Interface CamelCatalog

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CamelCatalog
Catalog of components, data formats, models (EIPs), languages, and more from this Apache Camel release.
  • Method Details

    • getJSonSchemaResolver

      org.apache.camel.catalog.JSonSchemaResolver getJSonSchemaResolver()
      Returns the JSonSchemaResolver used by this catalog.
      the resolver
    • setJSonSchemaResolver

      void setJSonSchemaResolver(org.apache.camel.catalog.JSonSchemaResolver resolver)
      To use a custom JSonSchemaResolver with this catalog.
      resolver - the custom resolver
    • setRuntimeProvider

      void setRuntimeProvider(RuntimeProvider provider)
      To plugin a custom RuntimeProvider that amends the catalog to only include information that is supported on the runtime.
    • getRuntimeProvider

      RuntimeProvider getRuntimeProvider()
      Gets the RuntimeProvider in use.
    • enableCache

      void enableCache()
      Enables caching of the resources which makes the catalog faster, but keeps data in memory during caching.

      The catalog does not cache by default.

    • isCaching

      boolean isCaching()
      Whether caching has been enabled.
    • setSuggestionStrategy

      void setSuggestionStrategy(org.apache.camel.catalog.SuggestionStrategy suggestionStrategy)
      To plugin a custom SuggestionStrategy to provide suggestion for unknown options
    • getSuggestionStrategy

      org.apache.camel.catalog.SuggestionStrategy getSuggestionStrategy()
      Gets the SuggestionStrategy in use
    • setVersionManager

      void setVersionManager(VersionManager versionManager)
      To plugin a custom VersionManager to load other versions of Camel the catalog should use.
    • getVersionManager

      VersionManager getVersionManager()
      Gets the VersionManager in use
    • addComponent

      void addComponent(String name, String className)
      Adds a 3rd party component to this catalog.
      name - the component name
      className - the fully qualified class name for the component class
    • addComponent

      void addComponent(String name, String className, String jsonSchema)
      Adds a 3rd party component to this catalog.
      name - the component name
      className - the fully qualified class name for the component class
      jsonSchema - the component JSON schema
    • addDataFormat

      void addDataFormat(String name, String className)
      Adds a 3rd party data format to this catalog.
      name - the data format name
      className - the fully qualified class name for the data format class
    • addDataFormat

      void addDataFormat(String name, String className, String jsonSchema)
      Adds a 3rd party data format to this catalog.
      name - the data format name
      className - the fully qualified class name for the data format class
      jsonSchema - the data format JSON schema
    • getCatalogVersion

      String getCatalogVersion()
      The version of this Camel Catalog
    • loadVersion

      boolean loadVersion(String version)
      Attempt to load the Camel version to be used by the catalog.

      Loading the camel-catalog JAR of the given version of choice may require internet access to download the JAR from Maven central. You can pre download the JAR and install in a local Maven repository to avoid internet access for offline environments.

      When loading a new version the cache will be invalidated.

      Important: When loading a new runtime provider version, then its strongly advised to load the same/corresponding version first using loadVersion(String).

      version - the Camel version such as 2.17.1
      true if the version was loaded, false if not.
    • getLoadedVersion

      String getLoadedVersion()
      Gets the current loaded Camel version used by the catalog.
    • getRuntimeProviderLoadedVersion

      String getRuntimeProviderLoadedVersion()
      Gets the current loaded runtime provider version used by the catalog.
    • loadRuntimeProviderVersion

      boolean loadRuntimeProviderVersion(String groupId, String artifactId, String version)
      Attempt to load the runtime provider version to be used by the catalog.

      Loading the runtime provider JAR of the given version of choice may require internet access to download the JAR from Maven central. You can pre download the JAR and install in a local Maven repository to avoid internet access for offline environments.

      Important: When loading a new runtime provider version, then its strongly advised to load the same/corresponding version first using loadVersion(String).

      groupId - the runtime provider Maven groupId
      artifactId - the runtime provider Maven artifactId
      version - the runtime provider Maven version
      true if the version was loaded, false if not.
    • findComponentNames

      List<String> findComponentNames()
      Find all the component names from the Camel catalog
    • findDataFormatNames

      List<String> findDataFormatNames()
      Find all the data format names from the Camel catalog
    • findLanguageNames

      List<String> findLanguageNames()
      Find all the language names from the Camel catalog
    • findModelNames

      List<String> findModelNames()
      Find all the model names from the Camel catalog
    • findOtherNames

      List<String> findOtherNames()
      Find all the other (miscellaneous) names from the Camel catalog
    • findNames

      default List<String> findNames(Kind kind)
      kind - the kind to look for
      the list of part names of the given Kind available in this CamelCatalog
    • findComponentNames

