Class RouteConfigurationDefinition

    • Constructor Detail

      • RouteConfigurationDefinition

        public RouteConfigurationDefinition()
    • Method Detail

      • getShortName

        public String getShortName()
        Specified by:
        getShortName in interface org.apache.camel.NamedNode
      • getLabel

        public String getLabel()
        Specified by:
        getLabel in interface org.apache.camel.NamedNode
      • getPrecondition

        public String getPrecondition()
        The predicate of the precondition in simple language to evaluate in order to determine if this route configuration should be included or not.
        Specified by:
        getPrecondition in interface PreconditionContainer
      • setPrecondition

        public void setPrecondition​(String precondition)
        The predicate of the precondition in simple language to evaluate in order to determine if this route configuration should be included or not.
        Specified by:
        setPrecondition in interface PreconditionContainer
      • precondition

        public RouteConfigurationDefinition precondition​(String precondition)
        Sets the predicate of the precondition in simple language to evaluate in order to determine if this route configuration should be included or not.
        precondition - the predicate corresponding to the test to evaluate.
        the builder
      • onException

        public OnExceptionDefinition onException​(Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionType)
        Exception clause for catching certain exceptions and handling them.
        exceptionType - the exception to catch
        the exception builder to configure
      • onException

        public OnExceptionDefinition onException​(Class<? extends Throwable>... exceptions)
        Exception clause for catching certain exceptions and handling them.
        exceptions - list of exceptions to catch
        the exception builder to configure
      • onCompletion

        public OnCompletionDefinition onCompletion()
        On completion callback for doing custom routing when the Exchange is complete.
        the on completion builder to configure
      • intercept

        public InterceptDefinition intercept()
        Adds a route for an interceptor that intercepts every processing step.
        the builder
      • interceptFrom

        public InterceptFromDefinition interceptFrom()
        Adds a route for an interceptor that intercepts incoming messages on any inputs in this route
        the builder
      • interceptFrom

        public InterceptFromDefinition interceptFrom​(String uri)
        Adds a route for an interceptor that intercepts incoming messages on the given endpoint.
        uri - endpoint uri
        the builder
      • interceptSendToEndpoint

        public InterceptSendToEndpointDefinition interceptSendToEndpoint​(String uri)
        Applies a route for an interceptor if an exchange is send to the given endpoint
        uri - endpoint uri
        the builder