Interface DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder

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public static interface DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder extends ComponentBuilder<org.apache.camel.component.debezium.DebeziumMongodbComponent>
Builder for the Debezium MongoDB Connector component.
  • Method Details

    • additionalProperties

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder additionalProperties(Map<String,Object> additionalProperties)
      Additional properties for debezium components in case they can't be set directly on the camel configurations (e.g: setting Kafka Connect properties needed by Debezium engine, for example setting KafkaOffsetBackingStore), the properties have to be prefixed with additionalProperties.. E.g:;additionalProperties.schema.registry.url=http://localhost:8811/avro. The option is a: <code>java.util.Map&lt;java.lang.String, java.lang.Object&gt;</code> type. Group: common
      additionalProperties - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • bridgeErrorHandler

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder bridgeErrorHandler(boolean bridgeErrorHandler)
      Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions (if possible) occurred while the Camel consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. Important: This is only possible if the 3rd party component allows Camel to be alerted if an exception was thrown. Some components handle this internally only, and therefore bridgeErrorHandler is not possible. In other situations we may improve the Camel component to hook into the 3rd party component and make this possible for future releases. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. The option is a: <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: consumer
      bridgeErrorHandler - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • configuration

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder configuration(org.apache.camel.component.debezium.configuration.MongoDbConnectorEmbeddedDebeziumConfiguration configuration)
      Allow pre-configured Configurations to be set. The option is a: <code>org.apache.camel.component.debezium.configuration.MongoDbConnectorEmbeddedDebeziumConfiguration</code> type. Group: consumer
      configuration - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • internalKeyConverter

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder internalKeyConverter(String internalKeyConverter)
      The Converter class that should be used to serialize and deserialize key data for offsets. The default is JSON converter. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Default: org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter Group: consumer
      internalKeyConverter - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • internalValueConverter

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder internalValueConverter(String internalValueConverter)
      The Converter class that should be used to serialize and deserialize value data for offsets. The default is JSON converter. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Default: org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter Group: consumer
      internalValueConverter - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • offsetCommitPolicy

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder offsetCommitPolicy(String offsetCommitPolicy)
      The name of the Java class of the commit policy. It defines when offsets commit has to be triggered based on the number of events processed and the time elapsed since the last commit. This class must implement the interface 'OffsetCommitPolicy'. The default is a periodic commit policy based upon time intervals. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: consumer
      offsetCommitPolicy - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • offsetCommitTimeoutMs

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder offsetCommitTimeoutMs(long offsetCommitTimeoutMs)
      Maximum number of milliseconds to wait for records to flush and partition offset data to be committed to offset storage before cancelling the process and restoring the offset data to be committed in a future attempt. The default is 5 seconds. The option is a: <code>long</code> type. Default: 5000 Group: consumer
      offsetCommitTimeoutMs - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • offsetFlushIntervalMs

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder offsetFlushIntervalMs(long offsetFlushIntervalMs)
      Interval at which to try committing offsets. The default is 1 minute. The option is a: <code>long</code> type. Default: 60000 Group: consumer
      offsetFlushIntervalMs - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • offsetStorage

      The name of the Java class that is responsible for persistence of connector offsets. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Default: Group: consumer
      offsetStorage - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • offsetStorageFileName

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder offsetStorageFileName(String offsetStorageFileName)
      Path to file where offsets are to be stored. Required when is set to the FileOffsetBackingStore. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: consumer
      offsetStorageFileName - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • offsetStoragePartitions

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder offsetStoragePartitions(int offsetStoragePartitions)
      The number of partitions used when creating the offset storage topic. Required when is set to the 'KafkaOffsetBackingStore'. The option is a: <code>int</code> type. Group: consumer
      offsetStoragePartitions - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • offsetStorageReplicationFactor

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder offsetStorageReplicationFactor(int offsetStorageReplicationFactor)
      Replication factor used when creating the offset storage topic. Required when is set to the KafkaOffsetBackingStore. The option is a: <code>int</code> type. Group: consumer
      offsetStorageReplicationFactor - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • offsetStorageTopic