      List<String> findComponentNames(String filter)
      Find all the component names from the Camel catalog that matches the label
    • findDataFormatNames

      List<String> findDataFormatNames(String filter)
      Find all the data format names from the Camel catalog that matches the label
    • findLanguageNames

      List<String> findLanguageNames(String filter)
      Find all the language names from the Camel catalog that matches the label
    • findModelNames

      List<String> findModelNames(String filter)
      Find all the model names from the Camel catalog that matches the label
    • findOtherNames

      List<String> findOtherNames(String filter)
      Find all the other (miscellaneous) names from the Camel catalog that matches the label
    • componentJSonSchema

      String componentJSonSchema(String name)
      Returns the component information as JSON format.
      name - the component name
      component details in JSon
    • dataFormatJSonSchema

      String dataFormatJSonSchema(String name)
      Returns the data format information as JSON format.
      name - the data format name
      data format details in JSon
    • languageJSonSchema

      String languageJSonSchema(String name)
      Returns the language information as JSON format.
      name - the language name
      language details in JSon
    • otherJSonSchema

      String otherJSonSchema(String name)
      Returns the other (miscellaneous) information as JSON format.
      name - the other (miscellaneous) name
      other (miscellaneous) details in JSon
    • modelJSonSchema

      String modelJSonSchema(String name)
      Returns the model information as JSON format.
      name - the model name
      model details in JSon
    • findComponentLabels

      Set<String> findComponentLabels()
      Find all the unique label names all the components are using.
      a set of all the labels.
    • findDataFormatLabels

      Set<String> findDataFormatLabels()
      Find all the unique label names all the data formats are using.
      a set of all the labels.
    • findLanguageLabels

      Set<String> findLanguageLabels()
      Find all the unique label names all the languages are using.
      a set of all the labels.
    • findModelLabels

      Set<String> findModelLabels()
      Find all the unique label names all the models are using.
      a set of all the labels.
    • findOtherLabels

      Set<String> findOtherLabels()
      Find all the unique label names all the other (miscellaneous) are using.
      a set of all the labels.
    • springSchemaAsXml

      String springSchemaAsXml()
      Returns the Camel Spring XML schema
      the spring XML schema
    • mainJsonSchema

      String mainJsonSchema()
      Returns the camel-main json schema
      the camel-main json schema
    • endpointProperties

      Map<String,String> endpointProperties(String uri) throws URISyntaxException
      Parses the endpoint uri and constructs a key/value properties of each option
      uri - the endpoint uri
      properties as key value pairs of each endpoint option
    • endpointLenientProperties

      Map<String,String> endpointLenientProperties(String uri) throws URISyntaxException
      Parses the endpoint uri and constructs a key/value properties of only the lenient properties (eg custom options)

      For example using the HTTP components to provide query parameters in the endpoint uri.

      uri - the endpoint uri
      properties as key value pairs of each lenient properties
    • validateTimePattern

      boolean validateTimePattern(String pattern)
      Validates the pattern whether its a valid time pattern.
      pattern - the pattern such as 5000, 5s, 5sec, 4min, 4m30s, 1h, etc.
      true if valid, false if invalid
    • validateEndpointProperties

      org.apache.camel.catalog.EndpointValidationResult validateEndpointProperties(String uri)
      Parses and validates the endpoint uri and constructs a key/value properties of each option.
      uri - the endpoint uri
      validation result
    • validateEndpointProperties

      org.apache.camel.catalog.EndpointValidationResult validateEndpointProperties(String uri, boolean ignoreLenientProperties)
      Parses and validates the endpoint uri and constructs a key/value properties of each option.

      The option ignoreLenientProperties can be used to ignore components that uses lenient properties. When this is true, then the uri validation is stricter but would fail on properties that are not part of the component but in the uri because of using lenient properties. For example using the HTTP components to provide query parameters in the endpoint uri.

      uri - the endpoint uri
      ignoreLenientProperties - whether to ignore components that uses lenient properties.
      validation result
    • validateEndpointProperties

      org.apache.camel.catalog.EndpointValidationResult validateEndpointProperties(String uri, boolean ignoreLenientProperties, boolean consumerOnly, boolean producerOnly)
      Parses and validates the endpoint uri and constructs a key/value properties of each option.

