Interface CdiCamelConfiguration

  • public interface CdiCamelConfiguration
    The Camel CDI configuration. Camel CDI fires a CdiCamelConfiguration event during the deployment phase that the application can observe and use to configure it. Note that the event fired can only be used within the observer method invocation context. Any attempt to call one of its methods outside of that context will result in an `IllegalStateException` to be thrown.
    • Method Detail

      • autoConfigureRoutes

        CdiCamelConfiguration autoConfigureRoutes​(boolean autoConfigureRoutes)
        Overrides the Camel CDI behavior to automatically add all RouteBuilders to the corresponding Camel contexts.
        this Camel CDI configuration
        IllegalStateException - if called outside of the observer method invocation
      • autoConfigureRoutes

        boolean autoConfigureRoutes()
        Current state of autoConfigureRoutes parameter.
      • autoStartContexts

        CdiCamelConfiguration autoStartContexts​(boolean autoStartContexts)
        Overrides the Camel CDI behavior to automatically start all Camel contexts.
        this Camel CDI configuration
        IllegalStateException - if called outside of the observer method invocation
      • autoStartContexts

        boolean autoStartContexts()
        Current state of autoStartContexts parameter.