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder offsetStorageTopic(String offsetStorageTopic)
      The name of the Kafka topic where offsets are to be stored. Required when is set to the KafkaOffsetBackingStore. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: consumer
      offsetStorageTopic - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • autowiredEnabled

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder autowiredEnabled(boolean autowiredEnabled)
      Whether autowiring is enabled. This is used for automatic autowiring options (the option must be marked as autowired) by looking up in the registry to find if there is a single instance of matching type, which then gets configured on the component. This can be used for automatic configuring JDBC data sources, JMS connection factories, AWS Clients, etc. The option is a: <code>boolean</code> type. Default: true Group: advanced
      autowiredEnabled - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • captureMode

      The method used to capture changes from MongoDB server. Options include: 'change_streams' to capture changes via MongoDB Change Streams, update events do not contain full documents; 'change_streams_update_full' (the default) to capture changes via MongoDB Change Streams, update events contain full documents. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Default: change_streams_update_full Group: mongodb
      captureMode - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • collectionExcludeList

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder collectionExcludeList(String collectionExcludeList)
      A comma-separated list of regular expressions or literals that match the collection names for which changes are to be excluded. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: mongodb
      collectionExcludeList - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • collectionIncludeList

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder collectionIncludeList(String collectionIncludeList)
      A comma-separated list of regular expressions or literals that match the collection names for which changes are to be captured. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: mongodb
      collectionIncludeList - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • converters

      Optional list of custom converters that would be used instead of default ones. The converters are defined using '.type' config option and configured using options '.'. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: mongodb
      converters - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • cursorMaxAwaitTimeMs

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder cursorMaxAwaitTimeMs(int cursorMaxAwaitTimeMs)
      The maximum processing time in milliseconds to wait for the oplog cursor to process a single poll request. The option is a: <code>int</code> type. Group: mongodb
      cursorMaxAwaitTimeMs - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • customMetricTags

      The custom metric tags will accept key-value pairs to customize the MBean object name which should be appended the end of regular name, each key would represent a tag for the MBean object name, and the corresponding value would be the value of that tag the key is. For example: k1=v1,k2=v2. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: mongodb
      customMetricTags - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • databaseExcludeList

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder databaseExcludeList(String databaseExcludeList)
      A comma-separated list of regular expressions or literals that match the database names for which changes are to be excluded. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: mongodb
      databaseExcludeList - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • databaseIncludeList

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder databaseIncludeList(String databaseIncludeList)
      A comma-separated list of regular expressions or literals that match the database names for which changes are to be captured. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: mongodb
      databaseIncludeList - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • errorsMaxRetries

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder errorsMaxRetries(int errorsMaxRetries)
      The maximum number of retries on connection errors before failing (-1 = no limit, 0 = disabled, 0 = num of retries). The option is a: <code>int</code> type. Default: -1 Group: mongodb
      errorsMaxRetries - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • eventProcessingFailureHandlingMode

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder eventProcessingFailureHandlingMode(String eventProcessingFailureHandlingMode)
      Specify how failures during processing of events (i.e. when encountering a corrupted event) should be handled, including: 'fail' (the default) an exception indicating the problematic event and its position is raised, causing the connector to be stopped; 'warn' the problematic event and its position will be logged and the event will be skipped; 'ignore' the problematic event will be skipped. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Default: fail Group: mongodb
      eventProcessingFailureHandlingMode - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • fieldExcludeList

      A comma-separated list of the fully-qualified names of fields that should be excluded from change event message values. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: mongodb
      fieldExcludeList - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • fieldRenames

      A comma-separated list of the fully-qualified replacements of fields that should be used to rename fields in change event message values. Fully-qualified replacements for fields are of the form databaseName.collectionName.fieldName.nestedFieldName:newNestedFieldName, where databaseName and collectionName may contain the wildcard () which matches any characters, the colon character (:) is used to determine rename mapping of field. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: mongodb
      fieldRenames - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • heartbeatIntervalMs

