To get the object from the bucket with the given file name
    • getRegion

      public String getRegion()
    • setRegion

      public void setRegion(String region)
      The region in which the S3 client needs to work. When using this parameter, the configuration will expect the lowercase name of the region (for example, ap-east-1) You'll need to use the name
    • setIncludeBody

      public void setIncludeBody(boolean includeBody)
      If it is true, the S3Object exchange will be consumed and put into the body and closed. If false, the S3Object stream will be put raw into the body and the headers will be set with the S3 object metadata. This option is strongly related to the autocloseBody option. In case of setting includeBody to true because the S3Object stream will be consumed then it will also be closed, while in case of includeBody false then it will be up to the caller to close the S3Object stream. However, setting autocloseBody to true when includeBody is false it will schedule to close the S3Object stream automatically on exchange completion.
    • isIncludeBody

      public boolean isIncludeBody()
    • isIgnoreBody

      public boolean isIgnoreBody()
      If it is true, the S3 Object Body will be ignored completely if it is set to false, the S3 Object will be put in the body. Setting this to true will override any behavior defined by includeBody option.
    • setIgnoreBody

      public void setIgnoreBody(boolean ignoreBody)
    • isDeleteAfterRead

      public boolean isDeleteAfterRead()
    • setDeleteAfterRead

      public void setDeleteAfterRead(boolean deleteAfterRead)
      Delete objects from S3 after they have been retrieved. The deleting is only performed if the Exchange is committed. If a rollback occurs, the object is not deleted.

      If this option is false, then the same objects will be retrieved over and over again in the polls. Therefore, you need to use the Idempotent Consumer EIP in the route to filter out duplicates. You can filter using the AWS2S3Constants.BUCKET_NAME and AWS2S3Constants.KEY headers, or only the AWS2S3Constants.KEY header.

    • isMoveAfterRead

      public boolean isMoveAfterRead()
    • setMoveAfterRead

      public void setMoveAfterRead(boolean moveAfterRead)
      Move objects from S3 bucket to a different bucket after they have been retrieved. To accomplish the operation, the destinationBucket option must be set. The copy bucket operation is only performed if the Exchange is committed. If a rollback occurs, the object is not moved.
    • getDestinationBucket

      public String getDestinationBucket()
    • setDestinationBucket

      public void setDestinationBucket(String destinationBucket)
      Define the destination bucket where an object must be moved when moveAfterRead is set to true.
    • getDestinationBucketPrefix

      public String getDestinationBucketPrefix()
    • setDestinationBucketPrefix

      public void setDestinationBucketPrefix(String destinationBucketPrefix)
      Define the destination bucket prefix to use when an object must be moved, and moveAfterRead is set to true.
    • getDestinationBucketSuffix

      public String getDestinationBucketSuffix()
    • setDestinationBucketSuffix

      public void setDestinationBucketSuffix(String destinationBucketSuffix)
      Define the destination bucket suffix to use when an object must be moved, and moveAfterRead is set to true.
    • isDeleteAfterWrite

      public boolean isDeleteAfterWrite()
    • setDeleteAfterWrite

      public void setDeleteAfterWrite(boolean deleteAfterWrite)
      Delete file object after the S3 file has been uploaded
    • getPolicy

      public String getPolicy()
    • setPolicy

      public void setPolicy(String policy)
      The policy for this queue to set in the `` method.
    • getStorageClass

      public String getStorageClass()
    • setStorageClass

      public void setStorageClass(String storageClass)
      The storage class to set in the `` request.
    • getProxyProtocol

      public getProxyProtocol()
    • setProxyProtocol

      public void setProxyProtocol( proxyProtocol)
      To define a proxy protocol when instantiating the S3 client
    • getProxyHost

      public String getProxyHost()
    • setProxyHost

      public void setProxyHost(String proxyHost)
      To define a proxy host when instantiating the SQS client
    • getProxyPort

      public Integer getProxyPort()
    • setProxyPort

      public void setProxyPort(Integer proxyPort)
      Specify a proxy port to be used inside the client definition.
    • getOperation

      public AWS2S3Operations getOperation()
    • setOperation

      public void setOperation(AWS2S3Operations operation)
      The operation to do in case the user don't want to do only an upload
    • isAutocloseBody

      public boolean isAutocloseBody()
    • setAutocloseBody

      public void setAutocloseBody(boolean autocloseBody)
      If this option is true and includeBody is false, then the S3Object.close() method will be called on exchange completion. This option is strongly related to includeBody option. In case of setting includeBody to false and autocloseBody to false, it will be up to the caller to close the S3Object stream. Setting autocloseBody to true, will close the S3Object stream automatically.
    • isUseAwsKMS

      public boolean isUseAwsKMS()
    • setUseAwsKMS

      public void setUseAwsKMS(boolean useAwsKMS)
      Define if KMS must be used or not
    • getAwsKMSKeyId

      public String getAwsKMSKeyId()
    • setAwsKMSKeyId

      public void setAwsKMSKeyId(String awsKMSKeyId)
      Define the id of KMS key to use in case KMS is enabled
    • isUseCustomerKey

      public boolean isUseCustomerKey()
    • setUseCustomerKey

      public void setUseCustomerKey(boolean useCustomerKey)
      Define if Customer Key must be used or not
    • getCustomerKeyId

