Uses of Class

Packages that use AOPDefinition
org.apache.camel.model The JAXB POJOs for the XML Configuration of the routing rules. 

Uses of AOPDefinition in org.apache.camel.model

Methods in org.apache.camel.model that return AOPDefinition
 AOPDefinition AOPDefinition.after(String afterUri)
          Deprecated. Uses a AOP after.
 AOPDefinition AOPDefinition.afterFinally(String afterUri)
          Deprecated. Uses a AOP after with after being invoked in a finally block.
 AOPDefinition ProcessorDefinition.aop()
          Deprecated. to be removed in the near future. Instead you can use interceptors or processors to do AOP with Camel.
 AOPDefinition AOPDefinition.around(String beforeUri, String afterUri)
          Deprecated. Uses a AOP around.
 AOPDefinition AOPDefinition.aroundFinally(String beforeUri, String afterUri)
          Deprecated. Uses a AOP around with after being invoked in a finally block
 AOPDefinition AOPDefinition.before(String beforeUri)
          Deprecated. Uses a AOP before.

Apache CAMEL