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder heartbeatIntervalMs(int heartbeatIntervalMs)
      Length of an interval in milli-seconds in in which the connector periodically sends heartbeat messages to a heartbeat topic. Use 0 to disable heartbeat messages. Disabled by default. The option is a: <code>int</code> type. Default: 0ms Group: mongodb
      heartbeatIntervalMs - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • heartbeatTopicsPrefix

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder heartbeatTopicsPrefix(String heartbeatTopicsPrefix)
      The prefix that is used to name heartbeat topics.Defaults to __debezium-heartbeat. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Default: __debezium-heartbeat Group: mongodb
      heartbeatTopicsPrefix - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • incrementalSnapshotWatermarkingStrategy

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder incrementalSnapshotWatermarkingStrategy(String incrementalSnapshotWatermarkingStrategy)
      Specify the strategy used for watermarking during an incremental snapshot: 'insert_insert' both open and close signal is written into signal data collection (default); 'insert_delete' only open signal is written on signal data collection, the close will delete the relative open signal;. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Default: INSERT_INSERT Group: mongodb
      incrementalSnapshotWatermarkingStrategy - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • maxBatchSize

      Maximum size of each batch of source records. Defaults to 2048. The option is a: <code>int</code> type. Default: 2048 Group: mongodb
      maxBatchSize - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • maxQueueSize

      Maximum size of the queue for change events read from the database log but not yet recorded or forwarded. Defaults to 8192, and should always be larger than the maximum batch size. The option is a: <code>int</code> type. Default: 8192 Group: mongodb
      maxQueueSize - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • maxQueueSizeInBytes

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder maxQueueSizeInBytes(long maxQueueSizeInBytes)
      Maximum size of the queue in bytes for change events read from the database log but not yet recorded or forwarded. Defaults to 0. Mean the feature is not enabled. The option is a: <code>long</code> type. Default: 0 Group: mongodb
      maxQueueSizeInBytes - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • mongodbAuthsource

      Database containing user credentials. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Default: admin Group: mongodb
      mongodbAuthsource - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • mongodbConnectionMode

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder mongodbConnectionMode(String mongodbConnectionMode)
      The method used to connect to MongoDB cluster. Options include: 'replica_set' to individually connect to each replica set / shard 'sharded' (the default) to connect via single connection obtained from connection string. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Default: sharded Group: mongodb
      mongodbConnectionMode - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • mongodbConnectionString

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder mongodbConnectionString(String mongodbConnectionString)
      Database connection string. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: mongodb
      mongodbConnectionString - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • mongodbConnectTimeoutMs

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder mongodbConnectTimeoutMs(int mongodbConnectTimeoutMs)
      The connection timeout, given in milliseconds. Defaults to 10 seconds (10,000 ms). The option is a: <code>int</code> type. Default: 10s Group: mongodb
      mongodbConnectTimeoutMs - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • mongodbHeartbeatFrequencyMs

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder mongodbHeartbeatFrequencyMs(int mongodbHeartbeatFrequencyMs)
      The frequency that the cluster monitor attempts to reach each server. Defaults to 10 seconds (10,000 ms). The option is a: <code>int</code> type. Default: 10s Group: mongodb
      mongodbHeartbeatFrequencyMs - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • mongodbPassword

      Password to be used when connecting to MongoDB, if necessary. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: mongodb
      mongodbPassword - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • mongodbPollIntervalMs

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder mongodbPollIntervalMs(long mongodbPollIntervalMs)
      Interval for looking for new, removed, or changed replica sets, given in milliseconds. Defaults to 30 seconds (30,000 ms). The option is a: <code>long</code> type. Default: 30s Group: mongodb
      mongodbPollIntervalMs - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • mongodbServerSelectionTimeoutMs

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder mongodbServerSelectionTimeoutMs(int mongodbServerSelectionTimeoutMs)
      The server selection timeout, given in milliseconds. Defaults to 10 seconds (10,000 ms). The option is a: <code>int</code> type. Default: 30s Group: mongodb
      mongodbServerSelectionTimeoutMs - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • mongodbSocketTimeoutMs

