Class RemoveHeadersDefinition

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Block, org.apache.camel.NamedNode, org.apache.camel.spi.HasId, org.apache.camel.spi.IdAware

    public class RemoveHeadersDefinition
    extends NoOutputDefinition<RemoveHeadersDefinition>
    Removes message headers whose name matches a specified pattern
    • Constructor Detail

      • RemoveHeadersDefinition

        public RemoveHeadersDefinition()
      • RemoveHeadersDefinition

        public RemoveHeadersDefinition​(String pattern)
      • RemoveHeadersDefinition

        public RemoveHeadersDefinition​(String pattern,
                                       String... excludePatterns)
    • Method Detail

      • getShortName

        public String getShortName()
      • setPattern

        public void setPattern​(String pattern)
        Name or pattern of headers to remove. The pattern is matched in the following order: 1 = exact match 2 = wildcard (pattern ends with a * and the name starts with the pattern) 3 = regular expression (all of above is case in-sensitive).
      • getPattern

        public String getPattern()
      • getExcludePatterns

        public String[] getExcludePatterns()
      • setExcludePatterns

        public void setExcludePatterns​(String[] excludePatterns)
        Name or pattern of headers to not remove. The pattern is matched in the following order: 1 = exact match 2 = wildcard (pattern ends with a * and the name starts with the pattern) 3 = regular expression (all of above is case in-sensitive).
      • getExcludePattern

        public String getExcludePattern()
      • setExcludePattern

        public void setExcludePattern​(String excludePattern)
        Name or patter of headers to not remove. The pattern is matched in the following order: 1 = exact match 2 = wildcard (pattern ends with a * and the name starts with the pattern) 3 = regular expression (all of above is case in-sensitive).