Uses of Class

Packages that use OutputDefinition
org.apache.camel.model The JAXB POJOs for the XML Configuration of the routing rules. 

Uses of OutputDefinition in org.apache.camel.model

Subclasses of OutputDefinition in org.apache.camel.model
 class AOPDefinition
          Deprecated. will be removed in the future. You can for example use Processor and InterceptStrategy to do AOP in Camel.
 class FinallyDefinition
          Represents an XML <finally/> element
 class InterceptDefinition
          Represents an XML <intercept/> element
 class InterceptFromDefinition
          Represents an XML <interceptFrom/> element
 class InterceptSendToEndpointDefinition
          Represents an XML <interceptToEndpoint/> element
 class MulticastDefinition
          Represents an XML <multicast/> element
 class OtherwiseDefinition
          Represents an XML <otherwise/> element
 class PipelineDefinition
          Represents an XML <pipeline/> element which can be used to define an explicit pipeline; or to define a specific pipeline within a <multicast> block
 class PolicyDefinition
          Represents an XML <policy/> element
 class SamplingDefinition
          Represents an XML <sample/> element
 class ThreadsDefinition
          Represents an XML <threads/> element
 class TransactedDefinition
          Represents an XML <transacted/> element
 class TryDefinition
          Represents an XML <try/> element

Apache CAMEL