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder mongodbSocketTimeoutMs(int mongodbSocketTimeoutMs)
      The socket timeout, given in milliseconds. Defaults to 0 ms. The option is a: <code>int</code> type. Default: 0ms Group: mongodb
      mongodbSocketTimeoutMs - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • mongodbSslEnabled

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder mongodbSslEnabled(boolean mongodbSslEnabled)
      Should connector use SSL to connect to MongoDB instances. The option is a: <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: mongodb
      mongodbSslEnabled - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • mongodbSslInvalidHostnameAllowed

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder mongodbSslInvalidHostnameAllowed(boolean mongodbSslInvalidHostnameAllowed)
      Whether invalid host names are allowed when using SSL. If true the connection will not prevent man-in-the-middle attacks. The option is a: <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: mongodb
      mongodbSslInvalidHostnameAllowed - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • mongodbUser

      Database user for connecting to MongoDB, if necessary. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: mongodb
      mongodbUser - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • notificationEnabledChannels

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder notificationEnabledChannels(String notificationEnabledChannels)
      List of notification channels names that are enabled. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: mongodb
      notificationEnabledChannels - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • notificationSinkTopicName

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder notificationSinkTopicName(String notificationSinkTopicName)
      The name of the topic for the notifications. This is required in case 'sink' is in the list of enabled channels. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: mongodb
      notificationSinkTopicName - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • pollIntervalMs

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder pollIntervalMs(long pollIntervalMs)
      Time to wait for new change events to appear after receiving no events, given in milliseconds. Defaults to 500 ms. The option is a: <code>long</code> type. Default: 500ms Group: mongodb
      pollIntervalMs - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • postProcessors

      Optional list of post processors. The processors are defined using '.type' config option and configured using options ''. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: mongodb
      postProcessors - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • provideTransactionMetadata

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder provideTransactionMetadata(boolean provideTransactionMetadata)
      Enables transaction metadata extraction together with event counting. The option is a: <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: mongodb
      provideTransactionMetadata - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • queryFetchSize

      The maximum number of records that should be loaded into memory while streaming. A value of '0' uses the default JDBC fetch size. The option is a: <code>int</code> type. Default: 0 Group: mongodb
      queryFetchSize - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • retriableRestartConnectorWaitMs

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder retriableRestartConnectorWaitMs(long retriableRestartConnectorWaitMs)
      Time to wait before restarting connector after retriable exception occurs. Defaults to 10000ms. The option is a: <code>long</code> type. Default: 10s Group: mongodb
      retriableRestartConnectorWaitMs - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • schemaHistoryInternalFileFilename

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder schemaHistoryInternalFileFilename(String schemaHistoryInternalFileFilename)
      The path to the file that will be used to record the database schema history. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: mongodb
      schemaHistoryInternalFileFilename - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • schemaNameAdjustmentMode

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder schemaNameAdjustmentMode(String schemaNameAdjustmentMode)
      Specify how schema names should be adjusted for compatibility with the message converter used by the connector, including: 'avro' replaces the characters that cannot be used in the Avro type name with underscore; 'avro_unicode' replaces the underscore or characters that cannot be used in the Avro type name with corresponding unicode like _uxxxx. Note: _ is an escape sequence like backslash in Java;'none' does not apply any adjustment (default). The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Default: none Group: mongodb
      schemaNameAdjustmentMode - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • signalDataCollection

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder signalDataCollection(String signalDataCollection)
      The name of the data collection that is used to send signals/commands to Debezium. Signaling is disabled when not set. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: mongodb
      signalDataCollection - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • signalEnabledChannels

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder signalEnabledChannels(String signalEnabledChannels)
      List of channels names that are enabled. Source channel is enabled by default. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Default: source Group: mongodb
      signalEnabledChannels - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • signalPollIntervalMs