      public String getCustomerKeyId()
    • setCustomerKeyId

      public void setCustomerKeyId(String customerKeyId)
      Define the id of the Customer key to use in case CustomerKey is enabled
    • getCustomerKeyMD5

      public String getCustomerKeyMD5()
    • setCustomerKeyMD5

      public void setCustomerKeyMD5(String customerKeyMD5)
      Define the MD5 of Customer key to use in case CustomerKey is enabled
    • getCustomerAlgorithm

      public String getCustomerAlgorithm()
    • setCustomerAlgorithm

      public void setCustomerAlgorithm(String customerAlgorithm)
      Define the customer algorithm to use in case CustomerKey is enabled
    • isForcePathStyle

      public boolean isForcePathStyle()
    • setForcePathStyle

      public void setForcePathStyle(boolean forcePathStyle)
      Set whether the S3 client should use path-style URL instead of virtual-hosted-style
    • setUseDefaultCredentialsProvider

      public void setUseDefaultCredentialsProvider(Boolean useDefaultCredentialsProvider)
      Set whether the S3 client should expect to load credentials through a default credentials provider.
    • isUseDefaultCredentialsProvider

      public Boolean isUseDefaultCredentialsProvider()
    • setUseProfileCredentialsProvider

      public void setUseProfileCredentialsProvider(boolean useProfileCredentialsProvider)
      Set whether the S3 client should expect to load credentials through a profile credentials provider.
    • isUseProfileCredentialsProvider

      public boolean isUseProfileCredentialsProvider()
    • isUseSessionCredentials

      public boolean isUseSessionCredentials()
    • setUseSessionCredentials

      public void setUseSessionCredentials(boolean useSessionCredentials)
      Set whether the S3 client should expect to use Session Credentials. This is useful in a situation in which the user needs to assume an IAM role for doing operations in S3.
    • isAutoCreateBucket

      public boolean isAutoCreateBucket()
    • setAutoCreateBucket

      public void setAutoCreateBucket(boolean autoCreateBucket)
      Setting the autocreation of the S3 bucket bucketName. This will apply also in case of moveAfterRead option enabled, and it will create the destinationBucket if it doesn't exist already.
    • getKeyName

      public String getKeyName()
    • setKeyName

      public void setKeyName(String keyName)
      Setting the key name for an element in the bucket through endpoint parameter
    • isOverrideEndpoint

      public boolean isOverrideEndpoint()
    • setOverrideEndpoint

      public void setOverrideEndpoint(boolean overrideEndpoint)
      Set the need for overriding the endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with the uriEndpointOverride option
    • getUriEndpointOverride

      public String getUriEndpointOverride()
    • setUriEndpointOverride

      public void setUriEndpointOverride(String uriEndpointOverride)
      Set the overriding uri endpoint. This option needs to be used in combination with overrideEndpoint option
    • isPojoRequest

      public boolean isPojoRequest()
    • setPojoRequest

      public void setPojoRequest(boolean pojoRequest)
      If we want to use a POJO request as body or not
    • isTrustAllCertificates

      public boolean isTrustAllCertificates()
    • setTrustAllCertificates

      public void setTrustAllCertificates(boolean trustAllCertificates)
      If we want to trust all certificates in case of overriding the endpoint
    • getAmazonS3Presigner

      public getAmazonS3Presigner()
    • setAmazonS3Presigner

      public void setAmazonS3Presigner( amazonS3Presigner)
      An S3 Presigner for Request, used mainly in createDownloadLink operation
    • isStreamingUploadMode

      public boolean isStreamingUploadMode()
    • setStreamingUploadMode

      public void setStreamingUploadMode(boolean streamingUploadMode)
      When stream mode is true, the upload to bucket will be done in streaming
    • getBatchMessageNumber

      public int getBatchMessageNumber()
    • setBatchMessageNumber

      public void setBatchMessageNumber(int batchMessageNumber)
      The number of messages composing a batch in streaming upload mode
    • getBatchSize

      public int getBatchSize()
    • setBatchSize

      public void setBatchSize(int batchSize)
      The batch size (in bytes) in streaming upload mode
    • getBufferSize

      public int getBufferSize()
    • setBufferSize

      public void setBufferSize(int bufferSize)
      The buffer size (in bytes) in streaming upload mode
    • getNamingStrategy

      public AWSS3NamingStrategyEnum getNamingStrategy()
    • setNamingStrategy

      public void setNamingStrategy(AWSS3NamingStrategyEnum namingStrategy)
      The naming strategy to use in streaming upload mode
    • getStreamingUploadTimeout

      public long getStreamingUploadTimeout()
    • setStreamingUploadTimeout

      public void setStreamingUploadTimeout(long streamingUploadTimeout)
      While streaming upload mode is true, this option set the timeout to complete upload
    • getRestartingPolicy

      public AWSS3RestartingPolicyEnum getRestartingPolicy()
    • setRestartingPolicy

      public void setRestartingPolicy(AWSS3RestartingPolicyEnum restartingPolicy)
      The restarting policy to use in streaming upload mode
    • isUseSSES3

      public boolean isUseSSES3()
    • setUseSSES3

      public void setUseSSES3(boolean useSSES3)
      Define if SSE S3 must be used or not
    • getProfileCredentialsName

      public String getProfileCredentialsName()
    • setProfileCredentialsName

      public void setProfileCredentialsName(String profileCredentialsName)
      If using a profile credentials provider, this parameter will set the profile name
    • copy

      public AWS2S3Configuration copy()