      The option ignoreLenientProperties can be used to ignore components that uses lenient properties. When this is true, then the uri validation is stricter but would fail on properties that are not part of the component but in the uri because of using lenient properties. For example using the HTTP components to provide query parameters in the endpoint uri.

      uri - the endpoint uri
      ignoreLenientProperties - whether to ignore components that uses lenient properties.
      consumerOnly - whether the endpoint is only used as a consumer
      producerOnly - whether the endpoint is only used as a producer
      validation result
    • validateLanguagePredicate

      org.apache.camel.catalog.LanguageValidationResult validateLanguagePredicate(ClassLoader classLoader, String language, String text)
      Parses and validates the language as a predicate

      Important: This requires having camel-core and the language dependencies on the classpath

      classLoader - a custom classloader to use for loading the language from the classpath, or null for using default classloader
      language - the name of the language
      text - the predicate text
      validation result
    • validateLanguageExpression

      org.apache.camel.catalog.LanguageValidationResult validateLanguageExpression(ClassLoader classLoader, String language, String text)
      Parses and validates the language as an expression

      Important: This requires having camel-core and the language dependencies on the classpath

      classLoader - a custom classloader to use for loading the language from the classpath, or null for using default classloader
      language - the name of the language
      text - the expression text
      validation result
    • validateConfigurationProperty

      org.apache.camel.catalog.ConfigurationPropertiesValidationResult validateConfigurationProperty(String text)
      Parses and validates the configuration property
      text - the configuration text
      validation result
    • endpointComponentName

      String endpointComponentName(String uri)
      Returns the component name from the given endpoint uri
      uri - the endpoint uri
      the component name (aka scheme), or null if not possible to determine
    • asEndpointUri

      String asEndpointUri(String scheme, Map<String,String> properties, boolean encode) throws URISyntaxException
      Creates an endpoint uri in Java style from the information from the properties
      scheme - the endpoint schema
      properties - the properties as key value pairs
      encode - whether to URL encode the returned uri or not
      the constructed endpoint uri
      URISyntaxException - is thrown if there is encoding error
    • asEndpointUriXml

      String asEndpointUriXml(String scheme, Map<String,String> properties, boolean encode) throws URISyntaxException
      Creates an endpoint uri in XML style from the information from the properties
      scheme - the endpoint schema
      properties - the properties as key value pairs
      encode - whether to URL encode the returned uri or not
      the constructed endpoint uri
      URISyntaxException - is thrown if there is encoding error
    • listComponentsAsJson

      String listComponentsAsJson()
      Lists all the components summary details in JSon
    • listDataFormatsAsJson

      String listDataFormatsAsJson()
      Lists all the data formats summary details in JSon
    • listLanguagesAsJson

      String listLanguagesAsJson()
      Lists all the languages summary details in JSon
    • listModelsAsJson

      String listModelsAsJson()
      Lists all the models (EIPs) summary details in JSon
    • listOthersAsJson

      String listOthersAsJson()
      Lists all the others (miscellaneous) summary details in JSon
    • summaryAsJson

      String summaryAsJson()
      Reports a summary what the catalog contains in JSon
    • componentModel

      org.apache.camel.tooling.model.ComponentModel componentModel(String name)
      name - the component name to look up
      the requested component or null in case it is not available in this CamelCatalog
    • dataFormatModel

      org.apache.camel.tooling.model.DataFormatModel dataFormatModel(String name)
      name - the data format name to look up
      the requested data format or null in case it is not available in this CamelCatalog
    • languageModel

      org.apache.camel.tooling.model.LanguageModel languageModel(String name)
      name - the language name to look up
      the requested language or null in case it is not available in this CamelCatalog
    • otherModel

      org.apache.camel.tooling.model.OtherModel otherModel(String name)
      name - the other name to look up
      the requested other or null in case it is not available in this CamelCatalog
    • eipModel

      org.apache.camel.tooling.model.EipModel eipModel(String name)
      name - the EIP model name to look up
      the requested EIP model or null in case it is not available in this CamelCatalog
    • mainModel

      org.apache.camel.tooling.model.MainModel mainModel()
      the requested main model or null in case it is not available in this CamelCatalog
    • model

      default org.apache.camel.tooling.model.BaseModel<?> model(Kind kind, String name)
      Lookup the model for the given kind and name
      kind - the requested kind
      name - the name to look up
      the requested model or null in case it is not available in this CamelCatalog
    • modelFromMavenGAV

      org.apache.camel.tooling.model.ArtifactModel<?> modelFromMavenGAV(String groupId, String artifactId, String version)
      Lookup the model for the given Maven GAV
      groupId - maven group id
      artifactId - maven artifact id
      version - maven version (optional)
      the requested model or null in case it is not available in this CamelCatalog
    • loadResource

      InputStream loadResource(String kind, String name)
      Load resource from catalog classpath
      kind - The resource kind, ex. camel-jbang
      name - The resource name
      An input stream for reading the resource; null if the resource could not be found
    • camelReleases

      List<org.apache.camel.tooling.model.ReleaseModel> camelReleases()
      Load all Camel releases (core and spring-boot) from catalog
    • camelQuarkusReleases

      List<org.apache.camel.tooling.model.ReleaseModel> camelQuarkusReleases()
      Load all Camel Quarkus releases from catalog