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder signalPollIntervalMs(long signalPollIntervalMs)
      Interval for looking for new signals in registered channels, given in milliseconds. Defaults to 5 seconds. The option is a: <code>long</code> type. Default: 5s Group: mongodb
      signalPollIntervalMs - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • skippedOperations

      The comma-separated list of operations to skip during streaming, defined as: 'c' for inserts/create; 'u' for updates; 'd' for deletes, 't' for truncates, and 'none' to indicate nothing skipped. By default, only truncate operations will be skipped. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Default: t Group: mongodb
      skippedOperations - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • snapshotCollectionFilterOverrides

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder snapshotCollectionFilterOverrides(String snapshotCollectionFilterOverrides)
      This property contains a comma-separated list of ., for which the initial snapshot may be a subset of data present in the data source. The subset would be defined by mongodb filter query specified as value for property snapshot.collection.filter.override.. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: mongodb
      snapshotCollectionFilterOverrides - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • snapshotDelayMs

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder snapshotDelayMs(long snapshotDelayMs)
      A delay period before a snapshot will begin, given in milliseconds. Defaults to 0 ms. The option is a: <code>long</code> type. Default: 0ms Group: mongodb
      snapshotDelayMs - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • snapshotFetchSize

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder snapshotFetchSize(int snapshotFetchSize)
      The maximum number of records that should be loaded into memory while performing a snapshot. The option is a: <code>int</code> type. Group: mongodb
      snapshotFetchSize - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • snapshotIncludeCollectionList

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder snapshotIncludeCollectionList(String snapshotIncludeCollectionList)
      This setting must be set to specify a list of tables/collections whose snapshot must be taken on creating or restarting the connector. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: mongodb
      snapshotIncludeCollectionList - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • snapshotMaxThreads

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder snapshotMaxThreads(int snapshotMaxThreads)
      The maximum number of threads used to perform the snapshot. Defaults to 1. The option is a: <code>int</code> type. Default: 1 Group: mongodb
      snapshotMaxThreads - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • snapshotMode

      The criteria for running a snapshot upon startup of the connector. Select one of the following snapshot options: 'initial' (default): If the connector does not detect any offsets for the logical server name, it runs a snapshot that captures the current full state of the configured tables. After the snapshot completes, the connector begins to stream changes from the oplog. 'never': The connector does not run a snapshot. Upon first startup, the connector immediately begins reading from the beginning of the oplog. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Default: initial Group: mongodb
      snapshotMode - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • sourceinfoStructMaker

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder sourceinfoStructMaker(String sourceinfoStructMaker)
      The name of the SourceInfoStructMaker class that returns SourceInfo schema and struct. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Default: io.debezium.connector.mongodb.MongoDbSourceInfoStructMaker Group: mongodb
      sourceinfoStructMaker - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • tombstonesOnDelete

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder tombstonesOnDelete(boolean tombstonesOnDelete)
      Whether delete operations should be represented by a delete event and a subsequent tombstone event (true) or only by a delete event (false). Emitting the tombstone event (the default behavior) allows Kafka to completely delete all events pertaining to the given key once the source record got deleted. The option is a: <code>boolean</code> type. Default: false Group: mongodb
      tombstonesOnDelete - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • topicNamingStrategy

      default DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilderFactory.DebeziumMongodbComponentBuilder topicNamingStrategy(String topicNamingStrategy)
      The name of the TopicNamingStrategy class that should be used to determine the topic name for data change, schema change, transaction, heartbeat event etc. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Default: io.debezium.schema.SchemaTopicNamingStrategy Group: mongodb
      topicNamingStrategy - the value to set
      the dsl builder
    • topicPrefix

      Topic prefix that identifies and provides a namespace for the particular database server/cluster is capturing changes. The topic prefix should be unique across all other connectors, since it is used as a prefix for all Kafka topic names that receive events emitted by this connector. Only alphanumeric characters, hyphens, dots and underscores must be accepted. The option is a: <code>java.lang.String</code> type. Group: mongodb
      topicPrefix - the value to set
      the dsl builder